Z :» jq V 1 O J,r W T T ry the H om e P rin t Shop Furet T THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENT Y - SE V EN TI! Y EAU. CITY LIMIT CHANGE IS UP TO PEOPLE HPR1N0FIISLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON- TH URSDAY, FIJI School Program a t Lincoln Pleases Toy Orchestra is Hit of Program Candy Sal* Prov** Success­ ful Venture Councilmen Doubt Authority to A packed house greeted the per Set Outside City Limit* Brat- tain Tract and the Petition former« In the Lincoln achool pro- May be Submitted at Eleotion gram which waa given at the achool , Iiaaemhlv room laat Friday evening — Agree on Bridge Light* I Mede Twenty Millions J 13, 1930 m "T h« People'« Paper"* A L IV I N E W S P A P IR IN A L IV E T O W N No. U Eugene H i Takes Second B a ll Game Three Regular Springfield Play­ ers Missing From Lineup Last Night T he absence of three nt Spring- I ’ field s stair basketball players waa • keenly felt here last night when the j purple and white aggregation from j Eugene piled up a lead of tw enty-four ' points over the locals. Not that Springfield had Intended to win the Beautiful Irene Bordoni, noted lin­ ger and actress, filed a countcrsuit lor game, but the many fans In this city divorce against E. Ray Gfetx, pro­ had hoped that the difference be­ ducer, ind clamed that »he * u never tween the scores of the two teams legally married to M r Goets a* thetr i Jesw L Livermore, famous a» m ight not be so great. The final marriage in Chicago in O ct, tvlh, ‘ a “be«’ " speculator, it said to have violated the Illinois law specifying score last night was Springfield 17 clean up between twenty and thirty that divorcees must allow an Interval mill wo Hollers in a few days through and Eugene 41. of a year to elapse before remarry- ihe decline in prices on the Stock Ex- Players Ruled Out. mg -hange. Everett Squires and Thsprer Mc­ M urray have been lost to the local team for good. T hey have both been WOOD SUBSTITUTES H IT In school tor eight semesters IN RESOLUION PASSED tiool I * the secretary of the state high school BY LOCAL MILL CROUP ath letic association ruled two weeks ■ ago that neither of them were ellgl- Members of the Employees Wood blg t0 play a fte r , bg end of tbg Promotion Com m ittee of the local ba„ the pregenl »chool year which W o r k e r s H e a d e d by W. K. Bar- plant of the Booth-Kelly company 1 ended recently. ICWSIM) Chas« Gardens Erecting Twf New Greenhouses; Drug Ctora Near* Completion; Other Im­ provement and Remodeling Work Started- , Despite the rain, a Imaketball game property l< | at tin- high school, und aeveral other T w o new greenhosses which win to hr aqt out of the i l l y lim it* It | detracting event* the room waa filled coat * t least 830.00« when they are before the tim e aet for the program probably w ill have to be done by a completed are now under construes» to begin and standing room was at Ion a t the Chase Gardens. The steel vote of the people at an election, a premium, fram ew o rk has been erected for the count (linen Indicated at the Monday laturance M offitt, the prlnrlpul, the first of the houesa, both of which are night meeting when the petition for teacher« whose pupils were In the to be steel and glass buildings of the vacation waa brought before them. program and the officers of the P a r­ m ow modern type. T he first house ent Teach er* association for whoae Ihiubt waa eipreeeed If the council w ill be 80 by 450 feet ln slxe. The benefit the program waa put on all second one w ill be sm aller, 60 by 300 had auth ority to set the property out- expressed themselves aa being well feet. Both of the houses w ill be aide the city lim it« and even If It had pleased. used for crops this season. T he coe­ lu m r member« believed that change« Financial Succaaa. tra c t for the first house calls for In the city lim it« waa a m atter the A total of I I I 78 waa netted from Its completion by M arch 18, but Mr. the voter* »hould decide. The petltlim the admission charges of five and ten Chase doubts If It can be