fagb kc tra THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Senator Edward F. Bailey, candidate for go-¡MANY LAWS TO m a l t tiX T ia w h ilT e C o S . 0 ^ L ^ lS X PUZZLE ° F BALL0TS meeting that a fund he provided f„r such a survey, THE WILLAMETTE PRESS According to the letter there 1» , The first steps In a definite pro­ woman In the Middle Western states H. E. MAXEY. Editor. • • • Indication« thia early in the year gram of systematic heaulirication of who has made several of these »up. The new “baby automobile« promised for next summer ,h *‘. *h* T'’"’r* ° f ' h*‘ ,U ,a *** Entered aa aecond class matter. February »4. i»03. at the the highways of the stale of Oregon veys for the states In both the East will only he five feet from the ground with the top up i f * ,"* ' ** Y* ' *’r . poatofflee, Springfield. Oregon. will be wmked out at a meeltng of re and Middle West Hhe can be ob­ t I. reported. Not low enough. What th l. country need. ? °" " *” *",mb*’r »"•’ preaentallvea of all Uardeu Clubs tained for s period of six weeks thia MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE »« a car that can run under a ten ton truck th it is hoaelne r*,,r r '‘d Uwa' *° m""T- h"L 'hat One year In Advance.---- „» it s Three Month. th . road ' B!“ " ho« ln< It will make It Impoaalbl,. for the and other Interested organisations spring to motor over all the high, ..76c which has been called by Mrs. K. T waye of the atate and present her Six M o n th « .. —............... — »1 00 Single Copy „ • • • voter to read hl« ballot before mark ...6c Valliant, president of the Oregon Plans, which she would formulate | o Uncle SI Ttnklepaugh savs Ruth MrPnrmUk ’* ,h,> fal1 el*<‘‘,on •« Novenv THURSDAY, FEBRUARY SO. ISÏ6 Federation of Garden Clubs The the slate organ I sat ton «he Senate If she want. “ V a H h" X T b u . T * h* ,U* * h“ h ' h* exact date of the meeting has not YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GUESS ABOUT WOOD to him there'» enough ok! women there now' **"’* wbat “• '* been decided upon, but will be an­ PUTMAN HOME SCENE OF voting for will he to do a lot of read­ A .ie * ?**a r s a g o t ,le r e * ’»8 a craze to build ing. both pro and con. before he goes nounced later. The meeting la to be CARD PARTY SATURDAY held In Portland stucco houses and buildings. Now we do not Into the voting booth. hear so much about them. They are not a suc­ A letter from Mrs Jessie Honey There are already nine meaaures Mr and Mrs |„ K Putman enter- man. of Eugene, who addressed the cess. we can testify to that from personal ex- , which »re augured a place on the tin I ta llie d a number of their friends at Lions club recently on the state l>eau Bubstinu» ? ° p,e ar.e takin* a chance with most lot. and there are four others for • 600 card party held at their home tirtcatlon program, statca that the fo f Ï L £ WOOd A ChanCe none of ,,S nee nln,> "<’» «»»urml n April," she writes ing the chief industry, and providing sixty cents tion pictures, no airplanes, no radio, no sub- pUc* '>n ,h'* ball<” » con- TOOK SODA FOR STOM­ "’>•“••1 Acts on named hy *h,‘ w J i h J « *maJ h country is fast becoming the any of them, society would have locked him up l* r ” in a madhouse for its own protection Two .° nor’ •ub> ct *° confirmation by roadside businesses Is desired by the i BOTH upper and lower bowel, re­ o ^ in n D1,^St tX3pulous section of eastern hundred years ago they hanged m™n sn 3 womZn I d” * « “ ’ "‘- p— State committee before any actual moving poisons you never knew were ettZ8v i il e i « £ h d Ued to the there Oon't fool with medicine which work la done. This should be the ■ are who were merely suspected of doing thlnKS d measure »re agriculture. leans only PART of ths bowels hyt e t t e valley with a good road. The logical fiisrh first step In their work, they feel, and labor. Industry, financial admlnlitra- way is over the Willamette Pass. L eU ^noM et * hich are m atters of everyday experience now let Adlerlka give stomach and bowel« this road drift along but make some p ro U e ^ A hundred years before that the Church was ex­ tlon. commerce, education, public •re going to ask at the Portland a HEAL cleaning and see how good you feel- Flsnery s IHtlg Hlore — every year until it is completed “ P gT®SS co m m u n icatin g and sometimes executing men works and domain, health and public 111*4 Z* F» n www Bw. -a welfare, »tat« police and military af­ , for daring to suggest that such things , w erî fairs. and legal. possible. Another amendment proposes to «hoJw Suppose for example, th at someone had re- husiness and S d ^ « i f i e| S|>ak,8h In<»utoit,on or t<» the witch give the bonus loan privilege to v»ter \ " w Y ork h X " ? H m a n 8 it t,n g in * c h a ,r ln ana of the Philippine Inaurrectlon. the fi^T u l he 8pace of forty-«ve minutes, Chinese Boxer rebellion and the "BUILD OREGON” first talked with a man in London, then sent a World War Veterans, after they have is