PAG BTHR0* T H B SnU N O FH ELD NBWS T H U R S D A Y . FEB 20. 1930 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIO N— T R A IN B C H E O U LB Springfield Stop» NORTH Classified Ads No 1« at 3:54 A. M Stop to detrain 1 passenger« from Klamath Falla and i beyond. No. 8 at 8:11 P. M. Hua connection! at Eugene for tralna leaving 1:30 P. M and 7 P. M Electric Range Bargains ISOLATED TRACT PUBLIC LAND SALK. Oepartsm nt of tha Interio r, U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Ora go«» January 27th, 1930. Notice Is hereby given that. M directed by the Commissioner of tha General Land Office, under prov9« stone of Bee. 2465, R. S.. pursuant ta the application of The Robert Dollar Company, of Mabel, Oregon, Serial SOUTH No. 018140, we will offer at pub 11« Repossessed. Slight­ sale, to the highest bidder, but at No. 7 at 12:47 P. M. ly Used and Shop­ no, le u than 117.60 per acre, at IB No. 16 at 10:08 P, M Flag atop far o'clock a. m.. on the 20th day ot worn Ranges. They T” passengers to Klamath Falla and March. 1930, next, at this office, th« m ast all go. Several I'It SALE OK T R A D E—Rprlngflrld PIANO IN STORAGE—Looki and la I FOR »ALK at a bargain—Gasoline beyond. following tract of land: Lota 7 and fi, Washers and Iron- lam p and lan tern .—748 North Sec­ Ioli. W ill consider Eugen« or Me- like new. W ill larrlflce for balance. Sec. 6, T. 16 South. Range 1 West, ond street, Springfield, Ore. tf I Bus connections at Eugene foi K in d i River property In «xrhangv S is* oo. Tenn» (2 00 weekly. W ill W M., Oregon. I*. O. Hoi l» l, Springfield. dlicount for caah. W rite T allin an The u le will not be kept open, but NOTICE TO CREOITORS trains leaving 11:46 A. M. via 81» I’liuio Store, 396 So. 12th Street, will be declared closed when tbosA Notlce In hereby given that the un- j klyou line. Salem, O r e g o n . M « deralgned has been duly appointed Ad- 'o il SALE Dodg« Delivery Truck, present at the hour named hav« .. .. _____________ M T . S T A T E S PO W ER CO. ceased bidding. The person making pood condition. 543 K 8t., Spring mlnlstrator of the estate of Ed Logs N O T IC E OF SH E R IF F ’S SALE ON F o il SALK OR T R A D E—Cosy 4 room Arid the highest bid will be required to plastered house, 9th and M Rta. f t deceased, and any and all persona EXECU TIO N IN FORECLOSURE Immediately pey the amount thereof. avlng Halma against the said estate Springfield Coat 41.000 will sacra- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Any person claiming adversely tbs are hereby requlrod to present said M E N W IL L Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ M c T H O D IS T flee for 4460 caah or 460 down. 416 Nolle« 1« hereby given that the above-described land are advised to per month for 48 month« W ill claims, duly verified as by law re­ tue of an execution and order of sale A T T E N D D IS T R IC T M E E T file their claims, or objections, on or mderilgnad hu» been by the County conalder good encloaed car at whole quired. at my office, 22 8th Avenue Issued ont of the Circuit Court of the ourt of the Slate of Oregon for the before the time designated for sals, or part payment Inquire K A. 011- East. In Eugene, lame County, Oregon, State of Oregon for Lane County, Several members of the Men's 'ounty of lan e appointed eieeutrts H A M IL L A. CANADAT. hertaon. 