THURHDAV. FBH 27. 1930 Classified Ads (BUYING OH SELLING1 1 /iH T 4th«ll rimmed; Olaaaaa In a leather case.— Phone O w ner No. 00. M Vo. 8 T H K sbrino field nkws GET RESULTS) T R A IN S C H E D U L E Sprlngfielg »top« NORTH PAGI MANY SPRINGFIELD MEN ATTEND CHURCH MEET ON MONDAY EVENING No. II at 3:64 A. M Stop to detrain ! peaeengsrs from K lam ath Falla and Tw elve Springfield members a f the Ibeyond. Methodist Men's Brotherhood attend- No. I a t 1:11 P. M. Oaughtar Born— M r. and M rs. M Bua connections at Eugene for trlct M en’s Brotherhood a t Cottage I traina la a rin « 1:30 P. M. and 7 P. M Grove on Monday night. Delegates from many of the Methodist churches , SOUTH In the southern part of Oregon were No. 7 at 13:47 P. M. No. 13 at 10:00 P. M. Flag stop for present and about 86 attended the peaaengera to K lam ath F alls and banquet T he principal speaker of the even- beyond. J Ing was Dr. C arl Oregg Doney. presi­ Bus connections at Eugene foi dent of the W illa m e tte university at trains leaving 11:46 A. M. via 81» j Salem. H e spoke on the topic "A De- klyou line. fin ite Purpose in L ife ." H e told of several of bis personal experiences TURKEY GROWERS TO as a pastor and used many other .. i T H R U N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N — IB O L A T E O T R A C T P U B L IC L A N D S A LE. Dspartam nt of the In terio r, U. B. Land Office at Rossburg, Oregon. January 27th, 1930. * Notice Is hereby given that, a« directed by the Commissioner of tha General Land Office, under p r o r t s ona of' Bac. 3466, R. g„ pursuant la the application of The Robert D o llar M abel' f>re«r,n- S erial No. 018140. we w ill o ffe r at publla »»le. to the highest bidder, but at I'e u lfc "’ tha" , 1 7 M per acre- at 19 M ^ rh * 1« « ® ' th* ,W b •« h; l *!? : B* x t' • * ,b l’ «•»* ‘ « c t of land: L o t. 7 and «, * i f f^regon. h’ ’ U D re ‘ P IA N O IN 8 T O R A O E — Looks and la W A N T E D — To Kent good modern Ilka new. W ill sacrifice for balance, 1 6-room house. Address Lea Inm an, 3166.00, Term s 33.00 weekly. W ill Springfield. FOR BALM OH TRADE—Springfield discount for caah. W rite Tallm an N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S lota. W ill cuualdsr Eugene or Me- Plano Store, 395 So. 13th »true,. Notice la hereby given th a t the un­ w’ " h * k*P« op*B. bat Kan ala R iver property In exchange Salem. Oregon M 0 w i l l be declared closed when thoaa dersigned has been duly appointed Ad­ P O. Boa 101. Springfield. present at the hour named hava FO R S A L K OR T R A D E —Cosy 4 room m in istrato r of the estate of Ed Logs bidding. The person m aking plastered house, Oth and M Sts. le t, deceased, and any and a ll persons There'« on« league that does Ita b,d Wl11 h * r« < iu li-e d ta Springfield. Coat 31,000 w ill sacra- having claims against the said estate heat work on wet «round«. Im m ediately pay the amount th e ro o t MEET ON MARCH 5th P °in «ed Illustrations. flee for 3650 rash or |6 0 down, 316 are hereby required to present said W hich on« la that? adversely tba Charles Poole spoke on "What W e «h « ? ya P* ' n i B per month for 48 month« W ill claims, duly verified as by law re­ to A one-day Institute for turkey grow­ Owe to Our Church" and representa­ ?iu ib r Cr?b* d ,an »nd order of sale State of Oregon for latne County, „ Address 622 Corbett Bldg., S t X d I c ‘ n ‘ h® Clrcu,‘ c ° n rt ot the T o m m y --H o w to whisper Ilhout »«th. 1930, upon and pursuant Cottage Grove. ) 28th. Portland, Oregon. 