rr*TT7 O j o 7» TliUltHDAY. FEH. 6, 1930 T H » 8PRINOFIKLD NEWS New V-Typc 8-C ylindcr Car P ro v es Claim s PACE THRE” LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND PARTY LAST THURSDAY A number of frlemln of .Mr. and Mrs. L N. Endicott galht-red a» their home at 74# North Hlxth atreet laat Thursday evening for a potluck »up­ per and evening of bridge Mr«. W il­ liam Kodenbough won flrat prize for women and flrat prize for men waa given to Wayne Clover. William Kodenbough received the consolation prize. FEW ACCIDENTS LISTED AT MILL FOR JANUARY Only three accident notices for the month of January were listed at the Kootb-Kelly lumber company thia week. Two of these were accidents of the month and the third one was the result of a former accident. The three Injured men were Harl D. McPherson, who waa Injured on January 17, when the cable on the donkey engine with which men were Thoae pre a»'nt for the evening were trying to break the Ice on the mill Mr. and Mra. Otlbert Ernest, Mr. and pond snapped, striking him a painful Mra. Wilbur Lloyd, Mr and Mra. Ar­ blow on the hip. Bert Tomseth had thur Thatcher. Mr. and Mra. William his ahoulder Injured on January 18 Kodenbough. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth when a piece of Iron fell from a Chase. Mr. and Mra. Wayne Clover, monorail, striking him on the shoul­ Mr. and Mra. W alter Laxton. Mra. der. A. H. Patrick rutpured himself I Elsie Duvla. and the host and hostess. I In December while working on the dry kiln. He will have to have an LOCAL CHURCH MEMBERS HEAR BISHOP LOWE In order to illustrate better the exceptional power to be found in Oakland's new V-eight motor a test run was made last week to Yosemite Valley over the Big Oak Flat Road. W hile at Yosemite party took snaps of some of favorite winter sports, which are now in •rder. Student Hers— Miss June Danks, who Is attending school al Mt. Angel, spent the week end here visiting with her father. L. E. Danks. From W altervllle- Kmil Hauer, of Mohawk Man Here— Vic llam inltt, W altervtlle. waa among the visitors of Mohawk, railed on hla friends In Springfield the frlst of the week here on Monday. Seism People Hero— Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nadvornlck and family, of Salem, spent Sunday here at the the home of Mr and Mrs. H. Trlnka. From Thurston.—-Mrs. R W Rich- Hayden Bridge Man In—Ouy 8te ardson. of Thurston, waa a business vena, of Hayden Bridge, waa a visitor visitor In the city on Monday. In this city on Monday. Visits Parents— Kenneth DeLaasus la visiting hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Snodgrsas. this week. Leaves for Teaas rln a Temple left Saturday night on Limited for Huston, City— Mrs Mm- Springfield last the West Coast Texaa. Transacts Buaineaa—Charles Syl­ vester, of W altervllle, waa a hualneaa visitor In Springfield the first of the Return from Albany— Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Dawson and their son, Billy, returned the first of the week from Marcóla Woman In Town—Mrs J. Albany, where they had been visiting Marcum, of Marcóla, waa a visitor In with relatives. Springfield on Monday. Dismissed from Hospital.— Mrs. I From Gold H ill—J. L. Aiken, of Gold Dolly Hood, of Marcola. was dismiss­ Hill, waa a buaineaa visitor In this ed this week from the Pacific Chris­ city last Thursday afternoon. tian hospital, where she had been a Donna Man Hsrs— Fred Crabtree, patient for the past two months. She of Donna, vlalted his friends here Ihe Is now staying with her brother, Paul Fisher, in Eugene. latter part of laat week. On Business Visit— L. K Smith, of Spend 8und>y at Blue River— Mr. weak. ' Blackley, waa a buaineaa visitor here and Mra. G. H. Turner motored to Hae Operation — Miss Thelma laat week-end, Blue River last Sunday for an outing, Murka, of Mabel, underwent an opera­ Jasper Reseident Call»—Mark S e l! but found so much snow on (he tion at the Eugene hospital Monday berllng, of Jasper, railed on his many ! ground that they decided to return morning. friends In Springfield last Thursday , to a lower altitude where there was less snow, before having their dinner. Son Born— Mr. and Mra. D. E. From T hurston-M ra. George W il­ Benaon. of W altervllle, are the par­ From Milano— Mr. and Mrs. Paul ents of a baby son, born at the liams, of Thuralon, waa a Monday shopper In Springfield. Schlewe and Mra. 8. Schlewe. of family home al W altervllle on Here on Business— I-ee Cox, of Milano, arrived In Springfield on Admitted to Hospital— Mra. L. I). Thursday of last week for a short Ream, of Marcola, waa tidmllled to Wendllng. was a business visitor In j visit at the Fred Frese home. Mrs. S. this city on Monday. the Pacific Christian hospital In Schlewe Is the mother of Mrs. I^ u l Eugene laat week. Nurse III Mrs. Carroll Groshong. Schlewe and Mra. Fred Frese. Visit at Shedd— Mr. and Mra. Riley nurse In Dr. Rehhan's office, waa 111 Snodgraaa and daughter. Maxine, and unable to he at her desk Mnoday. J JUVENILE CIRCLE HAS spent the week-end at Shedd, where Returns from Medford- Dr. R. P. they were guests al the home of Mr Mortensen returned laat Friday from and Mrs. A. M. Snodgreas Mra. A. M. a business trip which took him as Snodgraaa returned Io thia city with far south as Medford. them and will visit here for a while. i Returns from Los Angeles— William Son Born Sunday— Mr. and Mra. ' Lnxton has returned from Los An­ Iluyton Thompson, of Vida, are the geles where ue spent a few days on parents of a son, which waa born to business. them at the Pacific Christian hoapltul Return to Salem Mr. and Mrs. In Eugene on Sunday morning. | Trubert Henderson have returned to I Salem after spending Ihe week end Visits Son-In-Law— Mr. nnd Mra. } here with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Larson. John Nelson drove out to their son- Seattle W om an H e rs — Mrs. Sulli­ in-law's place on the txirane highway laat Sunday. He la Hoy Worswlck, van. the mother of Ray Masters, ar­ and operates the Spencer Creek ser­ rived here recently from Seattle to vice station. | spend a few days with her son. J.C.PENNEYCO. 