THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Try the H om t Print Shop Firat “ The People's Paper** A L IV K NCW SPAPgR IN A L IV F T O W N TWKNTY-KEVENTI! YEAR CHORAL SOCIETY GROUP INVITES ALL SINGERS TO JOIN ORGANIZATION 13562479 FOB NEW SjMESlEB Up from the Ronki Plana for a H -rln rfle ld Choral Society are progressing very favor­ ably, aaya Ernest M cK inney, who to- Examination« Mark Close First ■ether w ith a com m ittee of Lions Half of Present Year In City club mem here haa charge of the pre­ Schools; High School Makes lim in ary organisation work. M r Mc­ No Graduations at Half; Kinney w ill alao direct the alnglng ■roup Honor List Printed. ta tte rs were mailed out laet nl«ht The first h alf of the present to all those whom tho com mittee know | eihool year w » l luouxht 1» a close can and do sing. asking them to meet I at the Cham ber of Commerce room i, I last week In the Hprlngfleld school eyetem when ,lie Students completed Monday. February 3, at 1 0 0 p. m , | th eir exomlnatlons, the third a ll for the organisation meeting and for weeks' «roup which they hare taken the firat rehearsal. T he com m ittee wished to have It so far The schools here do not have irraduatlon exercises In the middle understood that everyone who can o f thq year and In the low er «rndee »•"« •» welcome to turn out and try Mr. Mc­ the pupils are not far advanced from for a place In the chorus one grade to another, except from the Kinney dednred yesterday that he was sure there were more singers In A and II divisions. New Students were enrolled In the Hprlngfleld than those the com mittee high school thia week, and a few have had mailed letters to. but that he did been enrolled In the grade schools not know th e ir names or addresses. Those who did not receive letters, T h e re were no students completing all th e ir required work for the four hut who are w illing to assist In this year period at the high school laat enterprise, are urged to see Dr week. A few have finished th e ir ' * R ’’bb» n th is week, four years, but have not yet received ’r b ® choral society Is being spon- a ll the necessary credits. sored by the Lions club and Is plan- T he honor roll for the high school n‘ ng •<> put on an oratorio. •'The Re­ follow s: -d e m p tlo n ," on flood Friday, April IS, Freshmen — L eila C lark. 1-eola » • ‘ h eir firs t effort. The group w ill Gates. Melba H a rris , Jewel H a lte r- b* »«rictly non sectarian, brand, t a la M axw ell, Klwlnd Mna ‘ M r M cK inney promises that the re rbam . Beulah Richardson, Florence hearaals w ill not he tiresome. They V a il, M arceline Heavey. w ill start prom ptly at 9:00 o'clock Sophomores— W inston Haena, Eldon Ellison, Clinton H artm an , Squires, Edna lls v e rfle ld . Junlors— B arbara Bartholomew, Dale E rn s lln g . D o ro th ly Adams. ¡«anlels, • ’ •n * Monday and w ill he over al 9:16. Lela ' E Dallas M urphy. D r Rebhan and H. Maxey are the Lions club cnmmlt- M yrna *h lc h Is O llbert , work F is h e r. Harold Geiger. M ary Hadley, Ruth Lee. Vlo- ' » ----------- »• — let Runts. doing the prelim inary ' LIONS CLUB TO HEAR . V EXPERT TALK __________ FRIDAY | ON BEAUTIFICATION — 71 Local People on 1930 Jury List HAMLIN REAPPOINTED POSTMASTER TUESDAY BY ACTION IN SENATE Half Are Woman; They May Claim Exsmption Without Stating Any Reasons. Hprlngfleld for another term of four R an au et F riday' ** <*•“ • « postal cards were sent out recently to all women whose names Advance Sale of Ticket. Indi- X V < hë X return the card