• i WA I ri X« U. , I my child, and we who know I hv m . | who are privlieg sl t0 know I h v m SLABWOOD IS GROUND J cannot censure ever." INTO HOGGED FUEL I "Fergus Fkunc«, why didn't I, the moment I saw you. love you?" walled Although there Is no scute fuel Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moon I Lucy shortsgt. In (lie city, a gruduul light­ Suffer Sunday From "I am not good enough for that, my ening o f tits available supply has IL L U S T R A T E D B Y D O N A L D R I L E Y Escaping G aas ) dear,” he told her. been felt here There continues to be I Too good- A man like you you do Mr and Mrs. Herbert V Moon an adequate supply of slahwood and What'» Gone on Bi for "Jail?” he echoed. really love nte? You really hived mo now had gloriously risen. Mhe saw Tt at ----- suffered from gas fumes at their dell some old and second growth (Ir, but party In --------------- Palm Bea.-h - — -- Riven "Mr. I^eeson h is seen me. lie told the moment you saw me?"" by Mr. Cooper Clary. Leeson, an at­ me that the man who wanted to silhouetted, the la-y outlines of the catessen »ton« Munday morning when the supply of hogged fuel bus been the “I adored you," he said simply. palms and pines. She could hear torney, meets Lucy Harkness, known source of considerable worry the past I knew It-A new It this morning, they » « re hoth nearly overcome by as Devil-May-Care because of her ad­ marry me was a thiuf. '•erhati«. Tim the eternal rustle of the trees, as the week. «■is escaping from a hrok n main venturous lift In a grme in which one reason you professed such great pines kissed the palms, and the palms she said “And If I were anything The forced closing of the Booth- partners are chosen for the evening. devotion was because of w'uat money returned the car. ss. Little Intimate but a »lily HUI« foO|, |',| have lov I in the alley back of the store Lucy Is won by Tim Stevens, who has 1 possess.” you You're everything that I want B«ith were put under the cars of a Kelly mill here due lt> Ihe cold noises came from the jungle, as a reoutatfon as a heart breaker She was looking right at him, but though the night whispered se rv!» to love, that I ought to love, that I physician and spent the day In bod, weather has alntosl stopped the manu­ Leeson Is a bit jealous. Tim Stevens Mr. Moon was able io return to the facture of the sawiluil fu«*l here. his eyes never flickered. His hand hidden from the day. Afar, the wild n eid ' » love. Why don't I?" tells Lucy they are going aboard his store .Monday morning, but Mrs. Early -u tin week Ihe local mill pur­ boat, the Minerva, and she accedes moved toward the check book; he surf woo, d the sand And the glory, He m ade no answ er. In order not to be a quitter. Asked it swept a piece of paper from It and cords of slahwood "I wonder If perhaps I will." »h- Moon kept her bed most of Monday chased shout the uuutterabiy glory of the Florida ahe is sorry that he won her com tore it into tiny bits. According to Mr. Moon, he opened from other concerns and several cried. stars. . . pcrv, Lucy says she is not sod that I hts store nt 6 20 Munday morning trucks have been busy all week haul­ "Perhaps,” he agreed calmly. “But He shook his head. evidently fate arranged it. Tim "Where sholl I begin,” she asTvcl thereupon tells her to stop looking inasmuch as I'm not to marry you. suddenly. “My dear. Love doesn’t do what w.. and Immediately detected a »'rong ing || lo Ihe mill where It is tie lug regretfully after Leeson. I'd hardly take the money.” , Odor of gas In the room. He In­ ground Into hogged fuel. “ Where il suits you; or nowhere." , want him to. But that you should Aboard Stevens boat. Stevens tells There was a hard finality in his he replied. The trouMe at ’he 'Yeedtlag mill want to love me—that lifts me above vestigated connections and could not Lucy he loves her. to which she re- ' voice. . Ihe rest of the world. Lucy Hark— discover anyth. ug wrong, so he called which was experlenceil on Monday d" “I'm in trouble." she said. plies with contempt. He becomes an­ “Not even to keep out of Jail?” she I uj I. to lug« no for one Lucy Stevens, It's time you went to the office of the gas company at Lu 1 " gry, and ahe becomes afraid of him. “Of course." he replied. bed." gene and told them that th< re was ; day, however the fuel dealers there Stevens tells Lucy that he will not demanded. "You're a shade better “Why ‘of course'?” she demanded. let her go until she has promised to than I thought.” Wrapped in the blankets, she could leak somewhere, but that he w is li­ report that they have an aitequata "'All