I PAGE EIGHT THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY NEW SINGERS JOIN CHORAL SOCIETY AT MEETING MONDAY Transacts Business Ira Elslou of MEMBERS OF CIVIC CLUB DENTIST ATTENDS MEET l.eahurg was a huslnesa visitor In SELECT NEW OFFICERS AT SALEM LAST WEEK this city the first part of the weak. Twenty additional sinner, turned out last Monday evening lor the sec­ ond meeting of the Springfield Choral Society. This made the total sixty- taro, and Ernest McKinney, director of the chorus, and Dr. \V. C. Rcbhan, representative of the Lions club which Is sponsoring the singers group both expressed them selves as pleased beyond all expe» tationa. The meeting right has been chang­ ed from Monday to Thursday. This was done to enable those of the sing­ ers who desire to lake part in the Eugene oratorio to sing with both groups. Miss Winifrid Tyson was chosen to serve as ilflcial accompanist. It was also decided at the meeting Monday night to reduce the slxe of the orchestra which is to be organised to appear with the singers, and to increase the membership of the chorus. It was agreed to Increase group of singers to between sixty and sixty-flve voices. The music was used for the first time Monday and three of the chorus numbers were practiced The first public appearance of the singers will be on Good Friday when they will present an oratorio. 'The Redemption." Mrs. C. R. Whoatou waa elected president of the Women's Civic Im­ provement dull al their meeting held on Tuesday evening. The other offi­ cers selected by (he organisation were Mrs Carl Olson, vice president; Mrs. L. K. Cage, secretary, and Mrs. I. A. Valentine, treasurer. Plans were made at the meeting for the reception to be tendered Mrs. G. J. Frankel, stale president of the Fed erallon of Women’s clubs when she makes her official visit here next month. PARROTS Parrotj have come in for a lot of unfavorable publicity lately because of a strange disease which has at­ tacked several persons and which is attributed to infection brought by cer­ tain parrots from South America. Physicians and health officials say there is no danger of catching "parrot fever" from a bird which has been in the family for any considerable tune. The parrot is pr.dtably the most in­ telligent of all birds, and the fact that It can be taught to talk makes it al­ most a human companion. .And. like human beings, parrots develop person­ al attachments to such a degree that they often pine away and die when separated from their particular friends. Don’t let anybody kill your parrot just because a few parrots are suspected of being d m es is r i m e s . FEMINISTS I IRE OF JUNIOR CLASS AROUSED BY RING STORY Several members of the Junior claas at the high school have taken exception to the action of the local school board when it expressed itself at the last meeting ss not being en­ tirely pleased with the present sys­ tem of having students purchase pins and rings during their last years in school. The Juniors, it seems, took the matter too personally. They pre­ sumed that the school board objection were based on the action of their class alone which is not true. The members of the board had in mind the Junior classes of the past several years when they spoke of the trouble which was experienced in raising funds to pay for the Jewelry after It had been ordered. According to the members of this year's Junior class the pins and rings did not remain in the local express office overnight after their arrival before they were paid for and taken to the high school. About sixty men attended the Mas- ' onic stag party which was held here on Tuesday evening. Guests were present from Eugene and other neigh­ boring lodges. Hugh Rosson, member of the fac­ ulty qf the law school at the V niver-! sity was the speaker of the evening He talked on the "Social Side of I Masonry ” Following the address the men en­ joyed games of cards, pool and mus­ ical entertainment. Levi Neet. C. A. Swarts and Harry | Whitney wer» the general committee in charge of the program for the eve­ ning They were assisted by a re­ freshment oom nfttee consisting of Harry Whitney, Thoren Cogtll. and Richard Miller. The entertainment committee was composed of I. M. Pet­ erson, Mr. Swarts, and W. C. Wright. ! OVERHEATED IRON BURNS HOLE IN WALL AT NIGHT Ganna Walska. the Polish singer who has been married to two Ameri­ can multi-millionaires, has convinced the U S Customs Court that a mar­ ried woman can have a legal residence separate from that of her husband. That saves Ganna from paying duties on Ereiwh gowns imported Irom her Paris "home," though her husband lives in Lake Forest, Illinois. This decision is hailed as a great victory by the ultra-feminists, whose purpose in life seems to he to break up the American home and put mar- ried life on the plane of the cheapest illicit love-affair Because this "mod­ ern" idea runs contrary to the most deepseated traditicos every