to the clerk s office cates Record Attendance; If t h e / wanted to be exempt from Good Program Ready. Jury duty. I ’ nder the Oregon law It Is not necessary for a woman to give h ig h ly tickets had been sold this any reason other than to make her m o rn in g for the U rge < ham her of wish known to be exempted from this Commerce banquet and meeting service. which Is to bo held at the local or , _ . ing are tne ¡ T — «anlaatlon rooms F rid a y evening, ” — *! com people have been V L . m snclnf at - J ’ 30 * w „ w I . . w * « iim / r ' draw opringflela n on the 1930 Jury. who M ary A b ra m. Jess Heavey and W. K. Barnell. the com m ittee In charge of the ticket sales, stated that they expected to have more than 100 sold before the meeting. C lay C. Anderson. Maude T . Bryan. G erhard O. Bushman. K a tie Brum ette. E. J. Bertsch, Dan Baugh. Mrs Dean Beals. Frank Bartholomew. W ayne C, Clover. H erbert J. Cox. John A. Crab- T his meeting w ill be a booster tree. V lrg tl Casteel. E lla Conway. m eeting and special stress w ill b* M rs M ary Cook. Pearl I. Clark. Fred placed on new memberships, accord Christopher. M argaret Campbell. Ing to W . A. T aylo r, president of the George C ram er. H arvey Conley. M yr- Cham ber of Commerce. __ Egglm ann. J. B Endicott, W illia m I l ie p principal r in c ip a l s p e s K e rs S n e t ban- ia n . 1 ..I__n > Endicott. _ j. ____ - - — — — . The speakers at I t the Eyler, John D. O. Fisher wl11 h* ° 8 « « “ -her. Lane John 8. G orrle. Mrs. Charles G ran t Seniors — Ronald Abrams. Helen «.o“"',5' A IP M E N I Show Hous« Closed Until March 1; Will Reopen at That Time With First Class Sound Equip» ment; Expert Visits Theatre Saturday. business H am lin s men had F in al arrangem ents have been con», reappointm ent ' pleted by H . H. Welsa. manager of the and notification had been received B ell Theatre, fo r the installation o f from Oregon congressmen that they ’ one of the best moving picture-round would recommend him (or postmaster equipments In the state. agalli. the date set fo r the firs t showing o f EUGENE TO APPEAL TAX CASE ON LAND LEASED FOR 49 YEARS TO CITY M arch 1 is * ta lk ie " pictures In Hprlngfleld. A representative from the sound equipm ent company was In the c ity Saturday to measure the theatre In­ te rio r In order th a t the sound machin­ The tax case growing out of the ery m ay be biult to fit the needs of Eugene property leased to Spring- the local show house. Several weeks “ eld In 1926 for 49 years w ill be ap- are required to construct the in tricate pealed to the supreme court tt was , equipm ent on the "ta ilo r made" speci- _ _ decided at a meeting of the Eugene ‘ lc a tl°ns which are deemed necessary council Monday evening. T he circuit j by tbe comP«“ y. and consequently no court has ruled that the land Is tax P|c‘ ure» can be shown In the local able, as Eugene is not using It for tb “«'-r ' before the firs t o f March. municipal purposes. The W ill Remodel T heatre h M contlnued to P«t tt on the tax M anager Weiss plans to In s titu te .. ro l\ ,,n c e “ — transferred to the several Im provem ents in the in te rio r city and It has been taxed at about of the building, and thoroughly clean ' a year and prepare for reopening when the ! Eugene acquired the land by voting ta lk in g picture equipment arrives. * ‘* » 4 1»»»« w ith < h lc h she T he projection equipment in the ‘>urchaae4 “ from the Southern Pact- theatre has been purchased from the f,c railroad company. In turn the 'fo r m e r manager. Jack