4 T r y th e H o m e P r in t S h o p F trs t t w k n t v - hkv kn tu ye ar THE 5PRINGFÏELD NEWS S P R IN O n K L D , L A N E C O U N TY , O Bur STAMPS S K A T IN G ZO N E F IX E D i QRB» q W, rj THURSDAY ------- 7 Kpn — a t io n asked Children of Hpruicftaid , r. b.m« _ ? ™ « •n w. » S !:,* 2D. 1930 ■ • " School on Monday. Tuition --------- I — ™ » Law. Ehl after and a hard . .............................. v s . u _- .................. ....... . . , . . . V ¿ ; = " - - ~ r = = . — - = No. 7 ED T H U R S T O N M AK ES f ir s t pass ca ,. C PASS « O n 3 s 3 « . N CITT BUILDING UN f * / * * ''* Brotharhood F .H* 7 y Wrt«“ L of Springf-aid. e„d Fa*0»-« Adoption of State Tfceretoa. of Ku. ^ „ n of roller . k . t i n . on 7.500 Poster Stam p.;' S a l e , C' ,y A •«-««•I I A "Tha People’s Papar” •H A Live TOWN ^ P o te r t Down \Church Men Want B ¥ Cn To « o F ,C ,A L S : I = • . fr a t to cross the McKenxIe thl, rear The two sportsmen crossed the t*ss on skis tost Sunday to psrtlcl-| P - f In the Bend 8 k y „ » .r. “ nHyal. Wright broke the P« nt of one of h l. skto and was un- * * ! • to participate In the race,, but Thurston won a place In the croea Two Emergency Ordinance. Regulating Building and El­ ectrical Work Pa,«ed at a Special Meeting of the City Council on Friday. e’ COUnty high ^choo fund tow. better known as th . X T r’ C* The Skyllners. an . . Two ... ------------- ordinances, one revising the W o rrier law. The motion to this outdoor sport, club at Bend, greatly 7 * « « * • to “ >• «re district ana the l«'. ! ‘ ®“ of *11 electrical .<,<___ Z z v * A. Kmeroon. superintendent of the foraa 0 automobiles at Oralnance number 540 f, . rnm. been a useful lift. ökyliner«’ The Springfield hate not been el,Led by the galea- a“ « ,‘a M cept within the specified cabin. Plete revision of the old building tow team has now won three games, and * " ”Ip l8 " a" ° n « ‘ he report and find- and another hundred dollars I. arr« » 'his does not prove practical The two who crossed the pass .tat- Hat five, she p l.y , , return major change, made been h »« «« h e r. who had Mpected When the report, from these ,h rn »«her method Will lw work with (ottage «rove here on Friday been chosen to make a complete sur- 8d that therewa . lea, anow „„ the districts have been received. s I méé ed out. city official, state 'op of the mountain now than usual Iron la P™ 7 d ln 'he c o n — of the hla‘ ot the A®«» •«> the to go Into the ditch to avoid a crash. The car did iro tUr“ * d ° U‘ f° r ‘ “ ‘ A*11 not turn over. hut It waa necessary d X ! 7 k °*<’ h B* ker haa 801 ye ' for the driver of th . truck, who stop- decided whether he ha. sufficient material for a baseball team, but he P” d when he a .« what had happened determined to gel In ,e ,e ral v. to pull the car out of the ditch Mr. Lemley received a wrenched of football practice thia spring If the hack caused by the Jolt, but h l. wife weather permits. “,7te I | ' ‘ h* coo" ‘ te’ « h ,he ’•«caption of Lane. *>r Adoption " * t” ld « ,h« _____ reasons for ,d o P“ on of the Wheeler ‘ he . The E“ * ' “« Obsidian club, which | ha" 8*»eral member, l0 Springfield , | 7 “* h° 'd the,r w,Bter •» « ’ carnival •bove the club cabina on 8unday. the Thia ! , 7 ò ? 7 . ,7 d 10 eqDM,lt' ”>• '•« C H R IS T 'A N C H U R C H H O S T 7 “ " J J 're“,r ?r‘* ‘ed H 7 *dur* ‘ lon 7 of Stucco Is Permitted ” e ° f « ““ ° ’ • • «iro legal. The ordinance statee that young people ° f ,h* h"‘ h "cAool die. ' to -h 1 Pror1d* a tOT • uniform tax * e",,r* coun‘f «ddltlon to 1 S T O LA D IE S A ID M E M B E R S — » „ u m em b e r s ! »■« A T SE SS IO N ON F R ID A Y 6, ______ Th. u- 7 1 ”°* «■ ■« « m X x irò» ----------- * * u"ual "rho" ' levy. This year |» thJ 7 “ ’ “ A«-, of the Ladle. Aid o ff The ordinance further «tate, th a t’ h«s amounted to 1.