PAOB TW O T U B S P lU N O F lM .r) NKWS W ORLEY CAY FUNERAL Purchase* lr«cd«r — Ira Bldwell ' • « • « • • • • • • • • • • a beef cal tie. HELD HERE ON TUESDAY ha# purchased one of th» «lectn, ♦ TH U R STO N ♦ THURSDAY, FEU 27, 1930 , week. Mr. Woodward burned his baud LOWELL M A N S HAND IS very severely and way unable to go to Conduct lour In March Io study work the reel of the week INJURED IN ACCIDENT George Travla. a high school stud chicken brooding equipment and enl at Thurston, had a tumor re­ problems, hold four culling demon I- L. Kpangenherg. of Uiwell, an moved from hla arm at the Pacific stratlona In August, and hold four COBURG DAIRYM EN SIGN employee of the Julius Hull sawmill, Chrlatlan hospital b et Monday. general poultry meetings In fall. CONTROL AREA PETITIO N caught hla hand In one of the cogs of W* N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F S SA LE IN Georg,. Haya, from Bovllle. Idaho, Conduct a on« day turkey Institute the log haul on Tueaday and smashed Surviving him are his parents, two E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO S U R E arrived Saturday for an extended Heventy-seven dairymen In the Co­ hla w rist, line of the bones In llm brothers. Silas Gay, Silverton James Notice Is hereby given that bv vlr w,,h *»*• brother-inlaw. A W on March 5, conduct demonstrations to compare artificial brooding of tur burg district, owning 400 dairy cattle tip of his finger was alau broken lie o a y . Eugeec; one sister, Mrs. 8. »f an execution and order of sale Weaver. keys with the hen method, conduct have signed a petition asking lhal was rushed to Springfield where he •picer. Springfield; and two son Court of d the Harvev Calvert » '*»“*»» j out . of s the t Circuit f Ä Ä s h . . . X T - demonstrations on control of summer ihe slate sanitary livestock board was given Im m ediate medical alien _ ------ .mil,' X 8'UIIIT. vbruary 25th. 1930. upon and pursu ~ ------ Hwuac noir colds of turkeys, hold turkey tour In form a cattle Infectious abortion con­ lion. II Is not expelled lhal he will ant to a decree duly given and made aft*r »Pending about a month at the early fall, conduct two turkey killing trol area, Thu final signatures wen» Jose the hand. The funeral was held Tuesday . af- ------------------- . . by said Court February 24th, IPSO, it, Northwest hospital. Hla eve was In demonstrations, and continue work to placed on the petition on Saturday ternoon at I 00 o'clock from the » • » « Pending therein in which the lured when h l. rifle J . . „ Walker P ool. chapel here Interment * *æ‘« S Saving, A Ixmn Umn Association A sm c I.H ou Í“T * . u . " / " ’ X“'ode*‘ h” lessen thefta of all kinds of poultry. and the petition forwarded Io the Savings A Walker Poole chapel here. Interment At Sin Fransia«»- G. E. Kennett livestock board at Portland. a Washington corporation was plain had to hare his right eyeball did not ret o Hi to Springfield laet Rodent Control. wag made at the Laurel Grove ceme­ tiff and Thomas G. Moutaw and others moved. C. II Swango. I*. L, Barber, A. L. week end aa was exported. but de­ tery. Carry on campaign against ground were defendants, which execution and Perry Price left for Seattle laal order of sale was to me directe,! and squirrels, conduct four jtopher control Ttrrell. Isom Cox and William Gar- cided Io go Io San Francisco Instead Friday, where he has employment. Sarah, did 1 see you kissing som, commanded me to sell the real pro demonstrations on an area hasla. work boden constitute the committee In Io purchase new stocka of men han- Miss Mildred Price, who Is teach perty hereinafter described to satisfy for greater Interest In gopher con­ charge of the district control plans. dlae. He will return this weekend. lug at The Dalles, spent the week­ milkman or the postman?" trol, ami assist farmers on rat con­ cree specified. I will on Saturdav the end at her home here. trol problems. “K t —excuse me. mam. was it about 29th day of March, 19.10. at the hour Mrs Curtis Price and Infant son half past seven or was It after eight* of <>n* ° ' ,ock P m »• the southwest returned to their home at Notl on ______ *.