FAO» F our THE S P R IN Q F im ji N icw g THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE 4-H CLUBS THURSDAY, EWB 27, l#30 — T " .... Î AMERICAN LEGION <00 hospital patlenta were remember­ ed by the American I-egton Auxiliary — — ——— —•■j o iu ^ i r i n ­ any «togle *n-1 AUXILIARY MAKES AN Springfield Laae Couaty, Oregoa. by with gifts at Christmas time from fluence which is doing more for the development APPEAL FOR SUPPORT funds provide! by (he Department T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S * of the young men and young women of America I and our Units. H K. M A X E Y . Editor. than the 4-H club movement. This year It Is Thr work of tha American Legion •In addition to tha above, in 78 fc ts rs d as secuad elaea m atter February I«. |#o». at the estim ated that there will be more than ten thou- and Auxiliary and the Importance of ¡communities of thia Stale the Amerl poetofllce. Bprlngfield. Oregon. sand 4-H clubs organised In the United States enlisting the aid of all eligible women can Legion and the American l-ewtan Is outlined In a communication re- M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E .......... Ul IlirillUVrS OT a < -| | I by tha Rprl Oos year la Advaaee------ »1?» Three Moatfcs _7Sc club Is five, th at m eans 50,000 boys and girls en­ weak: vice." Published Every Thursday at RM M o a th a -------------— _ , j 1 N 8 ,n < u Copy .,L W OU,t,, ^e.dimeuh to na,ne _ THURSDAY. FEBRUARY »7. 1930 WHO HAS A BETTER R IG H T’ There are those who are much concerned when ex-service men support is mentioned in politicr They argue that ex-service men should adhere to the principles of the American Legion, which is non-partisan necessarily, and as an organiza­ tion supports policies instead of political parties. On the other hand, there are those candidates who are always trying to lineup American Legion support, so much so for governor th at the state executive committee has found it necessary to declare a neutral stand by resolution. Ex-service men individually or as a body hart* ECKKERSON PAYS VISIT TO SPRINGFIELD MONDAY Major Gilbert Kukermitt m artin i to Bprltitflrhl no Monday nioTBlng (toni M«Milord, where he la now topor* al1"* * f|yln« school and passeag«r clty recently and atatrd that he gaged in intensive, competitive effort for self- To tha Mother», W ives, Slater and | »anted te brina a ship wttb him here improvement in the fields which the four ’ H’s ' Daughters of W orld W a r Veterans WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY bu‘ ,fr* ld ,ha‘ * * •"> soft la (aha o ff from "Have you over given any partlcu stand for Head, Heart, Hand and Health. OBSERVED ON FRIDAY lar thought to what the American I At present there are eight different classes o f « d the Anerh-sn (¿ifes i i X r r i i v . February „ . , h . htrthday KNCE iOn ar°'*Ild whl\ h the 4-H clubs arc h .v e done and are d oto, "or vo" of Oeorga Waahlngton. was observed ,N ACCIDENT AT M ILL M v ar t „HCOrn‘ * he®‘. calves, pigs. Sheep, for the what they are doing for .he ,|< u , n„ at the ttprlngfleld high achnnl with a M r r — , t iX Can? ^ g’ T lking and " wh*K f° r ‘to- «»<-•>•-; to »h a, ,h .y are doing * or half holiday from th . u. u. | roulln. “ ” ' '7 7 7 r""‘' oiri^n8 tomgh there have been and still are many ’h* widows and orphans; to what of « .d i e .. A WaabbutoR pro- 7 ? K 7* K*“’ L"” f5hcv'ntiItlb’>r8t,i’f the graln and Uveatock clubs. If ¡they are doing for the Community gram was given under the direction nK, n 2 2 , Z I " P° ln‘ ' P‘, k^ r hnZ .d A. n° th m°re than train these young state and Nation? of Junta May from 1 00 to J 00 with * * ’ ’" ' n,r "‘r,,,'k ,h * roik in the most modern methods the ciuhs i ______ _________ WMn kn*« «•«>• Thia | , the fourth aocl would be doing a great and valuable, service but with th ? P 7 *’f h,,totadon dMl“*« many townspeople attending the ex dent rv|M>rt«**<'>" Anx Wendllrtp Resident Calls Tow a;.d Evelyn ltuull, reading. Jean Ham ful farming, and they inculcate the principles of J J , P»r>». of Wendling, spent Saturday Hn; quartet. t o |a »quires. good sportsm anship in teaching the unsuccess- , J lin ' » « risk ... noria w„ h ^ , „ 4 , |h(g Chase, Emma Trlnlta. and Evelyn ful com petitors to be good losers. More Import- loan a r " t n ’ l" b'”” 8 Lloyd; violin solo, Eldred O laanv . . . . . . ———— — — reading. Orville McPherson; recite" ! QUICK! GLYCERIN service to the governm ent may be good or bad hy his own 4-H club records just what It cost S ye“r’ °f ,o" " nu,,u" w,,rk "nd tlon. Junta May; and an addreax <>n M l * FOR FOD ^ aiotibsw .. MIX CONSTIPATION "Waahlngton a Part in HMucatlon," by in their estimation. Men who have spent weeks grow a Quarter-acre of com or to raise a calf Is Auxiiarv "nu >'1»"ery id e a w h o T f f l c . ,or r o u n t ^ r e ™ i S d h e l l ! 