THURSDAY. FKB. 20. 193» 3PRING WEATHER CAUSES over this territory. He's at K1 Verano at the pretty girl. hotel. Wake him out of bed. get him Any man that's wise enough to RUSH FOR GARDEN SEED to Issue an Injunction against Clary, pick you for a wife. Mrs Stevens. 1» The balmy weather of Hunday and against tthe sheriff, against the town bound to get an even break In any- officials, against everybody, ordering thing, because he's no fool. And he it Monday caused a rush here Monday them to refrain from deestroylng get a fair broak in this court. You for garden Implements and seed en­ these bridges We've saved the may go home and get eouie sleep and velopes. Marlon Adams, of Grays others, you'll notice. They're afraid I will attend to the rest of the feed store, reports that about tbs only | thing he sold on Monday was seeds we mean business and will start matter. She could trust him. and so she Other merchants reported a good shooting. Come back here. Hound up a few people to make It look better went home, wild though tbe was to business la seed on tnal day. in fact, I've lnvltad you to ooma over They might buck an injunction, you return to Seminole Creek and learn Faunc« dived into hl« cabin; he re- and a »plash from the etream. Many local people could not resist here and arrest me. But you rs such bow Tim—end Fergus; Fergus wae turned carrying a double-barreled “Only nineteen now." said Steven» the temptation to plant a few early a shy little crook—” hla volca sud­ know." an afterthought—were getting on. shotgun. And now Lucy noted a bulge “Who's next for the bsth' He whistled gustily. seeds. Rome commented that they denly broke In rage: “Maddox, you're TO BE CO NTINUED to her husband's hip pocket; a de- i There were four men upon the “Slip Into the skiff; you'll have to did not want to be caught in the pre­ yellow! Your parents ran away from lightful anticipatory shudder ran up bridge, but as he moved closer, they dicament In which they found them the Confederate army and cams down wade or swim for It; see It down GIRLS' VALENTINE PARTY selves last year when ws had a few and down her spine. Thia promised shrank back. to the Florida swamps and spawned there, against the bank? Row bark excitement. Well, she had always 1 “Walt a minute." cried a third HUGE SUCCESS FRIDAY days of nice dry sunshine weather like the vermin they ware. You d to Mango Key. hop Into your car. and thrived on it I voice. I’m the sheriff of this county. and then It rained and kept tba lynch a nigger when you are a hun make your get-away Of course they Over his shoulder, dog-trotting to- and I came here to see that law and dred to one. but one bandit laughs may be laying for you on the way. A beautifully decorated gymnasium ground wet until late Io the eprlng. ward the waterway. Stevens called order is observed. Those people ex- was tbe setting for the Valentine Those who planted early had earty at a thousand Ilka you. You shoot but show them the old shotgun. back to his two followers: pected trouble and called upon me for in the back and never face to face. costume party sponsored by the crops, and those who did not had to "We'll hope you make It.” "They've probably blocked the roads aid. These men are all my dep'tles You want to arrest me. Well, here "Why couldn't I go. leaving you Girls' League at the high school last plant la tbe mud. leading down to the development, and and I order you to cease resisting two to handle them if they decide to Friday afternoon between the hours I am ” wed never get through the guard their lawful occupation and consider try again. If they summon up courage of 1:18 and 8:00 The party was a EA S TE R N STAR H EA R S I. He paused and turned to Lucy. strictly girls affair »nd was planned enough." suggested Lucy. PROGRAM BY C H IL D R E N No one could put It more beauti­ Fergus, old kid. we'll beat them to "Sorry; promised you a real fight. with the assistance of Mrs William Stevens frowned. fully.” laughed Stevens, ' Getting a i but ,t (akM two t0 make it." Baker, (he girls advisor. the punch.“ “They won't rush us, hut they might An Impromptu program by the “You'll regret this, Stevens,” said try a surprise—block the way for a Gladys Porter with Velds Barth­ What, thought Lucy, had inspired, nice fat. bribe, sheriff?" children wae u feature of the Tues­ "By God! don’t you hint at me do­ or caused, or aroused this apparent Clary. car. and when you stop. Jump you, olomew, and Bernice Cline with Ie>la “Not half as much as you're regret­ I don't like the idea of my wife in the Maxwell as their boy friends, were day evening meeting of the Enetern Intimacy between Tim and Fergus’ ing anything crooked!” cried the Star this week. The children at­ ting It right now," retorted Stevens. hands of that gang," awarded the priies for having the Was It money, the surest bond of all? sheriff. tended a supper and taler were called "Was I hinting? Didn’t mean to. ' But you are not going to pull down best costumes Did Fergus accept Tim because he upon for an Impromptu program Mias “Mr. Clary wouldn't let them actu­ bo^ed to’ be made wealthy’ But that Let me state It again I accuse you this bridge tonight, o.a man. Nor Refreshments consisted of brick of being bribed. You’re a naaty fat any other night. You may buy a ally harm me." said Lucy. "He's a Ice cream with a red heart shaped Ann Oorrte. teacher at the Brsttaln did not seem like Fergus school, was In charge of the affair wicked old devil, but. after all. I'm a center and cookies with the initials The next meeting of the group will Tim ceased rowing. Ahead could crook, and If you don’t take your men sheriff or a marshal, hut a Judge Is friend of his wife— ” be heard the confuaed murmur ot to hell oft my property I’ll kill a few something again, old top. And say. be held February 2«. at the home of "She's right. Tim. said Fergus. 1 O, L. on the top of them in icing. of you. Do you get me? I'm getting ttred of all this. The land Pictures of the costume winners Mrs. Lev! hjeet. “ ^ « . y ’lTZo the first bridge." whla- The humor had died from his voice: you are on Is my property. Just as ought to stay here with you." "How in blaxes is she going to find were taken during the afternoon. it was menacing, ugly, fraught with this bridge is. Get off i t ” pered Tim. her way back to Mango Key?" ob­ deadly Intent. "Don't overplay your hand. Ste­ A U B R E Y -H A C K N U P T IA L S "Then we’re too late," Lucy said. jected Stevens. “Look here. Stevens. This Is Clem vens." advised Clary. She heard an inarticulate ejacula­ Clary speaking.” The copper magnate T can row a boat, and when I reach P E R FO R M E D LA ST N IG H T “No? Much obliged for the advise. tion from her husband. Then: stood upon the bank, close to where But when 1 gamble I bet all I have. the mouth of the creek 1 simply turn "Thought you wanted to see a fair the man hurled Into the stream had Miss Juanita Hack, of Springfield, Now I'm betting that there Is not a north, to the left, and when tbe right, Lucy. Well, be patient." He clambered ashore. beer me the bride of Lloyd Curtis man in your gang that has the real waterway narrows I'm opposite Mango leaned toward Faunce. yet in the calm A ub rey, o f Pleasant Hill, last night "Well, speak." sand of a rat. Fergus, let's clean Key. The moon's gone, but the stars Bight she heard the words "The law's with us. Stevens." sala them out. Shoot the first man that give enough light. Of course I can do at 8 00 o'clock at the home of Mr. “If I can keep one bridge standing. Clary. “Better give In, or we ll rush It. If you'll get the boat for me. I hate and Mrs Hen F. Skinner of this city hesitates,” I'm all right. 9o we’ll throw them The service was read by R»v. Vcltle you.” Lucy had read of men dominating a to be all muddy. Off this first one. All aet? All right." KeposM-urd. Slight­ "She's right. Tim." said Faunce Pruitt, pastor of the First Chrlatlan Steven's answer was not In words ' mob. frightening them, but this was Ke dug his oars ta the water, and church of Springfield ly Used and Shop­ again. but In action. He leaped forward; 0O mo5 that Stevens and Fergus over- the skiff shot around a bend; It was worn Ranges. They The ceremony was witnessed only Stevens shrugged, then yielded. He hls big fist thudded on the Jaw of one awed. These were obviously hired beneath a bridge before the men on must all go. Several of the men on the bridge. The man bullies and among them was an offl- fetched the boat, placing the oars in by the immediate relatives of ths It realised what was In their midst. Washers and Iron- couple. A wedding dinner wae served went down, rolled over, and fell into e«r of the law. Yet as Tim and Fer Lucy's hands, and shoved her off. Stevens stood up; his big hands, era must also bo "I think I owe you a lot of thanks,' following the marriage. tae water. The skirmish ended there, gus advanced upon them the superior gripped a bridge Umber and he had j cleaned out. The other three fled. Stevens pur- numbers retreated. Even old Clary, he whispered. You certainly saved climbed, like a huge cat. upon the Returns from Portland—Mrs. Clif­ sued to the end of the bridge. who stood ground until the last, sud- my bacon " bridge itself. She heard his great “You owe me nothing.” she replied. ford Wilson returned to her home “With Faunce at his elbow, he ad- denly turned and ran. What had booming voice: here this week after spending some M T. S T A T E S POW ER CO. creased Clary. promised great excitement, even trag- “I owe whatever I did to yon.” • Welcome, friends» Didn't expect time with her parents at their home "How do you figure that? T am armed; so Is Dr. Faunce. If edy. degenerated Into farce. Into bur- you or you'd have bad a better recep­ "Because I believed you were en­ in Portland. one man puts his foot on this bridge lesque. tion. But. surprised as we are. w ell we'll shoot to kill. Get it?” | And yet It had not been Tim's fault gaged in a swindle. It seems that you do the best we can. Do yon prefer You're under arrest-” bawled the The way he had tossed a man Into the were not. One should make payment to be pushed off this bridge or thrown