PAQJE tw o T U B 3PRiW O FIW ,r) NWWg t iu ' hshay , jan an. ► ♦ w i *- lamette * * ‘ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ •e e e e e e e There were 34 member, of the U - M n t HUI Christian church that / braved the had roads and went •hurch Sunday morning After the '^ L L U S T R .K T E D B Y D C N A L D R I L t Y « r v lc e . Mrs. C. L William. .Rpp«, I on (he Icy step , and broke her left W h a t. Guos «a Before It wuuld b , Impuls. o o l, beC, B(H. It ■no jnat above , h. wrist. There j »as no church In the evening. by Mr « S E X CbZT’ îJ Î '* * * • l’ e n | had b w “ «uddeuly. She had SAFETY COMMITTEE AT s ^ ;. i a r . Ä % Ä ± r • - •— “ ■> - ' 706 SAW MILLS CUT A baby boy arrival at the home MILL DOES NOT MEET „ Seattle. Washington. Jan 3 0 —De « d Mrs Robert Hrowa. I. ,1,-k win, company here on Tuesday evening of a reputation aa a bean breaker stepped inside his patio, only to grow Laeaon U a bit Jealous Tim Steves - somber laeianily as she w a, aol re­ •ailed reports, by districts and by the mum pa Ihls week The regular meeting was toll« Lacy they are going aboard hts vealed to hla eager glance. Hope— « p eel... covering the lumber pro Tht?Ar “"7®* '**" postponed for lark ,rf work. accoiM- Boat, the Minerva, and abe ac*edes or rather. Its pale specter— vanished ducllon of 70« m m . , hw I I h ‘’Y ' J“"uar’' ’«• ’’l-asant HUI or rather. in« 1« W P. Tyson, member of the In order not to be a quitter it I I completely 'n m n lu ie lw am i« I Or region of Oregon and Waahlngton hl«h achool bevnn c committee. The mill has operated •he to sorry that he won her com orap" ' e,7 _• »min on during IMS. will be made hy Col. W “ on,lay. January J7 with . Journshst and philanthrope, <>nly Hui» more than on . week la Ihe P*ny, Lucy says the la not and (hat I He sat down, rang servant, (•aw to this country horn Holland Some of , h. . Il)dt,„ „ £ £ » ■ £ s:,'. "" - a Greeley, secretary manager of the '«'«dance month of January and there have drank It e-t.vui/vn i<-na uer IO «I* age Of ala and ma.fc himself o to J been very few Injuries during that regretfully after Leeaon « s lo w ly . Ripping a , though West to a s t Lumbermens assort« »•re ,«„l unable — It carefully. ----- .. n UlUUgl of the natinn't moti useful citisene «Ion. at the annual meeting of the ■»use of the ley roads. There wa. aw__ - he HOUlhf hv a* _ time and only one had accident, thia A Aboard Stevena boat. Stevens tella he sought by lasts to analya« Its In Lucy he loves her. to which she re- gredlents. A sudden odd thought Association In Tacoma. January Si better attendance Tuesday The «IX AI Ihe cloae of ih. game It was a He happening to Harl M« Pheraon. who Many «-«r. were ditched on the was struck on the hip by a cable that piles with contempt. He becomes an came to him: the liquor had no savor, The lotal production of these mills, •«*ka .«am ination, will he h.d<1 fry. and ahe becomes afraid of him and nothing else In life would have a survey Just completed by the as «•«» week so (he flrat sem ester will Hmlth Hill during the paat week snapped Stevena tella Lucy that he will not •oclatlon shows, was close on schedule time. One aedan of young folks turned com­ The parpoee of Ihe Hafely Commit let her go until she has promised to savor, unless It were accompanied, or board feet m the year Just n a,t. or The Baakethall tournament for H pletely over on the cemetery hill tee Is to Investigate . | | arcldenta to marry him. To escape him »he leaps spiced, by the presence of Lucy. h(t{h avnoois , <.hoo|t begin« The young p,.,,ple were unhurt. 07 Per cent less the tuuu total re. re- | «•ague of „ h, w •••»«« Into the water from her cabin window, ---- --- than ilw See how they happeMrf and to deter­ This was love. This was au ache •wlmmlug a short distance under th- Ported by the Association for the l»2g *' ,h'' arm« T 'n Eugene Thursday Ida and Margaret Shelley, who mine If they could not have been that distracted, that maddened, that vater. «g» mills. The »‘'•»••«it Hill girl. meet Creswell have been „ut of , vho(„ production of ggg of • voided either by the exerctoe of Lucy reaches land and meets Dr. drove one to frenxy No mere balked Of the total m ill, cm wh|c h reports «fris * 7 . Thursday afternoon between 2 being quarantined for amallpog re more ca r. „„ pan of ,he injured Ferugus Faunce on an Island. He desire, but an overwhelming longing, i , Urned t„ high achool Monday. « b> Ihe use ,,f , , takes care of her and takes her home that he suddenly realised was not ot were received In this second annual The UMIla.e family have m„vm| Everyone to worried about her, and the flesh but of the soul. production survey. • Woman's NOTICS TO CREOITORg d u e. during the year 7M wer„ ®’ub . Hl"' h » •« '•> be from Ibelr ranch at C«mat Iforka to «hen ahe meets Stevens he la frantic, Notice la hereby given (hat ,h> He could understand why man, regretful and atll ardent In hie love , ,h * b"m# ° r Mrs. C r . j„ r. 