942 Willamette St„ Eug ene, Oregon. T he F irst C oat M odes F or S pring A re H erei T h e new coat fashions follow the graceful trends o f the new dresses w ith their slightly fla r­ ing skirts . . . capelet collars . . . scarf effects . . . and straight-line model*, to o l Y ou w ill find ever so many coats around which to build your owe ensemble . . . w ith a printed frock and one in plain color, one coat can be used to complete tw o costumes I H ig h shades 'and practical colors. Attractively priest^ $14 .75 to $-4.75, TW ENTY-FIVE PRESENT About 26 children were present at the meeting of the Juvenile Circle ot the Neighbors of Woodcraft, which was held at the W. O. W hall laat Saturday afternoon. It was a regular business meeting. A social hour and refreshments followed the business session. Elaborate plans were made for the next meeting, which will be held on Saturday, March 1. This will be a program meeting with a supper to follow. Miss Esther Wardlow. Franklin Wardlow. and Miss Alice Neet are In charge of the entertain­ ment committee. Mrs. Sadie Baldwin and Mrs. Lilly Kiser will have charge of the refreshments. Mrs. Gilbert Ernest and Mrs. C. F. Egglmann hud charge of the refresh­ ments ut the Saturday meeting. DR. AND MRS. MORTENSEN HAVE FAMILY DINNER Twelve persona were Invited to the R. P. Mortensen home laat Sunday for a family dinner which was served In honor of Mra. M. A. Pohl, of Anacortes, Washington, who arrived recently to make her home in thia city. Mrs. Pohl la a slater of Mrs. Mortenaen. Among thoae present for the after­ noon were Mr. and M.ra. M. B. Hunt- ly, Mrs. M. A. Pohl, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schnctztyr, Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Mortenaen and their families. OSWALD OLSON RESIGNS AS DRILL TEAM CAPTAIN The resignation of Oswald Olson aa captain of the Rebekah drill team waa received laat Monday night at the re­ gular meeting of the group. Mrs. W. W. W alker was appointed by Zella Cantrell, Noble Grand, to fill the vacancy. A good attendance waa present for the weekly meeting of the lodge. Several Springfield people attended the banquet and evening program given at the Methtodlat church In Eugene laat Thursday evening when > Hlahop Titus Lowe, of Portland, was the principal speaker. He spoke on "Pentecostal Evangelism.” Dr. M A Marcy, superintendent of the south­ ern district of the Methodist church presided as chairman of the meeting. Ministers from as far north as Shedd and as far south as Roseburg were present at the meeting. Saturday Specials DRESSESI 24 New spring dresses values to $10.95 at $ 5 .9 5 HATS In order to make room for spring hat all fall and winter hats to close out at $1.00 and $2.00 regardless of former sell­ ing price. operation. The total number of accidents for the month la not very high consider» In the fact that the weather was very bad and that there were many more possibilities for accidents than usual. The mill was la operation only about a half of the month. DANFORD PREACHES ON “THE ABUSE OF POWER” "The Abuse of Power" was the topic which Dr. 8. A. Danford chose to speak upon at the morning service of the local Methodist church last Sunday. He took as Illustrations for his text the various temptations of Christ Dr. Danford Is a former pastor of the local congregation. He served here during the world war and now »sakes hfs home In Eugene. William’s Self Service Store 77 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE 98c D A Y S Friday and Saturday PLAN TO BE HERE A ND TA K E ADVANTAGE OF T H E W ONDERFUL VALUES W E ARE OF­ FERING FOR TH ESE TW O BIG DAYS. COATS New Spring coats $12.98 and up. Winter Coats while they last to go at $10.98 Values to $ 3 2 . 7 5 8th Ave. Hat& DressShop S e r v e Y o u r s e lf a n d S a v e 42 8th Ave W est, Eugene, Ore. Don’t forget w e give 8 A H Green Stampe Slightly Used Repossessed and Shopworn E i e c t r ic R a n g e s (H otpoint and W estinghouse) Real Rargains r Buy now these odds and ends of our used and shopworn stock at new low prices. A number of Demonstrators, Slightly Used. Shopworn and Repossessed Electric Ranges In the standard makes (Hotpoint and Westinghouse) have accumulated on our display floors. These ranges are satis­ factory in every respect—In fact, many of them cannot be told from an absolutely new range. Our Sales Manager requests that we sell all these ranges at once Instead of ship­ ping them out of the territory. SO WE ARB MAKING SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL OF THOSE ON HAND. If you come early you win find Just the range you want at now low prices and tb s usual easy terms. These ever popular Hotpoint and West­ inghouse Electric Ranges are practically new. WB STAND BEHIND EVERY RANGB IN THIS SALE AS WB DO A NEW ONE. This guarantee ta your satlsfaetlon. Wo suggest that yen some early choose the model that yon want, that this sale lasts only during February and only as long as there a n used i Mountain States I New Low Prices Easy * Term s ¿ Power Company I