THURSDAY, KK». 27. 11)30 Vo. 8 TH E RPRINOEIELD NEWS PAGE F IV E JOAN CRAWFORD TAKES ENGLISH CLASS ARGUES LEAD IN DRAMATIC FILM EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD CONSOLIDATION MERITS Joan Crawford- a reotleaa flam« • we would have only one member on CPRINGFIELD RESIDENT tne board. The speakers were quite IN CYCLE RACE MEET certain tbat such a situation would mean that the local school* would get Mr. W. 8. KKnickerbocker, elderly the poorest teachers and that the Springfield bicycle enthusiast, haa of a girl, flaring high on« mumwit The matter of consolidation of From W alttrvllle— Mr». Loo Ste­ From Marcóla—-Mrs Jennie Greal- Eugene members on the board would flicker the Bprlngfleld and Eugene was made the over ride any move* made by the entered the bicycle race to be held vens. of Wnltervllle, vlalted her many houso, of Maneóla, «perni Saturday and dying down to a between Eugene and Corvallis and re­ next—playa the lead In the flrat »11- subject of a debate by the student* Springfield member. friend» In Ihla city mi Saturday. with friend« In thia city. turn on Saturday. Mr. Knickerbocker j talking picture ever to be ahown In In Mfaa Holman's English class at the Is well advanced In years, but has From Leeburg-J. M. Uta. of Lea Springfield at the Bell Theatre, In high school recently. Many and vari­ III at W „ l Springfield Mr« WII- Vlelt at Shedd- Mr and Mrs Riley I inn Ur'fflu 1» reported io >>« quit« burg, waa a Monday caller n thia "Untamed." her flrat all-talking alar- ed arguments were used by the Snodgrass spent Saturday and Sun­ been a constant cycle rider most of , ring vehicle directed by Jack Conway. student* to ahow thaP we In Spring- day at the A. M Snodgrass bom« a» his life and I* expected to give the III al her horn« In Wont Hprlnr'leld city. younger entrant* a stiff race for the Mika Crawford la one of the Inter- field would benefit from a consollda Shedd Purchases Feed Charte» Sylvester On Crutches Mr« Arthur N»et Io prizes offered the winner. •-»ting enigma» In picture». A girl tlon and alao to ahow that such a fun-eit to uae rrutrhee [hlx week duo of Wallervllle, purchased a quantity who la expycted to be gay and hllarl- i consolidation would not Improve The race was scheduled for laat CARO O F T H A N K S . to an afflli-tlnn In on« knee. ■ of feed while In Springfield on oua, cove', td for partlea because »lie matters at they now stand. We wish to express our sincere Itoturday. but the inclement wear her - Monday. can be depended upon to add to the One student speaking for the con­ appreciation to those who showed us made It neceasaray to postpone It for Vlelt In Puitland Mr and Mr». F. ¡occasion with a whirlwind dance or solidation declared that If It was II llninl n »pent Balurday and Hun another week. Entries may still be kindness during our bereavement. “MARKS OF CHRISTIAN” »mart line, and yet who shmellmea effected Eugene would be the second day in I'ortluud vlaltlug with rel*- N. W. GAY AND FAMILY. made at the Moore Cycle an- Toy S E R M O N T O P IC S U N D A Y breaks under the »train of trying to largest city In the state outside of tlvea. store in Eugene. be "the life of the party." Portland, and tbat she would have M arriage Licenses Issued Jaspar Rasldant Hara Myron W»l ' It«». Veltle Pruitt will talk on "The People think tier happy-go-lucky, much more power and Influence. She During the past week marriage PRISCILLA CLUB MEETS lac«, of Jasper, alieni Monday III Mark» of a Chrlatlan" at the Sunday frank, wholeheartedly Independent. stated alao that Springfield would licenses have been issued to the fol­ Springfield on bualneaa I morning a«rvlc«s at the Chrlatlan Yet she la so sensitive that a blunt hen have better schools and that the IN EUGENE TOMORROW church. William McLean will alng opinion often aenda her Into a dark, students would not have to take the lowing: Roland Puritt and Margaret Born Mr. and Mr«. Tom Turnbull Ferguson, both of Cottage Grove; Mrs. A. J .McKy will be hostess at a guapel aolo. In the evening the moody spell which she has to fight state examination«. . of thia city are the purenta of a baby Cecil Mortensen and Marie Monroe, her home at College Crest on Friday pastor will talk on the queatlon ' Why for hours. Postoffice, Depot Argued son born to them at the l*aelflc Chrla­ both of Saginaw; Harvey Dler and afternoon to the members of the Ho Many Church««?" The post office and railroad station tlan hoapltal In Kugene on Frlduy. Virgie Gray, both of Junction City; Priscilla club. The membership of The Sunday achool meet» at 9:45 teith came up for ronalderable dlacua- STUDENTS WILL HEAR Raulp Hults. Brownsville, and Ethel this organization Is composed largely Newport Man Hara W A Park*, i *nd the member» of the Loyal (llrla alon. Several of the negative speakers CONCERT ENTERAINERS assured their hearers that if a union Slmerson, Iowa. of Springfield women. of Newport, waa a