Try the Home Print Shop First THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-HEVKNTII YEAR. FIVE JOIN CHAMBER AT BANQUET FRIDAY HPRINOFIBLD. (¿ANR COUNTY, OREGON. CHECK ARTIST PASSES SEVERAL BUM CHECKS THEN LEAVES COUNTY Many Answer Call to Oratorio Meet . County police officers are still look­ THURSDAY, FEB. 6, 1930 "The People’s Paper" A L I V I N fW S P A P K R IN A L I V I TOW N No. * cm m s si 5, dm m p n n r goiid SCHOOL BOARD FROWNS ON H. S. RING AND PIN SALES AT MEETING HERE Class pin and ring, and other novel- ,ty Jewelry of this nature which passed a number of worthless checks annually takes several hundred dol­ Ninety-seven People are Served lars of money out of the district does First of Ssries of Bonds Issuod on local business concerns and then at Civic Gathering and Hear disappeared. Reports from Eugene Forty-two people responded Monday not meet with the whole hearted a p -, in 1910 Wore to Fall Dus in A« icultural Program Discus- say that the same man rented an au evening at 11:00 o'clock for the or proval of the school board. This was 1 November so City Decides to ted; Local Musicians Appear tomoblle from a rental agency, paid 1 ganlsatlon meeting of the Springfield * aa made evident at the meeting of i Pay Premium and Take Up a small deposit and kept the car. He f Choral Society. At least fifteen **” * board on Monday evening when 1 on Program. Old Paper. Saving for City Is also supposed to have appeared at j othors called Ernest McKinney, the *^e '»'•“ here went on record as being A packed boa* turned out Ui»l Frl several placea In Rügens on Monday director, that they wanted to sing °PP<,,,ed ,o the annual custom of hay- Fifteen tbousrnd dollars worth ot a ►’»« 'ty salesman come Into the day nlgbl for the annual banquet ol morning to sign purchase papers for with the group, but couldn't be pre- general Improvement bonds voted by sent that evening, so McKinney says ahow h,a wares, and after taking the Chamber of Commerce. One hun­ several new automobiles. the city ot Springfield were taken up that he Is assured now of at least a “ number of good orders, pack up his dred and eight tickets were sold for and paid the first of the week by Deputy Sheriff I,. L. McBride spent and Prob- hl>' ' T’P ,n d ,Own' ,h e the supper, and #7 platen were nerved Monday foren äin In t h is c it y '« .¡ h e d n g *h"r"" <,f fl,,y William G. Hughes, city treasurer, ____ students worry about raising the There were only three empty places and Ira M. Peterson, city recorder. up the hnd checks which Howe hud No actual rehearsal work could be funds for the payment of the goods, at the Iona tables which had been left around town and securing as much Mrs. Mary Baird Bryan, widow of ' The bond, were of the serlee which oarrled out ' Monday night, as the " h,,’h 'be hoard termed poor Junk. set by the Christian church women Information concerning the man as was Issued In l» lo and were dated the Ute WiUiam Jenni ng» Bryan, ; wrong music had been shipped. This T,le board frowns upon the pur- who prepared the supper. passed awav at the bone of her possible. as of November 1. of that year. They has been returned ind the correct rhage by Juniors of expensive Jewelry Five new i~«mbers were added to daagtMcr, Mrs. Grace Hargreaves, hi were to fall due on November 1, 1»3Q. According to the last reports heard music will be here Saturday. Several ala® because many of those who se- Hollywood, CaL Mra. Bryan waa M- the organisation bringing the present j The bond, were paid off with funds of the man he was keeping the rented Interested parties have declared their cure 'hem never graduate, and those membership up to 57. Those who in the big sinking fund which has car well supplied with oil. I I e stopped Intention of securing a copy of the who d®> “»“®Hy go on to college and ; joined on Friday night are J D. Pyle, been provided for this purpose. nt several service stations ami offered music on Saturday from Mr. McKIn- ar*' n®‘ allowed to wear their high I the new creamery man here. Oeorge checks for 15 00 for gas and always j ney and practicing it over the week- Bcho®i emblems while on the college J The city of Sprtngheld paid a prem­ Kennett. Clayton llarber, Oeorge Val j ordering one quart of oil. ium