T H U R 8 D A Y . M A R C H 6. IftSO T H « » P R /N O F U JL P N S W « Classified Ads (BUYING Oît SELLING1 I-«»BT—4th»ll rimmed Glasses In a leather case.— Phone Owner No. 80. POR SALE OR TRADE- -Rprlngfldd Iota. W ill consider Eugene or Me Renale River property In eachange P. O. Hoi 181. Springfield W altervllle Resident Here Mrs. M it Swearingen, of Waltervllle, was a caller In Hprlugfleld on Friday of last week. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Notice la hereby given that by vir­ tue of an execution and order of sale issued nut of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for luine County. February 26th. 1830, upon and pursu ant to a decree duly given and made by said Court February 24th. 1830, In a suit pending therein In which the Pacific Havings A Iatan Association, a Washington corporation was plain- tiff and John (I McGinn and others were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real pro­ perty hereinafter described to satisfy certain liens and charges In said de­ cree specified. I will on Haturday, Ihe 38th day of March, 1830, at the hour of One o'clock p m at the southwest door of the County Court-house In Eugene, l-ane County, Oregon offer to * sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to redemption as pro vtded by taw, all of the right, title and Interest of the defendants In said suit and all parties claiming by, through or under them or any ol them since the 14th day of February. 1810. In or to the following described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at a point l i t feet weel of a point 474 I feet South of a point made by the Intersection of Ihe Booth tine of Twenty-third street ee the same la plaited and recorded In Gross Addition to Eugene. I sine County. Oregon, with the West line of I'nlver ally Avenue It extended tAiuth, as the same Is platted and recorded In Gross Addition to Eugene. lan e County Oregon, and running Ihence Houth Fifty (50) feet Ihence West One Hun deed twenty (1101 feet, thence North Fifty (501 feet and thence East One Hundred twenty 1120) feet to the point of beginning. In Eugene, la n z County. Oregon Haled this 17th day of February. 1830 M. L BOWK. Sheriff of I-ano County. Oregon F 27 M « 13 20 27 NOTICE TO CREDITOR# Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the County Court of Ihe Htate of Oregon for the County of l-ane appointed executrix of the last wll and testament and es tate of Charles Tryon, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present Ihe same properly verified, to the executrix at the office of Frank A. Del*ue, the attorney for the estate, at Springfield, Oregon on or before six months from the date of this notice Dated February 3rd, 1830 LAURA MARGARET TRYON. Executrix Frank A. Del*ue, attorney for the estate. F « 13 20-27 M « NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 Notice la hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed Admin Istrator of the estate of John Waring, deceased, by the County Court of I-ane County, Oregon All persons having claims against said estate are requir­ ed to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the, law offices of Potter ft King. 631 Miner Building, Eugene. l*ane County, Oregon, within six months from the dale of this nolle«. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 20th day of February, 1830. E. O. POTTER, Administrator of the estate of John Waring, deceased. F 10 17 M «-11-20 I BU S I N E S S 1 « . Phons 160 S P R IN O F IE t D Plano Moving TRANSFER W IL L IB BBRTSCH, Pro*, •fflc s : RODENBO U0H OARAGE 111 Main Btreot Lon* Distance Hauling a Specialty DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Button Elds- phon* Rsaldsnca Phone 1BS-M Springfield, Oregon General L»w ITactlce I. M. P E T E R 8O N AUornoy-«t-L«w Cfty Hall Building Springfield, Ore D. W . R oof J K W K I-B R Repairing a Specialty BprtogfhJd, Oregon Gr T RESULTS J TR A IN SCHEDULE Sprlngflal# Stop« NO K TH No 1« at 1:61 A. M »top to detrain passengers from Klamath Falla and beyond. No. 8 at 4 :U P. M. Bua connection! at Eugene for traîna leaving 1:30 P. M and 7 P. M PAGI | ..M o v e to N aw Apartm ents— Mr. and Banker W rites Letter— Employe«* Mra. Bgglmann have moved from at the Commercial State bank I * ! their apartment! over the candy celved a letter Monday from C. * kitchen to the Commercial State Kenyon, cashier, who la now on * hank building across the street. vacation trip In sonthern California. ' Their former apartment has been The letter was mailed from Baker** leased to the national gnard unit f o r 1 "«'tl. »"<> stated that Mr and Mrs. office and storage quarters. Kenyon would go to Loa Angela* where they would*spend some tins* NOTICE OF SHERIFF*# SALE IN before going farther sooth. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE BOUTH Notice la hereby given that by vlr- NOTICE TO CREDITORS . tn« ot * D execution and order of sale ________________ No. 7 at 12:47 P. ___ M No. 16 at 10:08 P M. Flag stop for J?’ “ * 4 ?Utc°f tb* C.lr,.1..... . . ^ r2 ^ ,. T " 1 *» ,a i*’8'» t* » r* B IL L S T O C U S T O M E R S co « m .„d :d m ^ o r o T t h t ^ Z * ' to ^ a a ^ d m IT A NO IN 8TORAOR— Looks and Is I W A N T E D —To Rent good modern b room house. Address Lee Inman, like new. Will sacrifice for balance, Springfield. »14800. Terms «2 00 weekly W ill discount for cash W rite Tallman NOTICE TO CREDITORS llano Htore. 385 So 12tb Htreet. Notice la hereby given that the un- Salem. Oregon. M « deralgued has been duly appointed Ad­ ministrator of the estate of Ed. Ix>gs Wendllng Resident Calls — Mrs Jet, deceased, and any and all persona Frank Crabtree, of Wendllng. was a having claims against the said estate Haturday caller In this city. are hereby requlrod to present said --------- | perty hereinafter described to satl.fy ! law office of C A claims, duly verified as by law re A new method of Issuing telephone certain llena de- Eugene. Oregon, within six mratlm liens and c charges h a r e - I in . - said . x x_ N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE IN qulred, at my olDce, 22 8th Avenue bllla, known as "Rotation Billing," ! cree specified. 1 will on Saturday the from the 4th day of March. 1830 East, I d Eugene, I-an a County, Oregon, . , E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO S U R E ! 28th day of March, 1930, at the hour within six months from the date ot I wl" be >«*tro«laoMi customers H E L E N B. ARM1TAGE, ... r. ... - ■ . ot On® o’clock p. m at the southwest Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- - nr. Adm inistratrix the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph aoor ot the County Court-house In r> lui- of an execution and order of sale this notice. C. A. Wlntermeler. Attorney. leaned out of ihe Circuit Court of ihe Dated and first published February 13 company during March and April. Eugene, I-ane County. Oregon, offer -M 413-20 24 A 1 I * 3®- . , , . . . . . according to J. L. Bland, manager I ,or "»>e and sell at public auction fot Stale Of Oregon for Lane County, of last publication March 13, cash, subject to redemption as pro­ February 25th, 1930, upon and pursu­ for the company. vided by law. all of the right, title and 1 NOTICE OF SHERIFF*# # a l e ON ant to a decree duly given and made 1930. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Under the new plan telephone Interest of the defendants In said J B BELL, by said Court February 24th, 1830. In Administrator of the Eetate users In Oregon will he divided Into suit and of all parties claiming by Notice la hereby given that bv vie. a suit (lending therein In which the of Ed Ixigslet, deceased. six different groupe. each to receive through or under them or any of them of an execution and order of —a. 1‘ai Iflc Havings A Ixian Association, A E. WHEELOCK, ii Washington corporation was plain Its telephone bills on a different since the 24th day of February. 1930, I Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Address 622 Corbett Bldg., in or to the following deaecrlbed real i State of Oregon for Lane Conner tiff and John O MrOInn and Ethel M date— the 1st, 6th, 11th, 16th, 21st, Portland. Oregon. McGinn, his wife. Ethel M Larson property to-wlt: January 30th. 1930. upon and pursue«# Attorney for Administrator. and 26th of the month— instead of Beginning at a point 40 feet west to a decree duly given and made h r and Edwnrd Larsen, her husband. F 13 20-27 M 6-13 the first of the month as la now the of the southwest comer of Lot One ' »aid Court January 22nd 1930 1« « Mary E Berger and Frank J Berger, Block Cherry Grove rolt pending therein In ’ which t » * z (1) .i In n . - a Two (2> In -------------------- her husband, and The Federal I-and practice. Addition to Eugene, Lane County, Interstate Fidelity Bnildlng ft Lorn Bank of Hpokane, a corporation, were Estate of Ora B. Higgins, deceased. The new billing date In Spring- NOTICE TO CREDITOR# Oregon, and running thence Weet 80 Association, a corporation was plate- defendant!, which execution and order Notice la hereby given that Asa J. field, Mr. Bland said, will be the 21st feet, thence North 40 feet, thence tiff and Elmer M. Baker and Fhy* of sale was to me directed and com­ manded me to sell the reSI property Higgins has been by the County of the month, starting In March. East 80 feet and thence South 40 feet W c - Brow» m « hereinafter deaerrtbed to satisfy cer- Court of the State of Oregon. In and Customers will receive their bills to the place of beginning, all In Eu Martha M. Brown, his wife; and Car« Akin and Mr«. Carl Akin, hia wlf«, gene, Lane County, Oregon. tsln liens and charges In said decree for Lane County, appointed adminis­ about five days after that date. Dated thia 27th day of February, 1930. were defendants, which execution specified. I will on Halurday, the 29th trator of the eetate of Ora B Higgins, The company la giving Its cus- order of sale was to me direct«* H. L. BOWN, day of March, 1930. at the hour of deceased. