P A G IT R B V Classified T R A IN S C H E D U L E Springfield Stopa . NORTH MR. AND MRS. DePUE ENTERTAIN 500 CLUB OREGON STATE NEWS ’ OF GENERAUNTEREST The regular semi m onthly meeting passenger» from K lam ath Valla and of the 500 Club w ill be held Friday beyond. eren lng at the home of M r. and Mrs Frank DePue ot 100« F ifth s tre e t No. I at S : l i P. M. Bua connections at Bugene for T he erenlng w ill be spent w ith cards Principal Events of the Week traina tearing 1:30 p. M. and 7 P. M •o d refreshment» w ill be «erred by Assembled fop Information the hostess to the members of the SOUTH • f Our Readers. club and to specially in rlte d guests No. 7 at 18: «7 P. M. No. I t at 10:09 P. M Flag atop for N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE O k The Port of Astoria grain bnalaee* T O W H O M IT M A T C O N C B R N — FO R H A LB OR T R A D E — S n rln rfle ld passengers to K lam ath Valla and N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R S E X E C U T IO N IN FO R E C L O S U R E w ill not be rssponslbl« for any anv debta d .W . lota W ill conalder Eugen’e or Me- beyond. for the year 1222 showed as laereae« Nodo« la harebjr et»r a t E lite— F. W. Ftorcs, b« r General «-.„d Office. w“ .h l„ „ o “ ¡ “ ì 7™ lln < ____________ port an outbreak of blackleg among D. C.. Dec. SI, •n d N. (). Llndey. both of l*orUand. ■alaal th» aaid «»tate shouid preaenl Notice . —, —... . . . 1929. n otice la hereby I n t vv a — >•. ’— cattle In that »action. The yoong ‘ í a t 8ub> c' to th" r °wdltlona ftr 070 M 17' T O NB* ifa n e J , a * 7 / i r i e d I» thè under Dy said Sourt January 22nd l> a o »>« 1.7» Slat. SIS), o amended by the K Ä * ! ° „ “ r W h,U f ' r 40 « the ranchers. wHtdn Btilldtng, Kugen». Oregon. 1928. it (« a ¿ * ” f r ir 1500 -'n 'o rk 40 •c t of M ay 17. 17 1928 . "s a ta , . , t" ' ¿91 r « - I u” t N E ^ .T red 1500 M M. h hemlock 40 » corporation, w . , p la in tiff a nd W»-' ” ’» ‘>ntha from thè finti Mrs. Clara Swearingen, an elderly ¿ i S S ^ e ,tto b l r « of the ■pecinea. I w ill on Saturday the 1st The snowfall at Rosebnrg was tha rmb. 17, 12.10 at 10 o'clock a. rn at N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA LE ON public anctlon at the United Stales tim ber on this section to be sold for oPeX ? c i l r h' 1 M ° ' , l «»«»r • heaviest ever recorded since the ee- N O T IC E OR F IN A L H E A R IN G lee» than »1 25 per M. N»nC U T ' («( ? e " flv e u that by vlr« hlr rrid a y , February 28. 1830 um th “ sun ». f ndanta. which execution and order I P»®d fully with said regulations of »• 2 and Through the efforts of Deputy Oama ,O m" dlroct* d « nd com Ju|y »»- I»29. as “ the iie c u tlo n of o C° “ a. J a n u ,ry i2 n d ’ 1>30’ • " * « ,lm " ,n d br h,M,rd re ai . . B,ock 70 ln W ashburne’s 8ub- Warden Brown several tons of scratcM ffardlnx said account. beref^ar.“1/ lbe r* al pr(’ per,y ’ ‘» “ tfRCt of sale and bond : t j (., |« P<’ Bd ,h ®r®,ln ln which the ° f the ®p r,n * f ’ el‘ UMOclatlons of such cltlsena sale was to me directed and com Notice Is hereby glren that the un cash s u b b it to red m ^ . aUC for i " d “ ‘ P0™ 11" " ’ organised under the manded me to sell the real property of potato growers engaged In produo- SUM M ONS ¡ r . 7 J ^ 7 ; > . “ a rtl,, k G,aaa’ »dfnlnls vlded by law .H of ^h ? Pt° ° f th ” U n lU d 8 U ,e * ° r « " * 8 '«<® h ereinafter described to satisfy cer­ Ing certified seed potatoes, accord­ y aw, ot the hr h'*8 « - * - ™ i i T r V ,b : a ll d'*'«’" d»“ right, * «» title and te rrito ry or district thereof only tain Hens and charges In said decree In the C ircu it Court of the State of ing to the report of County Agent M e specified. I w ill on Saturday, the 1st Oregon fo r Lane County. h ounty i ourt of l.ane County, nd <>l.» P»rtl®« claim ing by, through chaser the tim ber on anv lees I «oh day of M arch. •»•». e hour nonr or W horter. 