1197 Olive SI., Kugene, or within »lx months from the dute ot January 24th, 1930. upon and pursu If the laat wll and tmtament and «a- jihuUe 286 evening« or 343 days. F27 this notice. Register. ant to a decree duly “givén'ìmd ‘ made Broth,‘rhoo<1 ot the Springfield Meth . ate of Charlea Tryon, deceased. all Dated and first published February 13 by said Sourt January 22nd. L930, In odist ebureb are planning to attend J 30 F 4-13-20-27 ►arsons having elalma agalnat »«Id 1930. a suit pending therein In which the ■•tale are hereby notified to present NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON Dale ot last publication March 13, General Savings A Ixian Association, the district meeting of the Brother­ hoods for the southern Oregon dis­ NOTICE OF SH ER IFF’S SALE ON he »am« properly verified. Io the 1930. EXECU TIO N IN FORECLOSURE a corporation, was plaintiff and W il­ EXECUTIO N IN FORECLOSURE lle c u trli at the o ffln of Frank A. J. B BELL. liam Vasby and others were defend trict to be held at Cottage Grove on Notice 1« hereby given that by vir­ lelbii, the attorney for the eitatn, at A d m inistrator of the Estate ants, which execution and order of Monday evening, February 24. Notice la hereby given that by vlr- Springfield. Oregon on or before six tue of au execution and order of Bale of Ed Logs let, deceased. sale was to me directed and com­ Dr. W illiam Doney, president of the of an execution and order of sale nonthi from the dal« of thia notice leaued out of the Circuit Court of'the A. E W IIE E I.O C K , Issued out of the Circuit Court of the manded me to sell the real property Willamette university at Salem, will Stale of Oregon for lame County. I Dated February 3rd. 1930 Address «22 Corbett Bldg, , State of Oregon for Lane County, hereinafter desecrlbed to satisfy cer­ January 24th. 1830. upon and purauant LAURA MARGARET TRYON. Portland, Oregon. _________________ . . . ... , u decree be the principal speaker. A quartet January 30th. 1930. upon and pursuant tain Hens and charges In „ said Executrix. Io a decree duly given and made by j Attorney for Administrator. specified. I will on Saturday, the 1st from the Eugene Methodist church to “ decre« duly given and made by »aid court. November 24th, 1829. In a .Frank A. Del’ue, attorney for the F 13-20 27 M 6-13 day of March, 1930, at the hour of has promised to take part in the **!** Court January 22nd, 1930, In a aull pending therein In which the estate. one o'clock p. m at the southweet Dr o m m I ? . pendln< therein In which th« Security Saving« A Ix>an Association, F 8-13-20-37 M « Interstate Fidelity Building A Loan Estate of Ora B. Higgins, deceased. door of the County Court house In a corporation, v ia plaintiff and Don Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer The IocaI "w esentativea will leave ; Association, a corporation was plaiu- NOTICE TO CREDITORS aid W McKinnon and others were de­ and Elmer M. Baker and Faya NOTICE TO CREOITORS Notice Is hereby given that A u J. for sale and sell at public auction for here ln automobile« In time to get to fendants, which execution and order Baker, his wife; W. C. Brown Notice la hereby given that Cora of __________ sale was ______ Io me _________ directed and com Higgins bas been by the County cash, subject to redemption as pro-, the southern Lane county city for the Martha M. Brown, hla wife; and Cart Vlded by law. all of the right, title I supper which will precede the meet B a?^, J” 1“ ” manded me to sail the real property Court of the State of Oregon. In and and Interest of the defendant« In aatd . „ , “J precede » • » • * Akin and Mra. Carl Aktn. hla wife, been appointed administrators of the hereinafter described to satisfy car for Lane County, appointed adminis­ AI1 thoae who no mean» ot were defendants, which execution and Estate of John W Barringer by the tain liens and charges In said decree trator of the estate of Ora B. Higgins, salt and of all parties claiming by. through or under them or any of transportation or those who hava order of sale was to me directed County Court of la n e County. Ore specified. I will on Saturday the 1st deceased. and commanded me to sell the real g«n. All persons having claims day of March, 1980. at the hour of All persons having claims against them since the 22nd day of February, extra transportation are urged to see property hereinafter described to sat­ against the said estate should present one o'clock p. m . at the southwest the ealate of u ld deceased are here­ r««?'property deaertbed r « t . c j . who hand ] e isfy certain Hens and charges In said the same duly verified to the under­ door of the County Court house In by notified to present the u m e . duty decree specified, I will on Saturday The North 40 feet of Lot. 1. 