T IlV ItS D A Y . M ARCII »». 1330 ____________ T H « SPR IN G FIH LP NEWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events ot the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. The East Sxle Lsvggiag company ha- resumed ope ration a The canape had he«a cloned alnce December IS- b oa tup* to replace almost a mile e i old n xxi»« mat as waa purchased by The Polios city water c w a a a » » « Marvh 1 rote* tor the nnnnnl co-ed atudent gkcw feaoo been »ei tor March JS aad » . Bewato Stoat. Corvallis. general Chairman ha» announced. VmfNua pvwt of the American Le­ gion will bo asked by the Roseburg chamber of commerce to sponsor the aaaua.1 Strawberry Fystsval in May Cttuena of Central Point have re gwes'ed the Jacksca coaaty coart to traasfer S3 lots adjacent to Ceatral Point to the city for aa industrial cea tar The city council of Corvallis has ta ■trweted the police department to be gta war oa dogs by hiring a dogcatch •r aad rtdd.ng the city of stray cw The Oregon Gaa A Electnc com pan« plans coastderahie improvement te the Vsrwoabn district aad is now extending Its power aad light liaew toward Timber aad Fittsbargh. The school Kmrd of Vernonia dir trie: No. ST is calling for bids oo ISO ! M worth of bonds, the proceed* at which will he used for the con (gmcticn of the new grade school Saowpicws of tho state highway Bapartmeat hare cleared the emow fiom the McKeaaae highway on the masters tiope to within a quarter of a mile of the sn sm .t of Dea^horse The Lower Bridge diatvmite m il of the ktomtie oorporatxm of Portiaad mas completely destroyed by fire with • Joss of S iito * according to word teceiTed at Head. Cause of the blare IB aakaowx Thousand* of I t aad lS-tach steel hood treat are raaang ap the Rogae gtwwr. Thu to the second ran this year, Fishermen from all over the noun try are gathering a: Grants Pass (or this big raa. The Hollywood Community dab of fiatom has aaaais»vu»iy voted to »pen nor a petition to remove from the city Charter a clause that iaterteewn with the ostabliahiag of municipal owner ship of ntilitiea Jacob I_ Crane of Ch.oago. naixm ally known city planning expert. aow making a survey plan tor Medford. IB addressing the Copco tocam recent ty predicted that Medford wiL grew tc a city of M bod Mr» L & McDonald ot Promise ban • big Chnstmas cocsnt null ta fal ___ Woom. which has b mice Thaakaginag The plaat ha* beet Moommg every »war for 13 years B S t i a ch es m WTBaaerte datryota at * la Salem a few ¿ay» age voted ta af filia:» wrth the FerUaad ce aper a n»» The o h > « m t» oUaia a »aeBcáeatly atreag eegaatoatxw te perfwet a tía hOtoAt.vs ef mdk prxe* tor prcdwcen Fiepe teward grna'-tog the Portiatod Gas A Coto ocenpaxy a traxchme be eaafcmrt gas a a lM a Alhaay wecv takex teceaüy by the Alhaay ot? aamscfi. whaa aa tcx.xaace g n x i.x t the fraxct se passed :ts aacaat reac Sag The SPt* axxiversary ef the foaak lag «< the Chema** ladina echooi van» t u i i t r a’rd recextly w M a serte» • tía»» compet.txwe The sh .v v wa» Bmxfed at Ftsrest Gruv» Fthraer» ti. Itw aad wa* l.