19.70, » at i m the of one E H ft.H H l « ?.nd U ta M Hl11’ PW n- at tin “ ’ 'l i"1 i,,h.a ‘ E’ bru» r ’’ 28th. I»™ ‘Z “” dBr ,heIn »nx of them since division will he offered separately I “ s'*.kCk>.P m ’ a ‘ ,h ® "°uthw eat door 1 7"' NbI11® m Johnson, Jay J. Rev. R. L. Payne, pastor of the M rs« . . .u ! f<’ r®no„n thereof | ¡b* ,” ' b. d»>_°f Neyember. 1929. In or before being Included In any offer of ? i ! b' 9 £ Url hou* E »9«ne. Johnson, as adm inistrator o f the Baptist church at Salem, was arrests« at the County Court House In Eugene *° lhe following described real p ro I-ene County. Oregon, o ffer for sale r« *^ M a “r,<’® D Johnson, de- a larger unit. T. 21 8., R 2 W , Sec. Lane County. Oregon, has been file d peI ‘ y ' r v t r T ii i Z Ur‘ AA Cory®ll, Richard charged w ith attempted assault ep— a 21, N E U 8 W U red fir 9«0 M T 23 and sell at public auction for cash, ♦ / . * aJ d 7 ,Ur* * ’ ,b " lln” ' » nd F l» ® *l i,.TbZ . ? OU,b 40 fe* ‘ of ,x>t I *n Bloch 8 . R 3 W Sec 9 S W U n F u I 17“ " '’’’ ' to redemption as provided by V irgil O’N eil following the an»»-1 subject i i V , ’rvWRI*>n D - John»on. Mr« for bearing and considering , „ rt >° “ >® O riginal F la t of Springfield. fR 1680 M red re d « ; «0 M T 2 R n ',W ' ° f tbe r l* b t’ ,1,le * nd ln ‘ ®r®®‘ t ^ X en p . Jobnson J » r J Johnson. meeting o f the board of deacons o f ufT?“ “ ! ’ tba dal* of f |r" ‘ Publlcatlon J **» p*»Ued * nd recorded lu 5 W . Sec 17 SE% S W U red fir lin o ,h ® d®fend»nts In said suit and of / T ¿ ? hn?°n ’ A* nu8 m »T De»l« the church. C o « « , . U e » ' <.~ “ n,y C,’ rk 1,1 *'ana " • " M . S W U ^ w i "r™ par’J - J>T. ‘ brough or being January 23rd. 1930 John Doe Lewis. Flosse Hlnkson ounty, Oregon, and Game birds of Linn county are rw M A R T IN L. 0 L A 8 8 under them or any of them since the C lair Hlnkson. Beryl f ir 1280 M. red cedar 100 M. T 19 S Fraslenr, s .« » Adm lnlatralor . • ’.■"L1 l.nJ J ,‘ lye Phillips to-w it: J 23 .70 F « 12 20 County, Oregon. Ä . X & . n 'S DBr" n,r- Add‘e warden. The feed w ill be put out as Dated thia 25th day of January, 1930 R W U sugar pine 70 M. red fir 280 M. Beginning at a point 419 7 feet west T « 8 . R. 7 W .. Sec 3. N W U N W U long as the need for It lasts, H. L. B O W N , N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Stell- red f ir .795 M. T 7 S . R 1 E . Sec 1 of a point 776.7 feet South of the In­ Haxen D. J o h is o ^ ’ d'erfendan'ts: S h e riff of Lane County, Oregon. macher said. tersection of the south line of 23rd Notice Is hereby given that the un 8 E U » W U red fir 326 M. T. 18 S . R 8tre e t, and the west line of U n lver J 30 F « 13 20 27 1 K.. Sec -- --------- derslgnnd have been appointed Ex . —P....... ________ _____ Newberg firemen battled a M . T. 1 rf .SR. 6 E .’ sec. J S B t t ' 8 E U I “i i l Avenue. In Bugene. I-ane County. In the name of the State of Oregon: e ru irix and Executor of the estate of N 0 T , CK O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T J.?,“ J n.d - S h_ of y?“ > r® hereby re- which for a tim e threatened the stop- J h hi e t a iin ? e A ’’ir f * ira*a A ’ •»«* ’ . « • « ‘ lne be above ,.4 ,u_ , , _v ..... bi 3< du > '®®‘ m i 10 ‘ m b® e ! ± __ o , tJ ,IZ d - . a5 a' n?‘ yon anOVe there. The fire, which destroyed as A ll person» having claims agnlnst p- <>I hegmmng. Eugene. Lane » o?d, said estate are hereby notified to pre In the m atter of said estate w ith the i l hoM *®r ‘ l°ns to he sold for less than c ounty Oregon abandoned box factory, assumed speo- <>- I f ” ‘W r e d ’" T ' K h b S f k y of January. 1930 sent the same, duly verified, to the a m “ ,yn t* '” * J*' U ‘ n* In the order of publication, to-wlt on tacular proportions. undersigned at the office of W ells S gon. and an order has been made nnd . f .'