'he rauih recently rented by Mr and L«eaon Informs Lucy that Stevena frustrated In love, might sink to any active, making a total of 774. JE-'l'runrJ*i2h" P<“ ,p,,n',d Mra. Ilrugee. must ralae a quarter of a million level of dlssapallon. to win a moment Vltrt * 7 ,? ! n d * J ’ " '” 1 ClWCk‘n« ° f Mr snd Mra. Thurman Smith, ol I ho eetata of Halvor Kltleieen. de- dollars or go to Jail at five o'clock. Vital statistics affecting the* produc­ Lucy goes to her bank and raisea the of forgetfulness. An overwhelming „„ in . llvde Hvd(, against salii Safe and Sane Coasting" was in Roseburg, , "' " are " living on I" " ?" ' ‘"'n tion. stocking and distribution of urge seised upon him to drink and gum fo P ore* "rw h 7 ’, "‘•'tfl« dulged in b , »eversi of ,lld„ pe„. " Olh "" the hill. hill Mr «„d Mr. Mr. '<- r -e n ,0 , X "‘¿ T Lucy goea to Stevena to help him drink until he won unconsciousness Meat Coast lumber will occur at the Pio Of Pl.-ssani Hill th . p « .( , w„ ranch “'h on preaeni the same (o he's. the unde h " ' " 7 d"u ,h ",r ar« "*<»« *'d' ,Wl,'h p" ’p,'r »■>«< 1h but he refuses to take money from a Then his mouth hardened, and his annual meeting Fr|d.y , , h„ . munv parent, ............ „.m ed I " »»»* *totn w farm J * 0"“ W lll.n woman to whom he to not married weeks and many parent, turned out tion snnouncud. a prominent p So Lucy marries the man she hates. eyes, that had not been focussed, but snd coaaUd cos.led W„h their children. children I ' • _______ »«‘ht •nd with . . . ___________________ Md promptly runs away from him ta d been wide and staring, resumed on the program has been given to a liante Holds with apparently lit,,« ' • * ♦ * • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . "lx months from the dato of thl notice, going to her friend Fergus Faunce. their customary coolness. Lucy Hark­ "clinic" planned to devise practical •lop« became popular as cotuilng » . « « « T H U R S T O N ♦ Haled (he 30th day of January 1130 gnd tells him what she has done. ness had made a public fool of him, trade extension methods for West Now go on with the story. grounds. In some place« o„n .. . R B o GSTAO. ♦ —iat least, publicity could not l>< long Coast hemlock. IRsccmilon of plans y ° 0Bd"i ,n "on"‘ P'» for Oakland. California. wh..r» .h e HunaJil Young Attorney for E„ a,« foolishness nothing of his own. He tn connection with efforts to Improve I T will visit her son. Loren, who ha. re- Wife In a state of mind that bordered conditions m the domestic water n , \ Mlrhi«"n. Ohio, ____ J 30 F g 13 Jo j wouldn t drink, and he wouldn't kill on Insanity. Bewilderment, outraged trades of the Atlantic coast and Call lorado *"'* »»her state« where cenllv played (he pipe organ over himself, and he'd «Jo nothing — I ta n ,,, «re expected to receive " «"d" ^ the radio. pride, denied love—all these conspire«! NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION— to find her. Professon Hennlgan. of the Thur. to render him something less than thoughtful consideration and possibly . “ 7 “ ""*d ,hej' hart noror ISOLATgO TRACI He rang again, and ordered a LAND RALE w ne. But the breeses from the Hull servant to fetch Moilane. the skipper 7."?,” . n ' PUBLIC ' l,Ai •«•(Ion Reservations alr’’a‘, already 3r ordered ordered e „ x i " i s , t • s ’’T ,I‘I" ,h» condition, thsi 'on high and William Mill. T “ "* 7, m -—— . . . „ the skipper Stream blew upon him; the exercise of 'he Minerva. The swart L e v a n t !, L " 7 llnner n," m a Hn< .t r -. I_ Ih* .. " « ' » « WeZks existed Th In . Oregon Ihe past two unhurt when ,'helr car 'u„.e, ‘'-7n«l',; % e.0* . t,h *R J . n^ r'»r' U. U. I ^ 7 ° " of the .Minerva The swart Levantine of walking, by Its very monotony, arrived shortly •ur Mountain View service station »7th. 1M0. '*0°' Indicate a large attendance * *' Th" ’ "" » »»vered by attendance. I .h . > ------ --- ”T “ "»*'» • solid