expression of it gets a lot of publicity, which is probably what Ganna and the other feminists want. But it by no means follows that American family life la in danger. Home and babies and a hatband with a good job art what the overwhelming majority of American girls still want in marriage. Former Secretary oi Interior Al B Fall was »entenced Io serv onr year and fined $100,000 by Jus tic» Hits at Washington, follow u.s his ronviction of having accepted a bribe from E. L IXiheny. Is rt Tonsils Removed Byron Nathans had hts tonsils removed at the office of a local physician Tuesday morn­ ing. V le ita F rie n d s — A. T. IXmaho of ' Vida, spent Friday of last week In the city calling on bis frlende. I PONT FORGET OUR Used Range Sale S lig h tly I ’aed. R * - p o v iru rd xnd Shop­ worn Ilo tp o ln t and W rsllnghouae E lec­ tric Ranges. Alao several Shop­ worn Washer» and Iron era M t. S tate» P ow er Co 99 Creates a Sensation But circumstance» beyond their control decided thia drastic action. One of Eugene's beet stores now selling out entire stock at a tremendous sacrifice to quit business at once. 825 WILLAMETTE STREET, TOMORROW A L T E R A T IO N S FREE The far coats and silk stockings worn by the American stenographers who accompanied the delegates f this country to the Naval Disat me nt Conference at London made a greater impression on English news­ paper men than anything else about the delegation. Londoners never saw working girls dressed “smartly.* The young women from the diff­ erent departments in Washington who were taken over to do the clerical work for the delegation were not picked for their beauty but solely because they were the most efficient at their jobs. In any part of America, city or country village, they would attract no special attention. We are so used to seeing our girts well- dressed and "smart" in manner and appearance that we do not realise that nowhere else in the world do any but ultra-fashionables and actresses on parade wear the latest styles in clothes Sensational V alues Supreme Q uality OVERCOATS SUITS Featuring Fashion Park Charter House Clothing Mori’»Suit« Choice c* e r t’re : ’ock all $25.00 and $30.00 men's and young men's suits $15.95 No reserve, all original Ragan and Bowman tags, $35 and $40.00 suits- choice at $19.95 Men’s and young men's $46 00 suits, choice while they last. Quit Business Price $24.95. All new spring stock Just unpacked are In­ ch'd«! with entire stock of late winter goods at Quit Business Prices,____ $19.95 $6.95 ARROW SHIRTS Also "Arrow" and “St. Francis" collar at­ tache«!. neckband and collar to match styles A wonderful assortment, all sizes In genuine $2.00 Values. Choice at this Quit Business CAPS Men's and Young Choice at $1.45 2 2 _____________95c Men'» Extra Fine_ UNDERW EAR DRESS PANTS Arrow Athletic« Absolutely your store-wide choice any pair in this big stock and values to $7.50 the pair —Alterations Free. Shirts and shortH of fine Rayon, all / y fy sizes and colors. $1 value. Choice at OOC B. V. D'a $3.95 Famous Athletic Union Suits, Reg. $1.50. G oat Genuine “Park Mill" men's rayon •» j Union Suits. Reg $2.50 Value at "Hatchway and "N-B" Athletics and aw f * Union Suits. Choice while they last at / ZOC q 1 ,^O OC Freshman Pants Here is another knockout price (less than wholesale(. All regular $3 Frosh Pants, pair $1.95 “Can't Bust 'Em’’ DRE^S HOSE The genuine $6.50 value campus curdoroy All 25c and 35c Hose, choice while they last, pair ................................... All 50c Dress Hose at the pair 3 Pairs for One Dollar "anl’_____________ $ 4 .4 5 Sweaters for Men and Women Golf Hose Plain and fancy Pullover Sweaters. All sizes in a large assortment. Values $5.50 to $7.50 Choice only 98c Choice of Golf Hose, Values $1.25 at pair _______________ 69c______________ “ Bradley” All Wool Fine Sweaters Regular $4.50 Bradley Sweater Vests a t ...................................- .... Reg $5.50 Bradley Coat Sweater In fine heather mixtures .... $ 2 .2 5 $ 3 .8 5 Reg. $9.00 Bradley all pure wool A/j navy blue Coat Sweaters go at wv4 apiece, but ime will «ome when out-of-»*«- aon fruits and vegetables can be h the N o rth b y artificial U«h« ply as new In Florida I R 7 MEN’S H ATS both North and South. In . ., own time even the North did not appre­ ciate him Dr Albert Shaw, the dis­ tinguished Editor of the Review of Reviews, brings this out graphically in a new two-volume book which reprints the most complete collection ever made of the newspaper cartoons, campaign posters and other pictorial representations of IJncoln during his rise to tame and his tenancy of the White House. Even w ithout D r Shaw’s illuminat­ ing text the pictures show Lincoln as more grossly maligned and bitterly lampooned, even in the house of his friends, than any other man who ever rose to the Presidency. Oniy after his tragic death did the people of the North begin to realise that a great man had led them We