PAG « TW O J U N IO R H IG H T Ö V R H P A Y . KKB. Ï0 . 1H30 ■ .,,...1 » .. . m . T H « 8 P R IN O F IH L O N R W K STUDENTS I expert to produce clover »eed, Mr. O. 8, Fletcher, laine county agrlrul Fletcher stales that Willamette va> lural agent, and are available Io those O R G A N IZ E 4 -H C L U B S T H A T FAR M ERS PLANT ley red clover seed will produce Just who rare to call for them at thn A T L IN C O L N S C H O O L The Pleasant Hill high school H O M E G R O W N C L O V E R as good hay and pasture crops, aud office. Dairying, poultry, hnrtlcul- lure, farm erope end general live- may do better Several close friends of Mr and student body held a meeting last l-ane county farmers Interested In Four 4-H club« have been organised • stock are covered In the various Mrs. W. H. Gants gathered at their Wednesday and the following offi­ planting red clover for hay ami pas­ during the past week at the Lincoln bulletin« home last Thursday evening and held cer« were chosen: President, Floyd ture should give prefereore to locally F R U IT G R O W E R S T O H A V E school. *Three of them were orgaii a surprise dinner for the couple, who Mauney. vice president. James War A N N U A L M E E T IN G M A R . 1 iseii thia week, and the other on« Ing. secretary, Osa Mclhinlels. treu • rown »«> «he county S IL V E R T E A IS G IV E N organised last Wednesday. The celebrated their thirty-fifth wedding surer. Hugh Wallace, athletic mana agent, O. 8. Fletcher anniversary on that date After the The county agent Issued this state-1 Saturday. March I, has been set as ••Tenth and eighth grade girls each F O R L A D IE S A ID F U N D dinner games and conversation were , e r ' Ru«*>n* reporter, Joseph ment when he learned that many the date for the annual meeting of organised »«wing clubs and selected tne Mathews. enjoyed by those present. the Eugene Fruit Growers' associa­ Mrs. William Rodi-nhough enter­ Mrs. W. W. Walker as their leader At the freshman class election the l-ane county farmers think that he tion The meeting will start at 10'00 Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. s a s iiix *« « n iiv w i tained at t a e silver tea at her home on and «Sher representatives of the “The Happy Tollers” is the name followtlng officers were elected S. S. Potter, their children, Paul and o'clock and will be held at the Cham 'Eighth street yesterday afternoon be- Oregon Agricultural college are re- •elected by the eighth grade girls for Dorothy Mae; Mr and Mrs. Frank president. Ruby Hyland; vice presi­ coninu'dlng that farmers plant no­ her of Commerce, according to •I -« 'tw een the hours of 2:3 30 and 8 00 their group. The following were Bartholomew, and children. Theo, dent. Aulber Caretr; secretary treas­ thing hut Ohio red clover seed. The Holt, secretary and manager Reports o’clock. The tea wna sponsored for elected officer»: Eileen baker, presi­ Myrna, and W endell; Mrs. Ella Cole. urer, Bernice Jeanne Tinker, class Ohio seed Is recommended for spe­ of the manager will be given and new the benefit of the ladles aid of the dent; Dorothea Prese. vice-president: Miss Faye Parsons, and Mr H. E reporter, Mildred Swift. directors will I* elected for the next Methodist church and was open In Pearl Wffls, secretary; and Beatrice Josephine Mathews. Frnnrls'Phlbba cial seed growers only. Pitts. year. It Is expected that the report the public. Mrs. L. E. Beaford and Carson, treasurer. The other mem­ Re-Established Seed Hers and Floyd Matney, who represented for 1029 will show the largest volume Mrs. Archie Davis poured during (ho bers of this club are Evelyn Bacua. the Pleasant High School at the O. A. ) In order to help re-eeetahllsh the of business yet handled at the plant ' afternoon. ., June Geiger, Lela P -’erson, Julia M R S . E G G IM A N N A S S IS T S red clover seed Industry of the Wil­ C. educational conference last Fri­ In one year. N E W A U X IL IA R Y G R O U P Pedersen. Alys Thatcher,' Dorothy day and Saturday, gave their reports lamette valley, three W illamette val­ Nice. Clara Barnes, and Pauline Con­ B E N D O R R IS R E C O V E R S Princi­ ley wholesale seed d<«alers purchased Mrs C. F. Eggfmann. secretary of at school Tuesday morning a carload of an especially hardy S T A T IO N W IL L IN S T A L L ley pal E. E. Kilpatrick accompanied CAR S T O L E N S A T U R D A Y "The seventh grade Igrls named the G<,neral Lawton Auxiliary of the strain of Ohio red clover and shipped BATTERY DEPARTM ENT them to Corvallis. their club the "Willing Workers?’ and Spanish-American War Veterans of The Chrysler coach belonging to The Pleasant Hill and Mohawk It to Oregon during January for re­ elected the following officers; Ruth ' Eugene- w’in “ > Cottage Grove to- The service building at the Casey Ben Itorrls. which was stolen from basket hall teams will meet on the sale at coat. This seed was located day to meet with the ladles of the Pollard. president; Doris Worley. Pleasant HUI floor Friday of this and approved by Prof. O. R. Hyslup. service station is being remodeled the front of the Elks lodge building vice-president; Winifred Frans, se«- P al ,hat p l,ce and talk ° Ter Pre' head of the farm crops department this week to make room for a battery In Eugene at about 9 30 last Satur­ week. reteray. and Margaret Jarrett, trea llmlnary work Prl°«' «he organ I xa Nancy Buranuw. a freshman at the of the Oregon Agricultural college, and electrical department, which wilt day night, has been recovered by the surer. The other members are Luclle 1 “ ° n of an auxll,ary «here. On Friday Pleasant Hill high school. Is very til and waa al*° ’ PPr” *ad