ì PAGK TWO THE S P H IN O y in j) NRW8 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS .. itered Some of the newspapers are wailing about the M c A L P IN V A U L T S A N D number of candidates out for governor. Hut they Publlahed E very Thursday at O T H E R PRO D U C TS ARE are the same ones that lament the lack of In­ Springfield. Lana County. Oregoa, by terest and the small vote at election time. The N O W D IS P L A Y E D H E R E two stands are not very consistent. T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S * H . E M A X E Y . Editor. I*lenty of candidates and Interest In politics T he M eAlpIn Vault company ha* . , ---------- — ------------------------- usually makes for good government and keens j recently placed a complete group ol as second class m atter. February »«. tM J . a t tb« democracy from being manipulated by the sel- the product* manufactured by thia poatoOc«, Springfield, Oregon. • f Lull f e w organisation on display In the room* form erly occupied by the Dalay Lane neat door to the Springfield 78c The State of Oregon would be substantially dairy, bakery on F ifth »Ireet. They cordi­ ,8c bettter off If everybody quit using substitutes — for butter and wood. If we do not patronize our ally Invite the general public to vtalt T H U R S D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 8. 1*30 own dairy and lumber industries, then who will* Ih e lr display and see the ma ny use Nine out of ten substitutes for these basic pro­ ful thing* which they produce at Ih e lr PRESERVING THE ____ NATURAL plant on the Pacific highway, north U U L ducts have no economic justification for their of Eugene. BEAUTIES OF OUR HIGHWAYS U9e. . People _ _ _ are being deceived in thinking they Thia concern h a t as Ita m ajor In- The time is not far distant, without conditions are getting something Just as good for less duatry the m anufacture of a "Molded Change, when a great many of the natural beau­ money Stone Burial V au lt," which la made of ties of our Oregon mountain highways will have concrete, and which aeala the caaket been commercialixed. We can visualize the airtigh t. These are made In two possibility that when we go up the McKenzie atylea, (be one which haa the re­ highway five or ten years from now and wish movable top which la sealed over the for recreation along this famous stream that we vault a fte r the casket ha* been placed will have to pay someone for the privilege of In It. and the other which consists passing through his property in order that we of a bottom slab to which I* sealed Way eat our lunch at the water's edge or launch the top section This Is known ns the • boat for fishing. bottom alr-aealed vault. The beauty spots along the streams and the The m an ufactu rer* assert that th eir natural picinc and recreation grounds are the WHEN A BOY KNOWS .MORE cement alr-aealed vaults are the beat first to be acquired by the private owner for THAN HIS FATHER vaults that can be made. They cite "hot dog” stand or auto camp ground. At the Sometimes a boy does know n ore than his the fact that moat of the old struc­ present rate they are being taken up. soon we father. ture«. such as the Pantheon. Coliseum. will all be paying tribute for the privilege of en would have been a very different history Pyramids. Arch o f T itu s and the ac- Joying what we have heretofore considered j j( Ours _\bc u n<.Ain> aged sixteen or so. had been queduct* of Ita ly . Spain and France nature's gift. nn. . iglided by the wisdom of Thomas Lincoln, age are a ll proof positive of the superior- When this situation exists all over Oregon our thirty-six. Ity of concrete over a ll other building tourist industry will be greatly injured, legitimate "Now Abe," we can imagine him saying, "don't mat» rials, a * It Is perm anent, rust, resort keepers will find business poor and the waste time readin' them books. Readin' never verm in and waterproof. home people will be looking for distant lands done me any good, and what was good enough Besides these vaults the company to tour. i for me'g g(x^i enough for you.” makes a large assortm ent o f urns, It behooves civic organizations all over Oregon j Lincoln knew more than his father. It was a vases, bird baths, garden benches to consider this commercializing of our natural divine disobedience that led him to close his and septic tanks, a ll of which are on «cenery. Natural parks and spots of beauty ears to the man who had brought him Into the dlsplat at tlh e lr showrooms here. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One year In Ad ran ce.....— »1.78 T hree Month« M s Months _ ---------------- »I SO Single Copy o : wr w 1 INVITI ¡¿OUSII VuE?E> • • • TON Should be owned by the state. The movement world, and open his heart to the vision that was i of the highway commission to acquire lands to help him conquer the world, Spend W eek End In Albany— M r. along our highways is just in its infancy. With- | The boy who has not some firm convictions and Mrs. G ilbert Ernest ami daugh­ out we can move faster much of our natural and a willingness to defend them, even against ter. Donna Jean, spent the weekend Scenery will have been despoiled and then it 1 ’* the arguments of those older than hiniBelf, Is not a t Albany, v is ititi« friends. will be too late. likely to amount to much. • • • But there must be convictions, not mere pre­ N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N - THE RACKETEER AND THE FARMER judices, not mere selfish impulses or passions. IS O L A T E D T R A C T P U B L IC L A N D S A L E . I know two men who knew more than their The newest development in the field of crime fathers. Os partem nt of the In te rio r, U. 8. Land O ffice at Roseburg, Oregon. Is the so-called “racketeer.” The racketeer is a One boy is the office manager of a large tnanu- ; January 27th, 1930. man or a gang of men who prey upon small busi­ facturing concern, and his salary is $40 a week. Notice Is hereby given that, as ness men by demanding tribute for "protection.” "Better go on in school." said his father to him directed by the Comm issioner of the If the merchant approached declines to pay when he was seventeen years old. "Better go to General I-and O ffice, under provi­ something happens to his store some night; a college; better get all the education you can sions of Sec. 2488. R 8 . pursuant to the application of The Robert Dollar bomb blows out the front window or his grocer while you have the chance.” ( °m p any. of Mabel, Oregon, Serial les are drenched with kerosene or some similar No. 018140, we w ill o ffer at public But the boy quit school and went to work. outrage makes him see the light. The next time sale, to the highest bidder, but at “You see that man?” said the president of his the racketeer comes around, he • pays. not less than 817.50 per acre, at 10 • , «-w.ivc.ii e i other nner u a y . "There m ere is concern lu to me w the day. is a man o'clock a. m , on the 20th day ot The problem of the racketeer does not concern ' who might have become general manager of this M arch. 1030. next at this office, the the big cities alone. One of the favorite hunting business if he had a college education. His salary follow ing tract o f land- L o t* 7 and 8. grounds of tthe racketeer is among the dealers might have been $20.000 a vear: instead it's only Sec. 5. T. 1« South. Range 1 West. In foodstuffs. It has been said that every crate $2,000. He's reached his limit. What a shame W M., Oregon. T he sale w ill not be kept open, hut Of poultry, every can of milk, every bushel of ! that he hasn’t education enough to go on" I w ill be declared closed when those garden produce that goes into New York or Chi- • He "knew more” than his father. And his present at the hour named have ceased bidding T he person making Sago_pays to racketeers. This may boyish obstinacy is costing him $18,000 a year. highest bid w ill be required to be exaggerated, but there is enough truth in it “Keep yourself clean, my son,” said the father the Im m ediately pay Ihe amount thereof to make it hurt. of another boy. "You'll never regret it. And Any person claim ing adversely the Everything that makes his food cost the city some day you’ll thank heaven you did.” above-described land are advised to man more than he ought to pay is bad for the But the boy knew more than his father. He file th e ir claims, or objections, on or e designated for sale. grower of foodstuffs. The producer gets a small 1 knew that every , young uuug mi man who is worth his before the H tim A M IL L A. C A N A DA Y . enough percentage of what the consumer pays, j salt must sow his wild oats. . „ Register. Bfi it is. The effort of the Federal Farm Board ■ So he sowed right merrily, J 30 F 4-13-20-27 to reduce this "spread” and put a larger part of I saw him the other day. He came to me the dollar ------- Into the farmer's - pocket about getting a a ju lob N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . . . . consumer’s — - _ ---------— u. «■fill Iv o