Tb« Needlerraft club will ha«« tbelr r«aular mnnthly lunrbeoo Ibis afternoon at the Anrhiirage In Ku gen« at 1:80. Mrs. V I» Flannery and Mrs Jack llendarer are to be the biwtnasea. PAGE KIVTfl T H E HF m INOFTELX) NEW » T H V R H P A Y . KK» <5. 1930 Immediately after the completion of MUSIC O R G A N IZA TIO N S ___ the broadcast which will ba from th* All physical Inspection records of TO PLAY CONCERT FROM seeoad floor of th* buUdlag. the Crawford public schools have been destroyed by mice, according to a let EUGENE STORE BALCONY ter received at the offices of Mrs. AGED JASPER R ESID EN T People from all parts of Lane eoaaty Mary Fulkerson, county school au PASSES AWAY TH U R SD A Y will have an opportunity to bear the perlntendent at Halem. "It's a tough Springfield high school Olrla' Glee club winter on mice, but a tougher winter Job« Waring died at the Paclfi* and orchestra next Saturday afternoon Chris tian hospital la Eugene last on school records." wrote Mrs. Ful when Em eet McKinney, director Ol Tbureda yafterooon after a lingering kersoa's Informant. music at the high school takes the lllnee*. He was 87 year« » months and *1 he business of gathering and sell­ members of these organisations to the 8 days old at the time of his death. He ing stray horses Is a good one to keep M< Morran and Waehburne department bad been a resident of Lance county out of, declared Hherlff McCauley of ■tore In Eugene where they will sing for many years and had lived in Jas­ lloscliuiee county at Mend recently. and play an afternoon musical pro­ per most of the time. Rule of nine stray horses resulted In gram from the balcony of the «tore. a net loss of |4d to the county. Thirty Surviving Mr. Waring is hla wife. The concert will also be broadcast Myrtle Waring, three tons. Charlea horses were rounded up at a cost of over radio station KORE thus extend­ Waring. Miami. Florida; Wilson War­ 82 a head. All but nine were claimed, ing the Held of the listeners. and these were sold for a total of J14, ing of Jasper; and 8amnel Waring o f The management of the McWSrran Redding. California; and two dangb- The lowly and timid rabbit mother and Washburae department store ters Mrs Elmira J. Phillips who live* will defend her young. This was Invited the musical organisa,lone of in Pennsylvania, and one whose ad­ __ Lieutenant William A. Ma­ proved at Itev J. E Snyder's ranch theny, U. S. Marines, has received the the Springfield high school to play a dress is not known. on Coos river recently when Rev. Mr Cheney award for 1929 for "perform­ The funeral services were held concert from their balcony on Satur­ Snyder found his Chinchilla mother ing sn at, of valor and self-sacrifice day afternoon and to be tbe guests of Tuesday afternoon at 2 00 o'clock rabbit excited In the morning when worthy of tbe highest commendation." the store at a banquet to be held S a t ­ from the Walker-Poole funeral chapeL he went to feed her. A prairie owl Lieu, Mall.cn> landed hit burning plane in a Nicaraguan jungle and Rev. Harry Benton of the Eugen which had «ought to carry away some urday evening. risked death to save a comrade. Bible University officiated and the In­ of the little rabbits lay dead In the Tbe program will first be broadcast pen. over the radio between three and four terment was made in Pleasant Hill bids have been advertised for the o'clock and will appear on the balcony cemetery. construction of two diversion tunnels BEBE DANIELS STAR OF on the Owyhee Irrigation project. “ LOVE COMES ALONG” Rids will be opeued at the Owyhee Ir Prodigious evidence of Bebe Dan­ rlgatlon district office Io Nyssa March 11. The tunnels, one 6’A miles long, iel'« versatility is seen in her second the other 3H miles In length, with all-talking Radio starring picture, I several miles of canal, will cos, ap­ "Love Cornea Along.'' now showing at proximately 84,000,000, almost as the Fox McDonald theatre. much as the( Owyhee dam. It Is esti­ Her golden voice, which la termed mated. Ute most startling sensation