ir V FAUK H IX the aPRiworiM.n mfws THURSDAY. FEB »!. 1980 And you did To run away, to humll SERVICES OF EXPERT POISONED CRAIN MIXED late me. , . Well, despite everything, you are my wife, and I've caught you. AVAILABLE IN MAKING TO FEED GROUND PESTS and I have you. You can't get away INCOME TAX RETURNS The Idins County Agricultural rrom that, my dear.** "No." she said flatly. , T 1 ‘ . agent Is already gelling buey with a Ixual people who are bothered with , ,. , He reclined upon the sand, prop­ munv . i . i . i i . oampalgit to rid lbs county of many many details In making out their In- ^ L L U S ^ R M 'E D b y d c n a l d r il k y ping hla head Up With one hand, and i-ome 1 .. ~ . may secure the «ray dl«««rs at**1 other ground d <- come tag statement . 7 1 In pesta. O, H Pletcher, county agent, stared at her. services of a deputy front the office ,, ,, ' . "You've never guessed how desir­ of the Collector of Interna. Revenue , ‘T * * ’S * ? What'8 Gone on Before 1 Steep well, my dear? Members of the crew were swinging able you are. Lucy?" by visiting him a, h l. office In Eugene ' ‘" ’L T a w t r“ a , t Tt at party In Palm Bea< h given I "Say Faunce, would you mind let- outward the davits where was slung Men have asked me to marry .om etlm e between February 1 and 13 ' • . 7 2 “ 7 » ,a T ' a ” by Mr. Cooper Clary. Leeson. an at­ j ting me have a word alone with my a motor boat; stewards were placing them." she retorted adn between February « and March T » • ' ’ X f«r «he use la he cam torney. meets Lucy Harkness, known supplies In the boat. She entered the "But you didn't; you married me 16 inclusive A deputy will be eta.lim- I as Devil-May-Care because of her ad­ w ife*' " gr"Und Fauuce flushed at the brusqueneas pilot house where Modane stood by Do you know why?“ venturous lift In a game In which ed In Kugene on the above mentioned ' The p,"a,,n * UI b* pl‘"'*'d »•«* partners are chosen for the evening. ‘ of the request He glanced at Lucy. the wheel. She held out her hand. "You've Jtiat told me why." she said dales to assist the puhllr with their ! p'”lnd* • a,h and |ld nlRh, on Mra steTen(| e ,ernB„ on.t abaurd -- aba cepted her aid. He chopped wood; he dear wife, will yon please go to the takes care of her and takes her home. . Mv God! you talk to me erected the tent, first clearing a Everyone is worried about her. and Ahsunl ------... tent and wait for me!" when she meets Stevens he Is frantic, 1 °t absurdity! Listen, my dear Lucy space for It back from the beach He Well, she had proposed the game, regretful and stll ardent In his love, you left me. to run away with Paunce found the spring which trickled In a Leeson Informs Lucy that Stevens □„ thtnk , h made the rules, and Interpreted them must raise a quarter of a million .. . J ' ' wonu tiny stream to the sea, and cleaned She had given her word Io save Fer- dollars or go to Jail at five o clock. *rould eonwU-t me of murder if 1 killed It out. and sunk in It the aluminum container, which held the butter.and ,h \ ,lr- dful Lucy goes to her bank and raises the him out of hand?" She washed the dishes, put ' ‘ T u 7“ ” h” 8h" „ . . , . , “You wouldn't dare." she breathed Cheese As rapidly as weather pvrniltB. work on the development of Lucv goes *n Stevens to help him ..._ a . .. . P rose obediently, walked to the tent, nt he refuses to take money from a „ Aad why not? Yo” knp" »utter but w y no ou knew better them In order, stacked the stores be this beautiful memorial park I h going forward. With the entered It. and the flap fell behind woman to whom he is not married ’ ou *n<>w that my hands are Itching neath a tarpaulin which Stevens filing of the plats for the two new areas fittingly named her. So Lucy marries the man she hates, now to toss him overboard. So help stretched between poles which he ••Evwgreen" and •Hillcrest”—the final design of the park "Lucy," he called and promptly runs sw away ay from him. me G od upon un on my mv w o n t of nt honor h,,».,._■* a had .a chopped and __ , sunk __ . deeply . God. word In the becomes evident. going to her friend Fergus Paunce. Her voice came back to him. clear, "Your word of honor?" she Jeered sand. and tells him what she has done. unafraid, tinged with contempt "Upon my word of