AV PAG» THE SPKiNGFMgJ) NBW8 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS at i Published Every Thursday at Spriagfleld. Lana County, Creyón. putty s HE 6>T TU­ TO PAINT FOR A G R EA T THUItaiUY. JAN. 30, 1»3Q A M E R IC A N X X i x “‘ u ° ^ ™ Un,ry fron‘ Hollalld > e or six. ° f He the other »t years ,,re died Ameriti h e dav i e f »„ Devil MayCare supposed to die young, thalr frail cane? She turned her hMd and knew hodlea overburdened by the weight of the anawer lo her unuttered queatloh. their vlrtUM, so the aweelneea of the THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Ahea d o f them, a rod away, loomed ■ (C o n tin u e d fn .m I ' m . yt tropics becomes Insupportable Io Na­ citizen would do well“ e m u U “ K MAXEY. Editor. a.hore for letter., ,iDe lhat ,n. ture, who. when ewvelneea has Inal the terrifying hulk of the great water- •pout which flret had told Fauace d in e d to roM tp .** Ila savor, promptly proceeds to show of (heir peril. ■t»rod aa second ria„ matter. r,bruary R i MS, * No more inspiring record of a man’s Ilf« h . Voe »lr," Mid Modan. "You what a real wild lady she can be. ever been written than Bok’. own autobio^aphv Springfield. Oregon And as the laicy smashed into the •The Americanization of Edward Bok’’ o n li» / »ftould never have let her cut Mhore Out at b m Faunce m w a whir!!“« watery lower, her lips twisted In an M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E when once you had bar aboard the something that twisted and strained I Ironic smile. It was for thia (hat she ^ * J * * 1 ‘* A-T>ocw--------M W T h r o . M on th . I t>»«t. air." in Its effort to climb higher, although had swum agonisingly to shora only required reading in every course in civics. Stevens grinned faintly. ~ .... S I OS Single Copy rlaready It reachad. or teemed to thirty-six hours before. It is the fashion among the critics who s n e e r Had eha been your woman you’d have tamed her. eh* But what made reach a dark cloud that had sprung How much of lira Is raal. and how suddenly from nowhere He had you euspect . . ." . much of It Is a dream? Or Is It all a A SOLUTION TO EUGENE’S DEBT PROBLEM never seen a waterepnui before, but I„ no‘ here, elr.’’ Mid Modane. he needed no previous acqualnlance ! dream? Lucy, lying In a berth, asked To the Eugene civic administration who are ; 2 S "And after jumpln« overboard— well herself Ibsae questions This w m tha for Instant recognition nJ w ng 8trenuous efforts to solve the city’s debt lnb| ?h ,DeW 8"d hl« her standards of glK»d taste a man thinks, elr. room aboard the Minerva from which. , Lucy aal upright aa a cold chill K ' Th 7 “ •k" ' t e e apiM-eciatinn 'f '^ I ’1'1*18 ° f AnwricaB» toward the ’Modaae. you ve been In my employ some lima ago. she distinctly remem- J ? latk>" of beauty and culture in all forms eeveral yeere. You know me a . well detrended upon her Already the sun bared having dived Into the Oull l. I hat Eugene abandon her present aimnw i in’ i m .w aS , e dit° r ° f a w° “ an » ’nagazine But was obliterated and a false night was Stream aa any one.” cut the land up into lots and blocks and sell it Yet she waa In this cabin, "»ade a fortune and that, of course to the un The placid ocean had i n , V £ * addition to the <*T- ap»»rent?yThere And like you better, air," M ld upon them dry. not aoaked from long Immersion, awakened, waa atlrrlng. waa toaalng ,,,d h* a [ea<,> market for the land and the citv W • • « • « e e - f t . I Modane. "than any one elae." clothed In pajamas which she recog. I Much obliged. Then tell me: why «« though In agony The Lucy sud­ nlsed as having seen In this ri>om Just ocuId use the money realized toward paying off the large outstanding warrant indebtedn*S would a woman marry me and then denly. rolled