______ door of the County Court-house In When in Rome did you do as the Eugene, latne County, Oregon, offer Sunday after visiting several days • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • I ♦ UPPER W IL L A M E T T E ♦ Roman a do for sale and sell at public auction foi at John Price's. cash, subject to redemption as pro­ "No, my wife was with me." Miss Banble from Klamaih Falls vided by law. all of the right, title and There were three games of basket interest of the defendants in said spent the week end at Miss Ileers 77 EAST BROADWAY ball at the Pleasant IHII gymnasium suit ami of all parlies claiming by. ma's. EUGENE T H E MARKETS through or under them or any of them last Friday night nnd a good crowd Portland since the 24th day of February. 1930. was out lo watch them. The Pleasanl Wheat—Big Bend blueatem, 11.20; in or to the following desecrlbed real COUNTY FARM PROGRAM lllll girls lost by a score of 23 to 16 •oft whita and western white, 11.09; property, to-wlt: PLANS ARE O U TLIN ED Io the Mohawk girls The Mohawk Beginning at a point 40 feet west bard winter, northern spring and west­ of the southwest corner of Lot One boys were defeated hy the Pleasant ern red, ,1 0 ? . AT COUNCIL M EETIN G (11 In Block Two (3) In Cherry Grove Hill team by a score of 3« to 16. The Hay — Alfalfa. ,21023.50 per ton; Addition to Eugene, t-ane County, ▼»Hey timothy, ,20 50 0 , 1 ; eastern Oregon, and running thence West 80 Lane county agricultural programs Pleasant Hill club team were victors Oregon timothy. ,23 0 21.50; clover, feet, thence North 40 feet, thence for 1930 In farm crops, dairying, hor­ over the Wendllng learn by a score ,20; oat hay, ,19; oats and retch. East 80 feet and thence South 40 feet ticulture. poultry, general livestock of 50 to 47. to the place of beginning, all in Eu ,19.50020. Mrs T F. Kabler substituted for and rodent control were prepared by gene. I-ane County. Oregon. Butterfat— 2$ 033c. Ihtted this 27th day of February. 193b. project comm ittees of the Lane coun­ her husband In his school. Eggs—Ranch. 2« ©29c. ty agricultural council at a special H. L. BOWN. Nancy Barnum, who h ss been very Cattle—Steers, good, »1101150. Sheriff of Lane Countv. Oregon meeting held In Eugene last week. III the past month, la Improving • F 27 M 6 13-20-27 Hogs—Good to choice. ,10.011 25. Copies have been mailed to all farm Ernest Schrenck. Junior, who has Lambs—Good Io choice. ,9 75010 50 organisations with the request that been very sick with pneumonia. Is N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE IN Seattle they cooperate along the lines sug- much Improved. C H ILD R EN S FOOTWEAR E X E C U T IO N IN FO R E C L O S U R E Mrs. Schrencka Wheat —- Soft white and western gested and that at least one meeting mother. Mrs. Baker. Is staying with white. ,1.09; hard winter and north­ 'n , br T,r‘ month »e devoted to some agri- to her during the little boy's Illness. . . . .. . . ern spring, ,1.08; western red, ,1.0?; tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the cu,,ur» 1 Program. Brief summaries ol Big Bend bluestem. ,1.19. Mrs. Emma Peterson Is working In BOYS SCHOOL SHOES State of Oregon for Lane County ,he Programs are given below: Eugene Egg»—Ranch. ’ «©29c. February 25th. 1930. upon and pursu F lr_ CroM Butterfat—3Sc. ant to a decree duly given and made , ,, ® 7 Alvin Olson has been quite sick the «»>• production of better past week with a severe cold. CatUe—Choice steers. »10.35011.25 by said Court February 24th. 1930. In a suit pending therein in which the ▼ •*><>• of high quality cereals by Hog»—Prime light, ,12.15012.25. MEN'S WORK SHOES The ladles of Pleasant Hill will