THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Try tho H o m t P rin t Shop First tw enty - hkvkntii yeah . BPBINOmCLP, LANB COUNTY. ORBOON- »« ,?K. ' ä L lU U Y L II lU l Springfield Poet Hae 68 Mem­ ber»; District 3 Leads Entire State; Membership Nearing 10,000 Mark; Meeting Friday Evening Here. School Already Moved; Build- ing Plane Started; Three New Students Enroll. THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930 Librarian Makes Report to Board MACHINERY IS BEING INSTALLED FOR NEW CREAMERY PLANT HERE Finances are Discussed by Members of Board at Meet­ ing Monday Evening. The holat derrick erected by the W lllametter Valley tranafer company on the railroad apur In front of the building which will houae the new creamery waa torn down on Monday by a crew of houaemovera from Eu- gene. The old wagon acale waa torn out on Tueaday «and preparation» made to repair and flnlah the front of the building. " T M Paopla'a Paper" A L I V I NCWSPAPCR IN A LIVC TOW N No. John Winzenreid Died on Saturday J BAKER TO COACH I). Of 0 B O L L Former Business Man Passes After Illness; Large Crowd Assembles for Funeral. High School Coach Gets Leave | of Absence to Accept Position I John Winzenreid, <7, prominent at University. Cotter Gould, Springfield resident, died Saturday Baseball and Football Player, morning at hla home here after an lllneas of aeveral month» duration. Coming Here. II look (he l,ee Inman Flying There are now 2200 volume» In the at h001 only a few day» to move their Springfield library, according to aren e of operation» from Eugene to figure» taken from the librarian» an­ the Hprlngfleld airport after the city nual report, which waa presented to council granted a leaae to the achool the member» of the library board at He had been In poor health for week» IMstrlct number 3 of the American laat week. Three ahlpe are now W illiam (BUI) Baker will not roach their regular monthly meeting on and hla death waa not unexpected. It has not yet been decided whe- Legion memberahlp drive which end atatloned at the airport and another Monday evening. The conalderatlon He was one of the early bualneaa baseball team» at the Springfield rd oil March I, won lira! place over one la In proreaa of construction of the report and the uaual routine thi r to tear down the old building men In Springfield, coming here In h*«“ school 'hla spring Hla coaching nil of the fight other competing ilia (’ontractora have been naked to pre business occupied the entire evening. 1 " '“ ndln6 ln ,ront nt lhe creamery or 1#05 and egtabnahlng , |jver« gta),|e position will be filled by Cotter Gould trlcta In the entire elate, according sent plana for a new hangar anil 1 *“ - — - »_—» ■.— In to move '» It • to some other location. All members of the board were on the corner which Is now occupied also a »«“dent at the University, | the meantime work on the Interior to a bulletin containing the final re- actual conatructlon work will be present. by the Egglmann candy kitchen. He wbl,e M r Baker assume» a baseball j of the plant Is progresnlng very aults of the drive, which wna recelv atrated In the near future. also operated a stage line between coaching position at the University. The local library haa been operat­ rapidly. The cold storage rooms ed thia morning. The third district, Eugene and Springfield. Friends ot Baker appeared before the school The achool now has a total of 33 ing under ruther difficult condition» have been almost completed, the which Include» Hprlngfleld, finished Mr. Winzenreid In recalling the days board “ I their regular monthly meet- - students and more are expected to during the past year, but members of , lights have been Installed and work­ the month's campaign with a score of the stage line, this week told of *” « Monday night and asked for ■ sign aa soon as flying weather be- the board all express themselves a» men are already digging pita and In­ of ltd 3 per rent. Their cloaeat com­ cornea m ore fa v o ra b le . the streets which were axle deep ln leave of absence during the spring being well pleased with the work done stalling some of the machinery. pel Itor waa the Kaatern Oregon dis­ mud. and of the few buildings re­ term that he might accept a position by the many librarians who have Three Ships at A irp o rt til, t. heiolcl in Kr. il E K »Idle thf It Is planned to level off the ground maining which were here at that which had been offered him at the been employed The present librarian There are now two small ship» at southern Oregon district group, two sealer which , ra at the end of the drive, accord family settled at Cloverdale, where with their favor, provided that Baker field The large cabin plane. "City of The report of the financial condi­ 'lo g to the bulletin Thia