8ta te o f Oregon for Lane Count« to a decree duly given and made by moving the lips 11:00— Turkey Diseases, by Dr. W . T. January 30th. 1330. upon and p u rJ S S t Attorney for Adm inistrator. The M en’s Brotherhood fo r the _____ •» M court, Novem ber 28th 1328 In a Johnson, poultry pathologist, O. E 13 20 27 M 6-13 J“ '* «herein In ’ which the u i d J*ecF«« doiy given and made by Southern D istrict was formed at a N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S »»Id Court January 22nd 1830 In a A. C. Security Savings A Loan Association m eeting held In the Springfield M eth ­ •u lt pending therein in ' wh,c'h th2 N otice la hereby given that Estate of Ora B. Higgins, deceased. ,h * waa P la in tiff «nd Don- 11:45— Discussion. F1,Ielfty BaihMag A L m S odist church two months ago. The N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S McKinnon and om other. .6. ... *-----7 ” z «>»• £•«»«» ' ” ««»*7 ! l d w ” w «niiio«in Him era were d*. 12:00— Recess. C o n i*.. f i h? 8 ,a ,e ot O re«'” ' toT «he fendants, which execution and order Cottage Grove meeting was the sec­ A' * ocl»«1on. » corporation was plat». Notice Is hereby given that Asa J. o f i h 7 l . ° . t L ti" ’’ of sale was me directed In d com 1:16— Cost of Rearing Turkeys la Uff and E lm er M. Baker and Faw t Higgins has been by the County ond meeting of the group. i i , hL i a" d «eatament and es manded me to sell the real property Maartei . w" nWlfe; W ' C Brown ¿ 3 Confinement, by M r. Cosby. Court of the State of Oregon, In and la " T ,ry " n' '«e.easpd. a ll h ereinafter described to a a U s fy ^ -e r Those attending from Springfield M artha M Brown, h it w ife; and Cart for Lane County, appointed adm inis­ 1:46— Discussion by J. A. Schneider, k,B dBB.d C arI A k ln - bi» wHOk a I Were C b ,rle " Po°le . L. K Page. Sam IT. t h ,5 B<. clalm * ugalnst said «•*«« Hens and charges In said decree tra to r of the estate of O ra B. Higgins, Cottage Grove; H. ere defendants, which execution a n t estate are hereby notified to present j specified, 1 w ill on Saturday the 1st deceased. lard H e r m a n * Bartholomew, Dr. Em ery. order of sale was to Coburg; Mrs. t h . same properly verified, to the -Ur of M arch. 1830. a t the hour of A ll persons having claims against i me directed W illia m Maybe. H. L. G illette . Dr. W . and commanded execu trix a t the office of F rank A. ione o'clock p. m.. at the Harrisburg. __ . . to te ll the real the estate of said deceased are h e re -, n * ,!* » . >h .....................- p i n , b i m e so uth « southwest \ \ ‘ or2 V ,n r ,ba •« i.'m r of ,b * «'ounty Court house tn'! bv notified to present the same, d u ty , 3:16— M arketing Turkeys. H erbert H. Pollard. M r. Brown. Bert Mustoe, property hereinafter described to aab- l»fy certain liens and charges In s«tA Springfield. Oregon on or before six Eugene, I a n , County. Oregon, o ffer •«*«•»nd day of January, o f Lmne County, Oregon, her final Oregon, as platted and recorded In N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Lorna Johnson. Agnus M ay Lewis 1930. In or to the following described Green— W h at la i i sense of humor? real property, to-w it: account as adm in is tra trix of tha the office of the County C lerk ot Lane N O T IC E 19 H E R E B Y G IV E N : T hat c u Z J * ’ 1’ ' Hlnkson^ Oregon, and »"«ale of Dolphua Lewis, deceased County, Lota 7 and 8 In Block 2, all In Oyng Brown— A sense of humor Is that , ... .. . a t l e M Janettlng has been appoint- K n L ^ . n k’ on- B w H Frasleur. and that tha court has fixed 10 a. m Heights A d d i? t^ k. Plat, Lane County, Oregon. lll»m ette ed ad m in is tra trix of the estate of wha t make« you laugh at something Storm Frasleur. Eunice Frasleur c>?e«on 8 p r' n , , ' * ' d' l * - ) J ° bn W Beasley deceased, by the that happen, to somebody else w h lc i o f Friday. February 38. 1330. as the C m Dated this 30th day of January 1930. C t FraM eur. Loe Ffcye Ph111«n« tim e when at the rooms of the court. H. L. BOWN. Dated this 25th day of January. 1330 g o n " '* AH " ^ » ^ . ^ " ^ « ^ ^ < ' " ’’¿1«?^. W° U‘ d make you ,o rrjr “ “ happened D ^ i l n e I r a ! r P’ i JeM D a rl,n «- A darlin<, Defendants. gon, said account w ill be taken up at. ise ® °^ N . agalnat said estate are required t o 1 ,o you’ _____ P6-13-20-27- M6. To Hazen L. Johnson, and M rs for exam ination and allow anra. A ll S h e riff of lam e County, Oregon present them , w ith proper vouchers. - H a ie n D. Johnson, defendants: persona Interested therein may ap­ ------ J 30 F 8-13-20-37 w ithin six months from the 13th day n o tic e n r s u s s . . » . . . . N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ON In the name of the State of Oregon: pear at said tim e and he heard re ­ of February. 