PAUB I TR U C K IN G BAN LIFTED FROM ALL COUNTY ROADS W IT H WARMER W EATHER T H R SPR IN G FIELD NEWS THURSDAY. FEB and Mrs. C arl H. B. SALLEE SELECTED operates the Kugene term inal Prom Pall Crook— W H. Ruaaelf of Landers of M arcola are the parents . ___ COUNTY SCOUT LEADER yards. ►'all Crook spent Saturday In the city of an eleven pound baby boy which n o n . i ™ n“ k ,n « “ >• ‘ rip Included transacting busines» was horn to them at the Pacific A Kentucky man. H. B Sallee, of M ilton Buck. Portland; Jam«« Ils. To T he tkiui on trucking on county C hristian h,kapital in Eugene last — K -k . ......... ......................— ‘ H O , IO Uwenaboro, Kentucky, la road» w u lifted Monday by the Lane week. N O T IC E TO C R B O IT O R « County Court and hauling under the Nallea la hereby given (hai the un- dsrslgned haa been duly appointed Ad weight lim it» w ill not be restricted N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R « m ln latrato r o f the estate of Ed laigs fu rth er thia spring unless there la a ford. Sutherlin; Kenneth Lane. Napa. is t. deceased, and any and all persona N O T IC E 1» H E R E B Y G IV E N That tim e ago. Ho received the appoint­ radical change in the weather. C alifo rn ia; Richard Kerna, Pendleton; havin g claims against the said estate K a tie M Janetttng haa been appoint­ The roads of Lane county were all ed adm inlatrntrlx of the estate of ment from the Lane County Scout Hom er H artm an . Jacksonville; O re are hereby required to present said Council last week and pinna to be In John W. Beasley, ueceaseu. deceased, oy by m the declared to be in very good shape by (j---------~ »». --------- e ----- ---------- ‘ O oe in l|0 H a a v C o rv a llis - — i am (claim s, duly verified aa bv law re ­ . . quired. at my office. H fth Avenue ounty Cour t of Lane County. O re Kugene the «rat part of next week to mer M ille r IStrtland Rai h v w O. Thompson, county weight sup on. A having claims ake h l* i. new to il.. m ,r W’ « » 'P k Van Wag , East, la Eugene, (.ane County. Oregon, gon. A ll ll persons persons having claims K ( tak e un up h new . duties e rr ia o r /a tid Oecar Cutler, a u te mark w ithin alx months from the dale of ner. Petluma. C a lifo rn ia . H aro ld Bow against said estate are required t o ' Mr .. . ___ .. , ----------- -------------- et road engineer, a fte r an inspection p resent them, w ith proper vouchers. ,, T of * He " • ' erm an. Oregon C ity ; Days Dave W h itley itley, thle notice “ on* ,,m * • «’• ‘ tie rancher In Sanger C a l if o r n i a and an u I a n t i “ ret published February IS o f the highways last Friday. There within six months from the 13th day of February, i »30. to the . . I d adm in Montana before entering Boy Scout ( * ‘ •»»«'™ la. . „ d A llen Me has been considerable Interest shown ady. Modesto. California Data of last publication March IS. latra trix at the law office of L L. work H e la regarded aa one of the by county commissioners from other ISSO. Ray. in the M iner Building. Kugene moat capable scout leaders In the counties over the manner in which Oregon. K A T IE M. J A N E T T IN G . J B BELL. the la n e county oiled roads stood up A d m in istratrix of ihe Es U nited States and It Is expected that FORMER R ESID EN T DIES A d m in istrator of the Estate tate of John W . Beasley. he w ill be able to g reatly advance of Ed Iskgslet. deceased. during the recent cold weather. L. L. R A Y . deceased scouting In this county. A E W HEELOCK. AT HOME IN CORVALLIS The tine condition of the oiled high­ A ttorney for Estate. F 13 2O-37M6-I3 Address «JS Corbett B ld g, ways following the low tem peratures H is duties w ------- ill consist » ■■ largely of l Wonk, received -------- -------- ■ R V IJ U - - - - - • In aa f Springfield p i ■ n H u r m X III Portland. Oregon. is accountable to the fact that a sheet A itorney for Adm inistrator. Estate of O ra