'T ill? C n n iM P F in T h u rs to n P e o p l* C a ll-M r * Jim w ar* Hat Prom W s lta n r ills -J J Cab« of W a lle rv llle waa a visitor In Spring Held on Saturday of laal week. S sksr M ovs* to Eugsns— R J Ad’ ma form erly nmplnyi'd *1 the Springfield Bakery. I* now working at the Ideal Bakery In Eugene lo ti o f Cedar Flat waa u visitor here the laat o f the paat week? Spend Sunday at Drain O rm e May and her aun. Jean, and daughter. Junta spent the prat Hundny at Drain where they vlalled ti enda and relative*. Mother and D au g h ter V is it Mra Howard Mulaon and her daughter, Ik iro lh y uf W endllng were Monday morning ra lla r* In Hprlngfleld, Coder Plat Man Haro— W a lte r Kaa Vida Man Hare— F A Weed of Vida was a business caller In thia city on Saturday. T he eleventh cougar was shot by Kinsley a fte r his (wo dogs had treed the anim al and kept him there for the outstanding bond laaues are being five hours. W hen bis dogs did not retl-ed this year T here Is only one return a fte r a hunt be went out to other district, num ber 1(3, not mak- search for them a Bd found them a t ! Ing any payments this year on the the foot of the tree containing the outstanding Indebtedness according to cougar. the statement. Prom Camp Creak Ed Connelly of of Camp Creek spent Sunday with friends In Springfield. Dearborn Man V is it» James Ken 1 nedy of Deerhorn was among the vis- School <1 “strict No. 19 has bond* now outstanding to the extent of »71,- 000. The only other district In the county with a 'arger debt la the Eu gene schools in district number 4. They owe »432,000 in bond* The In­ terest on the bond* thia year wrtll cost Springfield taxpayers »3,795 00 Eugene w ill have to pay »20,390.00 In Interest thia year. 10 a house at the corner of F ifth and 11 atreeta. The first step towards smartness is to know yourself. The well dressed woman studies her type and her color- tag- just * * she studies the gown she Weer« She chooses only the hues that are tattering, lines that five grace to ■*» hgwre, and details that best express her personality The days wbea women were depen- •a n t eatarely on the taleswusnaa are p v i, forever Thank* to a bvtfhaat AMARANTH BRIDGE CLUB HOLDS LUNCHEON HERE Mia* Dunn. Frocks, especially of the inexpensive type standardised in tiling according tru-fit system Regular ana mediate sixes from 14 to 4> nr* by this novel plan. Leave* for C alifornia— Mra. Itrun »on. mother of Kay Brunson. Ihft Hun The mem ber* of the Am aranth day for O akland, California, where C ertain ly this idea win rrvo letio o ie, , bridge club were guests of Mrs. C. E the art of dress inxaufactu ahe w ill apend aoine tim e vtaltlng Wheaton at a 1:00 o'clock luncheon all, a defimte knowledge of friend*. it money in one' ne'* pocket. “ D o yen know I and bridge party held at her home ! your «xef I a yoov* a standbed dm «Í V isit at Corval 11»- M r and Mra. C. here yesterday afternoon. The club stylist cf Naw York City. M ae Man* do yon belong ag > «be r i l i g . n r ' e f M P « « a of I. M ittlem aa A Coopawy. W Pettyjohn returned Sunday even­ la composed principally of Eugene t arsaatitr anafyaM of th e h r~ Tbeee tw o ing from Corvallis where they had . women, Mrs. Wheaton and Mias Edna «peetaf «Wereeza to the been spending a week vlaitlng at the S w art* being the two Springfield mem tartar a aaads baa beea If home of th eir daughter, M r*. John ber*. F irst prise In the bridge game aid Bka a chaw af beef • • ' • » to t r e W ar ««guiar and m an ywwr corean «aa. eoe wdf be osee. inaura « perfect waa won by Mra. Dr. H eterllne of 1 Purclll. * t® y«a gravi* • yo u w ill w rit« •lie Eugene and the low award went to Basketball Player III—John Lynch, M ia* Sw art*. basketball player on the local high ! e a a • a held soon. school team la III with the Influen ts The Pleasant H ill high school boys THURSTON and wa* unable to play in tile game • a • • a basketball team defeated 9 t. Marys last Friday night w ith the University I team at Pleasant H ill last Friday high team Last Wednesday evening the P. T. The Pleasant H ill A thletic club de­ A. met at the high school, the presi­ feated the Mohawk team by a score of W a te rv ille R esid en t H e re — M re. i dent. Mrs Bert W eaver resigned and 40 to 30. F arre ll McQulnn of W a lterv tlle re- ' Mrs. Ira Nice was elected to fill the reived medical cure ai the office of a 1 Avis and M aurice M cLaughlin ot office. Arrangem ents were made tor local physician on Saturday of last ' Ihn high school basketball teams to the Pleasant HUI high school are week. entertain all Ihn league (earns with a quarantined with small pox. dune« and refreshments on Saturday Dwight Brown, who has been hav- III W ith Influence— Mra. John