TJIimaPAV. FEB 20. 1930 PAOB PIVE kick Man Recovering— Frlands ot Fred W allace w ill ba pleaaed to learn that he I . recovering from hla recant severe Illness a t h l. home Ip Jaapar. TOWN AND VICINITY r r .m L i.b u r , M r. (J. B B og o-j V lr t t. I r i n J . w r _ Bou C a r n i . « . . . » < ^ W .r ria tta r In S p rIn g fl.M • . . n i n i vlaltor In Rprlncfleld. M «. V id . M an waa Vi . H a ro F prrbaalng O p a r « lor» M r « Dolly Hood. W «M . nt I of M a rro la . t w i n ,w a n t a major oporn' .u p p llr . In tloi, at th , Eugene hospital I» .! w refc A H p ritig flo ld on M u nd ay. T r.n a a o ta •u rln e e e — M r. and M r« August Schunk, of M arnola, ware bu.lnaaa visitors In Springfield on Friday. N «w Student Enrolls— Ellen Irv in enrolled a t the high school on M on­ day. She I . a Junior and baa attend­ ed achool In Eugene laat year. H a r homo la In W a lterv llle . SPRINGFIELD RESIDENT PASSES HERE TUESDAY , Valentine party held on Friday even­ ing. T he room , were decorated with h e a rt, and streamers. Bridge furnish­ ed the amusement for the evening Those present were Dr. and M r. W c . Rebhan, M r. and Mrs C. F. Barber, M r. and Mrs. Allan Kafoury. Dy. and Mra W. N. Dow. M r. and Mra. Elton LaSalle, M r. and M r. I^ ra o n W right. M r and Mra. W a lter Funeral services are being held In Eugene thia afternoon at 2 00 o'clock from tba Veoich chapel for Mro. B. H Prather, of »37 E atreet. Spring field, who panned aw ay Tuesday evening Mrs. P rath er waa born In T itu s ­ ville. Pennsylvania, on Septem ber 32. Onsaler, Dr. and M r . C. H. Rhette 1K6S. She moved w ith h er fam ily to place, and the boat and hoetee* South Dakota <4 y e a r, ago and » re d ' Undergoes O peration- Oman M ulll- C .m p C roak N »sld »n t C all»—J T can undnrwnnt a m ajor operation at Hoaamaa. of Camp Crook, »pant Mon- tha Eugono hoapltal laat waak there for ten years. In February of day tranaartln g hualnaa* hare. 1380 «he was m arried to B » Prather. At Hoapltal— L . G. Perla, of M arrola Vlalta Friends— Mrs F ran k Kinsley T hey moved from South Dakota to Feed -Dell Benaon, of of F all Crook, « a . ra ilin g on frlarn l. waa adm itted to the Pacific Chrlatlan Canby, where they resided until th ,y ! W a llo rv llle . parrbaaed toad for hla In thia a lly on Friday hoapltal In Eugene on Saturday to re ­ came to Springfield. .to o k w h ile In th a c ity on Monday. ceive m edical attention. Surviving her la her husband, one Agent Vlalta Lakaald«— M r / and B Prath er, o f Springfield, E n terta ln e - M l» , ftuth Pollard an »on. K Jaapar Man H ara - K <’ . T u lla r. Mr«. Carl Olaoa motored to Ijtk a a ld e of ¿ ..p a r , .pant Monday In Spring on Munday for a day'a outing trr ta ln r d ■ num ber of her frie n d , at two daughter«. M ra. C. J Robinson, field a Valentine party at her home here of Eugene, and Mr». George Dozier, ' C ontinue. I l l - -M r . J A. Claarw atar. on Saturday afternoon. of Springfield. Bhopa H a n . M o n d a y — M r . A I , who haa bran III for wima tlm a, I . Mr». P ra th e r waa a m em ber o f the Bern— M r. and M r .. Carl Henaen. Methodist church. T h e funeral ser­ Vaughn, of W a lta rrllla . « a . a Mon »till conflnad to har home of Route 1, are tha perente of a baby day rla lto r In th l. city. vice» are to be conducted by Dr. Boy Spand Bunday In P o rtland —Dr. W boy, born at the Chrlatlan Pacific Sm ith, of Eugene. M o n ro . R .ald an t H a r» M r . W W N Dow and W F W alkar motored to h o .p lta l In Eugene laat week. Squire«. of M onma. v l.ltr d relatives Cortland on bu.lnaaa Sunday. V isit at Toledo— M r and M r.. A. j Visits From M arcóla— Glenn N iel­ In Springfield Monday Contractor at Bai.nt-- G o n rg e Cor1 L. Wad>- and M rs Georgia W’ade son. of M arcóla, «pont Saturday vlalt- M aroola Women Haro— M r . R a rl k in . spent Sunday at Salem on bust motored to Toledo Friday afternoon ng w ith hla friends in thia city. and Mr», le o Paulus, both