of »<2 and all accrued Interest ! end. campus. Orders for rings and pins Her and B O. Smith. In order to take up the bonds at this Howe has been around Sprlngleld I Mr McKinney expressed himself as am,,un' ln< to almost »200 00 were O. 8. Fletcher, l-ane county agri­ time, explained Mr. Hughes. This, cultural agent and Tom Flippin. Jr., fur some lime prior to his disappear being well pleased with the attend- P|aced • ' 'be high school recently. W. however, represents a saving In In­ ance and did actually have a small -nee on Monday. Every section Is 'be principal, has expressed were the principal speakers of the hank account In a local bank. I well taken care of The bass section blmself as opposed to the ring and terest of nearly »450 for the city banquet wnlch was presided over by treasury. Is exceptionally good. A few more pln *dea. and la well pleased with the A few more W. A Taylor, president of the local Clayton Kirkland Buys Oldham LOCAL LIBRARIAN QUITS I tenors could be used to advantage a,t,tude ot ">« board. There are still »20.000 of bonds ot Chamber of Commerce. and Schantol Plant in p i A p e < t A T IID A f lV MIC, M T There were only three tenors out on " 'h e r routine matter, Inculdlng the | this same bond series which are now Miss liar bars Barnrll played several _____ , Monday, hue he declares that more Pa>n,e*1' of several small bills occu ■ West Springfield. outstanding. They will not fall due xylophone solos with her mother. Mrs. The resignation of Mrs Lee Clark *h ,n 'hat number had called him. p,ed lhe balance of the meeting, which until the fall of 1>35. W. K. Burnell accompanying her at as librarian at the Springfield Ihibllc »•J’1»» 'bey could not be present for held the Bra' ta,n achool. The I The Oldham and Bchantol green­ the piano. Mr. Krnesl McKinney of library was announced h er. Saturday , The total bond indebtedness of thp first meeting. ' . * * * made a short inspection of the ' houses In West Springfield were sold city of Springfield at the opening od the music department of the high night at the meeting of lhe Library , The singing group meets every Mon- “ ld “ • and wa* !>,eaBed with the this week to Clayton Kirkland, who the year 1930 was »180,031.54. T1K school song vocal solos accompanied board, according to Mm. L. K. Page, day evening at the Chamber of Com- j con 1 onB ' y found. ; took charge Tuesday morning. Mr. bonds taken np recently leaves th« by his brother. Fred McKinney. The room« and ann begins begin« practicing “ Kirkland haa been employed for the present outstanding bond total a< latter also entertained those present »«•rotary of the group. Mrs David , merc* room• :tlng prompt,5r at 8:00 o’clock The «lnging T W O WOMEN INJURED Bailsmen la now serving an last seven years by Chase Gardens, »145.031.54. Of this sum there is aa> with a piano solo. librarian and la being assisted by " * " r Promptly at 9:16 each night. IN TOBOGGAN MISHAP and Is an experienced green house other Issue of »15.000 which mad« The agricultural situation In l , , 50J. made to Improve them He cited the 'ary, Soprano— Hasel Wilson. Mrs. W K. ments for Injuries which they sus- , .. . . uuuu», » i j . w . . « . clover Industry as one In which the I “ We are going to enforce these Bsrnell. Mrs. W C McLsgsn. Melba lalned while tobogganing In the . n o . ! r r ? d 1 / any Cha" ge’ h* Ve U k e “ Pla<;e * * local growers had produced a variety rulee strictly In the future,” she said, Miller. M r. H Foss. Wilma Scott, near their home One of «he women ! ’ llDeS' 1 ° f SPrln«fle,d and tn th® of clover which waa very successful I "and It will not be possible for a ! Ann Vogel. Eva l,ouk. Blanche Bates, was suffering from a dislocated knee "Wham and Schantol purchased I 8onnel ®f her city government since for a while In thle section of the person to secure a book from the Mrs Alvin Severson, Mrs. R. L. and the other had a sprained ankle. the feenhouses from the county and ; theae bonds were Issued. The group country, hut that now several ship library who has another book out. or Burnett, Mrs. Cliff Abrams. Jane L. The attending physician Ian stu’es that moved them to the present location i of bonds which have been taken op states that menle of lhe seed had been sent to who owes a fine at the library." Kelels. flora Pederson Mr» W. E. It will be two weeks before they w ill three year» a«° Th® houses, for- were al1 ° WDed b r ° “e in,reat“ «“ * ' . operated . . . by Charles . _ axav- tha «. merly Kingswell j nrpnn I tj » t (tin They K bear the dim signa- lhe middle west and farther east and I The resignation of Mrs. Clark Is the Buell. M ri. 8. 