2 and tran’ portalloD arrangement.. signed at the office of 8. D. Allen. Eugene, I atm County, Oregon, offer stated and verified, at the residence the 8th day of March. 1930, at the Hovey Building. Eugene, Oregon, for sale and sell at public auction for ! ° I A- K Wheeler, 710 Lawrence street 3 In Block 70 In ~ Washburne's Sub­ hour of one o’clock p. m. at the south­ SUM M ONS within six months from the first cash, subject to redemption as pro- in Eugene, Oregon, or to said ad- division of the Springfield Investment 1 west door of the County Court houae publlcatlon of this notice, via, Janu. vlded by law, all of the right, title and i mlnlstrator personally, within six and Power Company’s Addition to | In the C ircu it Court o f the State of la Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, of­ ary I t , 1930 Interest of the defendants Is u ld suit monthta of thia 4th day of February. Bprtngfleld, In Ion e County, Oregon., Oregon for Lana County. fer for sale and sell at public auctloa Dated thia 24th day of January, 1920. Earl H. H ill, and Ula M H ill, Plaln- for cash subject to redemption ae CORA B JONES. ' and of all parties claiming by, through 1130. ttffe. vs. Nellie M. Johnson. Jay J. provided by Isa, all of the right, title H. L. BOWN. ASA J. HIOOINS. JESSE C. JONES. or under them or any of them since Rherfff of Lane County, Oregon. ! Johnson, as administrator of the and Interest of the defendants In said Administrator of the eatate of Ora Administrators the Mtb day of Nevember. 1939. In or J 30 F 4-11-30-27 J 16 31 M F 4 11 estate of Maurice D. Johnson, de­ suit and of all parties claiming by, to the following described r u t pro­ B. Higgins, deceased. ceased. Laura A. Coryell, Richard through or under them or any of A. K. Wheeler. Attorney. perty. to-wlt: F 6-13-30-27 M 4 Coryell, Haxen D. Johnson, Mrs. them since the 22nd day of January, NOTICE OF FIN A L HEA RING The South 40 feet of IxX 1 In Block NOTICE OF S H ER IFF’S BALE ON Hasen D. Johnson. Jay J. Johnson, 1930, In or to the following described EXECU TIO N IN FORECLOSURE Notice Is hereby given that Nellie 10 of the Original Flat of Springfield. Laima Johnson, Agnus May Lewta. real property, to-wtt: NOTICE TO CREDITORS Redding has filed In the County Court Oregon, as platted and recorded In John Doe Lewta, Flosse Hlnkson, Notice la hereby given that by vir­ Lota 7 and 8 In Block 2, alt ln Oyng NO TIC E 1» HEREBY G IVEN : That of Lane County, Oregon, her final the office of the County Clerk of Lane Clair Hlnkson. Beryl Fraslenr, Plat, Lane County, Oregon. Katie M Janettlng has been appoint­ tue of an execution and order of sale account as administratrix of the County, Oregon, and Storm Fraslenr, Eunice Frasleur issued out of the Circuit Court of the i Dated this 30th day of January, 1930. estate of Dolphua law la, deceased, Lot 1 In Block 2 of W illamette ed administratrix of the estate of Cy Frasleur. Loe Faye Phillips^ H. L. BOWN. and that the court b u fixed 10 a m Height! Addition to Springfield, la n e ¡John W Beasley, deceased, by the State of Oregon for la n e County. Ernest Phillip«. Jesa Darling, Addle January 24th, 1930, upon and pursuant Sheriff ot Lane Connty, Oregon. . County Court of Lane County. Ore- of Friday, February 21. 1930. as the County, Oregon. Darling, Defendants. P6-1S-20-27- M0. time when at the rooms of the court. Dated (his 36lh day of January. 