completed would aet out a ll land except a «trip cents each and from the sale of candy. by that tim e. H e expects It to be a block wide on T enth and Main Thl« w ill be turned over to the P. T. ready by A p ril 1, when It w ill be atreeta. A and placed In th eir general treas­ plante<1 wlth *»»“« cucumber plant« Action on the petition waa delayed ury to be expended for varloua local nell Will Canvass Business “ i uter 0,ed tor ’’•«etabtea. u n til nest meeting and the council school Improvements. went on record at th eir meeting last j obnny Lyncb WM tba oth « r play- ... . _ . . ... , second house w ill be rushed te The program waa featured by aev- announced that It would hear furth er . . . . . . F riday aa being opposed to the use of „r m |M ing from the lineup last night, u ts tr ic t T h is W e e k completion Just as soon as possible discussion on the m a tte r If n-ceeasry. eral musical numbers played hy a toy the many various substitutes for wood Hg haa out ot gcbool for aimost - . . , . . a fte r the flrat Is finished. I t Is the T he tew gives the council authority band T he Instrum ents used by this ' which are now being offered the pub-i a wepk with , bad atack of tbg ln. t° ° k flr,t of » onlt * houses to be located to set out land tn which there la not group consisted of bells. U m borlnss. ||c. T hey fu rth e r stated that they fIu e n la He wa„ alao missing from t ’ “ ° rn ,n f “ ==U « * «Orth side o f the asseasmetns against It Is held that cvmhsls. rythm sticks and a host of , would patronise, and facor In every I tbp ||neup (or the game last week Springfield s quota of the advertising group, and It w ilt be devoted e n tire ly stam p* which the state Cham ber of the whole B rattain tract 1« Hable for other nolee making device« These legitim ate m anner those dealer«, dis- I „ , (h lhe u n iv e rs ity high team, but to roses This house arill be the be­ Main street assessments «butting lh« were played by the members of the trlbutors. and manufacturers who use ' b)g team mgtgg were able to rise to Commerce la offering to the public ginning of a gradual segregation of In an effort to raise funds w ith which property ae the land Is not platted lower grade« and leecher« report that an UW at east ° n^ 8tam D Perkins w ill begin rem odeling w ork B rattalo Program Next. Springfield. Oregon. Feb. 8. 1830. cording to Inform ation reaching this difficult shots from almost the een- ®ac a> on p ece 0 mai 8 ° inS there. This w ill Include the reflnlsh- The next achool program w ill be put city. T he property waa disposed of ter of the floor. T he Eugene boys | ‘ “ J 10 “ ts ou,8ide of the » U te. , ng th# ,nterJor M the bundlng on hy the pupils of the B ritta in school. EASTERN STAR MEMBERS hy M r Peery to eastern Oregon drug­ kept th e ir opponents away from th eir , H - E - M axey has been appointed and the placing of several w indow * T hl« w ill be sometime In M arch and gists who took possesion of thp store ATTEND EUGENE SESSION general chairm an of the stamp sale in the side o f the building for dis­ y lll be held at the Lincoln achool-as basket most of the game. on Tuesday o f thia week. there Is no assembly room sulla hie Score on Foule for ,h,s c lty - Tbe o ,her members on play purposes T w elve Springfield members of the M r. Peery found that the hours for the presentation of such a pro­ Prochnow and Ernstlng both played ,h « com m ittee are F. B. H am lin , and T h e W rig h t H ard w are store w ill Cascade chapter of the Eastern Star It was necessary for him to spend In gram In the B rattain building. good games, although Ernstlng was T J Flippin, chairm an of the county build * warehouse on the re a r ot were guests o f the Eugene chapter the drug «tore were too long and too Mrs Garibaldi at a decided disadvantage when play- drive. W. K. Barnell Is captain of the th e ir lot Just as soon as the In te rio r at the same tim e as Mrs, G aribaldi i confining for hla health. T hia prom pt­ Ing against Harold Bradw ay. the U ll s U m P selling force. ANOTHER RESTAURANT