8. Petite, be able to walk unassisted. were located on the right-of-way o f ; ture of w M Su,ton aa ma>'or and that the people there were not favor- third now In less than one year. Mrs. ! Alto— Mrs. C. A. Swart», Emma the approach to the new bridge They John C Mul,en “ C"T w c ° * e r . M r. ably Impressed with the Oregon seed c(ark and Mrs. Vina M e lle n both Trlnker. I^ la Squires, Mrs. N. W MRS. CHASE ENTERTAINS have been operated in West gprlng- ® °"® ’i 'las been teaching school a t because It was not hardy enough to pave held the poeltlon and resigned j Emery, Lena M Fraedrlck, Emma MOTHER'S CLUB MEMBERS field for many years. The late J. W Burn" for the P“ 81 17 Jrear" and ont* survive the cold winters. 1 since the resignation last summer of gene Travis, Francis Travis, Nellie Barringer moved the glass houses to I disposed of his business block Another attempt Is now being made Miss Roberts, Wright, Agatha Beals, Jessie Beals, Mrs. W ilfred Chase was hostess the new location without breaking here at the c®rner of and MalB to produce a new variety of clover , The members of the library board Evelyn Buell. Monday evening at her home for the a single glass, which Is considered 8treels ,o °*® rKe 9tanI’-y ®' Euxena which will stand a great deal of hard expressed Ihmselves as being very Bass— Lionel R. I^urence. F. E. w*>0 wiB remodel It soon for a grocery pasturage without being killed off. well pleased with the work done by Louk. 8. 8. Potter. B O. Smith. Glen members of the Mother's club. The quite a feat. store. John Mullen seems to have This Is known as lhe ladina clover Mrs. Clark and regret very much that L. Robertson, W alter N. Gossler. topic, "Child Guidance” was taken up The new operator takes charge 5een completely lost sight of by local fora round table discussion and a large plot of this Is being raised 1 that she felt It best to resign her Frerd Buell, W E. Buell. Alfred Those present at the meeting were with the best of recommendations as ^ „ 1 « , gince leaving his office, and cropped successfully each season * work here, Frese, Gerald Morrison. Fred Mc- a greenhouse man and hls friends Mesdames W alter Gossler, C. H. Phet- at lhe experiment farm at Corvallis j The prraen, m(, mber, of , hp 5 ^ ,.,, Kinney. believe he will do well tn the new SIX NEW MEMBERS JOIN Tenor— II. B. Murphy, L. C. Moffitt, teplace. Larson Wright, Clarence location. Mr Fletcher also told the group at are Mrs. N. W. Emery, president; M r,, Chase., Henry Fandrem, Laselle, a .- the banquet that alfalfa was meeting j e, jj Wheaton, vice-president; Mrs Joseph Crandall. LIONS CLUB ON FRIDAY with gTeater favor In the county each k . Page, secretary; and Mrs , T*1* f,rs* K™>>P singing of the len Kafoury, C. E. Barber. I^iurence E. B. U. MAN TO SPEAK AT „„ „„„ year. He said that 18,00« pound, of narld Bailsman and Mrs George cl>oral society will be Ihe presentation Mofflt, Schick. W. N. Dow. Earl | alfalfa seed had been ordered In Ihe prochnow. Oood’ l^lday of the oratorio, "The Thompson. T. Thompson. W. C. Reb- i CHRISTIAN CHURCH HERE the Springfield Lions club at the rego- . lar weekly luncheon meeting held last Redemption." han, and J. M. Cooke. pool which was recently conducted The annual report of the Library Professor V. E. Hoven of the Eu Friday noon. The new members ar« "re by the grain dealers of the county. board will be prepared and published gene Bible University will conduct or. c . H Phetteplace, C. J. McKee, This Indicates tl at the acreage of al­ soon. both the morning and evening servlcee J c. E. Kenyon. H. O. Dlbblee, W. A. falfa will he even greater In the next at the Christian church here next Sun- Taylor, and George Carson, few jears. UNCLE OF LOCAL WOMAN day. The regular minister. Veltle | Mrg , M H oneyman of Portland, Thomas Fllrpln sppeared at the Pruitt, has accepted an Invitation to chairman o tthe roadside