1930. goo. All persona having claims to a decree duly given and made by To Haxen L. Johnson, and Mrs. H. L. BOWN. i against said eatate are required to sain court January 22nd, 1930. In a In the court house In Kugene, Ore­ gon, u ld account wtll he taken up Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, present them, with proper voucher!. suit pending therein In which the Hasen D. Johnson, defendants: NOTICE OF S H ER IFF’S SALE 094 •or examination and allowance. All J 30 F 6-13-2027 ' within six months from the 13th day P iclflc Savlogs A Loan Association, In the name of the State of Oregon: EXECU TIO N IN FORECLOSURE a Washlnrton corporation, was plain­ of February, 1930. Io the said admin­ persons Interested therein may ap­ You and each of yon are hereby re­ tiff and J. T. Evans and Luclle Evans NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- istratrix at the law office of L, L. pear at u ld time and be heard re­ quired to appear and answer the com garding said arcount Notice la hereby given, that the »*Y- •» the Miner Building. Eugene., his wife, and Frank J. Berger and p| , | nt fj]ed against von In the shore ot an ex«cutlon and order of sale Is- ........ — ....... K Berger, his wife, were defend- PntltIed Coort , nd sued out of the Circuit Court of tha K A T ........................ IE M JA N ETTIN G, N B L IJ E REDDINO, undersigned has been, by the County Oregon Lane Ct>unty« Administratrix of the Es­ ants, which execution and order of the expiration of the time prescribed ?“ te ot Administratrix. Court of the 8tate of Oregon for the ’ 9th- 1»30' >tt»n and pur- tate of John W. Heasley, sale was to me directed and com- m the order of publication, to-wlt on Janua^ 8 D Allen. Attorney for Estate County of Lane, duly appointed ad­ L. L.' RAY. deceased manded me to sell the real property nr n,.fnrp the p J 30 F 4-13 30-37 ministrator of the eatate of Ethel H. hereinafter described to satisfy cer- fly)ni da(p Mendenhall, deceased, and all per­ Attorney for Estate. F IS 20-27M6-13 tain liens and charges In said decree this summons sona hhvlng claim» against said es­ NOTICE OF F IN A L HEARING specified. 1 will on Saturday, the 1st NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that the un­ tate are hereby notified to preaent of March. 1930. at the hour of one s w lv the Conrt fi>r* the"rI>,Hef"nM,v PIaln,lffs and B U- Hyland and Mabel Notice Is hereby given that the un day clock, p. m.. at the southwest door ‘ tl^ ° ' Hy>a“ d- a»d the Pacific State« dersigned, M artin L. Glass. adrnlnl»- the same to the administrator at the derslgned has been appointed admin- trator of the eatate of Sarah J. Ola»«, office of Frank A. Del’ue. attorney Istrator with the wl'l annexed of the f the County Court house In Eugene. Th . , . x Credit Association, a corporation, wer« defendant»?TelHe M ’ “ ich execution and order deceased, ha» filed hla final arcount for the eatate at his office In Spring- estate of l.yndbrook Sharpe.sometlmcs Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale ! ° r 8ale was to me «Greeted and corn- In the County Court of lan e County, field, Oregon, properly verified within known as L. Sharpe, deceased, by the and sell at public auction for cash. ^hnTon ^nd Jav J inhn.™ i . six months from the date of thia Oregon, and that February 28th. 1930. to redemption as provided by m)nl, trator of (ll p , . f M ‘ m«»ded me to sell the real property County Court of Lane County, Ore­ subject law. all of the right, title and Interest > ™,nl ’ ,ra ' " ' d /„ /X S hereinafter described to satisfy cer- at ten o'clock In the forenoon thereof notice. gon. All persons having claims against - said suit and of i, t«1» >fens and charges in said decree Dated February 17th. 1930. at the County Court Houae In Eugene said Estate are required to present of the defendants In nal sum of 21732.57, together wfth In- N. A. ROWE, specified. I will on Saturday the 8th all parties claiming by th ro u ^ or I Io n s County. Oregon, hn» been fixed t the rate of eight i day of March. 