la six more Eugene," haa to be kept outdoors at tion of the library was given moat , PROGRESS IS MADE TO they operated a large farm for sev­ secures someone competent to direct than the quota whlrh had been aet the present time, aa there la no consideration by the board members. | eral years before coming to Spring- the spring athletics at the local high BEAUTIFY HIGHWAY for the poet by the state officers. school. field. hangar large enough for It. The new They all agreed that lack of finances IN PAST FEW WEEKS There were 23 posts In the state hangar which will be built to house prevented much necessary work be­ Positive assurance that there would After disposing ot hts livery stable vklcb went over the top. nr whlrh thia ship and provide room for con- ing done. The city budget committee The action started a few weeks interests, he operated the W hite be a baseball team at the high school secured more members than their (»traction of other planes by the provided 2643 for the library, but ago by tbe Lions club looking to­ Front grocery store. He continued this year was made last night when quota. Seven of these posts secured gtudenta. also provide for the ser- only 1602 87 was actually received wards the beautification of the Mc­ to own the building at the time ot Baker declared that he would not be memberahlp which la the largeat j , i ct„g of ahlpa on the field due to the large number of delinquent Kenzie highway between Hprlngfleld his death. He also owned the build­ called upon to assume his new duties In the history ot their post. That the Hprlngfleld airport la us­ taxpayers. A total of 171.02 waa added and Cogswell hill la already bearing ing housing the Hprlngfleld garage, In Eugene until after the opening o< There are now more than 883» able and that ships can land and to the receipts from fines and cash frun. | t Wg | announced at tbe meet- and had part interest In many other the spring semester, which will be lx-glon members In Oregon. Thia la take-off without any great difficulty gifts, making the total receipts , |„g 0( the u ong club held last F ri­ buildings in the city. the first of ApriL In tbe meantime, a derided gain over the figures at deaplte the fart that the runway has 2673.89 he will start work shaping the nucleus day that the farmers owning the land Leaves Survivors thia time last year. The toal member not been graveled and that rain haa The expenditures Included 1286 for ' on both gldeg of the blg^ WBy had Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. for the local team. He expects to ship for the entire past year amount­ been falllog intermittently for some building and maintenance, 140 f o r j 0ffered to plant , reeg on the(r Qwn Eliza Winzenreid, a daughter. Mrs. select batteries soon and w ill start ed to 12.330. time haa been convincingly demon­ supplies and freight on traveling , property, thus leaving the rlght-of- Leta Lemmons. Portland; a brother. Intensive work with them very short* The state was divided Into five strated during the first half of this libraries from Salem, and 1276 for I way free for any other beautification j Frank. Portland; and three sisters. ly. This will give Gould a good districts , for the contest. Each week nlnre the ly ln wh,ch th* district: Hprlngfleld, Albany, Browns- students were algned up for Instrur- worn. tions along the major highways of Walker-Poole chapel In this city, i weatber u aultable *>» several days There are 14 magazines subscribed 1 vtlle. Corvallis, Uugene, Cottage tlon, fifteen other atudenta took lea Rev. 8. E. Childers, pastor of the ' l * » ‘ - »nd a thorough training Is pro- the entire state. Grove. Monroe, Newport. Toledo. gong_ and ten passenger» were taken for by the library, and alg are paid _______ ________ n requested r « Christian church In Eugene ml,ed ,ho* * who "»pire to obtain The governor was also Lebanon, and Junction City. up. The two ahlpa were flying a for hy friends. Four newspapers are by the committee to proclaim a high and former pastor of the Springfield PoalMo"« on the school team ln the The Auxiliary nt the l-eglon con­ total of five and one-half hours dur­ also received as gifts. Christian church, and Veltle Pruitt, i ^aB- Twenty-two new books wore pur­ way holiday for the purpose of clean­ ducted a membership rampalgn at ing the day. pastor of the Springfield Christian Baker’s leaving at this time Is ing the roadsides in Oregon. chased for the library with library , the same time a» the I-eglon Mrs M. church, officiated. Graveside ser- deeply regretted by Springfield peo On Monday and Tueaday the stud­ B lluntly had charge of It In Spring ent training ship waa also In the air funds. 