comm ute* TAKES LIFE WEDNESDAY banquet In behalf of the state cam­ j speak at the dedication exercises at of the state federation of Garden paign which Is to be first formally Oregon City on Bunday when the con- Clubs was present and addressed th« Mr. and Mra. M B. lluntly left Toy Orchestra Selections. launched in latne C ounty on Fehrua y 'gregatlon thore will formally dedlcats members on the efforts being put 8pringfield this murnlcg for Astorl^ First Grade School Program of 7A Class— Longfellow's Birthday 10. He told of Ihe effort which la go­ the new church strut ture recently forth by the organisation which sh« Year to be Replete With where they will att"nrt Ihe funeral Party. ing to be made to have each business • ’ cd. service, of her uncle. Max Pohl. 62, represents for the beautification of all Entertainment. 8A Class— America's Songs. man In the state use at least one of Mr. Pruitt served as pastor at a j staate highways. who disappeared quietly from hls home Selection— Toy Orchestra. the advertising stamps which will What promises to be one of the Oregon City church for three years T. J. Flippen, Jr., brought up th« 7 A 2 Class— The Schoolmaster. anon be put on sale every day on a at Astoria on Tuesday m il whose body most Interesting programs ,0 be pre­ 8 A 2 Class— A Strange Operation. and ;t was largely through his efforts state advertising campaign which is letter which he sends to other parti ot was found early Wednesday near T illa­ sented by the school children of that the building which Is now being to open in Lane caunty on February Song—J. H. 8. Chorus. the United States. The returns from mook Head after he ha<. shot himself Springfield for some time, and a j 10. He explained the purpose of th« The members of the junior high dedicated was e n d e d . the sale of these slampe will be used to death. program which will be full of Inter gchoo, wh,ch wt„ g)ng 8eTera] The toplr3 for the sermons on Sun- stamp sale and the aim of the state tn further advertise the state In sev­ Mr. Pohl was a brother of Mrs. est for the older person as well, has nuraherg on the program are: Lyle . d have not been announced by Prof- Chamber of Commerce to advertla« eral of the leading publications of the Huntly's father. Her father passed been prepared by the students and j5ac|,ery, Lamar Brattain, Morris 1 ' ®r Hoven. The cho Ir w ill furnish the state. country, both the literary and agri­ away lust fall and Mr. Pohl's mother teachers at the Lincoln school and 8tewart Bruce Squires. Herbert Mills spec'al music at both the services. cultural types. died the day before Thanksgiving. It w l|l h« presented to the general Everett chetwood, Dick W right, Har- The bible class meets at 9:45 and EVIL APOSTLE WILL BE Is believed by local relatives of the pu ) c In t e ntudy hall of the Lin |ftn p uncftn> Allen Sneed, I^awrence the Christian Endeavor has its meet* REPAIR WORK ENDED BAPIST 4 SERMON VOPIC man that he had grown despondent coin school Friday evening at 7:30 petgrson, June Geiger. Marie Houk, : 'ng In the evening a t 6:30. AT BAPTIST CHURCH Hls health haa been falling for some 0 c oc ■ ! Dorothy Nice, Alys Thatcher, E ch o 1 --------------------------------- "An apostle who could have wished The program is the first of a series T<,mgeth. Marjorie Mathlson, Helen MASONS PLANNING BIG time. himself accursed" w ill be the morning Workmen who have been busy for of two which Is being prepared by Swartg ,,a Sm„ h V)vlan R,]nte The deceased was a deputy county SMOKER FOR TUESDAY sermon topic at the Baptist church the past two weeks laying a new floor clerk) In Clatsop county and County Ihe grade schools of the city at the j uanlta Wilson, Ruth Pollard, and next Sunday. Rev. Ralph Mulholland I d the basement nt the Baptist church suggestion of the local Parent-Tea- Clerk J. C. Clinton under whom he Margaret Jarrett. Members of Liberty lodge number will be the speaker. and doing other less Important alter­ cher organisation. A .m all fee of 10 , gtuden, g of fourth grade had served for more than 20 years 171 A.F.AA.M. are busy making prep­ The Sunday school w ill meet at ation work have completed their Job stated that he had kept hie accounts cents for adult, and five cents for under , he dlre(.tlon