I o jo y , THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENT Y - H KV ENT » I Y KA 11 S I’ItlNGKIKLI, laANB COUNTY. ORRGON No. 6 When Hungt Test You Forget’ I'rearrlp th ine nur Specialty.— All compounding don« by reglatured 1‘hurtniM’lala. Your m all order algnlflea your OCiaJIdenre, It ahall have uur peraonal and prompt attention. B usiness Card» Office Forma K odalta and Supplice. We have plenty o f cem - petent help to serve you at thlB station. And, w hat is m ore we have a product that c a n ’t be b ea ten - /In­ let R ay gasoline. Letter Heads Ketels' Drug Store C aatm an S tatem en ts ttp rliiffli'ld , Oregon Hand Bills Envelopes Revive Your Pride B lotters .Menus, etc. At The Wm. Rodenbough Garage Willamette Press Severe crd-l uxipled with heavy mow vend* the d.-ea to tl •f lood tram the hayatacka. Thia doc. which Almma and Speculator N Y. are ( r e d '1 while Rover —aiuani na tear »< people and doga, driven by PHONE »6 Hod Crown G asoline. G arage, greas racks and other equipm ent that In­ su res a good job are ready for you at all tim es. You can depend upon service when you drive In here. T ickets Spring Is com ing and you will noon bo going places In the fam ily t ar. You may be lam enting the fact tliut you haven't u now car but got over that. Wo cun m ake the "old b tiB " run like now. After we got through "tuning her up" you'll take pride In driving again. Wo guuruntce our work and you know us. Violet Ray Gas Goodrich Tire« • A N D (P at Applied for—Serial No, 21764 > ■g. 2 ad A lW T t h a t » vmhy . t x h k h I W" W R 5 * m « emt> o» WMiwnrrw, ‘-AH'»' i»«t> nos», sAMr *Aitrcr-«T L lK t I A N D S E R V IC E S P R IN G F IE L D ™ vwn.v BVvetY «nier» »arten ,s n e m v w a r s oto. a sTranurr saw mu tiMMiHw sown vu» a e r ty r a«» saura h im wnar t m < ’’»«'■'dRFjBA-s «» o t t a wry W B M w i M i - x t » ih ««* aunpN’J DK v n i t s 'ixrU M W T . WMtUKtMS’ Y Y o u too*. . n v u « » u u t it T,M w e e riV A . ‘A’ St. Garage TMe The World Color Prtg. Co., S t Loue. M S T A T IO N OREGON