r PAGI» KtY r r t* R P H iN o y iw .n Bit-fW-o, ^ IL L U S T R A T E D BY D O N A LD IL E Y ARTHUR SOMERS R ROCHE She told herself that her deatre to be bark on the bridge was due to her dealre for fair play. to her reluctance to leave any excitement behind her. But even aa .h e told herself theee things. ahe reallaed that ahe waa not admitting the whole truth. Certain ahy thoughts Intruded How mag- j nnwh THURSDAY, EKI I 27 I Mill LIO N S "L A D IE S N IG H T " C EN SU S OF B U SIN ES S DRAW S LARGE N U M B E R FOR M O N D A Y FR O L IC W in e F r l,e Mlaa Maxine The work of taking the United Statea Census waa started all over • he United Stales on Monday of thia Week The workers who went Into • he field mut that day had aa aa their their first firm day had »bJnctlve the taking of the census of dl"‘rlh"“ ""- or the bualneaa cen.ua, • • U 1« commonly called. Nlnety-oaa memh»™ of th s Llong dub of Springfield and th,.|r ladle. »Hendod the Joint Imdle* Nigh, ban qu«t program at the Howard —. . and . . n ow aw ( 1. urlst apartments north of Kugene ’rr'7" .l"K hw ,rdM °Jrd K"> »»L t i ° f »°**rnor of the Lions dubu. tell Llonlsm. It. Thia business census Is being taken I Alms and Ideals. now ahead of the population census I During the banquet, which waa to enable statisticians to begin work presided over by Senator Edward F at once on the compilations of find llalley. of Junction City, M toast lugs which will be very useful to the master^ Mr. W K Barnell s.n g business men of the United States several solos, Rldred Glaspy p |g ,rd The census thia year will be limited a violin solo, accompanied by William •Villard. Mia. H a,el Mills oV June,,7n i X ™ ' “11’ " ,n<’ b” U k ,n «“ with her uncle and nun». Mi and Mrs. A. M Snodgrass While at Bhedd M a Snodgrass attended a dunce near Al­ bany and won a prlae for having the beat uiaaquerade coatume. formed me that she had learned of the swat I " B usiness'T in not thinking of bus proposed assault upon my property Hess- Ixxik at him, my dear!’1 riml rights. Naturally. It being a matter Mrs. Clary. of vital Importance that the bridges "Look at him ’ Where la her* ask.nl be left standing. I. with my wife and Lucy. >, Dr. Fergus Faunce. went by boat to **He*a been everywhere; Just now the bridge In question. he*a on that roof—see»” ”1 threw a couple of men off the Lucy looked. Upon the cottage ad­ n lflr e n t T im had been! bridge, and challenged Maddox and How utterly devoid of fear he waa! hla gang to take me He said that he joining the north wing of the Break­ She waa awake when he returned, was an officer of the law— I think he ers crouched men; white cloths, aomewhat after dawn, to the Itouae, called himself sheriff, which waa an doubtless wateraoaked. covered their and ahe deacwuded quietly to the untrue statem ent—but I felt that he heads; they played streams of water i - i . . . . » . ................................... -m J " . T ’ “ “ •" patio, lent the aervanta be awakened, was not enforcing Justice and refused upon this building to whose roof they w ’» «ransaced. She had advanced nearer now; she presented a reading and sang a solo rill he ■ubinltted only to the larger his spirits were gay; He gTlnned a! I do not believe that he was bribed could m pick him oui out or of in« the other* others cn The Junction f'tty members presented her. hv Mr rimww k . . . i k - « m mm í™ ” ” » ~ < - w *'• ........................ a one man radio and television opera dealers. If you d do all this for a man you Ileve that he owns certain acreage j The toaatmasler. who la alao the Census takers are all sworn to h a te—lord' what you’d be capable of adjoining what was. until this morn moved about. Oh. Ood' why didn't he president of the den at Junction City, secrecy and atir Information wh’ch for a man you loved. Lucy Devil May- Ing. the Clary properties, and believed come dow n’ What right had he to risk himself there? He was married, told the Springfield members of the • he business men divulge to them will Care!