of M arrola. n e ... and spent the w eekend there with ware visitors In Springfield Monday. th e F. B W ade fam ily. MOFFITT HOME SCENE 1 Vlalt at Craaw all- M r and Mr« W. OF VALENTINE PARTY Leaburg Mae Hara F rid a y — E. E. F Ix»uk and fam ily motored to Crea- V lalta Fam ily— M r. George W illia m s ______ ,4 Ooff. of le a b u rg . waa a Friday visitor well Sunday to vlalt friends spent the w eekend w ith hla fam ily T he bome of M r and M ra. Laurence In tha city. at Rainbow. They are operating a M o ffitt waa tha acenc of a beautlful Motor to Portland- -Mr. and Mr». M r. W illia m s Maroola R .aldan t Hara— Mr« A K Paul Rrattaln. Jr., motored to Port large fox farm there Is teaching In Portland, Peterson, of Mnracnla. waa a Wed land to spend Sunday, nraeday vlalto r In the city. Spends W eek -en d In P o rtla n d — M ia s From Rainbow — Mra. Perry W II- 1. . .. .. . . From Pleasant H ill I. C Aubrev. llama, o f Rainbow, waa visiting h e r. end In Portland visiting w ith re la ­ of pleasant I l l l l , spent Wednesday In In the city on Saturday. tives and friends. She returned on S p rtn g flrld on business. W a lte rv llle Man Hara— R. P. H a rt- Sunday evening. W a lts rv llla Woman H a r r — Mra R. wig. of W a lta rrllla . .p e n t F riday cal Assistant Caahlsr III— Mra. Finie T. Koaer. o f W a lterv llla . spent Mon ling on bis friends In thia city, Pollard, assistant ra s h ler at the Com- day In Springfield on bualnoaa Vlalta from Maroola — Mra. Rllev m rrc ltl State hank, haa been unable Repossessed, S lig h t­ H a . M in o r O p e ra tio n - Mrs W M r Garrison, of M arrola, waa a F riday to Perform her dutlea at the bank for ly Used and Shop­ Pberaon underwent a minor operation visitor In the city. t h r P *( t week. due to Illness, worn Range«. They a t the office o f a local physician on m«st a ll go- Several - Tuesday. Recovers from Pneumonia— C. O. Ankle DlaloOated— Lairson W rig h t W asben and irwn- Foster, of F all Creek, haa recovered « dislocated ankle on Wed- c n most aim» be R e ira e e d from Hoapltal— M r« W from a aevere rase of pneumonia. neadav of laat week white moving cleaned o u t U Rouse haa been released from the ; fu rn itu re In the store during the re- -- ’ - t r ■ Eugene hospital and la convalescing 1 Leab u rg Man Here DuMont M eyer modeling of the Interior. of law burg. called on hla frie n d . In at her bome here. 1 this c ity on M onday, Attends Dental M eet— Dr N. W. MT. STATES POWER CO. Hae M in er Operation — Donald E m ery attended the meeting of the Hughes, bob of M r. and Mr«. W illia m I Purchases Supollee—Charles N e rt, Southern W illa m e tte Dental Aasoria- O Hughes, underwent a minor opera- Creek, purchased supplies tlon. which waa held at the Osborn tlon at a local physician's office on 10 Springfield on Monday. hotel In Eugene on Saturday night. Electric Range Bargains H ,,U n ,* T' ‘ 'CIVIC CLUB TO MEET WITH MRS. WHEATON T h e W o m en '. Civic club w ill m eet Tuesday, February 26. a t the home of M a r . C- E Wheaton, president, a t 7:20 o’clock. A phort program la be­ ing arranged by M r». Archie Davis, following which w ill be a «octal hour. H ans for the com ilng year w ill he dlRcuaaed by the women at the meeting 27th Rexall B ir th d a y S a v in g s We're celebrating our twenty-seventh birthday anni­ versary with a great bargain party. Hundreds of aids to health, hygiene, comfort, beauty and convenience. Puretest Cod Liver Oil, pint .... .......................... 79c Quality Tooth Brushes.... ............................... _...19c M&xixe Cherries, pound box _____________....49c Antiseptte, full pint .................... ................. .. 79c Puretest Mineral Oil, full pint ..................... 69c Harmony Bay Rum, full pint ........................... 49c Peptona Tonic, full p in t_________ ____ ___ 7 9 c Symbol Hot Water Bottle, 2 quart size ___ $139 Narcisse Talcum ........ ....... ............................ .......19c Rexall Shaving Lotion ________________ 39c Klenzo Dental C rem e___ ______________ ____39c Puretest Rubbing Alcohol, full pint ...... ........ 49c Electrex Curling Iron ____ ___ ___ ________ 98c Cara Nome Perfume. Charming miniature bottle given away with every box of Cara Nome Face Powder; choice of four shades, both for ______________________________ $? no Lord Baltimore Pound Paper .................______ 49c Lord Baltimore Envelopes .......................,v....49c Liggett’s Chocolate Bar, half pound .......... ... 25c FLANERY'S DRUG STORE SPRINGFIELD OREGON •" ,rom W a lts rv llla — Mra. Ed. u « a ... . ... — Student« Spend Sunday H ere— Mr. P o rtla n d R e .ld e n t H a r . M r . Jen- ot W a lte rv llle . waa a Monday MrB B c . M tll„ r a, udenla at » ... . nie F ry ('arm on, of Portland, arrived shopper In Springfield. Oregon S ta le ( ollege. »pent the In Springfield on Monday to be a Leaburg Resident Here — Mra. w eeken d here visiting at the home guest at the Bert Doane home Mrs. M arion Ellston, of Leaburg. called on Or. and Mr». W . C. Rebhan, the Carm en la a cousin of Mra. Doane. her friend» In Springfield Monday. parent» of M m . M iller. ' . B orn— M r and M ra W a lte r Rust Transacts Butlneea— M r. U. V. are the p are n t, of a baby .on born B, or<1| ,)f WmltOrville. transact- to them at the P a rlftr Chrlatlan hoa bu, )n„ , , h„ ct|y „ „ Monday pita) In Eugene late Tuesday even- I Ing. Fall Creek Resident H«re— W . H . l.JBrimnr. of F a ll Creek, transacted V la lt H ara M o n d a y - M r and Mr» bu»lne»» In thia city on Friday. Kenneth Doane and Mr«. Colburn. all o f Portland, »pent part of Monday People H a re - M r and Mr» here vlalt ing wLLh M r. and Mra. Bert H a rry Scot, and fam ily, of Salem. Doane. T he gueata stopped here on apaat Sunday here a . gueat. at the home of M r and Mr». W H Adrlah. th e ir way to Coburg. • W a lte rv llla W oman In — M rs W al- Bakery Gets New T ru c k — The New te r Eaton, of W a lte rv llla . spent last J*“ 1' 1 ry hl1* (“•rrhaaed a naw g a (Urr>on* lrt- I*uplno I^ n e , Rot,> a n r EuFpne Pellette. L illia n store, la expected to return from Ash- land this week-end M r. K enn ett haa • • • W ith an a ll star ca»t. W a rn e r Bros.’ screen adaptation o f the fam been conducting a sale there. oua stage succeea. "T he T im e, the A t T rian g le Lake— M r. and Mr» Place and the G irl," opena an en- G. H . T u rn e r visited T ria n g le l>ake gagement a t the Fox McDonald on and points west of there w hile on a Sunday. How ard Brotherton directed m otor trip laat Bunday. The report Robert Lord's screen play version ol that the roadr. In western Oregon are the famous comedy of college life and In fine shape now football victories. = The Grocery Store o/’Quality an d Economy operations at once I Wash and damp-dry at one time — Du it with absolute safety to yourself in an easier, gentler way with the new no-wringer. The best foods only at rock bottom prices Is our motto. Prompt, good service and deli­ very at all times free. Learn the convenience of shopping by telephone. Juat phone Main 9 and your order will be delivered. You will have no­ thing to worry about for it will be filled exactly as* you directed, and the packages are checked and rechecked to avoid the pos­ sibility of error. Special ' Today W HltE'BERMUDA ONION SETS T h » D a a p -D r y w which rapbeas tha wringer ha thia w o a d e rM M W no-wriager B A S Y whirls the water out af a tubful o( clothes in leas than 1 minute»— does it while the washing section washing another tubful. A nd now nt onr naw 1 prieaa the no-wringer R A S Y coats less than bafora. L e t aa show you why it is safer, gentler than any wringer fo r frao Io w rit priesa Choies oft or Agitator Typo B A S Y JV A S H B R Phone W. A. TAYLOR Trade in your old washer FREE Let us do .next w eek’« washing fo r you. EASY TERM S Phene 9-WHIIE FRÖNT BROCERY 9 M outaiB States Power Company