TWENTY SEVENTH YEAH THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS S I’KINGFIKIJ). LANE COUNTY, OREGON 1‘rn a rrlp lk m i our H p erlally — All compounding don« by rvglaturud Pharm arlata. Your mnll order ■ Itftilflaa your coBfldnnc«, It ahull have our p«raonal and prompt atluutlon T H I'ltS liA Y , IAN 30. 1930 ‘Lest You Forget’ Italy’i Future Queen j B usiness Gards Holds Air Mail Recort I b doing d uty for m any people this cold w eather. High teat, an ti-k n o ck g as­ oline m a k e s y o u r car Btart quickly and perform sm oothly. And It co sts no m ore th an o rdinary gas. S tatem en t« Hprlngfluld, Oregon Hund Hill« Envelope« We are ever ready O ur shop is ever ready to tak e ca re of a n y of your c a r trouble«, large o r «mail. O ur m echanics have hud wide experience and we only use th e best m aterials in m uking repairs. Beside« this o u r personal inspection and g u a ra n te e is behind every Job. No need to go elsew here when you get this kind of service from your own folks right here In Springfield. W m . R odenbough G arage „ J B lotter« T ick ets We have ev erything a service statio n should have to offer genuine service— a g arag e in connection. M enus, etc Princess Marie whose marriagr Humbert of Italy unlike many royal Jose of Belgium to Crown Prino was a love-match weddings. Iph Virden, mail pilot, who I miles per hour betwetn I Willamette Press altitude A N D S E R V IC E R»«d C ro wn G asoline._________________ Goodrich Tires S T A T IO N S P R IN G F IE L D (Pat Applied for—Serial No. J17S4) OREGC The Wortd Color [tW-IW-HWÏ »H uiK S, ’ H * t I M f T A H Y t o o * vw *OO F AW OOWH AH1 — 1 fc o fcO Q FI » I WO5 tfointf Io those brakes fined lononow * TH E PENALTY OF NEG LECT To postpone having your brakes fixed la to Invite possi­ ble disaster. W hy put o ff thia im portant duty that takes so little of your tim e and requires but a slight Investment? As experts In a ll phases of brake service » e are highly qualified to fix your brakes fo r safe driving . . . ready to hold In any emergency. "W e Give You an Even B rake” PHONE 95 I owa » Office Form « L etter Head» Baatman Moda ha and Supplies. Violet Ray Gas Minton’s Brake Service 10th and Olive Eugene Phone 271