Pacific Savings A Loan Association, standardising on Victory and gray Lambs—Choice, »11011.50. meet at the home of Mrs. Carrothers riffV., ^ ln/ , °r. ,1<',0rPOr* 'l,?n- 7“ pl,ln »'"«or oats; Jenkln. white winter, Spokane February 26 lo study rug making tiff and C. O. Long and others were defendants, which execution and order *' Red Hus,OB' an(’ Zimmermann Cattle—Steers, good. »1O.2501L Miss Margaret Schults, teacher In of sale was to me directed and com- wheaU and Hannchen and O. A. C. Hogs—Good to choice, ,11.50. W OM EN'S FOOTWEAR the Pleasant Hill high school, took manded me to sell the real property -j No. 7 barley. Lambs—Medium to good, ,10 25© charge of her classes Monday, after hereinafter described to satisfy cer Continue work on alfalfa hy pool 10 65. a week s absence. Mrs Kabler sub­ tain lien , and charges In said decree order, for RWe(J hoM|n(t specified. I will on Saturday, the 29th ' oraer" for "«cd. holding field stituted for her during her absence. N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE IN I , day of March. 1930. at the hour of One m eetings and tours to discuss alfalfa Carroll Lord, daughter of Mr. and irx g » lr . rx m a t t h „ a zees a 1» —a ________ -S _ .. _ z r ir r w i n e t I o n — heI ew. — _____________ a S i a E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO S U R E __ _ __ j . rt*f» o'clock p. m at the southwest door of production », . problems, and — starting ad- Notice Is hereby given that by vlr >he County Court house in Eugene, dltlonal demonoslrallons on growing Mrs Floyd laird, la on the sick list. While working with the holler al tue of an execution and order of sale *-“ “«• County. Oregon. offer for sale . tasued out of the Circuit Court of the an,t at public auction for cash. . , " l“n'1 Jed Wheeler's mill Monday of Iasi State of Oregon for Lane County subject to redemp'lon as provided by I Ass's* •» reestablishing red clover February 25th. 1930. upon and pursu ,aw- all of the right, title and Interest j seed Industry hjwlntroducton of hardy ant to a decree duly given and made ,n sald ,ult a” *1 ot al1 parties claiming clover seed, by said Court February 24th. 1930. in h^- through or under them or any of i t pending uivmo therein m in wnicn which the ,h''m "««vv *fnce in»* the 24th nay day oi of r February. - • s u ---- eoruary. Follow up weed control demonstra Aaciric SilViflBs Á i/ia n Association. i « az\„ie 1930 in in or nr to to the thí» following fn lln w ln r described frwazf Pacific Savings A - Loan 1*30. tlons started In 1929 and start addl • Washington corporation was plain- real property, to-wlt: tiff and John O. McGinn and others Beginning at a point in the East tional demonstrations on control of were defendants, which execution and '*n‘‘ °t Grand street. If produced, weeds with chemicals. order of sale was to me directed and 8 2 .9 8 S I . 9 8 to 8 4 .9 8 S I . 4 8 to S 4 .9 8 Why Pay More Than We Ask? March" m o ’ " 1? ' a ’ s’ “* rtay ° f Brv' , 9 ’ ° ' nr to th* A llo w in g des- ' " " “ J“ “ Promotion March, 1930, at the hour of One er|bed real property, to-wlt: associations, encourage larger herds,, o f 't h . c L 2 w \S° Uth.Wel t door Beginning at a point In the South render assistance on financing prob la n e Countv O re r.n '^ n H n .E ll* ene' ,,n * of Second Arenue West, 53 feet lems, and emphasize Importance of subject to redemption as provided by point sus UfW'han/ f th; rl, ' hi ’ tnl.# an” ,n‘ere"’ mlontes East all parties claiming by, through or under them or any of them since the 24th day of February, 1930, In or to the followllng described real property to-wlt: Lot Four (4) and the North BIx and two-thirds 16 2-3) feet of Lot Five (5) In Block Two (2) In John Christian's Addition to Eugene, In Lane County, Oregon. Dated this 27th day of February, 1930. H L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon F 27 M 6 13 20-27 couth 8« dei-m .. 1« Pal