1930, at the hour of one Administrator. them, with the proper vouchers, to the by »aid court a» the time and place undersigned, at hla office at 22 8th » i d d a y ’ ot January. 1930. In or to the « ’’ j a « ’ a^ d ^ t ’f-Mi"ooe'T?< ‘T • O'c,ock' • atthe southwest door of o'clock, p p. m m.. for hearing and conalderlng »aid Frank A DePue, Avenue East. Eugene, Oregon, within following described real property., 22. 1928. and the snm of 4250 00 attor- _ . ... . . . the County Court house in Eugene, Attorney for the Estate arcount. the date of flrat publication ney fees, and the costs and dlshurse- , bane County, Oregon, offer for sale F 30 27 M 6-13 20 six months from the date of thia Not­ Io-wit- being January 23rd. 1130. ice. » „ .In n in « at s nolnt 419 7 feet west Z” *’’ */. * ’I ’ "d ] hat ” mr acd B“11 f.t public auction for cash, M A R TIN L. GLASS, Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 13th r *n*rter. the East half of the under them or any of them since th * Estate of Harriett Sophia 8harpe, de­ Sharpe, sometimes known as L. Thence e n a f 30 feet thence south 150 Southwest quarter and the Southwest 24th day of January. 1930. In or to NOTICE TO CREDITORS ceased by the County Court of Ijin e Sharpe, deceased. thence east . . th0 > quarter of the Southwest quarter of j the following described real property, Notice Is hereby given that the County. Oregon. All persons having feet and thence west 30 J B BELL. Jr., underalgned has been appointed ad­ claims against said Estate are requir­ 901 1-ewis Building, Portland, Oregon, place of beginning, In Eugene, Lane ! section twentv-seven (27) In Town- to-wlt: Lot No. 9 ln Block 2 In First Addit- j shin nineteen (19) South. Range ministrator with the will annexed of ed to present them, with the proper County, Oregon. Attorney for the Administrator ; twelve (12) West of the W illamette ,on 10 Fairmount Heights, as same tlw estate of Halvor Klttelaen, de­ Voucher», to the underalgned. at his Dated this 27th day of January. 1930. F 13-20-27 M 6-13 ; Meridian, all In Lane Countv. Oregon, pears on maps and plats thereof now ceased. All persona having claims office at 22 8th Avenue Bust. Eugene, H. L. BOWN, i together with (he tenements, heredlts- <” > «1* of record In the office of against said estate are hereby notified Oregon, within six months from the Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. ments and appurtenances thereunto the clerk and recorder In and for SUM M ONS to preeent the same to the under­ date of thia Notice. J 30 F 6-13-20-27 In tha C irc u it Court of tha State of belonging or In anvvrlse appertaining. ’ l-*ne County, Oregon. algned. with proper voucher», at the Dated at Eugene, Oregon, thia 13th Oregon fo r tha County of Lane Said deed being foreclosed as s mort- D *1“ 1 thla 3>«‘ daT ot January, 1930. office of Donald Young. 880 W illam ­ day of February. 1930 H. L. BOWN. Benefit Savings A I »an Association, O R D IN A N C E N U M B E R 541 gage, siioerlor to any lien or claim of ette Street, Eugene. Oregon, within Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. J. B. BELL, a corporation. Plaintiff, Vs. Richard _____ defendanta herein or either of them. atx months from the date of thia Administrator with the W ill An­ F6 13-20-27- M6. F. Farmer and M yrtle M. Farmer, An Ordinance to require a tag to be or anv persons claiming by. through notice. . .... nexed of the Estnte of Hariett husband and wife, Lewis T. Dltte- attached to all electrical wiring Jobs ; or under them, or either of (hem. and Dated the 30th day of January. 