-cateé there fer fow paar» It thea »a* mcvwd tc Ra pee* aat locatior Bv» »--r» aertk ef Se THC MAttaCT* Vfcnat—I soft whtta. wi I bneetes. »11» whi-.e *1 M . ta ri II« Hay — Alfalfa. t i l fi MW tasociy, t M W e n . Ometky. SM fiM to IM ont hay. tl* , oat PhW «M . B auecfai-llfiftr. « « * ♦ ♦ • * ♦ * * * * ♦ * * Several stockholders and patron* of the Partners t'reamery attended the annual meeting In Kugene last Wednesday George Piatt, of Thurs ton. was re-elected president of the board of director« of the creamery Mrs Daniel Baugh, who haa been very ill with the flu. I* imprt'vtng Her daughter. Mrs. William Culver. of Kugene. was out for several day* helping care for her. Mr and Mrw Hubert Uruy have m n,ed Mrs Margaret C am pbell. farm (nr three vears They will no, move until Mnc Gray', nchool close. was oiled Iasi year The city of Medford has signed a ton year lease, transferring eight acre» ia the north end of Medford * big air port grounds to the Rogue River Gun dub of that rity for the establishment of the ciub'n trapshooting ground* aad erection of a clubhouse. S. G. Seifer of Pleasant View avenue of Gresham captured first pr.se. |5u. in a contest i w a i growers of black berries The prise was awarded for best yield aad Mr. Setter * record was lg.333 pounds an acre for which he obtained a price of < cent* a pound Ballot title tor the lahiaiive Ml! providing K>r a flat IS annual license fee for motor vehtdea. excepting elec trie vehicle* which is increased, aad increasing the gasoline lax from « to » cents a gallon, was completed by Attorney General Van Winkle recent ty- The sliae board of cox;red ba> awarded to the General Petroleum cor poruuoa a contract for l.sOS.iOd gal tons of gasdm e at a has^c prwe ot U H cents a galioa delivered in Port toad. This is 3 cent* per galkm h»» ihaa paid by the state dnrieg the past year. Belated reports fsdiowiag the corn.! al storm of last week show i\crt Or ford * port dock snstaiaed consider able damage whea the wind tore nft hail the dock fish receiving stutioB aad Mew part of « mto the sea. aad other portion* to a high hill back ot the structure. LMd.Wd fish wtU he brvagii: freen the hatchery at l ame by ihe atate game com i-saw n am. held tn ppod* at Wallowa. LasUa* Knierpcwe and Jo»eph until they reach a atan of five or six inches, when they wGl be tamed into the »treaaaa et WalKwa ccaaty. Almost >•*» On-gon trappers, wh. iaùed ta make the legally rrgntr»« rvjxîrt on thetr far take for the 1333 » trapping eemsom. will he arrested aad subjected to a court trial aa a re »ai! of a M per « n t f a r report deC o e e c y - discoeered aa the state game Grant, who to teaching at Marshfield. »pent the week end with thetr par e e u . Mr aad Mr» Charle* Grant Mrs Verna Adams who to tea« ' ing at Vanghn and Mis* Evs Fhette- pla.-e. who to teaching at Blachiey spent the week end wCh IheG mtr- e « t s Mr. and Mrs H FhettepUce. Mr and Mrs Sila» Gay. of S tiver tim. visited Conley brothers tost week. Clyde Hart who J s M the armv nhowt oee vexr ago and W»n‘fted Endicott, who enltotod aad set « « Progre»* a the gwe«t for o made at Ftobtrap to sausiactory. the «gnetato ef the oompaay say. and the well to dew* mere thax 3*f fee«. The br-.xg» atenea ef oal mdx-atxm» i the vrcmity of Btrttgtow*. owe s_i- waat of Myrtle Fo:*t. where M «a.- Rrst tatewded be grüL J H Modrow aad J M Jchxsoa at ___i wäl start wrthia tea day» cs th» Cascade S. I oempaay ptaa: three ecwth ef Khamath FalM Th *r£ cost iê* «M ame wûl eeapSc; i» mea R w-,3 ha*« aa 1» cart.to» « b s m miMy MRS. ELLEN BARKER IS H O N O R E D ON B IR T H D A Y The birthda* of * * E“»U Barker was ohewevvd ca Tnewday eveciag w he- her twe áa4gt:erti. M-» Ciarine Pataux a id Mr» S:e4'sa Lewis e u e r tamed at a htrthday party nt the h. me X th e? rr-'bee Carde a n i co» versala« eorsp ed the »ves-ag Befreskmest* were sew ed befvrv the gaewts departed Those prese»; were Mr aad Barker Mrs Iella «laatrer. Mr Mr» Fred Leak. M- a n i Mr» Fhaley Mr» Cart Gtrart. Mr» Dname M-» Asa FwddlcarC A3»» L e -s i Mr» W F W alke- E'en Adam» ami the hostesse* •« * * » » « ’ . Mr* Gr* T **«»’» Men lav r ' wLcwInn U m .la p w a* Little Betty Henson and six of the Clement children are the latest vt» tims of ihe whooping cough Mr and Mrs. Walter Plat« and family motored to Ihwina last Sun day and »pent the day with Mr and Mrs. Stanley Baugh A. W Weaver received a letter from his wife, who is visiting In San Francisco', stating she ts going to San Otego to visit thetr son. Arwell Weaver aad family The directors of the grade acitool hare hired the teacher» for the next rear. Mrs Habert Gray for the upper grade« and Mtss Dorothy Travis for the tower grades J . r Grtutt who to attending O. S c at t'orvalll. and Miss Margx e. * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ place of an earlier model, which la The HUI ---------------- basketball --- girl* . _ Pleasant -------- - Mr and Mrs G II. Turner, uf being dlacnrded team defeated the Thurston team by Springfield, were Ihe first peraoua According lo Dr Heater. H 1» P»» a score of 1* to > In a game played to cross the high pass route lo Tri­ slble lo tsll whether a goitre Is of In Me krtfiur Court Tuesday night angle lake thia year, when the M p r the medical or the operative species This will end the basketball season tonted the mad with Its steep hanks by the nse of this machine II also for this year The bov* team goes and sharp curves last Sunday ahead cun be used to show Just what |i*r to CorvallU Friday to play the win of two other automobiles " cent of '!»• food • person eata la be n»rs of other counties. companions on the highway turned mg uaed to build up the body aad Th* Pleasant Hill girl* glee club back nt the summit, but the Turner s whnl per cenj tears It down. ha* started It* practice for the con- continued to Triangle lake and rw ____________________ teat to be held at the Cnlverslty of ” Sl” ” r I” . T W O CARS ARE DAMAGED pa»s road There were several IW U L A K 3 *«*» 5,fc *“«’ IN T R IP L E C O L L IS IO N Three student, of , he H e a « n . IHI1 patches of snow along the high road, «' «<> *h ooL »AU« Hull. Ihm gU. they reported A triple collision on Main ntree’. K“ '1’* - • nd ,K 0,* y- *“ ’ * The purpose of the trip, said Mr between Fourth snd Fifth last Sslu e tered the International Oratorical Turner, waa to locate a ramping day afternoon resulted In but slight contest. The subject to be used ts ground for summer use (he Constitution of the t'nlied States. damage to two of the mschlne* IJttle Krnest s.henck Schench. who who has has Accord'ng to the accident rnaort G UARD M E M B E R S OBSERVE been very »1 with pneumonia, was filed a the city hall. Fred D Smith, M c M innville inspection of WalterTlIle, drote out from the taken to the Partite Christian hospi­ tal last week Mrs. Schrenk ts at the Tfie officer* st»l several of the curb and colll-’ed with another auto hospital w ill him Her mother b. being drlren by B B McKinney, ot privates of the first battalion of the taking care of the two little girl* Eugene In the mixup the Smith car headquarter» coatpaay of the KSnd In the family. Infantry of the Nat;, nal Guard m-.tor was shored Into a third car belong Mr» Jesse Phelps and Mrs W P • «I to McMinnville Monday night to Ing to W H Adrian, which w»s Sheridan have been unite ill the past watch the federal Inspection there ' stand'ng parked along the curb The week with thetr vaccinations fot running board <>n the Smith rsr waa of »be second battalion of the guard »m»l! pox. unit The party Inrtudrd iJeutenann smashed and the fender and the hub The caches of the different schools cap on the Adrian car waa damaged C A. Swart» aad Walter N Gossler In Lane county hare voted not