Larson, and a raflroad company bought a site un- tw o year lease haa been procured o a der op,lon by ,he Eugene T erm in a l the theatre building. Patronage o f comP«ny we»‘ of ‘ hat city. Back ‘ he silent moving pictures ta ie g now «mount to more than _ ----------------------------- good during the month „ „ In „ .u which the SZOUU. W ,th tt n the t n e 1>3® 18.10 t ‘ a axes x e s r coming n m ln » n n ~ B ell “ * 2500' w up. tre a tre was operated by Mr T h e c,ty of Springfield has about Weiss, that he considered the Spring-' 60 * c rM o( the *" “ >« muni- theatre-going pnblic deserving of ths clpal airp o rl and flTe acre> se‘ aaMe b«»‘ ‘° be offered In the talk in g plo- *8 a T he rea* of the land is ture world today “ '«• On|y Be^ Equipmen, ----------------------------------- W ith the thought in mind of secur­ M ontgom ery, H a ttie Meyers. Mrs. El- CREAMERY EQUIPMENT m er M orrison. C a rrie S. Moore. Peter I ing talkin g pictures for Springfield MOVED TO SPRINGFIELD th a t would furnish the best enter- L. Nelson. Em ma Olson Tom V Og ' den. H a rry Oldham. Mrs. W H . Pol-1 REMODELING TO START , U in m e n t, M r. Welsa made a contract w ith one of the beat sound equip- lard, Mrs. John Price, L. K. Page, Several truckloads of cream ery ment companies In A m erica to place Mrs. W . C. Rebhan. Em ery Rlchard- i son. Ray Rennie. C. W. Ruth, H a rry i" 1* iih t61? “ nd olber ef,ulp'y,< nt w,Jr^ a machine in the local theatre under r - nrt. - . - ' Belle ' brought to Springfield on Tueaday of the company's M w B e lew Fi-avey, guarantee thstt the Edna this week . for the new cream ery which general ----------- public was to Judge w hether Davla. Ixiuls Johanson M ildred Mor- Springfield, which Is now a project “ > direct some singing. He w ill h are Hwarts. Mrs. Fred Spencer. T. E Sea is to be opened in the Morrison build- or not the reproduced sound wan gan. Robert Grimes, Hugh M athaney, *>r ,h v local service club. , » quartet composed eith e r of business vey, F rank Stafford, Charles Stephens ing on T hird street in the very near as natural and as pleasing as any P earl W ills, 7A. V lrlln Posey. J u n e , M r»- Honeyman haa been actively " * • “ ° r high school students. A lice L. Thompson. J. E. T ro tte r. machinery was pur- sound reproduction ever before a t- Geiger. SB, Edna Hepner. Evelyn Interested In the developm ent of the | Barbara Ila rn e ll w ill alao sing a J«m<*» Tow ers. U stle T allm an. M ary future. T he chased from the defunct Independ tempted. T he sound machine is of the Bu. as, V ivian Runle. Beatrice Car-1 n» *ur» l beauties of the routes j selection. i Thurm an, Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah. ence cream ery company, which had sound-on-disc type, which Is the most son. Lela Peterson. Elleeu Baker, j ‘ hrough which our a rte ria l highways I Everyone is Invited to attend this Ahble W heaton. Byron A.Washbourne. not been used quite two years when economical and most easily operated 8 k « » « " »«ry active In helping . banquet, but they should see one or I Herb«,r‘ Weiss. Elsie W illis . Dorothy Frese. Rena Boyd. W ayne ' they quit business In Eugene. , f or the sm aller theatres. The souZd »the Eugene Garden club recently t o ' , he ticket com m ittee beforehand so Kendall. Dorothy Nice. Extensive rem odeling w ork w ill discs for each picture are only al- Attendance— Charles Cole, H arlan ", , r ' " ' a 'nPa '« " looking to the land- ,hey w ||| kn « how many to prepare SHEEP LOSSES MOUNT have to be done