B. Htggins. deceased directing the work of the scout troop Monday told of the death on Febru of ice formed over the roads and this N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S — now organlxed in the v county. Spring ««T •« Corvallis, of W illia m M —----------- - — u h i i i j . l» K N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S prevented the frost from cracking and ,t,ce hereby given that Asa J. field haa two boy scout troop char- M . follow ing a b rie f Illness Notice Is hereby given that Ihe un­ S 2 S ” , » ■ • ¡ 5 : ■■ otherwise raising havoc w ith the sur­ dersigned ha» been appointed admin face. thinks M r. Cutler. for Lane County, appointed adm inls ---------------------— ‘ orvallls and Interm ent was made in la tra to r w ith the w ill annexed of the Coming at the same tim e as the tra to r of the estate of Ora B. Higgins. F O R E S T R Y S T U D E N T S V I S I T ,h * cem etery . M r. Beals Ketate of H a rrie tt Sophia Sharpe, do ceased by Ihe County Court of i.ane opening o f the county roads to traffic deceased. I I WOOD PRESERVING ------- — PLANT ---------- lived on a farm near here for several ('ou nty. Oregon All persons having All persons having claims against « a s aa announcement from Roy Klein years before moving to Corvallis j claims against said Estate are req uir­ chief engineer of the state highway the estate of said deceased are here­ ed to present them, with the proper by notified to present the same, duty An inspection of the local Carbolen I M r. Meals Is survived by his wife departm ent, th a t the weight lim its stated and verified, at the residence lum wood preserving plant by stud and eight children Mrs. W F Grove vouchers, to the undersigned, st his office at 23 Sth Avenue East. Eugene on two state high trays in Is n e county of A. E W heeler. 710 Lawrence street were to hereduced to eight tons The in Eugene. Oregon, or to said ad­ enta of the forestry d ep artm en t of the ! of Canary. Oregon; D ». Beala of Se- Oregon, w ithin six months from the six Oregon State College under the d ire r attle, W ashington; D J. Beals, and , date of this Notice. Siuslaw highway between Low Pass m in istrato r personally, w ithin Baled at Eugene, Oregon, this ISlh tion of T J S tarker, forestry profes Mrs. F rank W ithers of Springfield; monthts of this an Association a corporation, Plaintiff. Vs Richard F. F arm er and M yrtle M. Farm er, husband and wife, Lewis T. b itte ­ rn ore and Althea Dittem ore. hus­ band and wife, Defendants. To Richard F. F arm e r and’ M yrtle M Farm er, husband and w ife; Lewis T . Dittem ore and Althea Dittem ore, i.usband and w ife: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer thecom plalnt filed aglnst yon In the above entitled suit on or before four weeks from the date ot the first publication of this summons. f3“ r w eek* fr,,m February 13. 1930, and if you fail to so appear and answ er said com plaint, for want thereof the p lain tiff will applv to the court for the re lie f demanded In its com plaint, to-wft: F o r Judgment against vou In 'he sum of Eleven Hundred Ninety-eight and 37-100 (»1198 37» Dollars, togeth­ e r w ith interest thereon from and a fte r the 1st day of February, 1930 u n til paid at the rate of 10 per cent J£r ®n n u m ; for the fu rth e r sum of »7.50 costs of abstract continuation- for the furth er sum of »150.00 a tto r­ ney's fees, and for Its cost and dis bursements herein; and that Its m ort­ gage covering Lot Three (3 ), Block Six (< ). Shelton's Addition to Eugene In the County o f Lane. State of Ore­ gon. be foreclosed, and for such other and fu rth e r re lie f as shall seem equit­ able. This summons Is served upon you by publication for four successive w eeks In the Springfield News, by e rd e r o f the Honorable O. F. Skip- w orth. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 11th day of February. 