VAOH FOUR TUB 8PRINGFIHLD NKW8 THURSDAY, FRB. IS. 1930 .............. . " ................... Thousands of steelheads were able BICYCLE ENTHUSIASTS memtieis who were unable to he pre» HIGHWAY BODY ASKS FOR NEW GRANGE ORGANIZED to ascend the Columbia and Willam­ eut al (be Friday meeting II I« es TO GATHER IN EUGENE BRIDGE REMOVAL BIDS ette rivers during the freese up, and BY FARMERS AT LOWELL period thul between 40 and 60 mem commercial fishermen were unable to TO ELECT OFFICERS ,................ . ~ hei a will Ji In the new organisation ______ Bids for dismantling of the old Farmers living In the Lowell dis catch them. Thia fact, according to Harry Veatch was elected worthy The amateur Bicycle League of «I* 1 “««•»<« brW«* were called for at trie« mel laat Friday night and organ State Game Warden Clifford, will in master am* Joe Walker was selected I of America will hold Ita annual Lane 'th* ‘i”‘' ot «»»* »«•'• highway sure a large run In tour yeans. Principal Events of the Keek lBed the Lowell Grange with a charter gr.rtge secretary. A plan (or the organisation of the county meeting at the T. M C. A. (onm laslon held In Purtlar.d laat membership of 36. Arthur Brown, | Assembled for information agricultural industry on a sound co­ In Kugeue on Monday eveulng. Febru week. They will be opened at a meet- state grange organiser had charge ot , Il C. M heeler of Pleasant lllll, m ss , f . , « „ . .W H , ..„ .................... .. opt ratlve basis looting toward a fed­ of Our Readers. 1er of the laine County grange was eration of commodity agencies over hall Ihe principal speaker »I the organi bicycle racing for the coming season ' ™ ,nclu<’e bo,h »*• tan, welt soles taled seven, the annual report of W. trip to the National Bicycle races held some immediate acliou was necessary West End of Bridge W Branstetter, county coroner, says. to cope with the rapidly increasing In the East next fall. C. A. Howard, state superintendent population at the institution. • f schools, and E. A. Britton of Rose- Services of two crop specialists rep­ WATER BOARD TO GRANT hnrg, Coos-Douglas scout executive, resenting the federal government ex­ NO LAKE CONCESSIONS were the principal speakers at the tension service in Marion county, with •pring teachers’ Institute at Bandon out cost to the taxpayers, may be ob­ Th- re will be no concession» grant recently. tained in the near future, according to e,1 by the Eugene Water Board to In Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pio­ a plan outlined at Salem recently by divlduci- who may desire to establish neers will celebrate Oregon's 71st Walter T. Stolz. The department ot eatlrg house» and other roadside at- birthday anniversary February 14, agriculture will advance *65oO for this tractions along the shores of the new with a statehood banquet and valen­ purpose, provided *3000 la raised lo­ la«e which haa been formed at Lea- tine dance at the Multnomah hotel in cally. b-irg by the construction of the new Portland. A diversion dam in the Malheur power dam. Editors and publishers from all over The Water Board contends that the river above Harper, almost two miles the state and points up and down the _____ ______ «nd rocky i establishment of such places along of tunnel through hills Pacific coast arriyed in Eugene re­ many miles of canal, is completed for ’he lake would do more damage to cently for the aeasions of the 12th an the carrying of water to the 4000 acres •the natural scenery than the retell ., _Bual press conference at the Univer­ of land within the Harper and Little ' could offset. sity of Oregon. Authorisation for an appropriation Valley units of the Vale irrigation ' This decision by the Eugene organ­ • f *50,000 for a statue of Theodore project. The tunnels that will carry isation will meet with hearty approve Roosevelt on Battle rock. Port Orford the water of the project are lined with In Springfield where the Lions club harbor, Oregon, waa proposed In a concrete and are large enough for a Is now engaged In a campaign t > beautify the McKenzie highway from JUU introduced in the United States truck to pass through. A huge pine tree, which, according this city to Doyle hill. senate recently. A much discussed issue in Linn to a count of its growth rings, pushed county, the employment of a county its way above the Deschutes soil in LEGION DOES NOT MEET: agent, la to be referred to the voters 1280, was cut recently in the Fort OFFICERS OUT OF CITY Of the county at the May primary. The Rock country and hauled into Bend The regular meeting of the Ameri­ county court refused to provide for for milling. The big pine scaled 13,500 feet, not counting the wood in its can Legion which was to have been an agent In the 1930 budget. massive limbs. The 32-foot logs cut held at the Chamber of Commerce Melting enows and additional rain fail have improved mining conditions from the tree were so big that two room» last Friday night wa» called throughout southern Oregon, and there tractors were required to haul them off at the la»t minute as most of the are now a good many miners operating from the woods to the logging train. officer» were unable to be present. W ■mall placer mines In the hills that George Horner and Jean Cox, two N. Dow wa» at Salem attending the have not been operated since the be­ farmers of the Floras creek section, dental clinic, Mr. M. B. Huntly was ginning of the war In 1914. were attacked by a large female black called to Astoria and other» had other More than 30,000 pounds of turkey bear while slashing brush on tbelr engagements for the evening left Medford recently for Boston, ship­ property. One of the men threw his ped by the farmers’ exchange coop axe at the bear which hit the mark, OFFICE WORKERS ATTEND eratlve in the January pool. This but only served to increase her an­ MEETINGS ON TUESDAY amount waa 8000 pounds in excess of ger. Horner took refuge behind a the receipts anticipated by managers tree while Cox hastened to the house Ml»» Maxine Snodgrass attended a Of the exchange, they said. for a gun. When the latter returned, meeting of accountants of the Moun­ • shot from the rifle mortally wounded tain States Power company which was 'Wfc. THE markets the animal. held at Albany on Tuesday afternoon. Portland A total of 189 persons were killed | In the evening she wa« Joined by Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, *1.25; ■oft white and western white, *1.16; and 4711 persons were injured in 30,- Miss Lulu McPherson and the two hard winter, northern spring and west­ 181 traffic accidents In Oregon during went to Dallas where they attended the year 1929, according to the annual the ladles committee meeting of the ern red, *1.13. Hay—Alfalfa, *24024.50 per ton; report of T. A. Raffety, chief inspector , National Electrical Association. valley timothy, »20.50021; eastern for the state motor vehicle depart- Oregon timothy. »23 0 23 50; clover, ment, filed with the secretary of state ' Yarnell Man Here—W. H. 8mlth »20; oat hay. »19; oats and retch, *20 recently. Approximately 13,890 of the of Yarnell made several purchases In accidents were due to reckless drlv this city on Monday. 020.50. Harmony in Typt and Dtaign ing, while iu 1025 cases drivers were Butterfat—32 0 31.10. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST DEPT. STORES ,N T H E W E S T Shoe W eek Staits Friday, Feb. 14, 9 a.m. $2.98 to $4.98 $3.98 to $4.98 Only 98c Kirkland’s Floral Co. Only $2.98 Only $3.98 CLOSE HARM ONY is just as pleasing and essential in printing as in music Used Range Sale M t. States Power Co- The Willamette Press