Our suggestion to the naval conference is to simplify conditions and not get into long drawn out argum ents as to the relative value of cruis­ ers. battleships, submarines, etc. Just say no nation shall build a warship of any kind for five years. Then hold another meeting at the end of that period and see If the world is still Just as well off. If it Is. then sign up for another period 1 he way to stop anything is to stop It. There will always be suspicion when a set of compli­ cated rules are agreed upon and there will be those who will think they are being double crossed. i«er*d a , second oMaa matter. February 2«, i Mj. „ u „ poetofllce. Springfield. Oregon. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE O«a year In Advance-------» 1 « Three Month« M* Month« _ ...... ...fl.OQ Single C o p y ..75c ...5c THURSDAY, FERRI ARY 13. 1KÎÜ build ea st a n d w e st . • Build the Cheshire east section of the coast “8 800,1 US P° 8' Ray “ay steam a,’”“n had filled our youthful minds with so much d T k o 7 "°w be'’"' tressing information that we hardly knew w heth’ o a ‘'<'">P«ny at North Rend ‘2 i • • • er the world was a safe place for us to sten Or««0“- “ «• expected that thia into or not. t e P OUt new ■>lnn’ will be ready for service G IVIN G EUGENE T H E AIR I July 1, 1*30. according to «chedule. (Cottage Grove Sentinal) We looked askance on all the fellows In college The ln, ears at a dollar a science or intelligence, like a slot machine. You California Oregon Power Company, bad determined to abandon Paciflc g a '*v- ’ »’ 3 ” lckle and he f?ave you a nlckle's has been completed and was ener­ Springfield before Eugene a ite d T ” Dal sl,e in worth of goods. gised for the first time November 3. terminals for itself. 8 a ted t0 secure the t h l n ’ZT tOOk your nickle and wlth-h«ld the goods The completion of the above pro Jects will Improve service In the ter­ then he was a successful business man. ritory served by both the Mountain the larger city ^ o 'p r e s e n t t h e 3 co®mend®hle of We know belter now. In fact. I believe it could State« Power Company and The Cal­ property that couldPbe used f o r fm ae e r C ,ty w ,th n!«« in 7 s ia t ..thT greate8t torce for righteous- ifornia .forma Oregon « Power Company nor less th a n th ed S ta te s to d a y 18 nothing more . « upi »I> Ing a dual source of power nor less than the once maligned BUSINESS. .through the Interconnected .r a n ,,..., wn J h“ * * hy *’e are 8trong tor Federal high- y No. ¿8. L et’s not make a north and south ou. or It always east and New York to Florence if you please. TON- . « The National Guard unit held an -lir a drill period on Monday evening In preparation for the annual federal Inspection which will be held here on Thursday. March 11. The Inspection dale has been changed from March IS, (he dale Ural announced accord Ing lo Lieutenant C. A Hwarta, com mander. The local unit la composed of l.leu tenants Hwarta and Waller dossier, officer*, and twenty two enlisted men Il was Inspected last Wednesday th e City of Albany budget for I93ft provide« for a considerable addition night by Captain Vincent of Salem Io the present street lighting system, provision having been made for the NEW DELIVERY ROUTE IS slsndards. Thia addition will give STARTED BY BAKERY Albany one of the best modern alreet lighting system s In the slate of Ore­ I The bakery business In Springfield gon. Is expanding rapidly according lo C J McKee, proprietor of the New Hom» bakery who reports that hla store CANNERY TO CONTRACT VEGETABLES ON MONDAY has recently added another country route to Ita present list of customers Contracts for the 1930 crop of v«g A new route exlendlng lo the leiwell, etables will be signed at die Bugena Jasper and Dexter regions was start­ Fruit Growers’ association plant In ed last week Eugene beginning on February 17. nyxl Monday, according to le-e 8. Turner, Held man for the cannery Beets, beans, carrots, cabbage, pars nfps. squash and tomatoes are all In eluded In the list of vegetablea to be onlracted for The cannery expecti to contract an Increased acreage of beana thia season, but acreages of the other vegetables will be about the same ns II was last year thiturdgQr was a banner day for the bakery according lo Mr. M.