rem odeling work now being done at E llis , grand associate matron of the ed the sale. center from Eugene. Fred Buell 1 ---------------------------------- th e ir store ls completed. T his w ork order, was entertained In that city. TO START HERE SOON No announcement haa been mnde which has been going forw ard all A regular session was held and re­ started off for a w hile as tho he . in- r ' MILL WORKERS BENEFIT at to M r Peery'« plana for the future M r a(|<| Mrg w M Con,B(| pf Wpg, freshm ents were served afterw ards. tended to defeat Eugene by making , BY CHANCING SCHEDULE week consists o f the rem oval of th e It la reported that he haa been offer- Spr, hgT(, tbe rpg. raised platform s In each window, Those who attendod from Spring- ' points w ith free throws a fte r fouls, j ed a position w ith a large drug com- | lauran( equipm ent ,n the place for- OF FIVE O’CLOCK BUS ( the kalsom lning of the w^lls and field w ere M rs. Alice I-orah, Mis« He registered four of them without a pany. hut he had neither confirmed j m((rly kn((wn #|( Buhr. r # f e They Edna Saearts. Mrs. H a rry Stew art, 1 mlas. O ther Springfield players also the covering of the entire floor w ith The Eugene-Springfield bus which , . _ __ or denied the report. It Is expected ■ ■ « a golden oak colored congoleum floor Eugene • _ w ill open a first class restaurant In Mrs. Pearl fh-hantol. Mrs. E. E. Fraed made th e ir attem pts good. form erly le ft Sixth and O streets a t i ... , , ... that M r. and M rs Peerv w ill return . covering. A11 window displays at the was unable to find the basket when , that location Just ns soon as the In ­ erlck. M r*. C E. W heaton. M r«. W 4:66 was put on a five minute de- . ’ . . . .v . , -a to Springfield fo r a w hile before en­ terio r of the place can be cleaned and ___ . . . , . .. store w ill be made on the level o f C. W rig h t. M rs Roscoe Perkins. Mrs. try in g for extra points on fouls, but , ferred schedule startin g the middle .. „ , terin g any other business. redecorated. Thl» w 'll probably be C. A. Sw arts. Mrs. Elsie Pollard. Mrs. she usually converted the bad a t ,agt w # -k t<> accomoda, e , he mpn the floor and other displays w ill be about February 15. T he walls and E. E. Basford and M rs. W . F W a lk e r tem pts Into field goals Increasing her whQ ar? w orklng ,p thp Booth.Ke]ly made on »«rious parts of the floor GIRLS' MISSION SOCIETY total score. Gerald M orrison played celling have alreadv been kalsomlned. back from the windows. m ill here and who live In Eugene. , Much of the heavy and bulky m ai- a very ragged game at the start. He MEETS HERE TUESDAY M r. and Mrs. Collins have had 20 TWO JERSEY COWS HAVE The new schedule provldes that the wh|ch ,g pow gtored op the b

(1 room tberp H« ° rovB al"° ,ou"d ,tW',n hJ" METHODIST MEN TO HAVE T he m en hers present were ss fo l­ LINCOLN FOUR-H CLUB barn one morning last week when he to M ain street a t the same tim e the - plans t0 ,andgeape tbe grounds la lows M rs. Pollard, leader: Evelyn MEETING MONDAY NIGHT bus does If they hurry. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS went lo do his chores. T h e y both fro n t o f the property adjacent to the But II,. t.oudellp W illia m s , Velm a Mos- weighed about 38 pounds, but were highw ay and w ill Install a modern kop, Jule Pollard. E d ith Lanshery. D. A. Emerson, city superintendent N ew officers were elected a t the perf ectly norm al except for their EARLY CHURCH WILL BE sign, the la tte r w ill be done next Elm a LAnahery. D orthe Mae Potter, meeting of the 4-H club at the Lin of schools at Cottage Grove, has been weight. SUNDAY SERMON T O P IC ,**** k in :» Fish. selected aa the speaker for the month­ coin school on Tuesday afternoon ■ ' T h e rem odeling of the building ly m eeting of the M en’s Brotherhood ? > • next m eeting w ill be the aeo- a fte r school. T hey are L. C. M ofltt. SpR|NQF|E|_D STUDENT "T e Fnceeee of the E a r’ y Chnrch " w hich Is to house the new cream ery ond T ie s d a j In M arch at the home of leader; of the