.h d rBd»r ' »» 00 ‘>Pr M for H , BOW N or before the expiration of four weeks Every town in Linn county but o n * W ells. Attorneys, Hank of Commerce entered of record by the County Court I ' b’ " i ’ ” ft0 , p®r fPr ,’ b® S h eriff of l4ine County.' Oregon from the date of fir *t publication of ___ Bldg., In Eugene, latne County, Ore- " f» a '< l _ __....... county, directing thia notice and, R® " Z p:.r, M 7 o r ‘A" J 30 F « 1 3 20 27 this summons, and If yon fall to an­ will enjoy a reduction of taxes, a » gon. w ithin «lx monlhs of the first I appointing Saturday ' the* iklh" d'L'v'o'r b'’m ,nrk T. 16 8 . R. 1 W . Sec 15. cording to Grant Froman. county a t swer for want thereof Plaintiffs w ill | February. 19.70. at ten o’clock A M publication of thia notice. _____ SEI« 8W<4 red and yellow fir 119«. apply to the Court for the re lie f prav- lessor. Fwest Home, which paid • N O T IC E TO APP EA R Date of firs t publication, January I In the County Court room In the 500 feet. » W U 8W«4 992.100 feet. T ed for In the com plaint, to-w lt: total tax of 52.8 mills last year, w ill 9lk, 19.70 1 I.ane County Court House, for the 13 8.. R. « W . Sec 29 NW’ >4 SW«4 In the Circuit Court of the State T hat plaintiffs have a Judcment and pay 64.3 m ills this year. Oregon fo r Lane County. M Y R tT B D O A N E Executrix hearing of objections to said account yellow fir 200 M. red fir 770 M. T. 18 decree against defendants N ellie M E B. IX IA N E , Executor. 8 , R A W , Sec 17. NE»4 8E«4 red The State of Oregon. P la in tiff, vs. M ilo S tarr, 33, dropped 250 feet to and the settlem ent of said estate Johnson nnd Jay J Johnson as a d -! W ells S W ells, Attorneys. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this l«th fir 500 M. red cedar 100 M, T 10 8., his death In a shaft of the Oregoa One certain Ford, 1929 Model A m ln lstrato r of ___________ __ ... urlc the estate of ra. M aurice R 1 E . Sec 19 SE«« SE>4 yellow fir J 9 l«-23 .70 F A nay of January, 19.70, Ford Pickup w ith closer cab. bear- D. Johnson, deceased, for the™Drtncie Copper company near Keating, whe« 1050 M. w hite fir 50 M. hemlock 20 LO U 18A S C H O O N O V E R Ing motor number A2196A03, J. C. P»l sum of 217.72 57. together with I - the cage in which he was riding broke A d m in istratrix of the Estate of A M. none of the tim ber on these sec I Ponsler, doing businesn under the ‘ crest thereon at the rate of eight A D M IN IS T R A T R IX 'S N O T IC E loose from the cable and dropped to tlons to be sold for less than 21.76 Ì C. Schoonover, deceased name of J. C. Ponsler Motor Com P®r cent per annum from Remember In the County Court of the Stats of per M for th" red and yellow fir. 21.50 ' IM M E L & E V A N S , Eugene. Oregon, the bottom of the Balm creek shaft. pany. Junction C ity State Rank, a 22. 1928. and the sum of 2260 00 atto r Oregon fo r Lane County. per M for the red cedar and 60 cents Attorneyg for Estate T ^ ^ ’^ ^ ' s e ^ r . r . ' r - ' “ » " • " ' and G rant K W ak T . E. M eriw ether, 57, prominent IN PRO BA TE. . J l«-23-,7O F «-13 Gold Beach man, was drowned when In the m utter of the Estate of E d­ fir 126 M red fir 700 M lot 2 vellow T ° J C Po“ »Ie r’ doln« •’«»In®»» b® adjudged and decreed to he a first N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L ward R. Davis. Deceased. fir 700 M red fir -o o M red r ,i ir »6 der ,b,> n»me ° I Fonaler Motor B®n against the property described In his motor boat was swamped at Two- ACCOUNT Mile riffle on Rogue river, between Notice la hereby given that I, the Notice Is hereby given: T hat the undersigned, Alice E. Vincent, am the undersigned, as executrix of the l-nst fir 1450 M. red cedar 10 M. white pine Agness and Illahe. His wife, who was It mav Concern d m eid an .