evenlng. February 22 Roy Edmiston Ing the mumps has returned to school, Lynch la confined to her bed w ith the and Bert M atthews were appointed on Helen Settle, an eighth grade stud- tn/luenxa. Both her and her aon the finance com m ittee; Misses Lois ent at the public school of Pleasant John, are being cared for at the John ! Mathews, Hasel Russell snd Irene H ill, has tbe mumps. P arker borne In thia city. B a ite r were on a com m ittee Io se ' H a * M ajor Operation— Mrs. L. D. about the music. The Pleasant H U I public school w ill fleam s of M arcola underwent a major The Thurston girls basketball team hav’" • ’ •ta n tln e box Names have operation at the f*aclflc Christian won the s llre r cup at the basketball , b* en drawn PUP“ ’ hospital In Eugene on Monday morn­ tournament In Eugene a few days ago ' The Ru.qgell Bros, of Lowell, are ing. W . W . HdmlgOpn. deputy sheriff, falling the t |mber on the B. B T ln k . was out here last Wednesday to In- er ranch for piling Released from Hospital— Hugh Jol- vestlgate some one breaking Into the Iff was released from the Pacific Jesse ('helps is cutting piling on his grade achool house. One window was C hristian hospital In Eugene last ranch at Enterprise district broken and two electric lights turned Thursday a fte r being confined there on. but no other damage was done. for some tim e due to Illness, Lalth F. A b b o tt for six y e a n I.aat week the telephone meeting western advertising representative Sunday School H a * Orchestra. Has M inor Operation— Keith W ool­ was held hv the 17 lines that have for The L oagR ell Lum ber Coaa ey of Cottage Grove, the four year peey and the Longview Company consolidated, at Thurston store. Fred An orchestra Is being formed at the old aon of M r. and Mra. A W . W olley. at Ixingvlaw. Washington, has been Russell on line 14. was reelected pres­ Methodist Sunday school and w ill underwent a m inor operation at a appointed advertising agent for tbe ident. and Ray Rennie, on line 22 was make Its first appearance on Sunday Southern Pacific at Portland, ac­ local physicians office on Saturday of also reelected secretary and treasurer. morning at the Sunday school under cording to J. A. Ormandy, pas­ last week Laurenca M illig an of W a lle rv llle . wa* the direction ot Ernest M cKinney, senger traffic manager. Mr. Abbott chosen line man, director. R e tu rn from A storia— M r. and Mrs waa gradeated from the University M r. and Mrs. Curtis Price are the of Oregon school of Journalism and M. B. H untly returned to Springfield parents of a baby boy horn at the Pa- has worked on several Oregon on Monday a fte r having attended the news pa para. slflc Christian hospital. February 4. funeral services for her uncle which Mr. Ormandy. In making this a » Eugene Bible U niversity baskelhsll were held In Aatorla on Friday of laat soenrement. said that Abbott a » team played the Thurston team laat week. ewmae hl* new duties with an In­ N O W P L A Y IN G Erlday evening on the local floor and tim ate knowledge of the I’ aclfle In for T re a tm e n t— Ray Notallng of were defeated. N o nh w eet't development problems W a te rv ille was In Saturday to have L ittle Allen Yarnell who has been gained through hie wide and var­ AU TALKING h l* hand dressed at a local physicians staying at John Price's spent the week ied extiertence at Longview, giving rax office. M r Hotallng rut his hand be­ end In Eugene w ith his aunt. Mrs. him oatmeal qeaJtrtraU eaa la c a rry •■AMA tween the thumb and first finger laal aa the promevtoa af toarlat travel Pierce. z week on a wood saw while sawing th l Mrs. H erb ert G ray who teaches al wood. Notl spent the week end here. Joins Railroad Harvey Calvert who was hurl when his 22 rifle exploded some lim e ago I had his eye removed at the Northwest ! hospital In Eugene last Monday. 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. T he following table shows the amount of Interest to be paid dur­ ing 1930 by above districts for In­ terest and retirem ent of bonds: 4 $20,390 00 19 ..................... 3 795 00 43 246 50 45 .... 2,600 00 69 1 890 00 76 ..................... 2,010.00 79 498.75 133 270.00 163 l f200 00 185 ......... 