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. and commanded me to te ll the real All persona having claims against tomera full detalla of the plan In an One o'clock p. m at the Southwest property hereinafter described to aat- F 27 M «13-20-27 door of the County Court-house In Eu­ the estate of said deceased are here- announcement accompanying the r * lafy certain Hens and charges In —i f gene. Ixtne County. Oregon, offer for by notified to present the same, duty , gUiar March bills. sale and sell at public auction for cash stated and verified, at the residence NOTICE OF SHERIFF*# SALE IN decree apeclfled’ 1 will on Saturdar the 8th day of March, 1920. at th * under them nr any of them since the of A E. Wheeler. 710 Lawrence street - EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Regletered at Ellta— Ira Baldwln. 14th day of February. 1930, In or to In Eugene, Oregon, or to said ad­ Notice is hereby given that by vir­ hour =» one o'clock p. m. at the south­ the following described real property, ministrator personally, within six of Pengra, Mr. and Mra. W alter tue of an execution and order of sale west door of the County Court houa* mnnthta of this aDt7 ASA J. HIGGINS, of a point 624 3 feet Houth of a point February 26th, 1930, upon and pursu for cash subject to redemption a * Administrator of the estate of Ora at the Elite hotel during the reek- ant to a decree duly given and made prov ded by law. all of the right, title made by the Intersection of the South md. lias of Twenty-third Street as the B. lllggtns. deceased. by said Court February 24th, 1930, In and Interest of the defendants in s a lt and of “ H P»rt ,e> claiming by, name Is platted and recorded In Gross' A. E Wheeler. Attorney. a suit pending therein in which the through or under them or any of F 4-13-20-27 M 6 Addition to Eugene. l-ane County. Pacific Savings ft Loan Aaaoclatlon, them NOTICE since the 23nd day of Jann«— Oregon, with the West line of Uni W HEREAS. In chapter 127, gen a Washlngto ncorporatlon. was plain­ 1930. in or to the following described verally Avenue If extended South as tiff and C. O. Long and others were NOTICE TO CREDITOR# __________ eral laws of _______ Oregon, _______ enacted _ In ___ 1919. real property, to-wlt : he same Is platted and recorded In NO TICE It» HEREBY G IVEN : That It la declared to be the duty of every defendants, which execution and order Lota 7 and 8 In Block 2. all In O y*x isld Gross' Addition to Eugene. Isn e Katie M Janettlng has been appoint person, firm, copartnership, company I sale was to me directed and com Plat. Lane County, Oregon. "ounty. Oregon, and running Ihence ed administratrix of the estate of and corporation owning, leasing oc manded me to sell the real property Dated thia 30th day of .anuary, 193«. South 60 feet, thence West 120 feet, John W. Beaslev, deceased, by the cupylng. possessing or having charge hereinafter described to satisfy cer- H. L. BOWN. hence North 50 feet and thence East County Court of Lane County. O r * of or dominion over any land, place. 11»*11 Hens and charges In said decree Sheriff of Lane Countv. Oregon. 110 feet to the place of beginning. building, structure, wharf, pier or i specified, I will on Haturday, the 29th gon All persons having claims F8-13-20-27- M«. Dated this 27th day of February. 1930. against said estate are required to dock which la Infested with ground day of March. 1930. at the hour of One I H. I - BOWN. nqulrrel« and other noxious rodent« o’clock p. m. at the southwest door of present them, with proper vouchers, Sheriff of l-ane County. Oregon within six months from the 13lh day or predatory animals, or as soon as County Court-house In Eugene, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE F 27 M 4 13 20-27 of February. 