No. 8 T ry the Hum e P rin t Shop F ira t T W E N T Y -815V E N T I I Y E A R . THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FISSI TALKIE SHOW 13740350 ‘‘The Psopls's Papar** LIVE NEW SPAPER IN A L IV F TOWN SP R IN G F IE L D , LANK C O U N T Y . O R E G O N ‘Apologies’ Upset Hall Visits City; Creamery Opening Basketball Status Politics Simmer Date to Be Soon Inman Flying Seryice Will Manage Airport Springfield Boys Swamp Cot­ Marshfield Man in Springfield Rsfrigwrstion Rooms Nearing Says Things Look Good; Completion; Some Equip­ tage Grove With Large Experts Work Day and Night to Norhlad to Beat. WRIGHT PLACES SECOND ment Hers; Mors Coming Margin Here Friday. Assura Successful Opening; Lion Aircraft Factory to bw IN TEN MILE SKI RACE | Curtain and Screen Painted; Charles Hall, of Marshfield, caudle- A definite date for the opening ot Moved to Springfield and . . .. . I >*•"« week Hprlngfield high schools AT OBSIDIAN O U TIN G 1 Other Improvements Made at b team . . . one place above dale for governor, waa a visitor In the new creamery In Hprlngfield will Buildings Will be Erected; Bell Theatre. the bottom In the comparative stand­ Hprlngfield last week-end to further probably he net within the next ten Eckerson Permit is Revoked Harry Wright, of Hprlngfield. and ing of teams In the clasa A high his candidacy. ‘Tilings are going good' days or two weeks, according to C. by Council. Ed Thurston, of Eugene, the two In­ Sunday evenln« will mark the re­ school league Hhe had won three aaya Mr. Hall, who believes he will ( Griffin and Emory Pyle, operators trepid sportsmen who a week ago last I _ opening or th» Bell Theatre aa games and lost five, tin Friday even carry Portland even against Harry of the local plant Sunday made the first crossing of „ , mana,[®,nent ot ,h« Spring- Corbett. He says the eaat side, where j Crews of Mprlngfteld'a (Iral and only fully Ing ahe met and defeated Cottage alrpor‘ « " ‘ “ ™ed over to th« moat of (he people live, are no. for ' r, . p . |rln, and h u bU" y the McKenzie p u s this year, came Grove's high school team, and then, M r r o rh e ., ________ __ ________ .... rpP *,r '»» and altering the building Into prominence again last Sunday at 1 equipped all talking theatre. Homo Inman n y '" S 8rho0* and th* Corvallis announced Mr. Corbett. However, he only given for several w eek. The w all, have all the Obsidian outing when they battled Pontract 01 th* Eckerson Flying ser> delay waa encountered In the ahlp- unexpectedly. himself . margin of 500 or «00 vote., been p u^.r^d ' that they had been playing a men on 1th a coat of fine their way through a mountain storm “ reTok« 1 a‘ • meeting of th« mi ni of the sound reproduction equip­ their team who waa 21 year« old. 1 which la not a big lead In a center cement In the Inside new windows to win first and second places In the city council Tuesday evening. Action where one third of the voting popula­ ment from the factory In the eaat. Without realising that they were via have been put In the front of the ten mile cross country ski race, which of the council waa taken on recom­ but a crew of Inatallatlon expert« latlng the rule« of the league. Need- j tion of the state reside. building. It has been celled, and a waa the major «port event of the day. mendation of the Joint airport com­ Observers of the political situation have been working night and day for lea« to say. they very humbly apolo­ very modern system of electric light- mittee which had notllfed Major O. ■ he past few days to make aure that gised to the team« they had played believe that M r Hall and Mr. Corbet. ,n< h„ been Thuraton covered the course In one H. Eckerson two weeks previous that everything la In readiness for the with and to the state association both have Governor Norblad to beat, ! r , t r Mcond’ tn un,e” he aa It looks now that he has the edge' _ F,na Plant presentation of a talking picture Io [ About the same time comes In forma win flrat place. W right followed him terms It would be terminated II la evident that the supporters of , ° f th“ flne8' refrigeration an audience In Springfield for the lion from th j University high school across the finish line Just « minutes To Build Airplanes Mr Hall arc Joined Io try to Interpret 1 p', n ” ,o * * found ln anX creamery flrat time. that they too had been playing In the relations of Mr. Norblad. as attor- ' tb* * lM ° f thl" OD* ba8 been ,n»ta>l- later. Under the direction of Mr. Inman, Workmen Installing the equipment eligible men and wanted to apologise Fifty automobiles were taken eight who is also head of the Lion Air- ney. with the commercial fishing In- ' Th*' lni" al,a,lon Includes the a ta t. that th . th.