before It w ill be lowed to be used tw enty times and Duncan, Robert Grim es, Eoward Hy- Bca‘,ln,‘ S k in n e rs Butte. At the for, states Mr. T aylo r, TO NEW HIGH FIGURES , ready for the new tenants. Odle ‘ hen discarded by the central d is trl- a lt. Hugh M alhaney. Charles Max ‘,r* * * 'n‘ l,m e ahe Is Interested In the j F in a l details for the banquet were DURING COLD SPELL Srnl,h has been the bulldinK bu“ ns offices in Partland. thus li Well, Allen Sneed. F ran klin W ardlow . I ‘>r,,‘M"” >d Roae l *ane f « ” » Portland worked out Tuesday evening at a ---------- fo r a store house for his potatoes and surlng perfect quality in tone D ick W righ t. Carl Stevenson, i H e t l 8 a ,’’ln’ meeting of the board of directors ot M ore than 100 lambs have eith er has been busy for two weeks sacking Adams. Ix in n s Chase, Ellen Cox. Has Good Pictures Signed I the local chamber. froxen or starved to death in this and movinc them to another location. E th el H a ll. Faye Holverson, Olga LARIMER IN PORTLAND ____________________ M r Weiss plans to spend the weefc county during the cold weather, ac­ H.vnchurk. M argaret J a rre tt. Lois VETERANS HOSPITAL ' PIONEER CITIZEN DIES enl 1“ P ° rtland a rr»nglng contract« cording to R. J. M orris, county dog MOTHER OF 4 CHILDREN Johansen. LaV erne Pugh. Viola Rob­ and booking talkin g pictures for th « AT WENDLING SATURDAY law p n ^ rc e m e n t officer, who has re- DIES HERE ON FRIDAY next few months. He already h o M * Isaac l^ r lm e r , who was to haw- ertson, I>>ns Stafford, Ruth Stratton, ---------- I cords of th a t many losses during the M arlon Thompson, Doris W orley, taken the Industrial census of Spring- a contract w ith one of the largest Janies A rth u r Roberts, 76, native 00st few week!’ - H Is expected that Mrs. Hasel R. Edna Severson, V era Lenhr, M argaret field, hns been railed to the veterans' ta lk ie producers in the field and he Oregon cltlxen, and resident of this ,be ,o ,a l logg sustained by »beep aw ay a t h(>r home )n thtg c|ty on p,.,. expectg' lla a ik , Joan Seavey, Faye ikqulrea. hospital In Portland for an operation. to sign up another series o f city for many years, died at the home : own<,r" in ‘ hl» im m ediate nelgborhood : <,ay noon a fte r an lnneBR of but - m r utuiiv . -o— nRy noon a n e r an illn e s s or but a bonk in i f « Knt», « < L u d le Davla, W in ifred Frans. He expects to ho confined for a month of ----------------- his son. Ronald Roberts, at Wend w1" moun‘ «-"nslderably when all t h e . ahort duration. She leaves a fam ily v llle ’ fe a ‘ “ ree and vaud, or more. Seven A Grads ■i— -------- reports have been made. 1 * ling, last Saturday. here consisting of her husbano. H. J. Cox. city councilman, w ill Atiéndanos— Harold G a rre tt, Ches­ ___________ _ M l Roberts was born at Tangent, I T be glee‘ whl< h has covered the W . S. W ard low ; two sons, F ra n k lin ' C A R R I E F r i l l l r v m e - o te r O erber, C la ir H adley, Irvin probably be appointed Io tlo the work, .»ke " d is tric t I ° r e ,o n ' ° “ M arch 29, 1864. On Nov- g,ree,g the city has had an even and S h y rl; two daughters. Esther ' 'jU ,L tY DIES House. Brues Squires, Eileen Baker, according to Jose ............................. position r e - l ember 6' 1 M * ' he » « rr le d M ary more devastating effect on the hills and Elisabeth, all of Springfield; HERE LAST THURSDAY census supervisor. Th« position C lara Barnes, Elsie Beals, Evelyn quires a man who lias bookkeeping E l,,a b * th «»dpalh. T hey became the the e » '"“ .