TWENTY-BBVKNTH YKAlt_____________________________ HPIUNGKIHIJ). LANE COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY, FEB. 20. 1930__________________ _______________No. 7 I Spring is around the corner Learning Hit Ancient Tribal Craft JC.PENNEYCO 942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon. .Soon you will be driving for pleasure again and w hen you do rem em ber Violet Ray G asoline g o e s farther and perform s nicer than Just ordinary gas. Attractively Priced T his station is equipped to take care o f your every need when It com es to service. G arage and e x ­ pert m echanic in ch arge insures you prompt service at a m inim um cost. Let Us Do Your Repair Work Your cur will need overhauling for spring mid su m ­ mer driving. B etter do It now Instead of having your uuto tied up In good weather. We can m ake the old car run like new and you will be proud to drive It even with the new o n es on the road W e’re here to serve you. Our work I h guaranteed und given peraonul Inspection by a man whom you know. W m . R od en b ougb G arage PHONE »6 ' House Frocks Htel Crown G asoline Tires -r t - . „ ■ i, , ... ....... . ......... Goodrich ...... ...... ............ "(«■owing Good'' u the name of the e ig h lv e s r-o M iiwlian twy who it being »»ught ho» to u h the bow and arrow by Chief Eagle C alf of the G lacier N ational Park reaervttion W hen he learned (he pnnctplei G ro w ­ ing i,n « 4 » til get a real haw with real arrow» This is a splendid opportunity to buy several new bouse frocks . . . attractive patterns . . . aaaay«yfcs . . . as usual, outstanding vahsss at 79c ‘A’ St. Garage A N D S E R V IC E S P R IN G F IE L D S T A T IO N OREG O N i V a t>(5 LAUtHlM’ HYVHA T W KKS TOOtCU WWHH>- ----- 1 «AH, f-------- a, w a h t «r» TO o h o u w a t a h « I «AWVtM», THAT ,V TW ©OH* V *“ l HA% «AIM «UH TQ PV r Tou'ltV (ret. Appnrn ro«=3»nai No. 217(H) 3 H O W W t ' K * tW a m T t i The World dolor Prt<7Ce.,~^t KWH- »Attui « WT »VSH * 4»*»tt W WTO «AT TOVKY THAT h » ' u *» d - s y ih b A w o t a h < h s «« js «iuta * u m ott-t, g •----- - SO A V I y- ir% -fA H -K A -A -A ( H ITXO H C tt,-rH "-----lMA.TOW.tT- X X-4 I H O I“« Y O v 'R t H O T M O A T ’ ►»«. MATO«, « atViMVD ALL TMf «HOW o v r TOVA HAAA'» TOW H A T , «•« I --- — I■WWW *OT TO ® WIT H»H TOOAY OA H A t t - H A «» o C «OT SVAW HVHHY Tt-AAT TAIL- «HtH > tw KtHbAfA* WHAT » «At© ASOOT A«««ST(HA _ t HtH© K A'i A WAT T'MW TOOHA t I X t « '« « « o h m EE