of the The story of how a mare battled a year In “Rio Rita,” again la heard. cougar recently In the Fort Rock conn In addition, she plays tho guitar and try while protecting her colt waa re­ dances a Spanish tango with excep­ lated recently by Lee Wright of Eu tional skill. gene, veteran woods worker. The mare Being of Spanish descent herself, fought the big cat by rearing on he, she helped Rupert Julian, director, to hind feet and striking out with her forelegs While Its mother fought the Infuse the right tempo Into the play, cat the colt raced to the shelter of i.s locale is a mythical Island off the tents where forest service employs coast of South America. Appearing opposite Miss Daniels 1« were sleeping. Frank U o y d W rig h t. , Linn county has built 38 new Lloyd Hughes who makes his talkies luet. w h o « original J r» < n * hevv^p«^- bridges, whose total length Is 1(10 fiebut In "Love Cornea Along.” o f the world's feet, according to the annual report boiMing*. I— Following close upon the heel« ot me « n e w * O w n * of S L --------- -- - of County Engineer C. H. Leonard the tremendous success of "Weary ÖK Bowery. New Y o rk. 10 The cost was 112.314 13. Repairs to River" and "Drag" comes "Young eropes'v owned W *P I _l ik. A* (6 old bridges cost 815.12» 74. Twelve Nowherea." the newest First Nation- new market road bridges, also built and Vltaphone starring produc­ during 192». cost 816.080.(2, and mesa ured 1277 feet In total length. This tion for Richard Parthclmene. It fante» u eb h* wfD H*1**»- brought Linn county's total expendi opens at the Fox McDonald Sunday. lures for bridges In 192» to 844,584.22. “Young Nowhèrës?" Is entirely in The tale of a shooting fray in which dialogue. Frank Lloyd, who directed LANE COUNTY PIONEER eight shots were exchanged and ended {he last two Barthlemess talkies, BURIED HERE MONDAY In the death of Owen Miller. 21. was wielded the metaphorical megaphone told to a coroner's Jury at Klamath on "Young Nowherea." William Henry Walker. 82 pnaa««' Falls by C. 8. Pope, town marshal of Because of her lovely work In "Out away a, the 1‘arlflr Christian hospital Monanxa. According to witnesses In Eugene laa, FrWay after a short Miller had sworn to kill Pope because of the Ruina.'' Marton Nixon was Illness. He had made his home at , the officer arrested him for disturb awarded the I ole of the girl in ISTANCE without interference? ing the peace He walked Into a rea “Young Nowherea." one of the most Jasper for many years. Surely I You can tune out the Mr Walker was the son of Andrew taurant and started firing at Pope. coveted rales of the year Bert Roach locals with this new super set—tha and Anders Randolph play Important Mug,II and Mara Walker He was born Fhe officer barely was missed by two Screen-Grid 60. That’s selectivity roles. In Albla. Iowa on December 2«. 1847. bullet a. p lu s! For tone and power and sim­ He crossed the plains with his par­ I A tou t of 82,504 Oregon veterans ents In ,852 and they settled on a of the World war and the Spanish plicity it’s a wonder, too. Use it with En tertain s Bridge Club • •• farm near Albany. He married Par- American war have availed them an indoor antenna, if you like. Mr. and Mrs W. M Dawson were thena El'.a beth Drury In 18?4 and has selves of the privileges of the state A demonstration here win show COMPLETE bee a resident o, Lan* county since bonus law to date, according to Frank hosts at t h * lr home lee, night to the you all the other remarkable quak W. Moore, secretary to the Oregon members of the Chrysanthemum ,h , time. itics that have made thia the finest o f C ju t iu iu s ilt He Is survived by three sons, Earn­ War Veterans' State Aid commission. club. Bridge was the diversion of the and refreshments were all Atwater Kent *eta. L e tt» demon- — est and Grover Walker of Fall Creek, Of thia number 11.63( have taken ad evenlngy and laiwrence Walker of Jasper; two vantage of the loan provision of the served after the card playing. straw today I daughters. Miss Cora Walker of Jas­ law to borrow sums aggregating 817.