sideways, then pitched after she had shut Ihe door upon Tim '»Io • gulf. Water broke over her run away*" Stevens. -■ That Eugene arrange with this citv to r«t« bows, sluiced the deck, drenched You’ve got a way, air. of com­ o\er the Springfield airport and sufficient o th e r And why. unless she had been M i ™ I"'h ' s ,r t « 1 " • « >» * S S S “ ' - S Ì S manding. not ..k m ,; . priHld wnmau Lucy Stevens, splashed over Faunce drugged, bad she dreamed such ter­ might re.ent that, might want you to at the wheel. rible dreams* And yet they hadn't all Hang on." she heard him cry, hit come to heel Instead of herself." in Jni ? l^kÌIì?« l? is chan«e Eugene would be utilto- been terrible Fergus Faunce had ap- . III think that over," u u ¡Mevans. voice barely audible above the roar fbr Jnrfd wh, ‘>h ,hat citv Paid about $700 an acre pearecl In them , dear Fergus Faunce And «ben I bring my wife aboard - of the cyclone. And now not merely io u n i««°U iLXe'” Pt il fron‘ taxatton which the with his kindly, whimsical mouth, his Modane. w heie could .h e have landed • he salt water drenched her. but the gentle eyes beneath Ihe green tun- ’ ) wildest rain she had even known yesterday morning T" glasses, his graying hair, hla twisted cam . down from Ihe eklee; huge hall . nose Modane drew a pocket map from CASTLES IN SPAIN Slones hit (he deck, bounded about. Inside hie double breasted reefer I H il g the,hl8,ory Cecil Rhodes, Ah. iVrgus al least waa real! No She Oddly thought, like tennis ball, Jacket. He unfolded H. « ,m n,ed reading. ' ° f adventur*; 1» makes excellent It, then placed a stubby finger on a or rounded dice. W a. this some dream could have evoked so quaint gambling demon from up aloft who ami loveable a character. And If point south of Palm Beach. this“1 thC PB88age that interest('d « « most was "Mango Key. . | r. or „oe of thoe. •hook dice for the lives of Faunce Fergus was seal, then all of the mad htlnga (hat she remembered—her other heye. I told you the drift waa and herself* t h o L V . peOple went ta‘° the air for flight« swim ashore. Mango Key. her marri­ Riding in the Matoppos one day at the usual Inwanl. but you thought that the The Lucy teem ed to rise clMr of for tw“o ¿ X w'hen h ^ d e ^ ^ a ^ “ K f Gulf Stream current set outward I Ibe water; propellwd by wind and age. her flight— ¡♦he m ( up, while something cold where .h e went overboard. Mango I wave It Shot along like a hydroplane h .n Lightning gleamed and thunder roll- seemed to lay a clammy hand or claw Key or thereabout«, air." j Much obliged. Modane. You maj | ad. Beaten flat to the deck hy the upoa her breast The hnrrlcane. the toe'er have everything you want. y go." | force o f th . wind, and hanging on waterspout, the rinal chaah* She had n,aTakeJniy8eli’ ior mManoe: I am not an old "You don’t want help, air»" with grim determination to th.- ran. ¡been saved; but what about Fergus? nian, and yet there is nothing 1 want I h.v« Steven» laughed. ! »he saw Faunce straining at the She seemed to remember that .... hla t h ^ n g h u Ì m S ; t Ì a ? l O,£ V Ugr StÌOn w ith th e BfXrs^th^dto*118^ ° f| the Cape’ there 18 the IV “To fetch hack my own wife? Not I »h eel, trying to deflect ,h . course of hand had clutched her, as though to drag her from beneath the flood, and le7i ln d h»h dia,iiond m,nea that Rhodes control- help, not even my own two hand.. the craft and, the railways, and there to a big country Modane. If »h, won t come for word, Hut why try to , | eer In thia h um after that she remembered nothing TO BE CONTINUED can^peLd" ' haV* n’On? Dlone-V ,ha" 1 then—she'll never come.” ‘•»n t waste 'em. air. Take her. S s s - S S S w a - i n S grub her. make her come." Stevens shook hia head. Would you have an unwilling wife Modane T" Modane showed bis white teeth. THE MODERN -MAN ON HORSEBACK ” ’h a “ m n e T J o u w 'n S b iy " 2 ’If I wanted her, and could get her t h .i ^ h i n * 1“ ' “ * * h * a r mUCh a b ° " t fwod v a ,u * o f IhlM o r ;ohIn 7 X h h: d d£ 1 n o , “ n y ' h i" k II wouldn t matter to me whether she Item « ‘ Ì „ o T T Ct n d y *’ o n ', ,h p '"K” - 8’ k n o w n came willing or unwilling, I'd make har willing.’