people are in trouble, always. marry him. To escape him she leaps He bowed. auiply an t. t rumors that lha hear him moving outside Somewhere able to locate It. They may not know it. but the fact Into the water from her cabin window. ! "Many thanks.” in l*niiu Beach. Tim Mt.vens wn Officials of the gas compntty In schools would have to d ose were un- remains." swimming a short distance under the i She bit her lip. water. Six formed him that a service and repair founded. "Well, l know it. and— Suppose I crazy with anger, with worry man was making an Investigation of Nothing definite 1» known here as Lucy reaches land and meets Dr. 1 "But Mr. Leeson said you'd be ar- ju«t wanted to stay here—oh. for as smiled as she thouKht of Tim. Perugus Faunce on an island He rested this afternoon. TO BE CONTINUEO the Springfield line at that time, and to when the local mill will lie able to i long as 1 chose. Fergus Faunce." takes care of her and takes her home He bowed again. that he would probably appear al Ihe resume »pcrallons The workman "Then here you shall remain, he Everyone is worried about her. and ""Great little man-—Leeson." ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e « ♦ eating house shortly. estim ate that there is a foot of lee on st. ted flatly. when she meets 8 ,evens he is frant’c . ) "I can't let you go to Jail," she cried ♦ UPPER W IL IA M E T T E regretful and stil ardent in h's love. " And your reputation—” Mr and Mrs Moon continued their the pond and everything (here Is now Leeson informs Lucy that Stevens helplessly, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ work, both having splitting head- covered With a slick Sheeting of Ics. ' Would be unimportant But your must raise a quarter of a million “And I couldn't take your money,” Basketball in high school B leaglie »«'hew, but not realizing that they own reputation? that would be a thing dollars or go to Jail at five o'clock, he said Lucy goes to her hank and raises the , .-Then ... gh„ Mtd g|ow, „ag not lightly to be smirched by a n / Ila» suffered a great deal front the were breathing enough of the gas Io lane sheriff retains sum set, even though merely acquiescent, the wiutry weather. Scheduled games cause them this trouble It wan not let you go to jail— Now go on with the story. hv not been played and with the tuor until 10:30 when Mrs Moon was STATE GROUP OFFICE of mine." "Why not." he demanded. “la it nament booked for next week player» overcome that a doctor was called, ' because aft^r ail. you love me?" "In other words, you'd leave me, H. L. Bown was reelected v ice Half an hour later her chair are becoming anxious, as the neces- He ordered them both to tied and he ""I hate you." she biased. '"That's lert scandal—” president of (he Stale Sheriffs' as­ paused before the gate of Stevens' slty for practice has been lost owing kept them there. He shook hts head. why you mustn't go to Jail. You place, out beyond Vita Serena, in Th. crack was caused by the cold sociation al Ihe annual meeting “No, 1 don't think so. You didn't to the cold weather. T h .r . h a. been must take my money.” Portland Last •outhern Palm Beach. He was in his no school at the I’le .s .n t Hill high weather. according to Mr Olson which was held w come here lightly, my child. You did "You're a bit incomprehensible, since last Thursday, when only half m w ^ ' r Jf'Vh.“ N^rthwoo " c i U os ' g o •‘ n <1 °°nN n «lon with the garden, at a table on which lay som e 'Lucy. You hate me; yet you'd save some thinking I simply said I would thing like a checkbook. He was not lightly smirch you. Lot's hW !* J * * ’ ,he“ 8,udan' a eompany. The pip, expanded snd X n « ! ” “ ’ Ur” “" D'“ r,C‘ I me. Well, I'd take money only from writing In IL but looked up as Lucy living nearby h .v . trudged to the suddenly conirsctml This was your reasons." approached, and waved away the the woman I was married to. and I’d find thos^Hv/nr''/un'har8* h tO P»ny District attorneys went on record hate to take it from her.” "Suppose I choose to give nous?" colored servant who had admitted untbli, to m t s' ttWBy wer8 bag had with Its mains either here of ,h® meeting favoring lightening "But you would?” she asked. "I sha n't ask for them. Sufficient turned on, Us L ‘l her. He rose and stared at her. , s. *“ Eu‘ ' n- dnr*“< ,ha cr,nU“a* ” >.ch th’ y He shrugged. unto the day Is the Lucy thereof." --- ----- - — •■••Ilk He had shaved, had donned fresh t IU ,o IU« ,b ® Dos In <-l*tm s i ’ • the time “To avoid Jail, yea." “Then I am evil?