to and privates Frank trombard Orville I .,~ e - s .T have a county track meet this year G IR L SCHOOL S T U D E N T Ikvoothy Lou Tinker was palnfullv I M pointer» *- gets R EPLY TO L E T T E R bra *ed and scratched on her hevd to what the kx-al nnlt can expect In ™d face Monday afternoon when the The second reply to the letters the federal tnspeetton to be made « « » « • * * » * • \ r»’ # Rh.vde I . mailed out --------- recently Ihe eighth here on Thursday. March 13. were Und at the The e, «» -------- . . . — - by - “ nd Red Red had rooster rooster the farm farm rvxvster been at 1-x.klnig after T h .'o b ta in e d by the men at McM 'n.vtU. gmde .m den's at the Lincoln sebo I __ .... ' n — . . family of baby pig» and It was In an ____ r w c _ _ e f- r* to protect the p c» that be at DO CTO R S O FF'C E G E TS N E W G O IT R E M A C H IN E racked the baby _ _ _ A special program waa given by A new metaboUr machine, need the pupils of the Pleaaant Hill public school Satnrday night at the «'bris 'rtnetpaltr ta the examination of tian church. The church was crowd F ¡tre«, was recelred this week at ____ ' ' V - _________ The ;■ g - a m w as th e B aby B and ducted by M ss Mary Harsien - e r e sold after the r r gr»„, c o n _____________________ ______ __ Fie* A nnual —* Rrterea - Mrs Gmc* for the Philippine Island« before Baxter returned last Thursday from thvn Fbanctoco. where she bad been Christmas are loented fonr miles , ¿ r t T 7 h e _ Ph¡llpp«»e IsU -d* They »pending » »reh vtoiting with her Bv'ih are tak- daughter. Nellie, who to taking a were ne ghbors bere nurse s ¡raining at a San Franci.co tag asiatica traini*« hospital J U V E N IL E C IR C LE H A S M E E T IN G ON S A T U R D A Y The regular monthly meeting of the Jevevi'ie circle. Negbbcvr» ef W xxScrafi No ICS- was b ed Satnr­ day at the N a W lodge rcem* A formal bustaem program was held a: • a* octeck and a social hoar with refrwshxsepts foil-'wed Mr» Myrtle E tr a ir t eeskw rwardtaa was ta charge ef the mewtiag Ftaas are being made for a vhert play to he preseated by the c i id rea at some time ta the fatare FOX McDW.O _mm Ta» I last Mitt W «M*k H? BHBfl raa received ha. here week by M Helen Swart. Till- • ived from a g rl In li. rlln. O rm an and waa written half In German and half tn English The girl wrote that she hnd recently taken a trip along the Rhine riser and proceeded to tell all about It In German Chicken Dinner M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H LA D IE S AID W EDNESDAY. MARCH V.p«ta S ee--M rs Sarah Adams of ÄB»aed lo be one ot • e o o o o « o * n * o n o o * « * * * * ♦ * ♦ • « * * * • * S P R IN G F IE L D PEOPLE the lateat manufactured fur Ihla pur UPPER W ILLA M ETTE ♦ TH U R STO N ♦ ♦ CR O SS H IG H PASS ROUTE poae. and was ordered to take the Rheegiaen who are wintering «heir Bock* ia the Carlson hills near Klam ath Fall* have suffered heavy loss Rom degs Over SO head >a one Hock were killed or mutilaied The chlel offenders ate police do«» fTom th- city. The Dowgtos County uicrtsm en» and Game Protective i v i x n t i n ha* been delegated by Matt Ryckmaa. tn penutendeui of stale dsn butcheries ta take charge of the planting of mote than t.OOe.OOO trout fry in the stream* of the county. Oiling of the Halsey Brownsville toad will be acoompliahed this year by the Linn county court, the court has announced. A new coating of oil is ah » to be placed oa sections of the SchH lreon. bridge roud which fire. U * S B IL tu « f ili • 4 . U k Jk fi The Springfield News OTTE?» BY POR AXD ABOUT SP R IN G P lE l.n PEOPLE. IS TOUR BEST ADNTRTISING MEDIUM