* "All women aren’t the Mme. you £ reads £ a” , S x acr^ : T s n th l v -“ »" It 3pe - ° F f a “ tombstone. «now.* suggested Stevena. "Sure they are. , | r. |,g e al, m en. s „ ^ „ r 8h' - They don't know what they want Uon’t be without good candy. #t “ 7 7 ; " '• s ' ■ » » « ^ ^ s r ° w ’ • J h J M r r . n' x T w ,h £ '" ¿" d They wait for some stronger person Io tell ’em whal they want, and then work, they can have better hJilth ’ X they Jump with Joy , Bd claim they wanted It all the time." ’’Not all men. nor all women," M ,d Stevens. Where the Service I, Different” W-Z • - ""-k in Yog, air; all men and all women " To urge them on to better inha k more money in the bank * Uer h° me8’ Insisted Modane "But suppose—suppo.e one I driver, win be .horkrd the stronger*" coauoa m „ r , a r r fu l „ * > . £ « Modane shrugged. “In that case He down, let b> i walk and their passenger-Thar* prot5 f’tion of drivers on you. You got to. If .h e's stronger than you. But is she. sir*" trade in your old car In his turn Stevens shrugged. h i.w ? r i7 > k“ “ r'l !b M » ‘! w b '''h r''a '')’ h , p i ” ' ,n e " » ' oi m X d » , h " X S i ' . a r t v ' a ' . ^ ' r ' ' - “ 1' "That rem ain, to be found out ON a li ague FOOD VALUE stxt F E G G IM A N N ’S ¿ 0 FAR, I GOTTA BOTTLE THE PRO' Why Not Pedestrians siruek by a it o « ’ ^ . ‘I"r<’ Modane." »' horseback 'felt Thau.1 h^wa.111 Europ* th* man on «he poor ,J o le w L ban“ a ' u'" ri'”' being, and « ith b ln ,T h e ridden ¿ 7 , 7 " I ““, '» ‘ B ™ imagination g ^°yS prov*ded hy a wise our fathers came to America t } ° f the th,n«8 a» that, it would ahnost «eem a a8/ ° thange losing ground. There is s o m e t h in \ f * e W ere a car which make« n,lJ,„ hing about driving of the righu o „ p“ nyTK n8 u“ er»y ^ kiesf are not always w r j tou S « „ h ®“ recknp 8 s ones my ?egu2r tobmy^?hrk T " thern ,nterter« *“ h iU tber’ 11 reinforces the Job My ily intoxicated onlv L ake« »h “7 nOt neces»ar- c a itle f m incentive to efficiency; theJ worse. y rnakes the situation ail the gRe ad L r give added reason and nuroo«»- in ih„ t , ey of being alive. purpose to the business PINYHY DlNK SAY, TH S crap OUT IN THER 5 By Terry Gilkison CHAPTER IV. The Lucy was chrl.ten.-d so lem n ly 7 h e human Lucy broke a pint botti, of champagne ovef the craft’, bows and then another pint waa opened and the ritual waa sealed by Faunce and Tieraelf drinking to the new Lucy s success. "Though what greater measure of ■uccesa the Lucy can hope for than to have carried you aa a p a .a e n g e r - ’’As a member of the crew, Devil- MayCare answered Faunce. I accept the amendment, ,,UV7 Lucy. Well what more this craft can hope for I cannot Imagine." They were bowling leisurely south, across a placid ocean, beneath a shin­ ing sun and fleecy clouds. There was the faintest swell, and along the sandy shore, miles inland, breakers curled and brok. and the murmur of their dissolution sounded like a faint chant In the distance. Sky. atmosphere, and the sea had combined to lull the travelers Into a dreamy security. But In the tropics Nature Is more treacherous than In the frozen Arctic. As the good are USED CAR. WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS UBedWc a i ï Ve “ CO,np,ete 8to‘ k of excellent reconditioned MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. « 4 O il,. S t. Eug .„ ., Oregon T .I.p h .n . M7 Anm>Mn«;