“. She caught at basketball games (hat ‘ ay hed n ,h - - - the -------- entire . . . . . . — city was ~ e shut u 'H V ofl II ---- — — — | present >«vevuk 14 Ill's I offers too been sche- flannels, a colored shirt, and a gay “Then.” she said, “I'll have to his paraphrase. .b illed h . U S S ----------- un,l) la,e ln ,h e Btternoon while Ihe , m«nr loopholes for escape tie. He could wear clothes, she in- marry you. Today. Now»” U I h 7 Pl®— » , workmen were busy repair'«« th e' "That was unfortunately put. Let H consequently thought, better than any Had Diana, sojourning at Jupiter’s me say that the Lord said, ------— Let there ‘ able to come. There was however. when , hey LOWELL HUNTERS CLAIM , rom rhurrh man she had ever seen palace on Olympia, slipped down the be Lucy and there was Lucy “This is a surprise." he said. STATE RECORD FOR GAME "That is better, much better.” she Ith mountainside and in some wayside 1HU high school snd Walker Athletic which to cook th .lr Sunday d in n er. She made no reply, but ooened the parsonage in Thessaly taken unto her­ said Judicially. Th« two Klniteley brothers. "Bud" ratchel and dumped the money upon self a husband, the scandal would quantity of gas was Inst lost aHd She lighted another cigarette, re­ „ , A * large “r«- “Yes." he replied. His eyes puckered, and a tiny to cause gossip. But neither he or I*_ ' . |e n racoon and "I'm glac o , that." she said. "Were down, life became quite complex. every hour. creasi appeared between them. Lucy would have cared a whit for one bear. you ever in a scandal, Fergus Faunce, Many of the (armors have disposed that. Had their marriage been one of she asked. Gray's fa sh and Cn‘ of their gasoline lamps since Install They have confined their hunting equal love and trust, they would have » Swnrts m««at rnnrk« t and HevHr- 1 Ing electricity, so there w e. a h u s i.. ""No." he replied. expedition» to the Fall Creek and (he been uninterested in the nasty specu­ I other business houses were flooded "Would you mind, terribly, being to find candles, old coal ell lain;-» Wlndherry dl.lrlcts lations of nasty people. and flash lights when the lights sud­ by the gas fumes, which seemed to In one?” But Lucy had left him She had follow Ihe sewer lines and come up out. — As — the ....... lines "Not particularly," , denly - went ---------- .. arc new strolled out of his patio as uncon­ “Would It affect your practice?" , and *nany *he trees through which from under the floors. No damage F“ h"r M J °* *-*mmon. cernedly as though she had been hav­ she -------- - I they passed were not trimmed to wns done ,o Ihe contents of any of the or ortland. arrival in (ho city Wed persisted. storm. crews of the buildings. nesdny evening m ,p „n(, Om(J . ing . tea and . was now on . her way home ‘ N ot ln th® slightest. Patients meet such a storm, o dress for dinner. Home! She had 'com e to me for my skill with a knife Mountain States Power company •Ith her parent..Mr snd Mrs John gone home! , not for m y m„raiR Ulnxenreld Her father ha, been III j nave worked aay and night to keep From w sitervilis—Charles Tola, cf Etevti-May-Gare she was called. "I was married today." she said the farmers with lights. One fn ..ier ■ Ito’-viHe. 'in«based su pp lies In th«« with the flu for several weeks. Well, the insouciance that defied i lazily. had 1500 eggs set in an electric In­ city Wednesday. death Itself could not defy Tim Ste- She could feel h i. sudden rigidity cubator. The power company helped j ____ ____________ vena. He knew his rights and he ' But his voice, when he spoke was him to transfer them to other Incu- Visit in City— Mr and M-s lrn January Sale would have them He'd force—But j even and calm. hators. At one time many of the Gray ,of Thurston, visited sev. ral of Lower Prices he slumped hack in the wicker chair , “Then, when I called you Lucy phones kept up a steady ringing, their friend. In this city Wednesday that protested against his twisted 1 Harkness I called you out of your showing that the light lines were - _________ .. bulk. H e’d tried to force Lucy last name." crossing the phone lines. When the M o v e .- Mr. and Mrs Clark Ady Dlght and she had chosen almost "My name is Lucy Stevens." Ice dropped from the wires Sunday lott have moved to |.,.B Ang.