** he said to her that the value of his holdings would and there were plenty of younger men work they are doing, and Jack H«n not he revealed Io anyone but the She felt herself blush be enhanced by the destruction of mv to take chances {Some one had derer. the Springfield club president, workers handling the facts The pur- "I like fair play.” bridges. You might ask him. your climbed one of the ladders, was b • responded by telling of the alms of poaa of the questions askeu Is not to •Oh. 1 know. Don t be worried. , Honor. If my surmise Is correct. MO, bother ____ aw s. » but . . . I’m have certain Individuals find out a side Tim. was speaking to him It the local club. I’ll I not you. Oosh. Maddox admitted the truth of the An Initiation ceremony was presid­ whole lot about someone else** busi­ looked, from the way he held his face hungry.'* surmise, reluctantly The man was d o se to Tim, as If he were w hisper ed over by H B. Maxey, as the Grand ness. hut rather to aacertaln a mass "Sit down," she said. stubborn; Clary had tried to call hint Ing. but Lucy correctly guessed that Oasooka W II Adrian and F II of Information which will he useful He eyed her curiously, bat dropped off. and now he began to regret hts Hamlin served us keepers of the to all buslneaa organisations during Into a chair. She went to the kitchen stubbornness. He regretted It still he was screaming at the tot> of hts Jungle. the next few years. lungs In no other way could he be and turned on the electric stove, she more when Devil May Care took the A dance followed the banquet end was back la Just ten minutes, bearing stand For ahe not only corroborated heard above the roar of the nam es A great doal of Investigation an to She bumped Into le eso n and Klale speech-making. a tray on which was steaming coffee her husband's testimony, but r e m a r k -___ the cost of producing a given artlele Darragh The girl was flashed with and a plate of scrambled eggs has been going on for several years, ed that tweney men had shown an ex- excitement, and Leeson hardly AGED R E S ID E N T PASSES "But yon don’t get It unless you tell ceedlng reluctance to attack two. • leaa aroused He showed but now the government Is determin­ magnanl A T D A U G H T ER S H O M E ed to learn how to control the costs me everything that happened. ' she which statement brought a laugh from mlty of which she bad not believed warned. of distribution. the crowded courtroom him capable. .» Mrs. Mehetable Richardson W’ray "Oh. you saw all the excitement!" That ended the rather flat proceed­ "Congratulailoos on having a man died at the home of her daughter, he laughed "Learning arrived at five ings; the Judge reprimanded Maddox for a husband. Mrs Steven«.'* be said Mrs. Florence Chase, on the Camp this mo»wlng. He brought court offi­ for too aealous conduct and diacharg. CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK. Creek road last Thursday She was cers with him; he presented aa order ed Stevens M years of age at the time o f her reetmlnlng any one from entering Through the press Tim guided his G IR L SC O U T S P R E S E N T dea'h. If* - the pressure of his hand- . upon n»y property until title was ad wife; Mrs. Wray waa born In Pennsylva­ Judlcated. I think the old boy ex­ aras strangely pleasant upon her flesh. PR O G R A M ON S A T U R D A Y Th« 'Borcloy". . . In nia on N o v em b er 2J. 1837 S h e m oved ceeded hla powers a bit. but ? does She was seeing a new Tim, a Tim to Mlnesota while a young girl and gun m«tol coif. Sixty women attended the benefit not matter, because Clary and I came that had never existed In the days to an understanding Clary’s a rotten when she had mocked him. derided party and scout program presented spent most of her lire there, coming at the Chamber of Commerce rooms to Springfield two years ago. winner. I guess. but he knows how him. She la survived by four sons. C M for the benefit of the local Olrl Scout to lose. Offered to buy me out at my "Much obliged. Lucy.'* he said, as Wray. Silverton; F. E. Wray. Port­ troops Saturday The room w a, de­ price. I told hint I was here to stay; they gained the street. corated by the girls la red. white and land; M C. Wray. Murray. Mlnne- , eo he offered to effect a combination He bowed, turned on his heel, and of hts holdings with mine, my crowd left her. She entered her coupe and blue. The girls who served the re­ aota; two daughters. Mrs. Alice Shoe ! to hsve the ma ijorlly stock, and we drove slowly across the toll bridge, to ( freshments r**h'n’*nts * were ere dressed In early maker. Salem; and Mrs. Florence' Chase, Springfield; two brothers. D. sh o o k h an d s on IL It. » v .. ______ . . colonial costume Palm Beach At Bradley's she turned The program consisted of several M Richardson. West Concord. Minne­ Only man that wasn't satisfied was Into the courtyard, parked her car. numbers by the girt Scout chorus un­ sota; and Luther Richardson, of Med­ the marshall. I thought he aras sheriff and entered the Casino. der the direction of Mrs. W K Bar ford There are also JO grandchildren but he was smaller fry than that Yep Gambling seemed Indicated. 