V T L in co ln School P rep are» CAR DAMAGED SUNDAY; I SOFT ROAD SHOULDERS E n te rta in m e n t F rid a y batoofing to the CoeaaUy brothers of Camp Crook wo» damaged to the osteal of a Brokee right Croat «heal, heat reader and running board aad headlight oa | u d i > afteraooa when the driver drove the aatomobtle partly oft the ■ar faced portioa of the C h a p Creek road Ju»t before It connect» with the M cK easle highway. The loose coo gttlon of the »houldere of the high­ way was blamed for the car going fate the ditch. A ll of the four pa» •eager» la the car were a bates up. feat aone were badly Injured Vielte hire. Eighth A grade are each petting aa two playlets Thoee taking pan In the LoagfeUow'a B ltrb d a r p arty are Char lea Cole. Elen CoS, L a d le D arla. W in ifred Frank. B re ly a O orw ley. Robert Ortmee Faye Holrerooa. M ar­ garet J arrett. M ildred Morgaa. La Visit the S. & H. Green Stamp Premium follow lag I M other. E velya Bacua; Fath er, Lester Thom as. Mmsll Mister of the palleat. Keho Tom aetb. P a lle a t, H e r­ bert M illa ; Old Mald Aunt. BeelrtoU Cureoa, G randm olher. Etisen Baker; Dr Quark. Bruce Hqulres; D r K llluai, Irv in g Dean; Dr. C u ltu m , M orris A comedy aklt. "A S trin g e Opere S te w a rt, Mlaa Dale. a nurae. Ila Uua** « III he thè final offerlng 4 of the N W ’4 , Sec. 27, Tp. 18 S. R, 4 W est of the W illa m e tte M eridian , containing In all 240 acres, more o r less, in iaine Coun­ ty, Oregon. Now, therefore, In the name of the 8 ta te o f Oregon and in compliance w ith said execution and order of sale, I w ill on the 8th day of March, 1930, a t the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day a t the south­ west fvont door o f the County C o u rt1 house In Eugene, Oregon, offer for aale and sell for cash a t public auction sub­ je c t to redemption as provided by law, all of the rig ht, title , and Interest of ■aid defendants, Joel W. Jackson, Ed­ mund W ills, and Luslna W ills, his I w ife, and all perrons claim ing by, through or under them , or e ith e r of i them In and to said premises. H . L. B O W N , Sheriff of Lone County, Oregon. F6-13-20 27-M8 I Phone 2700 The Springfield HIGH SCHOOL GLEE CLUB Saturday will be one of the great day» in February— We are most proud to welcome to our «tore the Springfiield High School Glee Club. We are disposed to be just aa proud of them as you are and we hope thia wilt be but one of severe! appearance* in thia store— We have planned some interesting events for this day— a few of which are here described— all of them are new— beautiful spring merchandise th at will put you right in tune with the new season. In every instance, we believe you will find the values so outstanding that you will want to make selections at once. The New CLOCHE POKE Direction of Ernest McKinney W ILL SING OVER of Felt and Straw and Silk and Straw RADIO KORE McMorran A Waxhburrte Store 3 to 4 p. m. Saturday and from the balcony of the •tore about 4 p. m. Members of the Glee Club $r.oo We've worn so many off-the-face hats that Its a welcome change to choose smart little cloches with brims that hug the cheek, but rise over the eyes in a youthful flattering manner. Daisy Tom seth. Jule P olU rd, Junta May. Dorothy Potter, Helen Merx- dorf, V eralce H a w k . N ellie W rig h t, Leis Squires, Em m a T rln k a , Hasel W ilson. Ruth Bettis. Jessie Beals. Evelyn Buell. B etty Anderson. Leola Gates. Blanche Bates, Eva Look aad Beulah Richardson. Black—Firebrand — Brown Bamboo Green — Unen Blue — Purple. FOR SATURDAY S aturday—S p rin g field Day FOR SATURDAY Hundreds of Pairs 3 ,0 0 0 Yds of New 150 New Silhouette Spring Footwear Wash Fabrics SILK DRESSES $8.50 Columbia Prints 19c