1830. to the . . i d admin e J ecut ^ n ON E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO S U R E N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S tatratrlx at the law office of L. L. I C X E C U T |OH IN F O R E C L O S U R E You and each of you are hereby r e garding said arcount Notice I . hereby given that by Y to .! K N E L L IE R E D D IN G . Notice Is hereby given that by rip. N otice la hereby given, that the i Ray. In the M iner Building. Eugene, _ _ A d m inistratrix. undersigned has been, by the County Oregon. A d m i n l. r r . , r ix 7 f - I ¡.7 .2 “ i 7 m S X “ «U C o S r t V t h e " e ' e ^ S ^ - * ”« > - b S ' oui 8 D. A llen, A tto rn ey for Estate Court of the State of Oregon for the la te of John W. Beasley. State of Oregon for Lane P 2?*h’ B. <>f tbe ,l,ne Prescribed ? U te of Oregon, for Lane County. _____________ J 30 F 6-13 30-37 County of Ixuie, duly appointed ad­ deceased. January 84t™ 'l9 3 0 u p o 7 and n u rs i’ or ^ „ ^ 7 ° f PBb" ca‘ ,on -«<►»«.• o n ] “ “? ? 3?th ’ l i 3 °- »nd Pu£ L. L. R A Y m in istrato r of the estate of Ethel H. pursu- __ i __ 'A oTsgff ia ! 1 «n? • t *_ o ' _ . ¡ » ¿ “r’ee‘ d . r iy . g?;ën*ànd p* H BiMi pursu* before F 13 2O27M6-13 m?de or from t t e the d r ptnlroMnw e ^ o V - ___ ’ * * * k * suant to a decree duly given and made N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S M endenhall, deceased, and all per­ A ttorney for Estate. to ‘ b * d* te of n ” ‘ P«bHcatlon of by said Court January 34th. 19.’ 0 in Notice Is hereby given that the un sons having claims against said es­ by said Souri January 22n d la v o i - ♦ __________ J w n h P?ndlB5 ’ bcrc,n «“ which Goo. derslgned has been appointed Admin tate are hereby notified to present N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S V ilh e lm and Cecil ilhelm were were -------— O. W W ilhelm Istrator of the estate of John W srlng. the same to the adm inistrator a t the Notice Is hereby given ’ hat the un plaintiffs and B. L. Hyland and M abel deceased, by the County Court of lame office of F rank A. DePue, attorney derslgned has been appointed adm in­ °1 yIand- ,and the Pacific State« County. Oregon A ll persons having for the estate at his office In Spring- istrator w ith the w l'l annexed of the Jun,,rty «- ai _ a m in is tra to r with the w ill annexed ot claims real property, to-w lt: section twenty-seven (27) In Town- to-»-It: ed to presen, them , w ith the proper " r: f ° n’ the estate of lla lv o r K lttelsen, d e A tto rn ey for the A dm inistrator T h e North 60 feet of Lots 1. 2 and ‘ ¡ L j , / n V i T w u0 “ 01’ Ran* p i L ?‘ S?; * ,n Block 2 ln F ,r «‘ Addit­ ceased. A ll,person s having claims Vouchers, to the undersigned, at hla F 13-20-27 M 6-13 3 in Block 70 In W ashburne’a Suh- M er idta « I i í h* W " Iamb‘ “ ’ ion to Fairm ount Heights, as same ap. agalnat said estate are hereby notified office at 22 8,h Avenue Enat, Eugene, division of the Springfield Investm ent t o a e t h e r - I k T i. r^ " e C o’l n ‘ ’r- °cegon. pears on maps and plats thereof now to present the same to the under­ Oregon, w ithin six months from the and Power Company’s Addition to men,« Jnd * ,,enem *‘n t’ - ’'«‘«’edlta- on file and of record in the office of SUM M ONS signed. w ith proper vouchers, at the date o f this Notice. ap’” ,r ’ ’‘n»nces thereunto the clerk and recorder In and fo r Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 13th In tha C irc u it Court of the State of Springfield, In Lane County, Oregon ' office of Donald Young. 860 W illa m ­ Dated this 24th day o f January. 1930 ?r ,,n • n’r’ r*’ * »PPertalnlng Lane County. Oregon. Oregon fo r the County of Lans ette S treet. Eugene, Oregon, w ith in day of February. 