1930. io the said admin­ the presence of the same shall come la n e County, Oregon, offer for sale to his, their or Its knowledge, at ------ once 1 and sell at public, suction lor^ cash, istratrix at the law office of L. L. . . . - v i Notice Is hereby given that hv vie. NOTICE TO CREDITOR# --------- ------- to , proceed and ----- to --------------- continue — In good subject to redemption as provided by of an execution and order of sale I * Notice It hereby given, that the Ray, In the Miner Building. Eugene, faith to exterminate and destroy law. all of the right, title and Interest gne)j ont of the Circuit Court of th* Oregon. K A T IE M JA N ETTIN O . undersigned has been, by the County Administratrix of the Re­ such rodents by poisoning, trapping In aald suit and of all parties claiming state of Oregon, for Lane County Court of the State of Oregon for the late of John W. Beaslev, or other appropriate and effective by, through or under them or any of January 30th, 1930, upon and pup* County of I-ane, duly appointed ad­ them since the 24th day of February, suant to a decree duly given and mad* L. L, RAT. deceased. means; and ministrator of the estate of Ethel H. W HEREAS gray digger ground 1930, In or to the following described by said Court January 24th 1930 1« Mendenhall, deceased, and all per­ Attorney for Estate. F 13 20-27M6-13 squirrels (Cltellus douglasll) are real property, to-wlt: , — < • ------— ....................... - - , .. „ . '» |» 8U|‘ Pending — therein In which - Geo. sons having claims against said es­ Beginning at a point In the East J. Wilhelm and Cecil O. Wilhelm w er* noxious rodents In Lane County, NOTICE TO CREDITORS tate are hereby notified to present line of Grand street. If produced. ! plaintiffs and B. L. Hyland end Mabel Notice Is hereby given that the un (he same to the administrator at the Now, therefore, all such persons. , said point being 74.10 feet South of IO. Hyland, and the Pacific S t á ü . has been appointed admin office of »Tank A. Del*ue. attorney deislgned Istrator with the wl'l annexed of th elflrm s, copartnerships, corporations the Northwest corner of Lot 77. In Credit Association, a corporation, w er* for the estate at his office In Spring- estate of Lyndbrook Hliarpe.sometimes I and companies owning or having Foster s Addition, thence Easterly on defendant«, which execution and order field, Oregon, properly verified within known as L. Sharpe, deceaaed, by the i dominion over land In said Ix«ne a curve to the left having a radius or of sale was to me directed and con* six months from the date of thia County Court of Ixtne County, Ore­ County, Oregon, are hereby required 60L93 feet, 101.20 feet to a point 89 30 manded me to «ell the real property notice. gon. All persons having claims against ty> take steps to exterminate »aid Teel South and 47.60 feet West of the hereinafter described to satisfy col* Dated February 17th. 1930. said Estate are required to present gray digger ground squirrels (Cltel- Northeast corner of said Lot 77. Fos tain liens and charges in said decree N. A. ROWE. within thirty days ter's Addition, thence Southeasterly specified. I will on Saturday the 8th Administrator. them, with the proper vouchers, to the lus douglasll) undersigned, at h'a office at 22 8th from the date of the first publication on a curve to the right having a day ot March, 1930. at the hour of on« Frank A DePue. Avenue East. Eugene. Oregon, within ¡of thia notice. If such steps are not radius of 94.5 feet to a point on the o'clock, p. m., atthe southwest door ot Attorney for the Estate, F 20 27 M «13-20 six months from the date of this Not-, taken, a peraon or persons sppolnted West line of Van Buren Street 138.85 the County Court house In Eugen«, |ce by the county court of said Lane feet South of the Northeast corner of Lane County, Oregon, offer for sal« Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia 12th County will enter upon said land and gald L o f7 7 . thence South along the and sell r.t public auction for cash, NOTICE TO CREDITORS dav of February. 1030 proceed to exterminate said gray , West margin of Van Buren Street. If sunject to redemption as provided by J. B. BELL, digger ground squirrels (Cltellus produced, to the center of Railroad law. all of the right, title and interest Notice la hereby given that the un­ dersigned haa been appointed admin­ Administrator with the W ill An- douglasll) and the cost of said exter- Boulevard as platted, thence N'” '"'- n , " ta. ln 8ald 8“ n “ nd istrator with the will annexed of the nexed of the Estate of Lyndhrook mlnatton will be levied against said westerly along the center of Railroad »" parties claiming by, through or Sharpe, sometime, known a . L. | tands. Boulevard to the East line of Grand wider them or ,n y of them since th« » t a t e of Harriett Sophia Sharpe, de­ Sharpe, deceased The county agricultural agent street. If produced, thence North to day of January. 