- per and Mrs. Ira Hyland of Fall, 888.815, while 30.863 veterans have 8on ia Born Creek; five grandchildren, and one sis­ claimed thelr cash bonuses aggregat­ ing 84.(23.435. All told. 3Z.87( veter­ Word has been received by relatives ter. Mrs. Viola Drury of Fall Creek an* have taken the cash bonus, but that a nine pound son was born to The funeral services were heM on 1008 of these later changed their Mr. and Mra. James Bonner In Cali­ Monday morning a, 10:00 o'clock from minds, refunded the cash payments fornia Tuesday. Mrs Bonner was for­ the Walker-Pool* funeral home In this aggregating 8428.1(0 and took a bonus merly Miss Bessie Bench of this city, j city. Rev C. J. Pike of 'he Methodist Francis Patrick Is the name which i loan. church officiated and Interment was has been selected for the newcomer. made In the I'leaiant Hill cemetery. I Selectivity PLUS ! ,00". TALKING S IN G IN G ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ Autalklng P R E V IE W Thuraday Nigh, KENT UkDIO S I 5 3 D WRIGHT & SONS ER A Y5 W h a t -no wringer! CASH&CARRV Damp-Dryer developed by EASY is a marvelous improvement over wringing! These prices good only while stock lasts - - Buy Now! Ivory Soap Flakes, 25c size 10s size A A H Soda, per pkg. Limit 2 pkgs to customer Deviled Meat, 10c size .......................... 15c 5c Calumet Starch, 3 pkgs............................. 21c Baby Whole Clams, can ....•................... 14c Try These'— Sauce Makes Fine Cocktail 7c Oyster Cocktail Sauce, bottle ................ 23c Sardines, reg 5c, 5 c a n s ............................ 22c Sandwitch Spread, 10c size 7c Palmolive Soap, bar .................................. 5c Sun Maid Puff Raisins, pkg. 10c Sun Maid Nectars, P k g ............................. 10c Thompson Malted Milk, 60c size 39c Choice Sliced Peaches, 21/ 2 23c Van Camps Sardines, Ig. oval, 10c Shrimp, reg. size can, 6 cans Moorhouse Mustard, 10c size, French Salad Mustard, 15c size, Yellow Corn, per can, .............................. Fancy Mackeral, 2 cans ..................... Rainier Ginger Ale, 2 bottles ............ Onions, 10 lbs.................. Rainier Orange Dry..................................... Large Lettuce, 2 for ........................ ....... 87c 7c 12c 10c 25c 25c 25c 15c 23c H ere is the sensation of the washing machine busine»*— a no-wr inger EASY Washer that has revolutionized wash- ing. The new EASY Damp-Dryer is safer, faster, easier, gentler than any wringer type washer. It whirls the water out of a tubful of clothes in less than two minute»—»11 without effort on your part, * No-wringer EASY WASHER can now be had in choice of Suction or Agitator Type at lowest prices Shasta Tea, Green ’/ 2lb. pkg. ................ 27c Shasta Tea, Green, 11b. ........................... 47c Heinz Vinegar, pint ........................ 14c Grays Kraft Bag Coffee. 3 lbs. 89c , 1 Big Stick Candy with each Bag Grays Red Bag Coffee, 1 lb. .................... 39c Phone for demonstration Grays White Bag Coffee, 1 lb. 42c Grays Yellow Bag Coffee, 1 lb. 36c Purex, quart bottle .......................... 18c Dill Pickles. 2’/ , tin ................................... Pimentos, 18c size ............ •............ Pimentoes, 10c size, .......................... Macaroni, 4 lbs. . ................ .............. Assorted Jam, 15 oz. jars, Libby Apple Butter, No. 1 tin FREE This marvelous improvement eaa be bad on either a auction typo or an agitator typo B A S Y . Both washers soil fo r tho same low price—tho lowest at which any ao-wringer B A S Y aver M id . EASY T erm s 19c 15c 8c 25c 23c 13c Agitator Type BASY Phone (or a (raa demonstration b ro ar own home, Theo if yon decide to keep the E A S Y , yon eaa pay on B A S Y Trade in your old washer on a new ¡BASY Mountain States feT jf Power Company “Money Well Spent Brings a Sense of Content” -TMMFABTNEM T h e O rato rio Society is w o rlh w ile . It is deserving of everyone’s support. * ■4 rttO C K S S * I