vlaltor In the city 'la«» will furnlah a duet. The young on Friday. He alao looked after aonie People will dlacuaa "Faith" at their waa effected these would be done The D»-Moas concert entertainers, away with and the local people would bualne»» Inlereala here. meeting al ( 30. The choir alnga at a company of five musical artists are have to go to Eugene to buy stamps, the evening service. Undergoes Major Operation—Harr» coming to Springfield on Tuesday and while the affirmative speakers assur­ Rauter, of Marcola, underwent a ma­ Newlywed -Don't you ever think 1 will put on programs In each of the ed their opponents that the depot ( three schools during the day. They would remain here and that post-office jor operation at the Pacific Chrlctbm seriously about marriage? hospital on Monday. __ j will appear at the Lincoln achool In sub-station» would be egetabllshed in Singleton—My dear f«llow, no man the afternoon at 1:00 o'clock. An ad­ Has M inor Operation Oeorge Tra over thinks seriously about marriage mission charge of 10 cents will he this city. Highw ay Upkeep Questioned via. son of Mr and Mra John Travis. until he has been married a while. : made for students and 25 cent« for One student raised the question underwent a minor operation on M o n - __________________ , adults who care to attend me program tlon about the upkeep of the highway day morning, Doc—What la water? ■ at thia achool between the two cities In the case of Block—A colorless fluid that turn» The entertainer» comprise a com­ * onion. The negative speakers de­ Jasper People Here Mr and Mra. Every pattern new—just receiv­ tdack when you waah your hands. plete orchestra and alao do freakish clared that the city of Eugene would Walter Walluce. of Jasper, spent Fri I ed. Sizes from 7 to 14 years. | and novelty playing with two Inatru day transacting bualneaa In Spring- then have to pay for the up-keep of N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE IN Every garment guaranteed fast mentg at one time. The program is field. this road, and that would greatly In­ E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO S U R E varied and consists of ten parts. color. Priced within the. reach crease the operating expense of the Return« to Drain— Mr» A. P. Nllaon Notice la hereby given that by vir­ of all. tw o cities. of Drain, returned to her home Friday tue of an egecullon and order of «ale FOX THEATRES FEATURE The coming of a creamery and a afternoon after a few days visit here 1 , Issued out of the Circuit Court of the I State of Oregon for Ijine County, new grocery store to Springfield are TWO THRILL PICTURES with Mr» Katie Brumette. i February SRth. 1930. upon and purau both used to prove that Springfield Is nnt Io a decree duly given and made Vlelt Barg Farm -Mr. and Mra. i by aald Court February 24th. 1930. In "Thrill Week" Is being celebrated growing and can get along well or bet­ John A. Nelson «pent Sunday after­ a suit pending therein In which the at the Fox McDonald Theatre. Not ter without uniting with Eugene. noon at the farm home of Mr and Par-lflc Savings A Ixian Association, the management haa made any off) The matter of taxation and the pay­ Bloomers to match included in this assortment. a Washington corporation waa plain elal announcement to that effect, but Mra. Charles Berg, near Thurston. ments of present debts waft the tiff and John O. McGinn and Ethel M McGinn, hla wife. Ethel M lotraon In “The 8ky Hawk." Its current at­ strongest agitation of the nega'lve Torfklla Removed The young ton and Edward lotraen. her huahand. traction. screen fans are finding speakers. They tried to assure their of Mr and Mra Lewis Hall had hla Mary E Berger and Frank J Berger their spine« wiggling with exclte-uwnt. listeners that the local people would tunalla removed at a local physician's her husband, and The Federal Ijind Spectacular scenes of Zeppelin raids have to pay part of Eugene's debts Jtank of Spokane a corporation, were office on Saturday. defendant», which eierutlon and order over Ixmdon, Impressive shots of a as well as their own. Another conten­ paughtar Born- Mr and Mr«. M i of sale waa to me directed and com huge British training airdrome, and a tion waa that the local schools would manded me to sell the real property breath taking climax of an aerial be hurt by such a move. They con­ W Bevereou. of thia city, are the hereinafter deaecrlbed to satisfy cer­ parent» of a baby girl, born Friday, tain Ilena and charges In said decree duel between a Zeppelin and a British tended that a consolidation would D E P A R T M E N T S TO R E 61 E F R O A O W A Y , E N G E N E , O RE. February 21. specified. 1 will on Saturday, the 19th fighting plane, all serve to lift this mean that the Springfield schools dav of March. 