1930, In or te ceased by the County Court of Ixtne hereby designates Monday. March piace of beginning, all In Eugene. J»»owing described real property, County. Oregon. All persons having J. B BELL. Jr.. claims against said Estate are requir­ 1901 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon, 31st, as a day to he known as “ squlr- Lane County, Oregon, being all that Lot No. 9 In Block 2 in First Addit­ ed Io present them, with the proper Attorney for the Administrator rel poisoning day" throughout the of Lx>t 78 Foster's Addition lying ion to Fairmount Heights, as same ap­ vouchers, to the undersigned, at hla F 13-20-27 M 4-13 i said I-ane County, snd It Is hereby of Railroad Boulevard. office at 22 8th Avenue Euat, Eugene. recommended that poisoned b arley., Dated this 27th day of February, 1930 pears on maps and plats thereof now on file and of record In the office ot Oregon, within six months from the H. L. BOWN. SUMMONS »» prepared by the undersigned and Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. the clerk and recorder In and tor date of thia Notice. In the Circuit Court of the Stste of representatives of the Bur*» ” Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 13th F 27 M «-13-20-27 1 Lane County, Oregon. Oregon for the County of Lane Biological Survey of the Dated this 31st day of January, 193#, day of February. 1930 Benefit Savings ft I-oan Association, i States Department of Agriculture, ne H. L. BOWN. J. B. BELL, a corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. Richard used for the purpose of such exter NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN Sheriff of Lane Countv. Oregon. EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Administrator with Ihe W ill An­ F. Farmer and Myrtle M. Farmer, i mlnatlon Such poisoned barley may F6-13-20-27- M«. husband and wife, Lewis T, Dltte- be ' secured from the undersigned at ------ that by vlr ------------------- nexed of the Estate of Harlett Notice ________ la hereby „ given more and Althea Dlttemore, hus- his office In Eugene, I-ane County. (up >n pxecution and order of sale NOTICE OF SHER Sophia Sharpe, deceased. hand and wife. Defendants, Oregon, at approximately the eoat of (aauewls nulldlng, Portland, Oregon. State of „ Oregon , for ^»ne County. -EXECUTION Not|cp Jg hereby th>t To Richard F. Farmer and Myrtle preparation. Date of first publication of this February 25th. 1930. upon and purs I tue of an execut|on an(1 on|or oj ga|# Attorney for the Administrator M Farmer, husband and wife: Lewis F 13-20-27 M 4-13 T. Dlttemore and Althea Dlttemore. notice March Rth. 1930. ant to a decree duly given and made on foreclosure Issued out of the C ir­ . i i-— ■—! « ■ L isbnnd and wife: (Signed) O. 8. FT-ETCHER by said Court February 24th, 1930. In cuit Court of Lane County, Oregon County Agricultural Agent. a suit pending therein In ‘ which the on the 4th day of February, 1930, pur­ In the name of the Htate of Oregon you are hereby required to appear M 6-13-20. Pacific Savings ft Loan Association, suant to a Judgment rendered Febrn- Bnd answer thecomplalnt filed aglnst a Washington corporation, was plain- 4th, 1930, whereby Clinton D. Chexem, you In the above entitled suit on or NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN tiff and Noval E. Thurman and others , th 130 whcreby Clinton D. Chexem. before four weeks from the date ot ; EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE were defendants, which execution and p|a|nt|ff, recovered Judgment against the first publication of this summons. - - - W. - - Jackson, - Notice Is herebv given that by vlr- order of sale was to me directed and Joel Edmund Wills, and to w lt. four weeks from February 13, fl|p of an execution and order of sale commanded me to sell the real pro­ I-ustna W ills, his wife, defendants, for DR. W . N. DOW 1930, and If you fall to so appear and |RSUed out of the Circuit Court of the perty hereinafter deecrlbed to satisfy the sum of «3000.00 principal accrued D • n t i #t answer said complaint, for want State of Oregon for I-nne County, certain liens and charges In said de- Interest In the sum of «153.00, «350.0# First National Bank Bnildlng thereof the plaintiff will apply to the February 25th, 1930, upon and pursu­ cree specified, I w ill or Saturday, the attorney fees, and 315.00 accrued cost* court for the relief demanded In its ant to a decree duly given and made 29th day of March. 