1930. Sophia Sharpe, deceased. more and Althea Dtttemore, hus­ within the Town of Springfield where ; «hat ssld premises be decreed to he NOTICE OF 8 H E R IF R 8 SALE ON R. BOG8TAD. band nnd wife. Defendants, inspection of such Jobs are now re -, "old hy the Sheriff of Lane County, EXECUTIO N ANO FORECLOSURE Administrator with the will annexed J B. B E L L , Jr.. »01 Iz'wls Building. Portland, Oregon, To Richard F. Farmer and Myrtle oulred such lag to show that the Job I Oregon, accff-d'ng to law and the Notice Is hereby given that by vlt* of Halvor Klttelaen, deceased. Attorney for the Administrator M Fnrmer. Husband and wife; Ix>wls has been approved by the Inspector practice of this Court, and that the tue of an execution and order of sal« Donald Young Attorney for Eatate. F 13-20-27 M 6-13 T. Dlttemore and Althea Dtttemore, before the same shall be connected u p ., proceeds of sale he applied In the on foreclosure Issued out of the Cll* J 30 F 8 13-30 27 1 j.nabnnd and wife: payment of plaintiffs' Judgment here­ cult Court of Lane County. Oregon In the name of the Slate of Oregon and declaring an emergency. in and the costs and expenses of sale: on the 4th day of February, 1930, pur- yon are hereby required to appenr T H E TO W N O F SPRING FIELD and that the overplus. If any. be paid »««nt * Judgment rendered Febru- and answer thecomplalnt filed aglnst DOES O RDA IN AS FOLLOW S: Into the Court for defendants as their 4th, 1930, whereby Clinton D. Chexem, yon In the above entitled suit on or 4th, 130. whereby Clinton D. Chezem, Section 1. The electrical wiring Interest may appear, and that the de­ before four weeks from the date ol Inspector of the Town ot Springfield fendants and each and all of them and plaintiff, recovered judgment against the first publication of thlw summons. shall be required to attach a tag to all persons claiming by, through or Joel W Jackson, Edmund Wills, and | to-wlt, four weeks from February 13. each wiring Job Inspected by him under them, whether as purchaser, Luslna Wills, hla wife, defendants, for E m . Phon« 14« Plxao Moving DR. W. N. DOW 1930. and If you fall to so appear nnd and such tag shall show In writing mortgagee, assignee, lien claimant, the su= of 43000.00 principal accrued D e n tis t answer said complaint, for want whether the Job Is approved or re­ leasee or otherwise, be forever barred Interest In the sum of 4163.00, 4250 00 S P R IN G F IE L D T R A N S F E R First National Bank Building thereof the plaintiff will apply to the jected by the Inspector. I t shall be and foreclosed from all right, title ' ««orney feea, and $15.00 accrued costa WII.1.IB BBRTBCH. Prop, court for the relief demanded In its unlawful for the Power company, Interest, claim and equity of redemp­ of this suit with 6% Interest per Phone 48 Springfield, Oregon pfflce: RODENBOUOH OARAGE complaint, to-wlt: electrician, or whoever Is doing tne tion In and to said property, or any annum and which execution, decree, Office hours, I A. M. to I P. M. 892 Main Btraat For Judgment against you In 'he wiring to connect up the same unless part thereof, except the statutory and order of sale commands me to sell Evenings by Appointment xm< Matanee Hauling a Specialty sum of Eleven Hundred Nlnetv-elght said lag showing the Job to be ap­ right of redemption: that plaintiffs or all the Interest of said defendants In and 37-100 (41198.37) Dollars, togeth­ proved by the inspector Is first at­ any party to this suit may become a the following described land and prem­ er with Interest thereon from nnd purchaser at ssld sale and that the ises to satisfy said sums due. a nd to the Job. after the tnt day of February, 1930 tached Section 2. The penalty for a viola purchaser be let Into the Immediate to-wlt: The west one-half of the SW>4, Sec. until paid at the rate of 10 per cent, DR. N. W. EMERY lion of this ordinance