dishonor, then. Stevens sets out In search of Lucy. How long do you expect to remain " W a lir Meanwhile. Dr. Paunce and Lucy I'll kill him here and now unless you here?” she asked. To save herself. No great effort of the Imagination Is required to visual- launch a new boat A hurricane argee, without further word, to go she could not keep anxious timidity "I wanted to tell you: you need not lie the park as It stain will be - a retreat of charm and love­ wrecks them on their first thip. Lucy be afraid of me. I don't want you liness and peaceful beauty. Is saved, and finds herself on board with me to Barracuda Island, to share from her tones. and never wit want you. So far as He shrugged carelessly. the Minerva, wondering what has hap­ the tent I'll erect there, to be mine!" I m ronrerned. my girl, you may go Faintly, far away, her voice sounded pened to Dr. Paunce. "Oh. I told Modane to drop by In Now go on with the story. to hell and be damned forever." as she made her decision. Remember that every dollar Invested In the park_ a week or so. If we weren't here I CHAPTER V. Stevens clapped his hands; a Fill- told him to cruise over to the Baha under the terms of the trust agreement goes Into the She felt her throat constrict and plno steward came running. She understood now exactly why actual wark of development, administration, and other nec­ mas and get trace of us there. Why?" she had married Stevens She had In­ was conscious of an almost master­ essary ex|M*uses. "Please tell Dr. Faunce I wish to "Oh. I Just wondered." she said. tended to revenge herself upon him ing desire to scream. If Fergus had speak to him.*' said Stevens. "What do you care where we go. so by making him a byword for the not been saved. If he. her mad com­ Faunce came at once, no fear, but long, my dear, as you are with me?" panion in her mad adventure, had anxiety upon his face; worry, Lucy And remember, too. that every dollar Invested by the mean hearted public to laugh at. She Since they had landed his manner had not comprehended her own mo­ been lost, then life would have no knew for her. public In the origin al-or wholesale” distribution of the and words had been impersonal. Now tives. but he nad made them clear to savor, not even a reason for continu­ property will be returned two-fold when the sites are resold My wife and I," said Stevens she felt the Jeer behind them. And her In that conversation on Barracuda 1 for actual use. ance. If she. impelled by motives this was the man who professed to which even to herself were obscure. easily, ea'" y' "have baTe composed co” poaed our differ- n‘a ™ ®a" «»«> professed Island. had dragged Faunce to death. And 80„ . Doc,or' ’ “ ' h0..t0° k * * In TO BE C O N T IN U E D bad dragged Faunce to his his death her spiritual agony. Well, she would Don't you owe it to youraelf to know all about ‘Rest- then she would be guilty of that send you to Miami in the Minerva, while she and I continue ln a motor- not give him the satisfaction of know Haven.” death. TRANSFERS DEPOT MAN , boat, the voyage that you and she Ing her fear, her horror of him. In­ She cried out at sight of him. and began I leave It to vour own decl- stead, she would show her contempt. TO TERMINAL YARDS he leaped from the chair. She leaned sion what explanation you may make, "Quite right. Inasmuch as Paradise against the outer wall of the cabin |f any. it would, of course, sound Itself would be hell If you were pre­ Max Coglll, for several ye -s ynrd and laughed. He was so ridiculous plausible If you stated that your boat sent, what difference can it make clerk at the local Sou'hern Pacific in those clothes, obviously borrowed had been picked up by Mr and Mrs what we do or where we are?" seallon, was transferred last week to from Steven's supply. Then she Tim Stevens, honeymooning on their “That'a more like Devil May Care ‘ ,ral" »« 'he Eugene . wept slightly, but dried her tears as cruising house-boai. and continuing the high spirited whL'm w™ ♦*rmfnal yardM. h . ip hirh nniritxtri maiden muMom — .u,.