*- T hey are coated w ith two brothers, A. R. Manshlp, of Eu- r „ p_. „ „ Johnson, M elba Low ery. M ary Smlt- ability, parents of two sons, Ronald and '* * • and ,he »heep are unable to w alk gene; and Shryl M anshlp. of N o b le s -1, o u iie v . 59, a resident o t son, Faye Stratton. Pearl W ells. T he d is tric t census supervisor Is N a th a ,lle l- bo‘ h of whom survive , "h0 ’“ on •he ,OP ‘ he hard crust, vllle, Indlnna; three sisters, M rs. ,ne ro u n ,y for many years, died a t Eighth B Grade opening offices this week In the “ ”' lr f" tb e r' T h e lr “ “ ‘ » e r died a One fnrm er re P°r ‘ g ‘ hat he Is unable M ary C lark, of Cicero. In d ia n a ; M rs. a . ( . „ " T , , , „ Tbursdgy a fte r Attendance — Morgan Chandler, Hampton hulldlng In Eugene Nine few ,'earg a * ° ' N athaniel Roberts la to brln * hlH "heep home, as they must Bessie T ate, of Noblesville, In d ian a; "Inees. Surviving the de- K eith Currie, Ralph O lllette, Robert counties are under hts supervision BOW “ doctor ln D>myP'«. Washing- crog8 R bln covered w ith Ice. He now and Mrs. Stella Jackson, of F o rt- ceased are her husband. W . H . G ulley; three sons, John J. of C a rte r, Hayes, Robert M cLagnn, H erb ert Population enum eration w ill not be | ton’ 1,6 l'“ me bere attend the 1 mnkeg "cveral trips to the sheep vllle, Indiana. and A dren and Charles M ills, Law rence Pederson, M orris gin until ahout A p ril, but the Indus- fu,,,‘ra * ' l- every day w ith food for them. j Mrs. Fisher was born In Fisher. Oregon; G ulley, both of S p ringfield; fo u r S le w s rt, Evelyn Bacus, Beatrice Car- --------------------- ----------- ¡Ind ian a. February 27, 1897, and came 1 _ ------ tria l census w ill he taken In February. M r. Roberts was a well known son, Dorothea Frese, June Geiger, STUDENTS AT LINCOLN to Hprlngfleld With her fam ily «bout I J ” ' ” r8’ ,Fay W allace' of Jag- business man In this city when he Dorothy Nice, Helen Sw arts, Alys WORKING ON PROGRAM T h Y h T T k WM * member »'»: m ™. r „ T c £ T " a ? was a young man. H e was an expert T hatch er. Pauline Conley, V erlle COUNTY ROADS CLOSED ______ both the Rebekah and Neighbors and M „ r - J , . , K' » ‘‘''fie ld . TO TRUCKS DURING THAW ' ,CCOUntant’ havlng beon »«employed Knickerbocker. The student body at the Lincoln 1 of W oodcraft lodges in Springfield. __ n<’ ° Portlanrk ° f ‘ he local cam p for .Laurel Grove cemetery. Rev. C. J. Saturday probably on F eb ru ary 7th from the W alker-Pool« thaw which Is accompanying It, w ill 20 years. H e was a Presbyterian. cell, M uriel Tyson. Pike, o f the Hprlngfleld M ethodist fun eral home here. The services It was voted a t the last P. T . A. loosen up the roadbed», and the heavy Besides his sons he leaves two sis­ Attendanoe—- Edgar T ro tte r, Donald church, officiated. w ere conducted by H a rry Benton, o f House, Irm a W etxoll, I-eonard Pur­ tru ck * would cut deep ruts into the ters, Miss M ary Roberts, of Wend- meeting th a t each school should put Eugene Bible U n iversity, and In te r­ cell, Rose Ogden, Bobby Foster, Helen surface, which would be expensive to llng, and M rs. Em m a Ackerson, of on a program and th a t money making ment was made In the Pleasant H ill Cheweleh, W ashington; and two devices would he used as added fea­ PORTLAND MAN’S ANKLE Putmnn, Grace Bostwick, M argie repair. BROKEN HERE MONDAY cemetery. T he roads are a ll open to light brothers. G rant and Finley, of this tures to enable the association to M ulligan, layl Keeler, Boh M