arrived shortly. soothed his nerves, and by the time Notice Is hereby g|»„n , h„ A number of matters of vital lm..r « „ 7 ** 7 ° r ,r ",I lnc’’,‘a **»»P on their way to school. •I "I was married today. Modane, said , „ x " dx ">• he reached his own home he was able Stevens. . Mr> y ..... ... Weaver am, children. ' u X w T 'T ir d " " (hi to think coherently. and Otorla Jane. . IMII, „« "’ ----------- ---- ’I -? -" 1” - »»•' provi Will be discussed In the program .r I. * f° r Jture of West Coast hemlock. Stevens and I shall not be aboard the bersd the cool gray eyes, the broad - “ • - » O ........... > - i X r, above d e s c r t i V î " " ? ' tbs (h arles S. Kletb. president of the k e ^ , 1fT a’ , n ' H"' b,«b " »»»• bas- p . » nV,.,,r 7 ' - ° f ° "' C forehead, to know that no insanity ' Minerva." hl. flto 7 7 l*nd »«Ivlsed to ' Ceniral Coal and Hie their claims, or objection, on or lurked within that perfectly shaped ! "No, air." said Modane. £ 7 Mr «"«’ Mr. Charte. Orant Coke company keihrtl boy. def^ „ d before ,b® “ ">• ^M gaalml for .ale I, "But the crew are not to know this. I Kansas City. Missouri, will giTe a boys .Mt » Id a y n„ h , hy bead. [ H amill a . canaday . and no one else to to know It. Once K i i ■’ " « " t o . ------- Thompson has been III for J 30 F <13-20 37 M*«l»ter. ¿y pu t t y s ME 6 lT T It TO PAINT FOR ¿ 0 FAR I ¿OTTA BOTTLE T he PRO» several days A. W Weaver recanliy re««. Mr Weaver la a building ooM raii« of that clly and Mra Weaver la u employee of Ihe Hlate houae Thaf Will make their home tiler», A R TH U R SOMERS ROCHE xjt G01ÛCN yoke rfte . th p In M w jj li ll'lf c ll I SAY, TH SCRAP OUI IN THER _ COMING I SUNDAY wi«|) DOROTHY ¡JORDAN . ductlon. Professor Charles J. Miller, prof«.- ■or of marketing at the University „f Washington, wlll talk on How to Create a Seller's Market for W e.t <>>•« lumber. Kenneth Smith, secretary of tthe Lumber dealers of Los Angeles. w ||| discus, lumber merchandising prob- I’ m« In Southern California and op­ portunities for cloaer cooperation be- tween West (•„«„ manufacturer, and ’ alffornfa dealem. ( , Dr «»rmann von Schrenck. nation- rt authority „„ railroad engineers' problems, wlll talk on meeting the railway engineer, problems In mer­ chandising West Coast goods. Dr. David James Ferguson. Presby­ terian minister at Astoria, wlll talk on community and social phase, of lumber Industry developm ent, ' H 7 Preston, sales manager of the silv er FaBs Timber company. 8H».rton. wl.l present .„ggestfon . ,» n the Association's estimated ship Ping w eight, for West Const lumber The Association has Issued an In- vllallon to all loggers and manufac- urers of forest products In the Northtweat to attend and participate >n the discussions. UNII VIEWPOINT O lii J here are two angles from which to view a Job of printing. (1) A h a mechanical proposi­ tion Involving the tine of type paper. Ink and machinery, or ’ (2) As a meann to an end — utility or naleR. r ti» p S iS . S I ‘“SUNNY SIDE UP All Talking. Singing Dancing Musical Comedy With JANET GAYNOR CHAS FARRELL • "TURN ON THE HEAT" Also CLARK and M c C ullough In -THE DIPLOMATS" (4 ELECTED TO FAIR BOARD George Gilmore, „f Junction City, was elected as a member of the Lana out,,, pa,r Rnar(, flf a of 'hat body, which was held at the court bouse In Eugene last Saturday afternoon. 1 Wl1' 0,1 ‘h* Taranpy created on fon T7 7 ry * * 7 7 ”y , ’r" ‘" " ry ”" ,h « k“ W To us, type. Ink nnd machinery a r e J lino f rt,eir " PX,Hf,nK ° n ,y t o f,(> o r , V” ta t ^ to m ™ "m IX,WCT’’ " " " --" » » I WILLAMETTE PRESS •'I I d,,a»b hst (fall of George Knowles, of Cottage i Grove. R i S lh ’ The difference between printera who are job printera” and the Willamette ^ e7 orSa"'*atlon I h In our ef?„rt tbo TW prlnt,n* Job- -w hethei the simple form or the most elabor ate selling piece— |n Its relation to ie final task It munt accomplish. JUNCTION C IT Y C IT IZ E N he board by the resignation of O. S j '’•R’b«'. K«ne County Agricultural Agent, who In resigning recenUy said that the affairs of his office would not permit hlfn to devote the necass- !«ry time required to the fair work. He promised, however, that his office would he willing at all tim e, to as- "1st In any manner possible to promote J the county ftUt. ' Mr. Fletcher held the office hut s I «hurt while, he being selected to fill “ I 1 •i I UH : Designerà Designers Qn,l and Printers Springfield. Oregon