of Mlgg pIatt, who arations for a large smoker and social 10:00 a. m. and the Baptist Young according to Rev. Ralph Mulholland, children will be charged to defray ] pu, „„ , hf> arp Mur,e, in * very efficient manner and that to be held at the lodge hall on Tues­ Peoples Union will have their program pastor of the church. there were no reasons In connection the expenses of the musical Inatru- Tvgnn A„ ce Bostnrlck, Angela Krui> day evening, February 11. Cards, pool, at 6:30. MarJtp M lI„ ,gan Barbara Nealon. The work was supervised' by L. A. with hls official work which should ments which must be purchased for music and some speaking are all to be In the evening at 7:30 the pastor the toy orchestra as a part of the Qrace Bosturlck, Irma Wetxell, Dons Tobias and he waa assisted from time hare led him to commit suicide. Incorporated as a par tof the evenings w ill deliver the fifth of a series of ser­ program. to time by Harold Chase, H. B. Em­ Collins, Isyl Keeler, end Ruth Hap- activities. mons on Prophecy. Immediately 'after the program a ner. ery, and Mr. Stacey. LECTURER ON CHINA TO The refreshment committee consists candy salp will be held to raise funds The play, Little February, which of Harry Whitney. Tboren Coglll, and BE AT CHURCH TUESDAY for the P, T A . CHRISTIAN CHOIR PICKS BAPTIST CHURCH RALLY the Fifth B grade will put on, will Richard Miller. Tom Swarts, I. M. The program tomorrow night will consist of the following students In NEW OFFICERS TUESDAY ATTRACTS YOUNG PEOPLE The missionary lecture on Chinn consist of songs, dances, orchestra Peterson and W. C. W right will handle which was to have been given n week numbers, plays, skits and several the folnwlng role«: Father Time, Dale the entertainment. A general commit­ Robertson; Little February, Ethel tee consisting of Levi Neet, Harry Id-.r.t of the choir of the Christian Seven young people of the Raptlet ago by Rev. L. R. Randle of Cottage humorous numbers. The complete Gott; Spirits, Shirley Seavey, Ixiulsa Whitney and Tom Swarts has also church at the annual meeting of tho church will go to Portland Friday to Grove, but which was later postponed program follows: Cowden, Shirley Lowery, Sadie Gott; been appointed to see that no d e ta il organisation which was held at the attend a Baptist rally which Is to be on account of the unfavorable weather Songs, J. H. 8. Chorus— Last Night enurch Tuesday evening. It was also Months of Year, IjiV ern e McPherson, are overlooked. held at the Hinson Memorial Church will be given at the Baptist church on and Lucky Boy. voted at the meeting to change the Harold Gillette, Ada Johnson. Alice on Friday and Saturday. They will be Tuesday evening, February 10. He Songs. First Grade— "The Clock” regular night for rehearsals from Rates, Jennnlne Withers, Mervln Mul­ accompanied Ify their pastor, Rev. will bring with him a collection of Safety Meeting Held and "The Airplane.” Tuesday to Wednesday nights. ligan, Clyde Smith. June Berg. Billie Ralph Mulholland. curios end relics which he gathered Dances, Second Grade— "Humpty Stratton. Lucille Gerber, Elisabeth The other officers elected for the The regular monthly safety meet­ Those who will attend the rally from while a missionary In the Far East. Dumpty" and "Baa. Baa, Black Wardlow. ing of employees of the Mountain choir are Mrs. Dallas Murphy, vlco- the Springfield Baptist church are Ina The lecture Is open to the public and Sheep.” This Is being directed by Crystal States Power company waa held on presldent; Frances T h a r Is, secretary- Hubbard, Virginia Chase, Paul Frese. all are Invited to turn out to hear Fourth Grade— The Het Sale. Monday night a t the local steam treasurer; Gerald Morrison, librarían; M. Bryan. IJoyd Frees. Vernlee Hawk, Miriam Rev. Randle tell of hie personal exper­ Fifth Grade, Play—Little February. plant, with L. B D u k a noting as and Esther McPherson, assistant Ul>> The Seventh A grade and the Ries, and M yrtle Harvey. iences. Pupils ot First and Second Grade— rarlan. , dudmuuL Continued on Page 4 ■ hi " L->. . - - • I 4 ing for a man nsmed Hert Howe who Forty-two Local People Out on Monday for Firat Meeting; More Promise to Come. Greenhouse Sold To New Operator Lincoln Pupils Prepare Entertainmet For Friday