1930. at the hour of Fox all talking Movietone Into a class would be operated under the same Register at Springfield Hotel—Mike „One o'clock p. m at the Southwest by Itself. head as the Eugene schools and that Htynchuk. Sam Black, W. A Wheeler doff of 'be County Court-houRe In Fu- A noteworthy cast headed by John K Sims. R C. Penn and II H Hall «•"*• Count » . Oregon offer for ' sale and »ell at public auction for cash Garrick, with Helen Chandler and were all registered at the Springfield ■ under them or anv of them »Ince the Gilbert Emery, the excellent direction hotel recently. 24th dav of February 1930 In or to of John G. Blyatone and an Intensely : the following described real property. human and dramatic story by Llewel­ Jeaper Man Recover» - Fred Wallace I to-wlt: lyn Hughes contribute to the success of Jasper, who has been seriously III I Beginning «1 a point 215 feet West of this Fox Movietone picture, for the past several weeks, has al­ of a point 514.2 feet South of a nolnt s e e made by the Intersection of the South most completely recovered from hta ! line of Twenty third Street as the Beautiful Corinne Griffith in her Illness. ' same Is platted and recorded In Groas' new all talking success, 'Lilies of the ! Addition to Eugene. Lane i'ou"'3'- Smail Boy Recovers—Rodney Chase, Oregon, with the West line of Uni Field." a drama of Broadway Gold the small son of Cheater Chase, who veralty Avenue If extended South as diggers, opens a three day run on haa been very III for the past several the same la platted and recorded In Sunday at the Fox McDonald, said Oroaa' Addition to Eugene. Lane s e e weeks. Is now past all danger and le County. Oregon, and running thence Airplanes for utility, horaes for on the road to recovery. South 50 feet thence West 120 feet, thence North 50 feet and thence East -romance. 1« the view of Ken Maynard Leave« for Wyoming— Mra Kenneth , 20 fret to the place of beginning star of "Lucky Larkin." thrilling Jarrard left 8unday for Kaycee. Dated thia 27th day of February. 1930 Universal Sound drama, which comes H. L B O W . Wyoming, to Join her husband, who Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon to the Fox Rex Theatre Friday and ha* already gone to the Wyoming Saturday. F 27 M 6 13 20-27 city. TOWN AND VICINITY i i ih h m Children’s Wash Frocks 98c, $1.15, $1.89 Your last chance to get in on this Vlalta Mother—Mr. and Mrs. John Parker returned to Springfield Sun­ day evening from Canyonville, where they have been visiting hta mother. I who la very 111. Bank Worker Recover»—Mrs Blair- Pollard resumed her work ns assist­ ant cashier al the Commercial Stnte Bank on Monday, after an Illness last­ ing more than a week. She Stalked Her Man Like a Jungle Tiger! Joan Crawford's first all-talk­ ing picture. A Thrilling Triumph! Visits Daughter—Mrs. Grace Baxter left Saturday for San Francisco where she will spend a few days visiting with her daughter. Nell, who Is train­ ing In one of the hospitals there. '/ A tew more Slightly Used, Repossessed, and Shopworn Hotpoint and Westinghouse Electric Ranges most go. Aaalata at Bakery—Paul Schlewe la now handling Iho delivery work for the Springfield bakery. Mr. Schlewe waa a resident of Springfield about six years ago and has returned to make hla home here. Daughter Born—Mr. and Mr». Sid­ ney V. Ward are the parents of a eight and one-half pounds baby girl born at the Pacific Chrlatlan hospital In Eugene on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ward are now the parents of three girls and one boy. Vlelt Fox Farm—Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fraedrlck enjoyed a turkey dinner at the McKemle Fox farm on Sunday. They also made a tour of Inspection of the many fox pens now built at the ranch. Mr. Fraedrlck reporta that there are several new pens now In course of construction at the farm. Vial* at Salem—Mr. and Mra. Jack Larson spent Saturday and Sunday at Salem as guest» at the Truhert Hen­ derson home. They returned to Springfield on Sunday evening bring Ing Mra. Henderson and Mr. Hender­ son'» mother with them. They will be guests at the Laraon home for a week. Electric Range Bargain Event Come now and still be In time to take advantage of this substantial W ith ROBERT MONTGOMERY ERNEST TORRENCE reduction on ranges that are practically new In every detail. We are offering these reductions to you In order to clean out the Used and Shopworn Ranges that have accumulated on our sales floor. Although nene of these ranges are the newest models WE W ILL STAND RE­ m- H IN D THEM AS WE DO AN ABSOLUTELY NEW RANGE. That guarantee Is yoar satis­ faction. Sunday, Mar. 1 also Colortone Revue Climbing the Golden Stairs Remember there are only a few more ranges left and they will not be on the floor very long at these reduced prices. The usual terms are in effect. New Low Prices Easy Terms And M. G. M. NEWS REEL Admission Always . . . . BELL THEATRE Tues. Wed. “FAST COMPANY" fa gTWHBV >1 35c— 15c Comedy 'DEAR VIVIAN" Mountain States | ä | Power Company "YOUR PARTNERS w PROGRESS " it the ough- ly we e you