8he Maddox was pretty sore at what I'd wanted something to restore that wild nell. folk dances directed by Miss and 40 great grandchildren said, and the men I slugged were uncertainty of racing blood that had Anne Vogel, a xylophone solo by Bar­ The body was shipped to Minnesota angry, no I'm under arrest, out * on been hers last night when she started bara Barnell. accompanied by Flor- on Saturday by the Walher-I*ooie ball, and I'm Io be tried this after from the Everglades Club; that had , ence May, a piano solo by Margaret funeral home here. -------------—•—— noon. I'd plead gu’lty and pay a been hers half an hour ago In the Jarrett, a recitation by Easel A dam s.' fine; only, this Maddox got my goat, street before the courthouse. and a piano duet by Barbara and N O -H O S T D IN N E R P A R T Y Melba Harris and he ought to be removed from bit Aa she approached the roulette i H E L D F R ID A Y E V E N IN G O u r J J .,1 oxfords srw the outstand­ office, so 1*11 go to court. And that’s room she saw young Leeson. With ' Mrs. C. H. Phetteplace and Mrs E. ing choice of men in 1,400 cities . . . that," E May won first and second prises " V . V " , n r"' *"*’ *econd Prl,M r* «"<1 Mrs Carl H Phetteplace him was Elsie Darragh. a dimpling. men who w ant the h a t they can get Tim was t,p and out of the house, smiling. ng. Joy Joy radiating radiating Elsie. Elsie She ” ‘< ’’> e< ?' ,Tel’r ln ,he bridge games, and entertained at a no-host dlr.ner She . j ! fo r the money thev hsve to spend. when at lunch time, she awoke and seised Lucy by the hands. Mrs. Fred lx»uk and Mrs. Jack Hen j their home last Friday evening In Thew men are good judge« o f TaJue^ dressed. She was surprised at his derer won the high prizes for 500. honor of their fifth wedding nrn'ver- ' You’re the first to know.” she fo r th e n it better leather, better w ork­ absence, and vattgely hurt Mrs. Alta Manning Is the troop sary. Bridge waa the form of diver­ breathed. "Just now I reached for manship la these « ) . , ( oxfords than Luncheon seem d strangely lonely some chips, and my hand touched leader for the Girl Scouts. Miss sion following the dinner High you'd expect to find anvwhere except She wondered If Tim were with Fer­ Ann Vogel and Mrs. L. E. Scott are honors went to Mr and Mrs. Clar-nce i Jtm's, and. with the croupier looking in * J. C Penney store. Come la and gus Faunce. and tried to imagine Mesdames C. E Chase. on. mv dear, he might hsve heard the patrol leaders see them for yourself I what had brought these two together Wheaton. C. O Wilson. Clayton Bar Those present for the anniversary I him—he asked me to marrv him ” In amity She could not guess. Rest­ Lucy kissed the girl. She held out her. O. H. Jarrett. Carl Olson, and W event were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1 lessness possessed her her hand to Leeson. That young man K Barnell constitute the local scout Chase. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Swarts, Mr. , And finally she swallowed her pride committee. and Mrs Stewart Hurd. Mr. and Mrs was blushing, but his eyes were cold. ’ She telephoned the court house and Roscoe Perkins. Mr and Mrs Larson She could read his thoughts. Thev learned thnt Tim s trial wag set for Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ward, said. “You played with me. found out I B A RBARA B A R N E L L IS ON two o'dlnck She drove over to West what you wanted to know, used me. EU G E N E S C O U T PROG RAM and Mr. and Mrs. W. C U M .h , Palm Beaeh. parked her car. entered betrayed me Pm afraid of you: you’re the courthouse, was directed to the Several xylophone solos by Miss not my kind; 1 need something tamer. proper room, and Joined the crowd Barbara Barnell. accompanied on the . I've got It." that thronged la the corridor outside She played, unhappily, for half an piano by Florence May. are Included (L hour Why should other people