88 were donated by various i vices were conducted by the Eugene pie because he, as the most outstand- PADDOCK HOME BURNED; field and their quota was exceeded, about two and one-half hours each people. Elks lodge, of which he was an active Ing baseball player at the University State Libraries Used but the exact figures are not yet day. ’ PROPERTY IS SAVED member. Interment was made tn the for several years, had been counted Four circulating libraries from the available for publication. upon here to develop a championship Pleasant H ill cemetery. state library at Salem have been used Fire, presumed to have been The allver loving rup whlrh was team at the high school. He estab­ S tores Close for Hour FULL HOUSE GREETS during the post year. These contain caused by an accumulation of dur/ won hy the Hprlngfleld legion ladles lished an enviable record with hie A proclamation was Issued by W. 60 books each and are kept for periods along a stovepipe, completely des­ OPENING OF TALKIES In a tied membership contest last P. Tyson, mayor of Springfield, pro- j football team last fall, and although troyed the residence of Mr. and Mrs. year with the Hermlnston group, ON SUNDAY EVENING of six months claiming a holiday between the hours tbe basketball team lost five of the There are now 2600 borrowers us­ Wade Paddock here Saturday morn­ arrived In Hprlngfleld this week and of 1:30 and 2:30. and most of the • O™» »«« Fames played, they staged ing the library. Many of them are ing at 8:30. The fire started in the la on dlaplav at the Dlbblee store. ' The Inst of the talking picture business houses were closed during 8 comeback the last half of the sea- A large meeting Is being planned equipment for the Bell theatre arrived from out of town. 104 new borrowers attic of the building while no one this time out of respect to the de- I BOn- and I°st only one game, thia were added during the year, and the was at home and was discovered by by the Legion and Auxiliary posts here yesterday and was Installed In 'despite the loss of two stellar players ceased. here for Friday night to welcome the , | me , or the performance last night largest dally circulation of the year Mr. Paddock shortly before the roof in mid-year due to graduation. One of the largest crowds attend­ burst Into flames. new members. Effort» are being x few of the parts did not arrive was 127 volumes. Gould Has Experience ing a funeral recently was present made to secure a prominent state here from the factory In time for the Most of the personal belongings Cotter Gould will come to the Tuesday to pay their last respects to legion officer for the meeting. A opening performance Sunday, and LOCAL MAN’S FATHER and furniture were removed by per­ : Springfield high school with a good a fellow citizen. social gathering and refreshments other parts were substituted by the sons who rushed to the scene of the DIES IN WASHINGTON : record in both baseball and football will also be a part of the evening's talking picture representatives. A blaze. Jess Smltson reported that I at the University. He has played on AT AGE OF 99 YEARS BRIDGE DISMANTLING IS the fire waa outside of the fire hyd program. full house was present for the open­ both the varsity baseball and foot- ing. but the machines did not work rant district and he could do nothing GIVEN TO O. N. PIERCE ^ 1 ] te, mg for the past three yearn. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fraedrlck left stalafactorlly, and trouble was ex- but use chemicals to prevent the fire WALTERVILLE MAN DIES Springfield Monday morning for W al­ * . — . j , . Pri<” ' 1° coming to the University, for the dismantling of i _ , . . . . . ... „ , . ■ AT HIS HOME SATURDAY i Perl"nce<’ hy ,h* °»»r’" o,r- ** * • ’ la Walla. Washington, to attend the from spreading to adjacent property. .u A contract .u o . u u .w Ooald attended the Salem high the old Springfield bridge and the . , . , . . .. w „ __ j ! decided to nrtt have a show Monday The property was owned by Mrs. . , school and played both baseball and funeral of Mr. Fraedrlck'» father, E. ...... Robert Pleasant Hartw ig died at evening for this reason and many H. Fraedrlck, who died there Sunday Mollie Scott and was valued at ap­ reconstruction of the bridge over the - ■ football there. _____________ hla home at W altervllle on March 1. People « « ■ • bu> w‘>r<' , 0 l , «d to turn evening at the age ot 88 years. proximately 12000. It was partly W illamette river one mile east of Creswell was awarded to O. N at the age of 66 years. He had been away. Mr. Fraedrlck'» fnther was born covered by insurance. Pierce last Thursday by the state ROSS HUMPHREY DIES a resident of W altervllle for the past I The performance last night was In Oermany and rame to this country highway commission. His bid was FRIDAY NEAR JASPER 16 years, and was Interested In a ' v*fy