Columbia prints In delightful spring patterns— leaf designs on colored ground— flow er designs — botblarge and small in lovely color combina­ tions Vse for wash frocks, aprons, smocks. T h e new even hem line— three to four Inches below the knees— the xklrt that drops »lightly In the back— the wide circu lar flaree— the bolero— the diagonally draped » k lrt— the moulded hip line. You'll find them all am artly por­ trayed In quality allks w ith auch ra re In the making aa flntabed Inalde »earn» and atrengthenlng yoke across the shoulders. Everfast Print« 39c Everyfast prints in floral, modernis­ tic and block designs In the newest color combinations — such as green leaf design on tan background— black and red— orchid and green. Prints or plain Colors Spring Rayon« 29c Fabrics Colors New spring rayons of exceptionally fine quality — especially suitable for costume slips, bloomers and lingerie of al kinds. A lovely assortment In desirable colors— blue, pink o' rose, green, orcb.u, yellow. Cana red. O enetlan blue, B m b o o green, ( ’aa tillla n red, violet, black, navy, piecrust. Crepes, Printed Crepes. 75 Flare or Straight Line Betty Baxley and Miss Spokane Wash Frocks Spring C oats $1.95 New spring coats In the newest of styles— flare or straight line and belted models. All tailored with the greatest of care and neatly lined with satin of extremely fine quality. Attractively trimmed with buttons and fancy stitchlngs. New wash frocks— some w ith set In sleeves—collars to correspond and all sorts of smart details. Included are dresses for every type of women— in delightful patterns that everyone w ill want. $29-5° Colors Reds Fabrics Print« N o velty tweeds, two-tone bor- dered tweeds, Herringbone striped. Flower, Leaf, Vine, Block and Med- ernlstic designs. Colors W a ter.n a k a , Kid. M at Kid, Crepe. FOR SATURDAY 50 Tw o Color »3.95 In High Color Print« $2.39 . * ■ ¿ í'v t e C e i « y / $2.39 An exceptional value In rayon robe» of fine quality m aterial — tallorod style w ith colored band extending down the front and band around the »leevea. Be sure and »ee these fine robe». These Color Combinations Gold on black— blue on black— red on black— green on pink— gold on ro»o — black on gold. FOR SATURDAY Humming Bird Ij»nvln green, Cocoa brown, canary, sand, gray. 100 Leather Bags New Smocks Practical smocks of lovely sateens w ith cretonne trim m ing — all sateen and Pamlco cloth — everfast plain colored suitings In long and short sleeve styles In d elig htfu l color com­ binations. Sixes from 14 to 44. Blege C la ir, Sun- tan. Man»», Blac k W hite. S aturday-S prin gfield Day FOR SATURDAY Tans, Leathers Rayon Robe» 36-lnch pique in a variety of floral and modernistic designs — dots — checks In beautiful color combinations and in plain colors to match. Lovely for three piece suits and smocks. Orange, Colors Georgettes, F lat Crepes. Silk Colorful Pique« Blues, Greens, Yellows. A very complete new assortment of footwear of exceptionally fine quality leathers In th eneweat patterns that everyone w ill like Heeia are the new 8panl»h Loul», Full Ixiula and Cuban. Included are ties, straps, pumpa. Pouch effects with harmonizing frames that are severely plain or slightly ornamental— some are developed In metal with color Inlay and others are smartly closed with talon fastener. Predominating colors are black and brown. All of genuine lea­ ther—fitted with coin purse and mirror— silk lining. Fine Silk Hose $1.48 Hum m ing Bird hoalory of pure thread »Ilk— full faehloned— with French heel or pointed heel . Hone that ard »plon- dld for wear— and very rich looking. Colors Gunmetal, »able, m lntery, wood tone. Illuelon, beach tan«, duakee. I* = S S S S — ■ —— I