1930. J E 8 S E O. W A R R IN G T O N , and A. E. W H E E L O C K . Attorneys for Plaintiff. «22 C o rbett Building, P o rtland. Oregon D ate of first publication February 1.1, 1930 D a te of last publication March 13, 1930 A Six-Day Sale of Oddments and Remainders—Floor Samples-Soiled Goods -One-of-a-Kind Pieces! Merchandise that has been left In the wake of Pow ers’ greatest furniture event—the January sale. Hundreds of pieces of home furnishings from America’s forem ost m a n u fa c tu re rs ----- one of a kind pieces that are not backed by warehouse stocks - - - oddments and rem ainders of dishes, glassware and c ry s ta lw a re ----- floor samples of rugs - - - rem nants of draperies and lin o leu m s-----curtains. M erchandise that must be cleared - - - regardless of form er costs - - - for incoming spring shipm ents. Fhery- thing in this rum m age sale is offered a t a price th at will absolutely g u ar­ antee its immediate clearance. The prices below are only a partial list of phenomenal values: All Items Sold “As Is »» —No Phone Orders Bedroom F u rn itu re {43.50 W alnut Hi-Boy ...... .. ............ $24.25 All Advertised Items Subject to Prior Sale Dining-Room Furniture D a v e n p o r t s and C h a ir s $28.50 decorated Ivory Enamel Dresser $17.95 $88.50 3-piece decorated Ivory Bed Room $47.25 3uite ........................ $175.00 Walnut Vanity Dresser $72.50 $89.50 Cogswell chair In linen frieze Blrchfleld davenport in jacquard ve- lour ...................................... $99.50 $52.25 Blrchfleld davenport in mohair $24.50 decorated Ivory cluster of draw- ,,rs $16-50 Blrchfleld Cogswell chair in jacquard velour $31.75 $65.00 hi-back chair In tapestry $32.25 Chest of drawers, hardwood w alnut fin- lsh ...................................... - ....................... $9 95 Chest of d r a w , i walnut $21.75 Bedroom chairs, ivory and walnut finish $4.65 W alnut Dresser ..........................................$18-95 Cedar chest, Port Orford cedar Vanity, walnut finish L ivingroom T ables $19.50 Pedestal base table .................... $14.75 $21.00 walnut occasional tables......... $16.95 Decorated iron base end tables, choice $61.25 $3.95 $11.50 Iron base, book trough end tab le $6.95 $18.50 Italian marble top m ahogany end tab le .................................................. _ $11-95 $21-75 nest of tables, decorated $13.85 $21.75 $44.60 wood door china closet $22.25 table ................. 24.60 m ahogany tea wagon $36 75 $14.95 $272.50 Wood and Steel Beds RUGS $125.00 9x12 worsted Wilton rug $69.50 $142.50 9x12 worsted Wilton rug $79.50 Slightly im perfect seam less Axmlnster rugs $39.75 DINNERWARE AND CROCKERY RUMMAGE TABLE Up to 75c F lo w er Bowl«, Pickle Dinhs«, T e a Plate« and Candlentlck«, now grouped your choice ....................................................... 1 4c* 75c to »1.50 Fancy T ea and Luncheon Plate«, E l­ m ira F ru it Bowl», Covered Sugar«, Reli«h Dl«heg and Bread Tray«, choice. »1.50 to 2.50— Large annortment of Ola«« and China W are— Your Choice $7.95 $3250 Library dining table $41 1.00 8-p|ece Spanisli group $6.95 $19.95 $12.50 Library dining table $64.60 6-piece dining set. 5 chairs and $40.50 Breen decorated desk and chair $29.75 One of a kind Pieces No Exchanges or Refunds— All Sales Final e Thia Lot— No Phone Order«— No Deliveries. 5 only—odd twin beds (wood) walnut, each $12.95 11 only—odd double deck coll springs full and twin $9.85 Wood spool bed, walnut finish $19.65 Steel beds, Ivory or brown finish $5-95 Square tube ivory steel beds $9.15 O ccasional C hairs $15 00 pull up arm chair 8.95 m ahogany finish desk chnlr $29.75 $12.50 foot stool, In tapestry and Jacquard vplour .............. .................... 85 $45.00 bag seat chair In leather $32.50 Cogswell chair In velour Our Windows Tell the Story of Rare Savings Powers Furniture Go. Willamette at 11th $4.95 $62.50 arm chair, tapestry covered $28.75 $19.85