19 10. H. L. BOWN. „ dp* d be,B* for<,<’’" ” lwls Building, Portland. Oregon, of H alvor K lttelsen, deceased. E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E sold hv the S h e riff o f Lane Countv N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE ON To Richard F. F arm e r and" M vrtle E X E C U T IO N A N D FO R EC LO S U R E Attorney for the A d m inistrator Donald Young A tto rn ey for Estate. M. Farm er, husband and w ife; Iiewla Notice Is hereby given that by vto y - w c . b , ... J 30 F 6-1.3-20 27 F 13 20-27 M 6-13 T. D lttem ore and A lthea Dlttem ore, tue of an execution and order of sal« tue of an execution and order of sale proceeds of sale he applied In husband and w ife: on foreclosure issued out of the C ir­ Issued out of the C irc u it Court o f the In the name of the State of Oregon State of Oregon for Iotne County, payment of p la in tiffs ’ Judgment here­ cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon you are hereby required to appear January 24th, 1930, upon and pursuant in and the costs and expenses of sale- on the 4th day of February, 1930. pur­ and answ er thecom plalnt filed aglnat to a decree duly given and made by and th a , the overplus. If any, be paid suant to a Judgment rendered Febru- you In the above entitled snlt on or salt! court January 22nd, 1930, In a Into the Court for defendants as th elr 4th, 1930. whereby Clinton D. Chexem, interest may appear, and that the de­ 4th 130. whereby Clinton D. Chezeni, before four weeks from the date ol suit pending therein In which the the lira, publication of this summons, Pacific Savings * Loan Association, fendants and each and all of them and p laintiff, recovered Judgment against Ran. Phone 188 Plano Moving to-wlt, four weeks from February 13, a Washington corporation, was plain­ all persons claim ing by. through or Joel W. Jackson, Edmund W ills, and DR. W. N. DOW 1830. and !f you fa ll to ao appear and t iff and J. T. Evens and Lucile ’-'vans under them, w hether as purchaser, Luslna W ills , his w ife, defendants, for SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER D s n t i st answ er said com plaint, for wan, his w ife, and F rank J. Berger and mortgagee, assignee. Hen claim ant the sum of $3000.00 principal accrued WILLI» BERTBCH, Prop, F irs t National Bank Building thereof the p la in tiff w ill apply to the M ary E Berger, hla wife, were defend­ lessee or otherwise, he forever barred latereet in the sum of $153.00. $250.00 Phone 48 Springfield. Oregon •fflc a : RODENBOUGH OARAGE court for the re lie f demanded In its snd foreclosed from all rig ht, title attorney fees, and $15.00 accrued costs ants. which execution and order of 611 Main Street Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. com plaint, to-w lt: Interest, claim and equity of re d e m » of this suit w ith 6% Interest per sale waa ,o me directed and com­ F o r Judgment against you In the Long Distance Hauling a Specialty Evenings by Appointm ent annum and which execution, decree, manded me to sell the real property non ln and to said property, or m sum of Eleven Hundred Ninety-eight h ereinafter described to satisfy cer­ part thereof, except the statntorv and order o f sale commands me to sell and 37-100 (31198.37) Dollars, togeth­ right of redem ption: that p lain tiffs or all the Interest of said defendants ln tain Hana and charges In said decree er w ith Interest thereon from and specified. I w ill on Saturday, the 1st any party to thia suit mav become a the follow ing described land and prem­ a fte r the 1st day of February. 