Eggim ann’s Candy—made from the purest In­ by7! » (bZvm |OP^ t'Ve effort to “nuUd Oregon" message through air to a point near the resided In thia atate ten years. « , S Ä £ » " b t e X e i'.d P° " ' r booth Pole, from the The other seven measure« are con­ gredients by methods derived from years of experi­ which the message was re- f’l riiZ ilk an° m ei maun * h° Wa8 a t th at moment cerned with the motor vehicle license ence. s ï / ’- v i r w u i «’ » or"1- ™ : ; : flying like a bird a hundred miles away and a tax (two), raising salaries of mem Candy and confections is our business. Naturally Z k^hL l’ re'1!1,!!, U ? ’ in? h® alr; that the “ “ in the bera of the legislature to »60« for the New York ~ ‘hat message and the man in two year term, together with mileage, we are well prepared to serve you with the very New York had received the reply, all in three the establishment of two additional quarters of an hour. tnree- circuit Judge» ln Multnomah county, best. When you want candy come to a candy shop. Sorcery! t -> . . W itchcraft! Sorcery! Black Magic' Tho a tax on net incomes of persons and and the filling ontestic struggles seemingly never erow nW piou8 authorities of our earlier day would have fiduciaries, n,*U ~ of vacan- Springfield, la n e County. Oregon, by p S H c t s ” * * 1 at le'““ tO the booater8 Oregon *BRUÇ ‘“Sto hi."h.n'b'rs °' Sweetest of Sweets ïme~ * a o X 'f p e h|aVC had eni ever Bince ate the handlwork of the Devil h /su c h a nfani- ' h' “nd a«e fcndTor ! ? P‘x Who know n« th e r plaintiff or de featati»n 88 «»at which happened on J a n u a S S iZ Z i h 1 ?ded the trial at the Lane couutv C,H?tain R ,ky ('a,,ed “ P London on behalf f ° “ r mea ,, ur ’‘’ for wh , ch p «'*- « house last week, some taking their In m b . q I ° / hls iriend Admiral Byrd to inquire what au tk>n" *re now ln c,rcula,,on include so that they would not lose their seZi« « sistance the B« « sh whaling fleet ^ 7 ^ » . * me**ur’ fo r‘bp ab« '",f>n »' «»«• among them, too, were people who denlore ‘ wnie > ^reaklng a way through the ice floes to let t i / 1 publlc commission, the pro- dal in the newspapers. After all. what do newZZ Antarctic explorer’s relief ship through then hlb,,lon of ,he m»'>"f««’ture and sale o r r i iZ h ^ f ™ reaJ,y Want’ aH th* horrible details ' passed th® lnforniatlon on to the Admiral Yet the °* ,n Oregon, a proposed} he brief statem ent that a divorce is granted ’ I 5 ° f th 8 occurrence passed almost unnoticed ,** eoBa,l,“' ,OB»’ «me-dment. • • • ’ We have got out of thp h«hk and a ,fe h»«urance and fraternal o u X “ « nations fought wars before there w e r7 ia rX tTnd ach,evenient8 of the ..•» « ... to to ny across the Atlantic ocean is kind of falling off lately. * • • s S i r a hum an ndnd B . » ---------- L . ward any that have yet been unim .7e d . X y trade in your old car USED CAR. 8her WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS Jasper Woman Here— Mrs. Morris Hill» of Jasper, was a Saturday visitor io the city. Call» on Friand» — Mr». A E. Meyer», of Waltervllle, visited with her friend» In this city on Saturday. c J ? ” * ................. ,t “' k ° ' « c o n d ltlo ^ l MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 924 Olive St.. Eugene. Oregon Telephone 627 “ U? , " X The foundation o f Our Country Things are moving out at “Rest-Haven” Electric >. Range Bargains The Repossessed, Slight­ ly Used and Shop­ worn Ranges. They must all go. Several Waphers and Iron ers must also * be . /• cleaned out. MT. STATES POWER CO. MONTH OF FEBRUARY bids fair t o h banner month In the developmen of Rest“ Haven Memorial r a rk. Under ik - I ur of the fine weather, work Is goinZ f *U' ward on a num ber of R e o ^ n ? K f° r' of men is drilling a well ‘ pulling stum ps . • . and still a n.ir ?thp,Z 8 the capable direction of Mr. Q e i J ’ U o e 5 recently appointed hortlct,|f„riRt L m’ m ¿’„ 7 X S " ‘I the ' ° r *6 ' p la n l» 11"" tf- i i S improvementR ronleninl»t<.,t » ” .u veRtment baRto, will tltirln«- » ig n ’ have profited by the ’re-Z akA if^h t ’’t ’1?’1. In s- with a two-tohl r “ r„ .„‘ht vestment. '«turn on their ln- Don’t you think you ought to inform yourself about Rest-H aven? Rest-H aven MEMORIAL PARK Í.IÁ J36-7-A Miner Building_______ ■ _ •velli VIS Vt I» . Hprln Cas Hn,,r day ti F»r Wallt amok Jaat Of Ja field Rho Vsugt day vt Moe R'tulri ln Bpi Mar • nd M war» L»al Ooff. c In the Man Pelerà nrsrda Free of plei Spring Walt T. Koi day In Ha» Pharao St th» Tuwda L R«1ei R oti Eugeni •t ber Ha» Hughel O Hug tlon at Malurdi Born are th, to then pliai li tng. ON A u .M Fro Tltrh, Porti ni» Eri In Npr gtieel n Carmor vrny n o t ... w- ' “ ' — p e r fo r m in K ueyona W h ,r, th» Servie» I» I)Iff.rant" - t h e 'r --—«V-,, R G G IM A N N ’S vj 88 ad<”'d ,o ,he ll8‘ b,'f,’r* «»»• •’lection new miracles so fast that hat Bus,ne88 k “ en,s 88 i* ‘ here must soon be an end to h i U H pr°SrP8s Science says "No" to that Man ’ b ^ V 3 n S it W