— I ■ ___ Jarksoo, of he advanced upon her. She held out a deux on Barracuda Island Any un- ed and w on ." he mocked her "Well Eugene, 1« filling the position former- 536-7-8 Miner Building Telephone 830 her. hands to him. | wittlug injury you may have Intended let s have some supper " "I wanted to die," she said. "The doing a man who had never Injured o n ce again his manner became im- fear that I'd dragged you to death you would be balanced by such a a'personal, 1 lighthearted, even gay. and As his hand dropped gently upon story. I think she was angry and humiliated that hers and imprisoned it, she met his He rose abruptly and went forward. she took her tone from him. Why glance. They saw him enter the pilot-house should he have any power over her If she had not known before, she where Modane the skipper steered whatsoever, even the power to make would have been informed now. He the Minerva. Faunce looked at the her smile or frown? loved her with that overmastering girl. "Lucy.” he broke a long silence, “You—want th is’” he asked. love which is only given to middle “do you hate me?” She nodded, avoiding his eyes. age. Youth is romantic and desirous “And despise you." she said. • Because, my child. If you don't—" but the middle years bring selfless "Why did you marry me?” he he began. devotion asked. "Don't. Fergus," she said brokenly. ' She cut him short. "I don't Just know why,’’ she hon "Fergus, he’s my husband, and— estly replied. "My dear, I can't help it. It seems to me that It's always been so, and | I'm com'ng to m y-senses. "I do,” he told her. and ’ alked a »«Y: »«ready always will be so. But I'm not going I, Sh*“ “Then why?" to bother you with It, Lucy, dear. 1 m obedience to orders tfven by "Because, as my wife, you could didn't mean you to read It in my Stevens, the Minerva was losing way. hurt me more than In any other way. eyes. But you have, and I am glad, because if ever you need any one. —I don't want to be dramatic, but I'd : There are two angles from which die for you. Lucy.” to view a Job of printing. "Oh, Fergus, don't speak of death, (1) As a mechanical proposi­ w e’ve been so close— so near— Her tion Involving the use of type, voice ceased; the hand that rested paper, ink and machinery, or beneath Faunce’s fingers moved un­ easily, and then the fingers clenched. (2) As a means to an end Faunce looked up. Stevens had — utility or sales. emerged from the pilot-house forward The first Is the ordinary printer’s and was now approaching them. OF viewpoint. Unwillingly Faunce admitted the great charm of the man. His big The second is ordinarily the buyer's body moved cat-like, smoothly, grace­ viewpoint. fully. He had the knack of wearing clothes well, and his blue-flannel The difference between printers who double-breasted Jacket became him. are "job printers” and the Willamette Tho display includes: The yachting cap could not entirely Press organization Is in our effort AT hide the blond curls, and the tan of to view every printing Job— whether his face but made his teeth the whiter the simple form or the most elabor­ a s they showed In a smile. ate selling piece— In Its relation to GRAVE VAULTS, "Better dear wife of mine?" he In­ the final task It must accomplish. quired. (Next to Springfield Bakery) URNS, To us, typfc, Ink and machinery are She felt a taunt in the inquiry and friendly genii existing only to do the she blazed. VASES, will of their masters. ’'Sales power” “I suppose I owe you my life?" she BIRD BATHS, or “utility” is the service we demand queried. from them. : He shrugged hla wide shoulders. GARDEN BENCHES, "No need for protestations of grati­ SEPTIC TANKS. tude. my dear. The hurricane hit the Minerva and we were scurrying for the lee of Barracuda Island when we Doom will be open for this dis­ saw the waterspout hit your craft play every day for the next few We didn't know who was In your weeks. boat, but we did the obvious thing. W e managed to save you. Rather a Designern and Printers shock to pick one’s bride out of the ocean, clasped In another man’s Springfield, Oregon arms, but as one gets older one un­ derstands that lire Is a lurid melo­ drama when It isn't a savags farce. M.-IW-QISE A R TH U R SOMERS ROCHE iw o k iu r “First Sunrise” - Now “Evergreen” and “Hillcrest” R e s t-H a v e n MEMORIAL PARK VIEWPOINT You are invited . . . See our display HcALPIN CEMENT PRODUCTS 135 F ifth St. C em en t WILLAMETTE PRESS McAlpin Vault Co. Plant on Pacific Highway, i/4-milo north of Eugana, Orogon