-les where certain death in preference to him­ Do I know the happy bridegroom," morning the ringing stopped. they will make their future home self. He might as well face the he Inquired. Coasting has been very good In ” facts; he was no nearer Lucy now It was from his boat, last night, some places around Pleasant Hill, but than he was before the minister had that I dived Into the tide that swept many of the joy seekers received cuts read the marriage ceremony to them. me on your beach." she said, of the hands and knees from the To marry a man who positively “And, the usual obvious reason sharp Ice. In places the sleds skim­ ravened for her, and then cooly deny being obviously not accountable In herself. That, he thought, was the your case, for today’s marriage, what med over the complete fall of snow and Ice and In other places broke explanation. She had no intention of did Impel you to the act?" through. coming back to him, ever. But to 'I hated him so," she mutmured. Baby lambs and baby pigs are suf­ have loaned, given him an Incredible Think of him, Fergus Faunce, a icring fering a a great deal from the Icy cold sum of money, to have married him bridegroom minus a bride, wondering weather. H awo on earth < ! I norder to assure his acrentanpp acceptance nf of w where I __ am ,, | E. B. Tinker and son Lyman re­ the money, to have Imt'lled in his "But you didn't do It Just to play turned from northern California on heart the hope that, m ■ ied she a trick on him, Lucy," said the doctor. Sunday. They say they did not would relent, would come to him— "Fergus Faunce, I don't know why strike any Icy roads until they got What exquisite torture this was. 1 did It! Can you tell me?" to Roseburg. They report Dunsmuir, CHAPTER III. “I’d rather not, Just y e t,” he an­ California, had 64 Inches of fresh South, along the Ocean Boulevard, swered. snow and Costello six feet. The Lucy bowled along In the little Ford., ___ , 'Now, what do you mean by that?” garages In Dunsmuir were doing a Somehow, the ocean that had seemed she asked wonderful business In selling chains. so grim and dour a few hours ago, He waved the question aside. The public schools have held school now. In the gathering dusk, seomed "And what are you going to do regularly during the storm. gentle and Inviting. ¡next?” he asked. Mrs. Rose Beaver Is spending a few I The path through the trees to the I Next? It's a very sleepy Lucy i center of me Island, where Faunee's that sits at your feet„ Dr. Fergus weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Burch cabin was located, was easily follow­ Faunce. Probably I shall go to bed. In Eugene. NOW PLAYING All of the mills are closed, awalV ed. In five minutes she was upon the I wonder, you who are willing to give edge of the clearing, and her torch life and reputation to me, what you Ing milder weather. , turned off, was standing gazing at will say if I demand your cabin?" [ the porch of the cabin. Marriage Licenses Issued. "It Is yours already," he smiled. Before the cabin blazed a fire. It "Frequently I sleep in a blanket by During the past week marriage had extended beyond the confines of my fire; I love the stars, the moon, licenses have been Issued to the fol­ , the fireplace, and was, evidently, not the waving branches—” lowing; C. M. Golden and Marie Hahn for purposes of cooking, but for the Don't be poetical," she ordered both of Junction City; Orvll Oreer, —. — purpose of cheerful companionship ’Tlet the scolding over with, Fergus I Oakridge, and Mildred Robinette, and perhaps warmth. The resinous Faunce, Eugene; Orvll Hazen, Cottage Grove, pine logs roared and crackled, and She had turned and was looking up and lyone Scott, Marcola; Charles threw a fierce light upon the face of at him, and the rays of the inoon 11- Fergus Faunce, who sat upon his umlned her features. Faunce thought Nichols, Walton, and Phyllis Weiss, Grannis, Arkansas; Elton Melson and porch. that he had never seen anything so Jennie Christensen, both of Eugene; Who’s that,” he called. eiflnly beautiful as the face of this Alec Brandt and Lillian Clarke, both 'It’s Lucy Harkness," she said. girl. Yet his sm ile was not even faint­ of Klamath Falls. I wonder.” he said, still seated In ly tremulous. his chair, “If our thoughts evoke our "There will be no scolding, my Thurston Man Here— William Ren­ friends, or If the approach of our child,” he told her gently. “Of the friends evoke our thoughts. Or has Lucys man asks nothing save that nie, of Thurston, visited in Spring the tropic moon, which has Just peer­ they be. Do we scold the sun because field yesterday afternoon. ed over the palms, brought delightful It sulks and hides behind a cloud? Leahurg Man In—Arthur Frazee, madness to me?’’ Aren’t we .rather, grateful for the l>eaburg, was a bustnees visitor She stared at the tropic moon which hoars when It shines upon us? The this slty yaseterday. G a s M a in B re a k Causes o f A la r m ¿ y A R TH U R SOMERS ROCHE FOX - REX