« m ill. r r - J i he Cobur» Christian church were en- I In constructing new 18 m ill,. Under tertalned here buildings of on Friday by the ladles concrete the w an. at the building to • t noon and a short one story in heiek. ------“*“ ™ WrtliM be a___ 1 aiB trlC I wouM Increased hut wou'.d“¿ X y tg ”" 7 “ <,TeD ,hp af‘ ar“ “ “ ‘D ° " < * “~ for each" ,0Ch- .7 7 * ““ W ' r outalde of the dis- 1 _ ™ ’ ° ‘ the Coburg church ' " * « « c e p t the top 7 over the R E Q U E S T T O B E A U T IF Y •nd mother were not Injured M r Lemley returned to h l. home C IR L SC O U TS TO G IV E approach to B R ID G E 'n IVtrttond Sunday evening. Mrs P A R T Y F E B R U A R Y 22 hth” >r’ “ * '“‘• ' “- 8 : h re° “ — Mro. M . 7 Z Z Member, of the roadalds committee 1-emley remained here until today e thick. high schools. ( * r s . Cl,da E. wroth. N o r, Ca.tle I »'••ting at the home of her mother. A benefit party will he given of I he su te federation of Fire Limit, ___ suted ~ Garden Mr a. John Richter. Mr« of v r i ^ ’t h ^ Whleh foond Mro H 8 Ore<“n’ Mr> CUnde 9 ' ‘ nAe’ Clubs bavs • requested that The fire limits are fixed In M elaan has the girl scouts In the chamber of | With the Wheeler tow was th .i i. the tri- Mra. ?*ra H arry Coleman. Mrs •ngutor shaped plot of ground'« the T * " P° “ Malon h<'r home again commerce rooms at s oo «'-L mu .' T. Q.¡dinance from M i n _____ ~ ^ V * 4 » ° £ ' • ’ was that It did " * , r « N • C‘ Saturday, February 28 AB £ X w 7 °™ ' eqU,U,b,y and Mro ’ • ‘•’•eL « n d 7 x t X n’rT \ a t° SeTW H u -_ street » .e _.. revente west approach to the new bridge be p 7 t’1" * m*’",ha vacation In men of , he d ty are Invited to attend it "ChO<>' fUnd" U nd * r th # ' • * t ™. E Deffenbaker Mrs. Clara « ‘ her side of Main ,tr° ,h” al,ey •nd help toward the p l a f t o r ’” whlZh'ha^ « rorid“ ? both. Seventh .................. .... m Highway l*arka Committee , nd that ' '’ W l i a t l o n for th l. year . 7 , . ® pop,h her high r«>'dents of CoAorg. were also The fire .n d . H IG H SC H O O L S T U D E N T S they he allowed to Improve and to allendance. . Isapecl all m “ «m lttee shall ' Bridge will be played by those who •chool from non-hlgh achool dl.trlcto , beautify th l. a , they . . . f|t. W R IT E M U S IC A L C O M E D Y doe. not receive her share nr -------------------------------- I ...... PU” a and ’ Peclflcatlong. cere for card games and sewing will Judge c. P. Barnard declared this FOR M A R C H 7 PROG RAM he the pastime of other«. morning that the county was willing A program I, being arranged by ‘ o give this *° «he Stole Highway F° R P- T . A. M E E T T O D A Y * nTbe new «ectrlcal Wlrinlg ordle- A moving picture play, the Power The first appear Commission with the understo'ndlni I ” f th" . musical oomedy writ «he girl scouts ance of the acout chorus, under the u " " bulld*"*" h* erected thereon by Hu,h «»ttls and Bessie Stew direction of Mrs. Rarnell. will occur Members of the Garden Cl t 7 . the mee,ln« of ‘ Ae Parent- | art. and a .core more of humorous b- «"d 'here will he folk dances under 84?6R 7K , L • h*” '* " m in . vili confer with H. IS. Van ( « " " r' « “ ment Teacher association, which will be •<«". will be all In the direction of Mis. Ann Vogel. For I wav the oh. r a,e th’ S,Uden,a ,b* held a‘ ‘ Ae Lincoln i.’ ?., ' r’? ’ha,rm" ,, nf ,h" highway c o m . J corp<,r«‘*d Into the Senlor-Ffeahman » o h i , vouuian •chool today main th DR DUt *a' Tb® ,a* 8haII re- tK C Ora <0 ,b ** Iaw f'Aure. nfternoon. Mrs W mlR.lon, next week relative to a p,,». « « ’«ram. which will be given ai the lowing the program the girl scouts In fa K. Barnell will maln there until the Job I . completed. » III serve refreshments, elble transfer of the property to the i hl* b s,'h<»l on March 7. and Miss Wilma Scott, serving •s a • — 1« 81.008.75. according to the j ‘ »h er numbers on the program Permit, and when the Highway Parks Committee If |t r e -, who haa charge of the program ' Tb" 8*,n,° r «nd freshman classes for work |g finished the electrical ln- turned over to the state commtoalon •re uniting In th l. program, which Will Include a xylophone •olo by 1 the meeting, is endeavoring to Allotmant of Fund. Blstn.a ¿ L Z T ’ L*1“ ' *" endeayort"« to secure '« » « m - shall be notified and h? Barbara Rarnell. accompanied by by l.ane county. takes the place of the Laughlereaque This loss l , accounted tor bv the T h e " n8trUmental niU8lcal "«mber. ^ ther approve or reject the work, Florence May. i recitation by Esael program usually presented every * c 0 *"’ '’'1 ° f , b e P a r e n ‘ - 1 ° “’ e ° r ° ‘ her b“ »dlng shall M Adams, a piano aolo by Margaret fact that in the allotment of thia tax T e a c h ” J O IN T FU N FR O L IC ■ prlng at the high school. The Junior fund It ha. been dlrided into th “ a“ r ' a ,,° n hold iheir 7 " n« ’, ' d ‘° ‘ Ae power H„e. Jarrett, and a piano duet by Barbara Power lines In the •nd sophomore classes will put on «e ss lf.ct.o n a The klgh a‘ ,h« R'ver Road C' ty Un‘ " OF L IO N S CLUBS S E T and Melba Harris. wiring has been ao another p l.y .n d program later In i Inspector, who w ill FOR M O N D A Y E V E N IN G he year and will attempt to outdo ' the March 7 program. A prlae |, P R IS C IL LA CLUB M E E T S The w ive, and“ friend, of the mem F R ID A Y A T PA R K ER H O M E « » d e n t , '* » ™ ’! , . to Failure to c o ^ p Attached | y ' " n 7 th| Penalty offered to the two classes raising the bers of th . Lions clubs of Springfield most money and presenting the best •nd Junction City are to be special program. gueato at a Joint banquet and social gathering which the two clubs are X “i.,.6;° 0 n° r more ‘Aan 885.Of. of ‘B E L IE V E IT OR N O T ” ^ ■ » o n m e n t t n the city Jal, , or on. sponsoring at the Howard dining followed The district boundary hoar« has ° R C H E S T RA PLA YS SU N COP LOCKS H IM S E L F UP by refreshments. d«y for each of the fine one no» room on the Pacific highway north ol Eugene on Monday evening of next lh. ,. - ......... ... A T M E T H O 0 .S T C H U R C H I-ate motorists passing week. “ 7 ^ » L . ^ ° dJ rr! r -,eaae Seayay- 7” h » ! A meeting -HU snail run Ita schools Both of these ordinances were pa». ! ° rChMtr8- Und« W F. W alker la charlmnn of the service station Saturday night Tomsoth. F. M f a r m e r . Jack Ear-'bers and" M her the ««> as emergency measures and be- surprised to direction of Ernest McKinney. local committee making arrange- •*e a man school made came effective Upo„ thelr officials w menta for the entertainment. J V....CIR.H o l T t h l . will ’? ill ' be ne held '">,d 8ome,,m® In Ual •PP’-arance before the l«»t Friday. Ilbur Curtiss. fort win " d« ‘,rmln®d e f - , P bl,c la8‘ s “ nday at the Methodist ___ «™ ,p r r . » a„ , 2 L » ’ K : ' “ a' n - ”«> Wh 1 made to chanC ,“ ng the « M,dI< **. B E R N IC E C L IN E M A R R IE D card. thinking that he could turn the latch on Friday evening. The evening was t h . T . « 7 h , 8,eP8 ’ ° “ aUr8 hanging ! Pthe‘ 8 ’ A® care to Join are welcome, i “ d conyer8a‘ lon following the meaL H E R E T U E S D A Y E V E N IN G on the front door and thus get out. ■P®nt In playing Semes appropriate the laws th l, summer he stated. To h a surprise he found last the door for the occasion. after which light If the Wheeler law Is dropped here The group has only been recently J M A N 'S F IN G E R IS BROKFW The marriage of Mias Marlon Ber­ was locked from the outside also. He refreshments were served. |N A C C in r w -r . 