-gee who reporla that the retail sales were greater than on any previous day since he started In thia city. ('onslderable Interest has been aroused by a window display at Ihe tuikery of heart shaped honey cook­ ies which have treating over them and on which are various sentiments done In Icing. Editorial Comment ¿ 2 |_ . . r“ k' — m that th r!an d a r » ; „ 2 o w S ‘h ‘ f e t Com«« in today and noe <»ur beautiful dlaplay of Ht. Valen­ tine'»« day Candy Our attractive ho*rt-ah*ped boxeR of Candy are Just the rig h t \a le n tln e remembrance. F G G IM A N N ’S '» ’har« th . garvlca Is Different" - M f Nothing has impressed me more than this: ret to the top of a big business enterprise, and p r e t t y u , bi,, t0 nine times out of ten you will find an idealist You will find a man who has long since ceased 10 S V t h " “ fflcuHyPrtnB" e "1 N e * » « * » • to be Interested in mere money making who is plan staying in business because of what he wan- his h n u ln o o o 9— i.i_ employees, _ . business to ««««. do fo r his his c o m m u n ity Eugene has a valuable municipal airport. and J com m anuy and his his country. country CUrTents are So the News suggests that Eugene sell its air ^ « n hr , h i. tn “ " % z " „ ey, hwj , ,h w h k h •<>“ * " embarasiment, and d jvefo n '^ 2 ? ^ ? ' y " " " " B U qi\’Fq«n,|irnA,>r BUCh ,nen—,hp idealists of BUSINESS in America— Is increasing very fast By Tae ryCilkison Why Not I gon. the construction of this line be- ln* made necessary on account of the increased power demands In the Onll , TR A D E IN YOUR OLD CAR ON A »• dlatrlcL * USED CAR U,00° ? " ne ,r<’m Alb*ny ’ * *d,‘quale aerrlce preHnnt don’“ domestic and induntrial “ c and ln.n» con>P|e l*d from « point north of in »“ » o r Of all the Virtues. ’ ' dependence to the city of Dallas, Ore- being used by that city for n n h ii^ 86116’ Waa not owner r .« concerned, than the E ugeni field Send Her Candy DON’T FORGET OUR Used Range Sale Slightly Used, Re­ possessed and Shop­ worn Ilotpolnt and Westinghouse Elec­ tric Ranges. Also several Shop­ worn Washers and Ironers Mt. States Power Co- SMARTEST O CTA G O N The new, handsome styles enhance one's good looks—and a re­ examination a visual Improvement. W IT H AN O. K. T H A T COUNTS u s e i c»reaVe * C° mp,ete #tock of excellent reconditioned MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. 924 O liv. St.. Eugana. Oregon T .l.p h o n . 627 What is your interest in “Rest Haven”? Not very much—perhaps— R llt- D ill - J ' a8. B,ire aB the Hl,n rise» from behind the snow-shrouded Three Sisters and sets below the purple barrier of the Coast range the time will come when you will be Interested , Haven Memorial Park—vitally Interested “ It may be a year from now—three vears— five— But when that time comes- as come it will you will regret that you had not__earller- acqualnt yourself with the very exceptional on indrtnf'dty h ff’‘7 d by ,te8t-Haven. during that per- rr ° f | r” deve,°Pm ent when property was being offered for sale on a th vestment basis. And don’t forget that, behind the plan by which Rest-Haven is now being financed, there Is the experience of scores of similar Memorial Parks put Into the hands of the public In Identically the' same way , and without one failure. 7 All that we ask is the privilege of telling y , i R e st-H a v en MEMORIAL PARK 536-7-8 Miner Building Telephone 830