shall be a fine possession of said property, and that per annum; for the further sum of of not less than 46.00 nor more than the power of this Court he granted to 22 and the N H of the N W U , Sec. 27. DENTIST 47.50 costs of abstract continuation; 426.00. or In lieu, of the payment of place the purchaser In the Immediate Tp. 18. S. R. 4 West ot the W illamette for the further sum of $160.00 attor­ such fine upon conviction before the possession thereof: and that In the Meridian and the S H of the N W M , Button Bldg. Phon« BO-J ney's fees, and for Its cost and dis­ recorder, imprisonment in the city event said property does not sell for Sec. 27. Tp. 18 S. R. 4 West of the Rasldance Phone 168-M bursements herein; nnd that Its mort­ Jail for one day of each $2 00 of said an amount sufficient to satisfy ss’d W illam ette Meridian, containing In all 2>0 acres, more or lees, in Lane Coun­ gage covering Ixit Three (3), Block Judgment of plaintiffs and costs and not paid. . Bprlngflald, Oregon Six (6). Shelton's Addition to Eugene, fine Section 3. Inasmuch as wiring Jobs expenses of sale, that plaintiffs have ty. Oregon. Now, therefore, In the name of the In the County of Lane, State of Ore­ have been connected up without first ants Nellie M. Johnson and Jay J. 228 Main 8 t Residence 128 C St. State of Oregon and in compliance gon, he foreclosed, and for such other 41 J 81M being approved and to Prev?"t ' Johnson as the Administrator of the with said execution and order of sale, nnd further relief as shall seem equit­ (her of this, nnd to preserve the safe General Law Practice estate of Maurice D. Johnson, deceas I wll. 09 the 8th day of March. 1930, able. tv of the Inhabitants of the Town of ed. and that execution Issue therefor at the hour of one o’clock in the This summons Is Rerved upon you I. M. PETERSON It Is necessary to declare and for such othpr and further re­ afternoon of said day at tha south­ Full Auto Equipment hy publication for four successive Springfield. «^em ergency, nnd nn emergency s Attornay-at-Law weekR In the Springfield News, hy therefore declared to exist, and this lie f as to the Court may seem Just west front door ot the County Court I -ad y Assistant and equltahlp. house ln Euger.e, Oregon, offer for sale City Hall Buttdlng order of the Honorable O. F. Skip- This summons Is published hy ordei and sell for cASh at puhllc auction sub­ worth, Judge of the above entitled ordinance shall become effect upon Its passage hy the council of the Hon. O. F Sklpworth. Judge of ject to redemption aa provided by law, Bprtngfleld, Ora. Court, made and entered on the 11th and approved by the mayor. the Circuit Court. Lane County, Ore­ all of the right, title, and luterest ot day of February, 1930. Passed the Common Council this gon. made the 24th day of January, said defendants, Joel W. Jackson, Ed­ FR A N K A. DE PUE JESSE O. W ARRINGTON, 14th dav of February, 1930. mund W ills, and Luslna Wills, hie 1930. and A. E, W HEELOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW Approved by the Mayor this 14th Dated and first puhllshed January wife, and all persons claiming by, Attorneys for Plaintiff. rtRy of February. 1930T Y g o N through or under them, or either ol 30, 1930. NOTARY PUBLIC 622 Corbett Building, them In and to said premises. BROOKE A BRYSON, Portland, Oregon. JEJWKL.BR H. L. BOWN. Springfield Date of flrat publication February 13, * T m PETERSON, Recorder. ? Attorney« for plaintiffs, 860 W illam ­ Button Repairing a Specialty ffhartff of Lane Connty. Oregon. ette Street, Eugene, Oregon. 1830 Building F8-1B80-274M 3 N T 8-1L9B-27 Date of last publication March 19, 1930 Spri ngfield, Oregon glt results ; (BUYING OR SELLING' » No. 7 I { B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ! Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. Roof ?