are prone to forget that no man appears great to his contemporaries. i $25.00 Values Appreciation o f Lincoln’s greatness is felt today throughout the Nation, rp $12.95 Knit Rubberized Men's Rain­ coats, $2.00 values, at each LINCOLN Another Springfield citizen was hon­ I ored this week when the Eugene From Vldn—Charles Neal of Vida was a Springfield visitor on Monday Guard for Tuesday evening contained a biographical sketch of W. P. Tyson afternoon. ! mayor of Springfield. Miss Marion V iaita Daughte Mrs. Harvey Eat- j I-owry, the author, told the Guard on was at Ashland the first of the readers all about the many travels w eek with her daughter, Edith, who of Mr. Tyson and of the circumstances Is ill with the Influenza. which led to his locating In Spring- field and his subsequent employment Leaves for Idaho— Mrs. M ary E. with the Booth-Kelly Lumber com­ Mullins and her son, Edward, resi­ pany which company he has been dents of the W illows apartments, left with since 1914. Mrs. C. F. Egglmann was also Sunday for their former home In Ida- ro. They will make an extended visit. ' "written up” by Miss Lowry a few weeks ago. Guests at Dinner Mr and Mrs II. 11 Freeland of Eugene hud as their guests fur Bunday dinner and a thn- alre parly afterwards Mr. und Mrs. C. A. Swarts of this city. Ragan & Bowman “Quit A pressing Iron which had been for­ gotten and left with the current on LIGHT burned a hole almost thru the wooden Fifty years from now the world wall between the Service Cleaners may regard the discoveries made in and Springfield laundry last Thurs­ our time about light as the greatest scientific advance of all time Light day night before it was discovered cures disease, ordinary sunlight light by an employee of the laundry who produced in various ways b> artificial saw the red hot iron glowing on the 1 means. Ordinary window glass keeps other side of the wall. He climbed ; the healthful part of the sunlight out of the house. New kinds o f glass let over the transom Into the cleaner portion of the building and removed 1 it in. In fifty years every modern home will be equipped with the new the iron. No damage was done to ' glass and illness wil be less commo% either business by the iron. Light stimulates growth of both animals and I plai plants. An English far- mar proved thgt exposing young pigs CLIFFORD WEAVER NOT -violet light them worth id ultra-violet u n t made — double their tarn far row-mates at six MARRIED LAST WEEK 1 , t Has Influsnsa Mrs E E Morrison Is confined in her home with an at­ tack of the Influenaa, Dr. W. N IXiw attended the mid winter clinic of the stale dental ihsic elation held at Salem tin Friday and Saturday of last week Dr Boyd tlaril' ner, chief of the dental division of the Msyn Brothers clinic at Roeheat •r. Minnesota, was the principal speaker lie also conducted several ilenionst rat Ions ns a part of the clinic A large delegation of Eugene den ttsta alao attended the meeting IX C. B Willoughby of dial city told the denllsta present of the plans which Eugene was making to enter­ tain the next meeting of the dental group which la to I k * held In Eugene CHRISTIAN CHURCH WILL HEAR SERMON ON PAUL lu May. "Daul the Cnashanied” will he the sermon topic at the Christ'an church MILL BEGINS OPERATION next Sunday morning Veltle Pruitt AFER LONG VACATION will he lu the pulpit. He will alao sing a solo at the service In the Work at the local mill of Hie Booth evening he will preach on the sublect Kelly Lumber company was start'd "The IVnlacoatal Standard.’’ The I «gain lust week after a shut down of choir will sing "Wonderful Grace of almost three weeks due to the severe Jesus" al this service. weather of last January The plan Lloyd Harris and Roscoe Cole will ’ lug mill began work last Wednesday sing a duet at the Sunday school hour and the sawmill started on Thursday The mill operated dti Saturday also al » 46. STYLE MASONIC STAG PARTY HELD HERE ON TUESDAY When is a Joke not a Joke? Last week a report spread around this part of the country that Clifford Weaver of Thurston, son of A. W. Weaver, had been married at Salem. It seem s that 'n sending bis father a package Mr. W eavej J u n g ly signed It Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Weaver thus leading his parent to believe that he bad been married. THURSDAY, -'KB. 13. 1930 O nly a m atter of a few daya. M erchant» of Eugene— Coma and give u t a bid on our STO R E F IX T U R E S . E veryth in g muat be eleened out to the here w alla at once. 825 Willamette B, V. D'a and Other Athletic Underwear Regular $1.50 Genuine B. V. I). Union Suits and other athletic underwear ...................................... Fine Hemstitched, Reg. 10c Hand­ kerchiefs at .............. ........................ 75c 4c SUSPENDERS Fancy dress and plain colors, all fresh new web. 50c values, ch o ice ................. 38c On Sale Fri. and Sat. while quantities last Ragan ® Bowman “Quit” St