-atrs ha. vary ax- j Now 8prltl « • products of the mountain.. front of the theatre. They have bean Corvallis tomorrow night and It re­ (heir support . Urge Uctory building for the co>. pIant H w ll> b* k«Pt a t a termepa- - S •[ padded with fell on the back aid. «traction ot airplanes. He will also mains to be seen Just what added The local political .pot tight so far I ,‘ " re of 3< de«ree8 One of the smal and their appearance ha. not been ' , trBny. r tnatall a complete machine shop for has been turned on the three places * F rooln8 wUI hou,e the lc»‘<'ream MAN’S RIBS BROKEN changed, to but t m o It L has - ^ h been e « " . nacesaaray .^ ’ 7 7 . 7 ' ha” bU‘ ,,U,# d'f f '’ for «Preaentatlve, the "le^sUt’ure” ' a f,M 11 haa W n " » “ u f .c f r e d T h l. repairing planes, which will be th« WHEN TRAMWAY FAILS only like service between Portland 7 ,.7 7 ‘7 7 7 7 L , ? Í 7 . d^ aB"« the local t « m here Emmet, Howard, the only Incum-• T “ kept “ a t - p e r a t u r e W ITH LOAD OF LUMBER and Medford. Illation, which la now controlled by on their own floor thl« winter. But. bent, who expresses a desire to re- of 15 degrees below xero at all times. a forced air method. Have 28 Students eaya Principal Buell, the Springfield turn. Is In the race and certain ele­ The third room will be the Ice room, C. B Warner and W illiam Taylor Projection Room Quieted high high school school had had two playera on It ments In Eugena are preparing to where Ice for parking and other uses The new management, which ha« both narrowly escaped serious Injury been operating on a private field west The projection room haa been re- whose eligibility was doubtful, and "take his plats of, the table.“ It Is will be kept. The temperature will Satnrday when the tramway at the of Eugene, haa been the most success- bulk and padded with sound prooi who were not permitted to play and be Juet below freexlng point said. C. A. KcCornack, Eugena bank­ Warner lumber mill near Fall Creek materials to prevent any nolsas from thus Jeopardise the result tq any er, Is • candidate who Is regarded to ful of any which has attempted to put Work Take« Time collapsed with a truck load ot lum- distorting the reproduction of the games played. over flying as a buainees in this sec­ The tedious work which la neces- hare strength. Karl H ill. Cushman I ---- ---------- ,, ber carrying the two men with i t sound. The machlnea have all been tion. They have not only bnilt four Several ot W arner’s riba Speculate on Outcome merchant, haa announced himself, »« j eary to make perfect refrigeration were planes and have two more under con­ gone over very caFefully and many also bas Charles Emery, Eugene In-1 wl,hoot * F * ’ l waste Is responsible broken and he rerived othe Of course nothing can be done less struction, but have 28 students at th« of tho worn parts have been replaced agent. John Evans, Eugene for ,he aPP»r»n, slowness with which serious Inturles h .a — i ■ ----------------------- about the games played with the two surance realtor, and Elbert Bede. Cottage , «»• work at the creamery Is progress- J ^ . s o ^ h e rX e b r u L e V ^ A new allvar screen has been pur­ apologising schools, hut It la Inter- chased and this together with the One muat know something ot the fall. A local Dhvslclan treat h t eqn P“ ““ 1 and «tudenU ar« j eating to speculate a little as to Just Orove editor, are also flirting with ,B’ careful repairing nt the machine as­ j the building ot these rooms to fully both of the men short] rt th * l° tb* Spr,n