sheriff water, knocked another off the bridge for unjust thoughts. I've tried to pay.'' off? We aim to please." Stevens laughed. —And Fergus had shown gallantry. I. This time, then. I'm not a thief?” The skiff had drifted under the “All right; come and take me.” These were two magnificent men. no he said bridge, and now Faunce was standing about SU N D A Y mt , "Thle time you're not." she said up. gripping the timbers above. She I The sheriff moved toward the matter what might be said Much obliged." he said dryly. one of them. As fighting animals H— ' bridge, but stopped ten leet away. would not be left alone; rising, she At the New Buss Cafe His body bent and the skiff went “Go on. Maddox!” cried Clary. | "This midnight stuff is my Justlfl- stepped the length of the boat, and whirling out Into the middle of the cstlon.” Stevens was saying. "But placed her fingers upon the planking "Don't let him bluff you out of It.” "Tile only way to find out If a man when they come back. In daylight, narrow stream; she bent to the oars. of the bridge. She was standing by c c c is bluffing Is to call him. My chips with a proper warrant for my arrest. Come in and get acquainted and try her husband Just as a voice cried; Judge Learning descended to the are osi the table. Who calls?" I shan't have the excuse that I did our Dinner ’’Knock him over; he's all alone." Lobby of El Verando and heard • Oh. I wouldn’t say that,” com-1 "Resisting arrest, breach of the not believe Maddox was tbe sheriff. Lucy's Impassioned statement of the Fergus, we mush have an Injunction Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Collins merited Faunce. His shotgun was peace—” Stevens cut short the sheriffs cries, by morning. Now. Judge Learning Is case. The Judge, no cracker, but a slung 8 cross one arm. “I haven’t resisted arrest, Maddox. , In Palm Beach. He has Jurisdiction southern gentleman, smiled sleepily From the shore of the stream an Electric Range Bargains Special Chicken Dinner 306 Main Street other voice called; “Three of thorn. Wei., there are twenty of us—” Tiger-like. Stevens moved. There was a stifled cry. a choking protest, something whirl» d through the air. —S Ì GRAY’S Better Values The People’s Store SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY CAN GOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Selectivity PLUS ! AT THIS TIME OF YEAR YOUR WINTER SUPPLY OF CAN GOODS USUALLY SHOW SIGNS OF BECOMING EXHAUSTED. RESTOCK NOW AND S A V E T H E IHEI'ERENi E Broken Sliced Pineapple, 2y2 size............. Peaches In syrup, halves or sliced, 2y, size Boiled Vegetable Dinner, 2y2 size .........— Beans, green, c t string,ess, 2 s iz e ............ Tomatoes, 2>/2 s iz e ........................................ Peas, sifted, 2 size ......................._............... Corn, white, 2 size ................ ..................... ONE CAN EACH FOR .00 TOTAL 8 CANS ATER KENT Coiu, yellow, 2 size ...................................... Lend your voice and support to the Cantata Libby Crush Pineapple, 15c size, 3 cans for .......................................29c 9 lb. sack white or yellow Corn Meal, 33c Grape Fruit, broken slices, 2 size, 2 cans f o r .........................................35c Crab Meat, No. y2 size t,n fl............... 38c Sunbrite and Litehouse Cleanser, Each ..................................................... 5c Tuna Fish, white m eat, % size tins, 3 cans ..................... 35c t/2 size tins, 3 cans ...................... 52c Armour’s very best Apricots, 2 size 3 cans for ......... 2 lb. Box Candy .................................... 23c 63c 1 can Cocomalt and S h a k e r ..................35c Fruits for Salad, All Gold brand. Extra fancy, No. 1 s iz e ................. 27c 33C No. 2 size ______ NOW PLAYING— FOX REX ZANE GREY’S “LONE STAR RANGER’’ All Talking Thrllle Van Camp’s Chill Con Carne, 16c Bize, 3 cans .......... ................. 36c 43 oz. Box Washing P o w d e r............... 14c Shrimp, Royal Club fancy, 3 cans for 49c Jam or Jelly, No. 5 tins ..................... 67c No. 10 tins .................................. Cream Cheese, per 1 lb........................ 26c Asparagus Tips, 20c size, 3 cans for 55c R^D^O D 1153.00 ISTANCE without Interference? Surely I You can tune out the locals with this new «uper-eet— tha Screen-Grid 60. That’s selectivity plual For tone and power and sim­ plicity it ’s a wonder, too. Use it with an indoor antenna, if you like. A demonstration here will show you all the other remarkable qual­ ities that have made this the finest of all Atwater Kent sets. Let us demon- strate today I COMPLETE Convenient Tem u Renso, large size .................................... 18c Kraut, All Gold Fancy, 2’/2 size, 3 cans for ........................................ 89c Pumpkin, All Gold Fancy, 2y2 size, Spinach, All Gold fancy, 2y> size, 3 cans f o r .........................................89c 3 cans for ............. *....................... 49c Make plana now to attend our big Food Show on Saturday, March 1. A good time and savings assured. WRIGHT & SONS