5 k r ^ ‘n , „ d S X n S r” W ‘" X 7 , tor«? - ± ' ■ 1 1«; • - Viortv» u h ,. . '“T »__... future ¿ i t o ^ T, K y ,n JU ly ’ 1 9 1 8 w h e llth e uture policy of — all - the the w world — ~ countriea l of h o r ia . can easily visualize what were at staJte, and . who the situation would have been in this country if they had failed, believe they have a different ---- A UtllCICUl guage to m easure the usefulness of some of the self-starting office seekers. In other words, they believe they have a per­ fect right to pick and choose candidates for the best interest of good government without too m uch advice from others. i x j ' x ¿ t u n - x t s r s tbe State8 to 4-H d u b work, and we .» our V eteran.’ H o . p l , . , . « 8hould view the progress made here with con- Portland Thia officer contacts every siderable satisfaction. 1 «-«•»» who ehtarg the hoapltal. Z • • • 4 to iso«, and they traversed the nervously disabled veterans In our ¡‘beautiful w aters.” others say V “wild sa^A sage,“ ’• fall­ f o i l. ( ol“mbi“ Rlvel- John Jacob Astor, a German born New veterans' hospitals and 5.643 more ing w aters” and “big ears" in Indian and Spanish Yorker, founded a fur trading post at Astoria In 18U and are being cared for In overcrowded I the Hudson s Bay Company also established posts nearby and undernourished city, county, and languages. You can take your choice but ‘fall­ Spain gave up all claims by a treaty signed February 22 state Institutions The American Lw I ing waters seems more appropriate to us at 181» EDgland relinquished her claims by . treaty signed 'flo n and Its Auxiliary are working! this time of the year. June 15. 1846, that set the present boundaries between °b legislation at this time to n ro v l.le ' Canada and the United States. The first Important core­ beds for these 5.543 service -yen. • • • ed wagon train, led by Dr. Marcus Whitman, traveled "W® have a Soldiers Home at Rose­ In the United States 365 million acres are un­ o v - the Oregon Trail In 1843. Congress organised the burg where Incurables are sen' These 14. 1848. Population. 1850 sick, discouraged men need our fn- der cultivation, which is -xbout one-third of the la- Into a territory. ,, t q August ., 13.2»4; nation’s potentiality in land exoerts te ll qhii n/n i 1»28, 7 ' (U. - . Ei,t“nated w«a*«h - «nc-’ixth In France at the expense of the gov- ( I. U , h . v . . tr u , „ 1 * S“ em inent as the result of the efforts ; of The American l-eglon assisted by cup urtng an a rg u m en t j fruit orchards; all crot . (1920 U. 8. Census). werePvalued the Auxiliary? « . . . s e e ¡at »131.584.000, Including wheat, alfalfa, wool and dairy Do you know (hat 'Rere are A M assachusett« man killed ilis wife because product": Ismber output. »140,537.650; flour »23 922 67« 12,589 World War Orphans in the 1 Oregon had 43 138 I nlted States—orphans whose fathers j Bhe would not give him ten cents for a shave packing and canning output. - »25.000.002. w — iia i Insane? Well, anyone who thinks he can buy man and women in service during the World War State were killed during the World War— 1 Motto adopted 1857. ■All, Vo.at Propr.ls— She file, and that the American Legion Auxili­ a shave for ten cents m ust be. with her own wings. ‘ Origin of name; Authorities differ ary la attempting to educate them? • on Its derivation. These among others, have been offered. We have ninety of theae orphans in their ---------- own experience. w . Most people learn by ----------- y e . r a ,c e . W auregan, and Algonkln term for "beautiful water"- In our own state. Thousands of other ^ is e men are those who learn by the experience *anum- a w,ld Mase «’«und on the ocean shore; aura children have been made orphans as a result of the war and the number of others. And a fool is one who keeps on mak- “ OP n ”1"" WOrd mean,ng g,!ntly fa,,lnk ing the same old mistakes l Bi , f ’ 2 [ 7 ° neR' “ Spanl8h word applied to Indians, la growing every day. ; B|g Ears. Nickname, Bearer. "The American Legion Auxiliary of thia department haa hundreds of needy children on Its list. There are the children of deceased, disabled and needy service men. They are provid­ ed with clotnlng, shoes, milk, medical aid and other necessities by our Child Welfare Committee We maintain a receiving and dishorning room at 216-216 Times Building, Portland, where clothing, shoes, jellies, Jam, etc., are received and distributed to needy families. It Is our aim never to make these children objects of charity. More than 1000 children and about PINYHY DINKY By Terry Gilkison You Can’t Beat the Personal Method Candy unequaled In wholettonteneBu «nd with the mo«t Pve^tO^ ta" 7 18 ? lway8 rwai,y tor you at Kggimann a. Every piece of candy made by ue haa our pereonai Inepec- i i ,,1_be“ e«‘ th«« ‘hat mad., by machinery in sw< at shops In the large cities. Bite Into one of our hand filled chocoiatee and then try L m Ct|? 7 imBd.* ,’r?!lu<’t an