1930 purchaser a t said sale and that the ises to satisfy said sums due, a nd DR. N. W. EMERY until paid at the rate of 10 per cent, day of M arch, 1930, at the hour of one purchaser he let Into the Im m ediate to-wlt: o’clock, p. m., at the southwest door D E N T IS T per annum ; for the fu rth e r sunt of The west one-half of the 9 W (4 , Sec. possession o f said property, and that 37.60 costa o f abstract continuation: of the County Court house In Eugene. the power o f this Conrt he granted to 22 and the N H of the N W <4, Sec. 27. Sutton Bldg. Phone Í0-J I^ine County, Oregon, o ffer for sale for the fu rth e r sum of 3150.00 a tto r­ Place the purchaser In the Im m ediate Tp. 18, S. R. 4 W est of the W illa m e tte Real dance Phone 153-M ney’s fees, and fo r Its cost and dis and sell at public auction for cash, possession thereo f; and that in the M eridian and the S H of the N W 14, subject to redemption as provided hy hursements herein; and that Its m ort­ pvent ssld property does not sell for Sec. 27. Tp. 18 S. R. 4 W est of the Springfield, Oregon gage covering Ix>, T hree (3 ), Block law, all of the rig ht, title and Interest an amount sufficient to satisfy said W illa m e tte M eridian, containing In all of the defendants In said suit and of Six (6 ). Shelton’s Addition to Eugene. Judgment o f p lain tiffs and costs and 240 acres, more or less, In Lane Coun­ 228 Main SL Residence 126 C St. In the County of Lane, State of O re­ all parties claim ing by, through or expenses of sale, that p lain tiffs h a re ty. Oregon. under them or any of them since the <3 J gon, he foreclosed, and for such other <2 M Now, the’-efore, ln the name or the ants K e llie M. Johnson snd Jay J. Ueneral Law IVactlce and fu rth e r re lie f as shall seem equit­ 22nd day o f January. 1930, In or to the Johnson as the A dm inistrator o f the State of Oregon and In compliance follow ing described real property, able. estate of M aurice D. Johnson, deceas­ w ith said execution and order of sale, I. M. PETERSON T his summons Is served upon you to-w lt: ed. snd that exeentton Issue th erefo r 1 w ill on the 8th day of M arch. 1939, Full Auto Equipment Attorney-at-Law hy publication for four successive Beginning at a point 419.7 feet west and for such othpr and fu rth e r re­ a t the hour o f one o’clock In the I .ad y Assistant ' weeks In the Springfield News, hy of a point 776.7 feet South of the In­ lie f ns to the Conrt may aeem Juat afternoon of said day at the south­ C ity H a ll Building order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- tersection of the south line of 23rd and equitable. west front door o f the Cor.nty Court w orth, Judge of the above entitled Street, and the west line of U n lye r house In E u g e -e . Oregon, offer for eale Springfield, Ora. Thia snmmona Is published hv nrde, Court, made and entered on the 11,h slty Avenue, In Eugene. Lane County, and sell for cash at public auction sub- day of February, 1930. and running thence north 150 feet, of the Hon. O. F. Sklpw orth. Judge of Ipct to redemption as provided by law , FRANK A. DE PUE the C trcn lt Court. Lane Connty. Ore­ thence east SO feet, thence south 150 JE S S E O. W A R R IN G T O N , all of the rig h t, title , and Interest at A T TO R N E Y A T LAW and A. B. W H E K L O C K , feet and thence west 30 feet to the gon. made the 24th dav of January said defendants, Joel W. Jackson, BB- 1930. place of beginning. In Eugene, Lane mund W ills , and Luslna W ills, hiff Attorneys for Plaintiff. N O T A R Y P U B L IC Dated and firs t published J a n u n r- wife, and a ll perrons claim ing bff, «22 Corbett Building, County, Oregon. JEWELER 30, 1980. Portland, Oregon. through or under them, o r e ith e r of Dated this 27th day of January, 1930. Sutton Springfield BROOKE * BRTSON. Repairing a Specialty Date of first publication February 13, them In and to said premises. H . L. B O W N , Building Attorneys for plaintiffs, 880 WTTlnm Oregon 1980 H. L. BOWN. Springfield, Oregon Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon ette F treg t, Eugene. Oregon. Sheriff of Lane Connty, Orogua, Date of last publication M'arch 18, 1930 J 30 F 6-13 80-27 F 6 -1 8 2 » # M » J W T MHO !7 ¡B U S IN E S S D IR E C T 0 R Y | Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . R o o f it the ough- iy we e you