« - The Sou‘ hea’ ‘ Quarter of the North duly appointed and qualified and act­ W ill nnd Testament of Hans Casper- 15 M. hemlock 76 M. Ixrf A yellow flr L " " e of the S t » p»‘ Quarter, the East h alf of the on the bank of the river, saw her bus- ing a dm inistratrix of the estate of son, deceased, hns filed her account A75 M. red cedar 16 M. white pine 20 I Yo’ " 7 . ^ " " " h o f * voT .r ? °herehv a ° u ,bw *>’ ‘ « " » r t- r »nd the Southwest band die. Edward It. Davis, deceased; th a t ull for the final settlement of said de­ M. hemlock 40 M. Lot 7 yellow Or j “d d . ¿ T T h l Qua7 pr of the Southwest q uarter of persons owing the said estate any cedent's estate In Ihe County Court 1260 M rvd cedar 10 M N K U R F U ? .. Crim inal cases in the sate of Ors­ . an< * take notice that the section twentv-aeven (27) in T o w n i d— ' bpd P*r»ona. property ship nineteen; „ 9 , South L ™ thing shall pay the same to mo; and for I-ane County, Oregon, and that £ n c w % r ,, s " d M gon have nearly trebled since the year that all person having any claims Saturday the 8th day of February, Shite pins 36 M. N W U 8 B U yellow One certain Ford 1929 Model A <12» P ' T ° f th<“ W il,a m p “ p 1917. while other court actions have against said estate shall present them 1930. at the Court Room of aaid Court flr 1160 M. w hite pine 26 M. hemlock ; P ’ 4 p 1„ Z 1„ " | , ? rd’.„ A ’ J9. . Mod7 , , A M eridian, all in Lane County. Oregon, increased in smaller proportion, a » to me with vouchers attached at the In Ihe County Court House, In Eugene, 60 M, N B U S W U yellow flr 1570 M. . i t . T ’r m mhLr WlSAAOT b’ P>K®ther with the tenements, heredita- cooling to a report prepared by A n office of my attorney, ||. B. Slattery. Lane County, Oregon at ten o'clock red cedar 25 M . white pine 10 M. hem H , h . i, " i ■ '7 tmmBrm»n ¡’’pn,a and appurtenances thereunto 717 W illa m e tte Street, Eugene, Ore­ In the forenoon, In s hoen fixed thur S. Benson, clerk of the state su­ lock sir 40 m. M. none oi of m the tim ner ber o on n i o , . . ,.roh, h„ inn k „.¿.u ar ,ln '» z wise ......... ......................... . ” »®n by | erra e rim T’ ’“ “ » u w ‘"v appertaining « n p e n a in in g gon, w ithin alx (6) months from the s a ,.■’7. preme court. ld t o u r tu s the tim e and place for theae sections to be sold for less than 4,tv o, December 19"9 in th e C o n n tv ‘ Hd de**d belnK foreclospd as a mort date of the firs t publication of this hearing objections tin do. and for the I «1 50 per M fo r the red nnd yellow i 2„„n 0 ^ m D r L i n m te d in * " * p' 8uppr,or ‘ e any Hen or claim of A fte r several years of discussion notice; which Is firs t published Janu­ settlement thereof flr and red cedar nnd 50 M Ilt , per M .¿ „ ’ '“."Tnltv of I °™ tn t on m U i » defpndants hprpin ° r e ith e r of them, ary 2, 19.70. and experimentation the Douglas coun­ LEN A C A8PEHSDN . J for the hemlock and white pine. T 22 {-b I »horn o n l mile le d « h alf* ° F " " J per8on8 pl»lm ing by. through A L IC E E. V IN C E N T , Executrix of the Last W ill and 8.. R .7 W . See. 27. S E '4 N E U yell'” » , i , n ™ In , I h f c o in » ! »nd nndPr ,h e m ' ° r el,h p r of ,bpm - an'' ty court has adopted a new system for A d m inistratrix. Testam ent of Hans Casperson. dc flr 1250 M. red flr A70 M. red cedar ! . "I? ., ’. ¿ I " “ d h?i R,ld nrem,8p8 be decreed to he road maintenance work, grouping sev­ H. E. S L A T T E R Y , state; that the above described per- sold hy the S h eriff o f Lane Count? ceased. eral districts under one supervision. 138 M, hemlock 100 M. S W U N E U Attorney for Adm inistratrix. 'L L. RAY Attorney for Estate. yellow flr 2500 M. red flr A40 M. red I,","""’ ,Pr ” PPhr *y * ? ’ (1" nnfS"Ad , daLP d P nrpgpn' »cp"'‘dl’1F «0 <»w and the J 2 9 16-23 30 m « t d co’nntv end' T ' Prac,lpp of ,h ,‘’ Co" r ‘ - »"<1