be In the program which Is being given She could make no headway through happy and she unhappy? For Leeson at the Eugene Chamber of Commerce the crowd until she bethought herself would be happy, despite the thoughts on Satnrday afternoon in honor of the Io state, to an attendant, her name, which she had read He would forget Lane county Girl Scout Council A tea then way sms made for her. and she i the memory of Lucy In the reality of is also being planned for the same i found herself in the courtroom. Her afternoon. Elsie. Heigh-ho* husband saw her. whispered to a law­ i ‘"The Breakers Is on f " «hr heard yer. and lhat worthy Immediately the croupier say “Your Suck’s bad. S U N D A Y SC H O O L CLASS came to her side, and led her to a anyway Better not buy more chips. HAS P A R T Y ON F R ID A Y seat beside Tim Mrs Stevens Look at the fire.** Stevens seemed a bit worried H ere in the senna,ion of (he washing machire buainesa_ Mrs A. B. Van Valxah entertained As she came abreast of the bathing *'My lawyers have been telling me a no-wringer E A S Y YYanher that hat revolutionized wash- casino, she gasped in sheer delighted the members of her Sunday school lhat a conviction, trifling as It is. ,n^’ The new EASY U am p-D ryer is safer, faster, easier, won't het» mx » in , ~ *m**ement For the flames were class of the Methodist church at a won t h elp m e with Investors. It's s not not shooting up Into the air. seemingly ______ . I ■ party at her home In this city on *ators. It gentler than any wringer type washer. It whirls the water terribly Important but—would I ic.i handredw if feet. Illuminating the * last Friday evening. About JO mem out of a tubful of clothes in less than two minuti mind testifying on my behalf’ Vesuvius In ■ bers were preaent and enjoyed - - — a without efiort on your parL ’ Why. of ronrae not" she replied whole vast building eruption could hardly be more beantt- tl,**, “ nt »»enlng of games and stunts The Judge opened proceedings Mad A program waa given, and rofr_ fnl. more awe tnsptrtag ring, railed and sworn, testified that No one cried, no one seemed sad menta were served by the hostess. he. acting upon the request of Clar. which was a marvelous thing aboot * * who told him he had reason io oe the catastrophe In few other placet j M A Y B E E N T E R T A IN S lleTe that violence would be offered people have faced C. T . U. ON T U E S D A Y his peaceful gang tit laborers by the In the world ’ . could .. Nation-Wide Favorites J .C . P E N N E Y C O Damp-Dryer developed by EASY is a marvelous improvement over wringing! No-wringer EA SY W ASH ER defendant, bad. with half . do.en de- But tk?«e Members of the Women s ' hristlan P U tles .o n « t. of the nation s w ealtb .est Tbelr putlea. gone lu Seminole Creek. ( I Temperance Union of Springfield losses would not be crippling Even i There two of his deputies had been | were entertained at their regular the hotel company would lose nothing assaulted by the defendant. Timothy Steven. . __■ .. '* It could **’1 sell 1 the **n R E C E IV E S H IG H G R A D ES gaaped In I sworn, he began hla story sheer delight at the spectacle. She j "Maddox may tall the truth, your L. O Achterman, son ln-'aw of Mr (ouad hereelf suddenly In the midst ot Honor, when he aays that Clary stated a group of friends Mrs Clumect and Mrs W. W Walker was among he expected trouble The truth of the the few students at the Oregon S ,« ,e Clary waa among them. matter It that I never dreamed of aav "Aren t you proud of T1m" the Agricultural college to retel re all action tw ill my wife came to me at plump matron ______ asked grades above one for his work dur< Mange Key. several miles from the "H e seems to be a good buaiaeat !n* Ibe •’ majoring In bridge over Seminole Cheek, sod tn- rlv'l engineering and will be gradu­ rejoined atesi la June- can now be had in choice of Suction or Agitator Type at lowest prices Phone for FREE demonstration Soul S T A R T E D L A S T M O N DA Y graaa spent the weekend al Shedd This a a rv tlo u t :~ r~ —anal m a he had ou either a soctioa type er aa agitator type E A S Y . Both washers te ll 1er ths same low price—the lowest t t which say EASY EASY Term s Agitator Typs EASY Thau if y « , decid, t lha E A S Y , you aaa pay au B A iY Trade in your old washer on a new EASY p gyuiks tyTy Mountain States Power Company