o •{* T U F CDDiiu r-v i n n iufvxzc 30 1 knew lesilo», loomed water- ^ uaee t<> the In an U «be • only I bo* •II » asked w the rblcb. in«m Oui» ■•bln, raion, •co*- I Ju*r Tim bmu Ur- 't *11 I •► uncu . hl« ■un- ■<•4 No ■Int if nad -her irrt- «M I t* tha v«d mt hl« to md | • oomblned we.«lit of 9IM) pound*. were «lauitlilar«*c. Former Resident Stops— Fred Mont­ B. L. Hechrlst of Bnllalon recently j turned over In his car near Coburg on wistful figure she always has been received t rail« of the early pioneer gòmery sliipped In Springfield Mon Saturday. The lop and radiator were In her starring productions. days. A dolly made from the oanvas day night on his fegnlnr train run. damaged, but none of the passengers David Butler directed (’Sonny Side Pillow Caaea (• match, coyer of tha wagon In which ahe after an absence of ten days vahatlon were Injured. Up,” which will he seen and heard tiaa <2x36 irurAeg, each which he-spent nt his home near Cor­ crossed the p laltt to Oregon In 1*47 A Eugene motorist skidded Into the on the Fox-McDonald screen starting was given him by a tl-ysar old rala vallis. Mr. Montgomery waa a resi­ car belonging to William Rodenbmtgh next Sunday. Seymour Felix, Rroad- dent of Springfield a few years ago last Thiirdday white It Was parked In live during tha Christmas holidays. way's distinguished dance director, and Is a frequent visitor to the city. that city. Damage waa only slight. staged the dances and song numbers. » tu ( »41 (Ufcfti.M I * nipfet Commercial State Bank of Springfield y’ CPENNEYC© r “ N A T IO N W ID E ” N E W LONG SHEET 98c