athaney, raise funds for various projects which tra ffic , according to Clinton Hurd, city. B ert Currie. N. O. Lindey, of Portland, repre­ It has planned. county commissioner, but trucks will Fourth A Grado LOCAL DOCTOR MAKES T h e funeral was held from the sentative of a wholesale door manu­ not probably be allowed on the county Scholarohlp (6 w e«ks) — Louisa The B ratta ln school has also s ta rt­ W alker-Poole funeral home In this ROSEBURG OPERATION facturing concern. Is In the Pacific roads for the balance of the week. Cowden, Ethel Gott, Sadie Gott. city on Tueaday afternoon at 2:00 p. ed w ork on th e ir program. It w ill be C hristian hospital In Eugene follow ­ Scholarship (oemeetor) — Ixiulsa m. Rev. J. W . Large, of Eugene, of­ presented In M arch. M rs. Glen Radabaugh, a form er ing an accident at the Booth-Kelly Cowden, Ethel Oott, Sadie Gott. "BACK TO PENTECOST" ficiated a t the service». Rev. John Lum ber company yards here on Mon­ resident of Springfield, but who haa Attendance (six woeko)— June Berg, lived In Roseburg for the past year, SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC M axw ell Adam» was to have been ANKLE BROKEN SUNDAY; day evening. M r. Lindey was stand­ Ixinlsa Cowden, Besale Cog, Lucille the o ffic ia tin g pastor, but was un­ underw ent a m ajo r operation a t a ing on a p latform Inspecting a car VICTIM UNAWARE OF IT Oerber, Shirley Seavey, B illie S tra t­ Roseburg hospital last Monday. S h * V e ltle P ru itt, pastor of the Chris­ able to have been present. Interm ent o f lum ber when he slipped, causing ton, Maxine V a llle r, Ellxahnth W ard- tian church w ill speak on "Back to was made In the Laurel Qrove Lucy Noonan, of Low ell, came to him to break his ankle. H e w ill pro­ I* reported to be recovering nicely. low, Jeannlne W ithers, H aro ld G ill­ Pentecost,” a t the Sunday morning cem etery. 8prtngfle1d yesterday to have a bably be out again In ten days. D r. Eugene Kester, one of our local ette, M ervin M ulligan, Dale Robert- aerrlce at the Christian church. M em bers of the local camp of the painful ankle treated, only to find physicians, w ent to the souther« aon, Bob Rodenbough. T here w ill be special music. In the Woodmen of the W orld acted as the that she had been w alking around on Teacher V lelte—G race M ale, the Oregon city to perform the opera­ Atiéndanos (ssm «star) — Harold evening he w ill ta lk on the question pallbearers. T hey were K a rl O lrard, a fractured one ever since Sunday. daughter of M r. and M rs. M . M . M ale tion. M rs. Radabaugh being a fa r­ G illette, M ervin M ulligan, June Berg, "W h a t A re You W a itin g For?” The George Cox, Edw in Mays. Moody She was on a sleighing p arty a t the o f this city, came down fro m Portland m er p atient o f his whUo reetdlag Louise Cowden. Bessie Cox, Sh irley choir w ill stnlg several numbers st Neet, B. A. Washburns, and tim e and Injured her foot In an acci­ to spend th e weeh sad w ith her hero. M r. Radabaugh was fo rm e rly (Continued on Page t ) this service. Richmond. dent. . :H », J . •mplorod hy th« In the grade schools the nonor roll Is divided Into two groups, scholar ship and perfect attendance. The Jun Clubs, w ill address the members of r,c u l‘ ural work In this valley. M r. the Lions Club at thetr regular noon-1 F lip pin w ill take up the state promo day luncheon meeting tom orrow. Hhe tlon <’« I»P»I*'> work, which haa as one lor high achool shows good attend- w ill talk nn beautifying the highways .” 1 l ! - . l U“ ? n