1930. at the hour Of this suit with «% Interest Phone 48 Springfield, Oregon complaint, to-wlt: by said Court February 24th. 1930. In of One o’clock p. m. at the Bouthwest annum and which execution, decree, Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. For Judgment against you In ihe a suit pending therein In which J. R. door of the County Court-house in and order of sale commands me to sell Evenings by Appointment sum of Eleven Hundred Ninety-eight H ill and Ellen H ill, husband and wife Eugene. I-ane County. Oregon, offer all the Interest of said defendants In and 37-100 (»1198.37) Dollars, togeth­ were plaintiffs and Frank J. Berger for sale and sell at public auction for the following described land and prem­ er with Interest thereon from and and others were defendants, which cash, subject to redemption as pro­ ises to satisfy said sums due, and after the 1st day of February, 1930 execution and order of sale was to me vided by law. all of the right, tit e to-wlt: until paid at the rate of 10 per cent, directed and commanded me to sell and Interest of the defendant« in «aid The west one-half of the BW14, See. per annum; for the further sum of the real property hereinafter des­ suit and all of the parties claiming 22 and the N % ot tho N W U , Sec. 33. «7.60 costs of abstract continuation; cribed to satisfy certain liens and bv. through or under them or any Tp. 18. S. R. 4 West of the W illam ette for the further sum of «160.00 attor­ charges In said decree specified, I of them since the 24th day of Febru­ Meridian and the S’4 of the NW14» ney’s fees, and for Its cost and dis will on Saturday, the 29th day of ary. 1930. In or to the following des­ See. 27, Tp. 18 S. R. 4 West of th * bursementa herein; and that Its mort­ March. 1930. nt the hour of One W illam ette Meridian, containing In all real property, to-wlt: gage covering Lot Three (3), Block o’clock p. m. at the Southwest door cribed Beginning at a point In the South 240 acres, more or less, in l-ane Coun­ Six (0), Shelton's Addition to Eugene, of the County Court-house In Eugene. line of Second Avenue West. 53 feet ty, Oregon. in In tne the i County ouniy of or I-ane, i-ane, Btaie State or of lir Ore- e -;--........ • ___ .»io Rsaldsnos 126 C St. Now, therefore, Is the name of th« 228 Main SL gon, he foreclosed, and for such other ’ ^ . e i i " » " pubHc'auction for cash. South 89H degrees East of a point State of Oregon and In compllane* 41 M IIJ 327 feet North 27 minutes East of a and further relief as shall seem equit­ subject to redemption as provided by point 2«« feet South 89 degrees 18 with said execution and order of sal*, able. I will on Ih * 8th day of March. 1990, This summons Is served upon you law, all of the right, title and Interest minutes East from the Southeast at the hour of one o'clock In th * corner of T-ot Nineteen (19) In W nfk of the defendants In said suit and of Full Auto Equipment by publication for four successive afternoon of said day at the south­ weeks In the Springfield News, by all parties claiming by. through or Flve(5) of the Blair Street Addition west front door of the County Court I-ady Assistant order of the Honorable O. F. Skip under them or nny of them since the to the City of Eugene, l-ane house In Euge-e, Oregon, offer for M l* worth, Judge of the above entitled 24th day of February, 1930, In or to Oregon, nnd running thence South and sell for cash at public auction sub- Court, made and entered on tho 11th the followllng described real property Sgi^ degrees East 40 feet, thence ’oct to redemption as provided by law, ........................... ........... .. the North South 27 minutes West 143 feet all of the right, title, and lnter*«t at to-wlt: Lot Four (4) and day of February, 1930. ftlx and two-thlrda («2-3) feet of Lot thence North 3914 degrees West 40 said defendants, Joel W. Jackson, Bd- FRANK A. DE PUE JESSE O. W ARRINGTO N, Five (5) In Block Two (2) In John feet and thence North 27 minutes East mund W ills, nnd Lnelna W ills, h l* and A. E W HEELOCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW Christian's Addition to Eugene, In 143 feet to the place of beginning, In wife, and nil perrons claiming hr. Attorneys for Plaintiff. I-ane County, Oregon. Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. NOTARY PUBLIC «22 Corbett Rulldlng, through or under them, or either a t Dated this 27th day of February, 1930. Dated this 27th day of February, 1930. thorn In and to said premises. Portland, Oregon. H. L. BOWN. H I-. BOWN. Sprlngflald Date of first publication February 13, H . L. BOWN, Sutton Sheriff of I-ane County, Oregon. Bhertff of I-ane County, Oregon. 1980 Sheriff of Lane O Oregon Bslldtng F 37 M 8-13-30-37 F 37 M 9-13 30-17 D IR B C T O R Y l Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors Date of last publication March 13,1930 Í