by Dr. George soon be Installed. owner. The rar was found near the Davis. Edna Severson. Evelyn Germ 8ereraI of tbe ofr,cer’ ° f ,he A new roof Is being put on the Ferry street bridge. The battery Pieters, Forage Crop specialist of the at here home here .auxiliary will go to Cottage Grove ley, Mildred Morgan. Velma Peddi Miss Schults, teacher of science al United States department of agri­ building and It Is being celled up on wa, B, O|B„ from t|,e rar before It waa cord. Viola Robertson, Olga Hryn- along with the drill team and conduct the Pleasant Hill high school. Is ab- culture. the Inside. The entire plant will be abandoned chuk. Lois Johansen. Lora Thurman. a demonstration drill. The Ohio seed was brought to Ore­ given a new coat of paint soon by sent from school this week owing to Loma ---------- Chase. . Mary Young. Ethel -------- the fact that there Is a rase of mumps gon upon request of leading red clo­ the Shell company. Hall. Faye Holverson, Lena Stafford. S P A N IS H v L A S S IS S U E S at the home where she boards. Mrs. ver seed growers of the Willamette Ruth Stratton and Faye Squires. CLASS PAPER LA S T W EEK T. F. Kahler Is taking her place at valley, who attended a conference N E W B U L L E T IN S S E N T T O These two groups will meet twice held at the agricultural college last the high school. C O U N T Y A G E N T O F F IC E each month after school at the homes • M®mbera of “ »• Spanish class at The pupils of Dexter and Fall July to discuss the red clover seed • f members the h €h acho01 published the first production Industry. It was brought A large number of new bulletins The eighth grade girls also organ- ■tow,a of thelr Spanish paper last Creek were vaccinated for small pox out at that meeting that Willamette have been received at the office of at the Dexter school house Tnesdav. leed a cooking club this week and t The paper '■ *«> «he Some high school pupils were also Ta,,e’r r*d rlover seed has not given have selected Miss Sweeney as their ®paniah lan«ua« by members of the vaccinated. They were given the E*>o*l results In the eastern part of leader. The selected Echo Tomseth h‘*h achocl claaa and u lat“r cut on the United States, and that a hardy diphtheria toxin antl-tnxln aa president; Marjorie Madison „ . a ’ tenc11 ’ "d mimeographed for dis­ Veda Daley, who is living with her a‘ra,n muat be developed here, vice-president; Rena Boyd, treasurer; tribution. The second Issue will pro- folks on the Frank Moore ranch, en- Much Seed Purchased and Vivian Runte, secretary. The bably be out this week. tered high school as a sophomore Farmers of l-ane county have pur- N O W O N D IS P L A Y Members of the class are eagerly other members o t th e group are Alice last week. chased more than one thousand Smith, Many Smitaon, Elsie Beals, awaiting the return of letters from The women of Pleasant Hill held Pounds of thr Ohio red clover seed ! S A T IT O D A T S P B C lA b Leila Peterson, Roberta Lawson and students In the Mexican schools at an all day meeting at the home o f and »III •<”» it on land where red Mexico City. Some time ago the Violet Oakes. | Mrs. C. E. Jordan Wednesday, Feb- clover «eed has not been grown he- 1 group New l)re«aes $5.95 The Junior high school boys also | J“0*1 atudenl* »ent ><*«ere to students ruary 12. Each woman brought her «or®. or Is free from volunteer clover. there and they have promised to Rcpoascsard, Slight­ organized a cooking club last week. Spring Hats $3.9« Individual lunch and Mrs. J o rd a n ,’ 0 «hat the resulting seed crops srlll write replies soon. ly Used and Shop­ TTiey selected Laurence Moffitt as served coffee at noon. The meeting h* ° f «he Ohio strain. The extension Spring Coats $10.9« worn Ranges. They their leader. The officers and mem­ was called to order In the afternoon service of the Oregon Agricultural ANO UP must all go. Several bers of this club were published last • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • ♦ e e e e e e e by the president, Mrs. Jameson. Mlaa college Is working out a plan for In- • THURSTON ♦ Washers and Iro n - week. Gertrude Skow. home demonstration »Pectlng fields planted with this seed ♦ • • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ers must also bo agent, was present and gave a general *° «bat farmers who produce seed Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh motored cleaned ouL 42 8th Avs. West, Eugsn«, Ore. A D R IA N H O M E S C E N E O F to Junction City last Tuesday to outline of the work supervised by ma!r have It certified, thereby aasur- her. The next meeting of the club , 'nK ’ better demand for It. Don't forget we give 8. a H. Oreen C A R D P A R T Y O N F R ID A Y Visit Mrs. Baugh's parents, Mr. and will be held at the home of Mrs. Jess While the special strain ot Ohio red Stamps ______ ! Mrs. James Calvert. M T . S T A T E S P O W E R CO. The W. H. Adrian home here was ___ _________________ Misses Leone Edmiston, _ m Lois Mat- Carrothers. February 26. when rug clover seed Is recommended for farm- beautifully decorated In the V alen-' hews, and Dorothy Scott, delegates makln« w,n be 'n Jack assisted Miss Sl.e- »art In entertaining. The group spent a social evening aud enjoyed, refresh­ ments before departing. Those present were Misses Cline, Ethelyn Btark, Myrna Bartholomew, Audrey McFarland, Gladys Porter, Nellie Sankey, Clara Johns, Jule Pollard, Vernlce Hawke, Esther Mc­ Pherson, Alma Fish, Evelyn Buell, Emma Smith, Maxine Posey, Kathryn Jack and Bessie Btowart. Wendling Resident In—Mrs. How­ ard Nelson, Of Wendling, spent Tues­ day shopping In this city. The Willamette Press