Methodist church to be held ln Bruce Squires, president; MARRIED AT CORVALLIS the church parlors Monday evening. has been selected by Rev. Ralph M u l- ' Is progressing very rapidly. M ost ot Robert McLagnn, vice president; M or­ Miss Evelyn Buell. h< ii nd, pastor of the Springfield Bap- i the Inside work on the building ha* T here w ill he the usual supper served ris Stew art, secretary and treasurer. tlst church as his sermon topic for been completed and workmen w ere I-ocal friends of M argaret 8w arts at 6:00 o’clock and the program w ill WORKMEN REPORT TWO T h e members of the club are H e r­ Sunday morning at the 11:00 o’clock ¡busy this week Installing some of the were surprised this week to learn of follow. b ert M ills, M ark Sm ith, Stanley ACCIDENTS AT SAWMILL service. ■ m achinery and equipments MT. her m arriage on January 20, to E l M r. Emerson w ill discuss the O rlm es, K eith C urrie, Norm an Oer- In the evening at 7:30 he w ill talk , Zlem er, assistant state food and d a iry . . . . . . i wood Lee of Alpine, Oregon, The W h eeler high school law which has E v e rett Chetwood M organ | p,#w, a( CorTBnI(, Rn„ W . J. M ille r received a painful cut her, commissioner was here on Tuesday been the subject of so much contro­ on the topic, "T h e Painted Face,” W ayne Kendall. l i s t e r , wbr kpp( r Rpcret un(|1 wppk shove the left eye last Saturday when Chandler, calling on Pyle snd G riffin, the cream­ The Bible school meets every Sun­ versy during the past weeks. Steele, Donovan a piece of wood flpw hack and struck Thomas, Charles Mrs. Ix»e is the daughter of M r. and ery men. ' day morning at 10:00, and the Baptist T his m eeting w ill be open to both him ln the eye ss he wss attem pting Montgom ery, and Irv in g Davis, O th er building and im provem ent M ra. C. A. Sw arta o f this city. She men and women and the ladles are Voung Peoples Union meets ln the to break a Jam In one of the wood w ork Is expected to be done In the graduated from the Springfield high evening at 7:30. urged to attend. hogs at the Booth-Kelly Lum ber com­ POT LUCK DINNER AT achool last spring and Is now enrolled c ity this spring, hut so fa r no an­ pany m ill. H e w ill lose several daya nouncements have been made hy the ADRAIN HOME SUNDAY a t the V n lv e ra ity of Oregon as n ANOTHER BEAUTY SHOP P. T . A. Plana Meeting from w ork as a resnlt of the acci­ freshm an. She w ill finish her work property owners. T he Pprent-Teacher association w il dent. Several friends n» M r. and Mrs. W . a t the U n ive rs ity this term and then W ILL OPEN HERE SOON hold th e ir next m eeting a t the L in ­ Sm ith MountJoy waa J n jn re d on H. Adraln gathered nt th e ir home last «he and her husband w ill make th e ir W ashington Man Arrive«— M. A. Springfield w ill soon have another coln school on F rid a y of next week. Pohl of Anacortes, W ashington a r ­ December 21 when a 2 hy 12 slipped Sunday fnr a pot-lurk dinner andso- home at Alpine where he Is employed. from the tru ck which he was loading clal gathering. Those present for the M r. I-ee la not a stranger around beauty parlor T he room In the back The program w ill be fu-nlshed hy the rived In Springfield on Sunday to Join snd struck him on the hand. H e lost afternoon were M r. and Mrs. W . R. Springfield. H e form erly operated a of the G erber barber shop Is being B rattain school. The '-ane County his w ife who had been here for the several days work. T h e accident was Dawson and son, B illy , M r. and M rs. , lum ber m ill near Donna and has been remodeled to make room for a beauty Connell will also have a meeting at past week. The Washington people not reported at the m ill u n til Feb- J. A. Seavey, M arceline JoAnn and | actively engaged In the lvm b ,r busl- p arlor which Mrs. Robert Moore w ill the River Road school north of Eu­ expect to thetr home tn thW gene on February St. Shlrley Jean, and M r. and M rs. Adraln neHg for several years. soon open there . ra ry 7. d ty . If (h r H ratlaln «m ate «« Stamp Sale Starts In City Today t> I