2 * ^ R w in mean that the local school tax organised and confined their music nice Cline, daughter of Mr. and Mra. • pent about an hour and a half In the The following g irl, attended the will be lowered slightly and that last Bunday to playing hymns Next ’ A C C ,D E N T A T M IL L non­ W. F. Cline of thia city to Clarence station before he was released roft y'm ^ Uth PO" ard’ Margaret Jar­ blah school districts Sunday they will play a special num- ' will be taxed ^ rt. C71Wl®y Was the ’ ‘ « ‘n» ®f ‘ he W ilbur Burkhalter, son of Mr. and ett, Evelyn Johnson, LaVerne Pugh about three mills on their property ber. j third accident to be Mra. Alexander Burkhalter, of Eugene yaluatlon. „ — reported at the L O C A TIO N W O RK S T A R T E D ’ HoVv”" " " h “ ’’ B” a ' r ' re C, r 8 on ’ Booth-Kelly lumber m ill during the waa solemnized at the home of the ON W l l l i U C T Y - r jHoIverson. and the hostess. Women Attend S P R IN G F IE L D M AN G E TS ---- Meeting U N W IL L A M E T T E H IG H W A Y --------- ----- -------------- bride’s parents on Tuesday evening from a °h ? brU8ry- 18 A large banquet was served In the at #:30 o’clock. Mlsa Lena Nowton, J Ok”n f,nger’ "Ateh he ro- C IT IZ E N S H IP PAPERS X dlnlnlg room before the meeting. W- J u... ™ X T . th, ° EG REE S T A F F H O LD S X 9 h ‘ Wa8 Jambed between the assistant pastor at the First Several women were present to hear of public roads, s ta rts work on Tues- P A R T Y F R ID A Y E V E N IN G Henry Paddock, of Springfield, was H« ,u i Christian church In Eugene, officiated. 8’ WhlCh he was handling. the explanation of the laws. Mr J iF to loro,« the eastern end of the one of the six applicants who were as a con Only close fnmlly member, were prei 8eTera' d“ y8 from WOPk o' C° ,,ag” Oro,rn’ ’’«‘ onded W illamette highway from Black Can­ I m t o V T ' ” R' 8ff ° f ' bB RoAekah sent for the ceremony. an Invitation to all those present to Fronted their final cltlsenshlp paper, •» « consequence of the accident. V a^ n ii “ 8° C'al « « A ’ « " « «"d a yon „ oakridge. Blda for ,h„ con- • t a hearing in the Lane county cir­ Mlaa Mabel Burkhalter, slater of "‘ ‘ notion of thia part of the road Valentine party Friday evening, fol- «(fend the district meetln. which »rill cuit court on Tuesday. the groom, attended the bride and M ANY A TTE N D REBEKAH and h ’ ...” "? r ”' n " ar b " ’ , nfi 88 ae 88 l <’ n be held there on Monday of next Mr. Paddock was a native of Canada Ralph Cline, brother of the bride, are expected to be called this spring M E E T IN G M O N DAY N IG H T b r i? w !7 CHro ° ? h” rOad fr° m ^ * « 1 •nd drill of the organization. before coming to Springfield, where waa beat man. N a h t refreshment, were served hy he now operates a greenhouse dffe to BlAck CAnyon will ho re. Mr« m . ' ' o ,, c u The couple will make their home surfaced Just a . soon a , tho weather S d d i M ov. ,o Springfiatd^M ,, ,„ d Mrs. T Rlcbmond’ Mr8 A C. member8 WeM P«>8*n t Samuel Crolk W right will be ellg- Mnnd°Ut In Springfield. permits. ”r Peddlcord. and Mrs. Pearl Uchantol. te» n ” Rnd fam ,Iy’ « TAurs- ible for his final papers a t the next Monday night tor the regutor social ton. hare moved to Springfield They ifte AoBtesieB. meeting of th . Rebekah lodge. Aftor hearing, which will be held la are making their home at 880 E street Sep- he entertainment the group enjoyed tember. Ice cream and cake aa refreshments. I 11.. i w,"— — I _ —