650 00 C. H. 8 ....... Men’s 98c Collars Attached Or Neckband Neatly striped shirt* of V A T P R IN T E D broad­ cloth. Tha (trip* Is alto V A T P R IN T E D . They are welt made shirts with 7-hution box p l a t t e d front*, roomy armhole* *nd extra lulluaas through- S’iL ♦ 4 UPPER WILLAMETTE 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 ♦ 0 4 Mrs. Em niu Pehrson of Washington la visiting w ith her daughter, Mra. Andy Olson, The Pleasant H ill high school held a ra lly the Monday a fte r the tourna­ ment. Cheers were given both teams and each player and the eoachea. Speeches were made by Captain Hugh W allace of the boys team and by coach E. E K ilp a tric k and coach M ar­ garet Shultz. F lra t semester examinations were held at the high school last week and this week begins the second semester. Nominations of student body officers have been made hut an election has not been held. Class meetings w ill be 2.000 4.000 3,500 1.000 500 500 1.000 1.000 FO R 8 A L E A T A B A R G A IN and lot a t 439 Fourth Springfield. Also piano. at premises. F13 Used Range Sale Slightly Used, Re­ possessed and Shop­ worn Hotpoint and Westinghonse Elec­ tric Ranges. Also several Shop­ worn Washers and Ironers Mt. States Power Co- Wholesome Meats for Better Meals Good meat is the foundation of every meal. Every house­ wife knows how impossible it is to plan a meal without it. At the Independent Meat Co.’s shop you receive only the finest cuts— at the most economical prices. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sts. E C. STUART Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON ■I K T he Builders of the L incoln M emorial While none of us may ever expect a burial and memorial Mrs. Helen Peterson and daughter M argaret Campbell, from Salem, vis- j Shirts »12.000 DON’T FORGET OUR Selected Stone ®> Concrete Rev, M artaln , from Eugene has been 1 employed as m inister at the Thurston church and Miss Smith as assistant. , Ited Ihe first of the week with rela- tlves here the first of the week. Jay G rant, an O. S. C. student at Corvallis spent the week end with home folks here. DINNER THEATRE PARTY HELD SUNDAY EVENING M r and Mrs. F. B. F.anery were hosts to several of th e ir friends a t a dinner and theatre party held last Sunday evening. T h e invited group motored out to the How ard dining room two miles north of Eugene on the Pacific highway fo r th eir dinner Districts and amount* of outstand­ and following this they attended a ing bond» follow : No. 4, »432.000; No. theatre perform ance In Eugene. 19. »71.000; No. 43. 49,150; No, 45. Those present were M r. and Mrs. Jack »50,000; No. 69,»36.000; No. 76. »36. Henderer. M r. and Mrs. W . F W a lk ­ 000; No 79, » it500; No. 133, »4,500; er. Dr. and Mrs. W . N. Dow and Mr. No. 163, »20,000; unloD high school and Mrs. Flannery. No 8. »18,000; No 185, »11,000. Fox McDonald Ì J.C.PENNEYC0. In the lim elight as a hunter of preda­ tory, animals. He has recently bag­ ged his eleventh cougar for thia sea­ son, and although be has m>t estab­ lished any record for the state, he has set a high record for this district and baa surprised several local peo­ ple who did not think that there were many wild animals In this region. Tbe worst feature of the Hprlngfleld j school financial statu* la that none ot V is ito r* Hare Wednesday M r and Purchases Pead W a lter C arter of M r*, fie ri Nixon of Seattle, Mrs Vida purchased feed for h l* stock T ee te r* of Cottage Grove, M r. and w hile In Springfield on Friday of laat Mrs. T ay lo r Needham and M r. and week. Mrs. George K ram er of Thurston, Shoe Man Recovare— W . A. Ila ll were all visitors at the W a lte r Ed baa returned to hta work of repairing mlnslon home yesterday. aboea a fte r having been III with the In flu e h ia for the paat two week* >Tm lr r , School district number 1* which consists of the three Hprlngfleld school* ranks second among the elev­ en districts In Lane county In the amount of outstanding bond Issue* and second In the amount of Interest to be paid on these bonds according to a report issued laat week by Orace 8chl*ka. Lane county treasurer. Aged Raaldant III Mra llary Bu­ | Hors In Springfield on Monday. chanan la reported to be quite III at her home on A street. Mra. tlurhanan Moves Residence Mr. and Mra. I* nearly 90 year* old Herbert Moon have moved th e ir resi­ Visita Unele— M ia* Nellie Stuart lie n c e from over the Ketela drug store spent the paat Sunday at the home of her uncle, Cecil Frum, nt Junction City. n*mri *o i" INTEREST PAYMENTS ELEVEN COUGAR BAGGED ON SCHOOL BONDS IS IN FALL CREEK REGION SECOND FOR COUNTY Bud Kinsley of Fall Creek is again TOWN AND VICINITY l l l l l and M B Of T h u r.to n urday visitors In the city. rx x as elaborate and beautiful as Lincoln's, vet the same pro­ tection and endurance is provided in the McAlpin Cement Vaults. . W I L L I A M FOX F r « it t n t » ROMANCE/ RIO GRANDE WARNER BAXTER , MARY PU NIAN * ANTONIO MORENO All Talking Picture TONIGHT Also Mickey Mouse S T A R T IN G in the Laxton Building 135 5th St Springfield, and we in­ vite Your Inspection. Price $75 MONDAY BILLIE DOVE “H E R These vaults are on display In P R IV A T E L IF E ” McAlpin Vault Co. Plant on Pacific Highway, y^-mile north of Eugene, Oregon