• t - THURSDAY, » — ----- JAN 23. 1930. TYPING CLASSES MAKE INTERESTING COVERS FOR TERM PROJECTS TOWN AND VICINITY Roma very Interesting and clever specimens of tha kinds of work which can be done with a typewriter ora being handed la thia week by tha students In Mra. Baher'a class la typewriting at the high school. 8ba assigned to each pupil as a part of hla regular work, the problem of making a cover design, using only the characters and letters of tha mach­ ine» for the work. The first one to be turned In to the Instructor was a study of natural landscape« with trees, rail fences and all the other things one usually finds on such a picture. Goshen Man Hara 8 E. Cola, of From Vida -A. T. Donohue, of Vida, Goshen, Visited In this city Tuesday. purchased supplies In thia city on Wadnaaday. Rowers Ratldent Hara—R F Milne e l I owm . 1« visiting at the home of Qoaa to Cottage Grove—William Dr and Mr», C arl l*h*tt«plnco. Itodenbough niada a hualneaa trip to , Cottage Orov» Tuaaday. From L*rburg II Slavins. of Lea­ burg, tr.i » mi clod business In thia city Oonna Raaldent Hara — Charles in Tuesday, Stevens, of llonna, was a visitor In Springfield yesterday. Natron Raaldent Comaa- Mrs II. O. Fni'ih. or Natron, was a visitor here H»a Pneumonia David Smith, of Mabie, la reported to lw confined to ou Tuesday, bla bed with a severe attack of j Haa Flo Itoy Russell, of Ixiwoll, pneumonia. la confined to hla honm with an at­ tach of the Influenza, May Carrier III -Clyde Keever, the n ail carrier on rural route 2 out of ; From Culp Croak Mr and Mra. W. Eugene, la III at hla home. Mr. Kea Patton, of Culp Crook, war» visitors ver gone through thia city every day In tha city Tuaaday. while on hla route. University Student III- llobart WII- ; -------- aon, aim of Mra Oortrudo Wllaon, la ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • III at hla home here with Influenza. ♦ THURSTON ♦ RETIRING STAR OFFICER PRESENTED WITH RITUAL Mrs. Opal Roberts, retiring worthy matron of the Eastern Star, was presented with a ritual of the order tn a beautiful ease Saturday after­ noon at a gathering of the 1929 and 1930 officers, at the home of Mrs. Jeanette Wright. The newly elected worthy matron waa installed Tues­ day. Invited as meats of the officers were Mr«. C. E Wheaton. Mrs R. B. Oldham, and Mr». W K. Barnell. Card» and sew'ng occu»4ed most of the time during the afternoon. A luncheon was served by Mrs. Wright. Spend» Week end Mere Frank Par­ Itay Mitchell motored to , Cottage rish, of Ixtfnyette, spent the past j drove laat Thursday for hla grand­ week end In thia city on hualneaa. mother. Mra. Teatara. (the la quite f III, threatening with pneumonia. From Cedar Flat»- J. W Plummer, C o t S a a u rl H ill o f Seattle, fa m o u s _______ Allen Varnell, amall aon of Wayne --------- o f good roads, is behind dto of Cedar Flats, was a visitor here on p ro le « to bwitd the conm rtM g belt between B r i t i s h ___ ------- which will malts a continuous motor Yarnell, of Springfield, haa come to > Saturday. road from Memo to Ae Par North. The road wW pass Peace P ortal which stands on the Intaraa* make hla home with Mr. and Mra t«a»al boundary line. The Roedeer meat industry la being (oetared by tha Government which «Stag ■'»Btar Realdent Hara I’ T. Peder John Price. areal herds which serve as food foe the f Dexter, purchased feed In Mra. Storla, from Wyoming, la >d Friday nt laat week. visiting with her brother, Dan Hough - •an Hara—(Irani Roberta and other relative» here. Jay Grant, atudent at O. 8. C. at Reindeer Meat One as a Saturday caller Product Bute» need» for paper making. Alaska is the last great unexplored MRS. P. BRATTAIN WILL Corvallla. »pent the weak end with v, Few realise how big Alaska la. You part of the United States. There are ATTEND P. T .A . MEETS hla parent» here. Which Uncle Sam Hopes could put Into It all of the Atlantic still more than a hundred million —-Ml»» Frieda Mra lluSert Oray, who trachea at Mrs. Paul Brattain. president of the coast states from Maine to Florida, acres which have never even been To Make Popular spent the Notl, »pent the week-end at her home Springfield P. T. A., will be an offi­ add Tennessee. Alabama, and Missi­ he city. hare. seen from an airplane. Young men By C A L E B JO H N S O N sippi and still have room to spare. with the pioneer spirit which has cial delegate to the annual meeting Mrs fttrent-Teachers’ association, Mlaa Veda Dray, who trachea at Had your reindeer steak yet? ------------------ ---- In all of this territory there only made this country what It Is are the of B Os fa Lorsne, »pant the week-end with her The Introduction of reindeer meat about 55,000 inhabitants, of whom ones to whom Uncle Sam is looking which Is to be held in Portland on ■ Bprli. Saturday of this week. naranta, Mr. and Mra. Fred o ruy a staple food product It the Oov half are Eskimos. Yet the climate of to open up this great Territory. Problems which are bothering local ernment'a latest method of getting the Alaska is milder than In most of the •r. and Mra. Curtiz Price, from From ► organizations will be discussed, and »failed the week-end at the real of the United Stated interested northern part» of the United States, of the Pow suggestions for improvement of the In Alaska. In the larger cities rein­ the principal drawback being that it John Price. spent Mondsy From Jasper—J. W. Wallace was work as a whole will be made by the 'Ivert, who was aerloualy deer »teaks, chops and roasts are be­ gets pretty warm in summer- In the calling on his friends in this city on state president, Mrs. Brice, at the $ Are D inner G uet. 1» gun exploded a few ing served In many hotels and rest­ Interi-r the thermometer sometimes Wednesday. meeting. i nCckerson were guaau aurant», and Is expected that In lime goes to 60 below In winter and raises ’o leavp the hospital ■ I * end Mrs W (’ Rebu •he home of hla a great mbat packing Industry will to 90 or more In July, but along the I on Friday evening develop In the northern Industry. corrt, where the warm Japanese cur­ rent tempera the climate. It seldom Als»kn Is getting closer to the”rm T t Haa Operation—Hugh Jolt, basketball teams drops below xero and 80 above Is ame at- Marcóla laat of the nation all the time. Now the admitted to the Paclftc Christian about the highest in mid-summer. | pltal In Eugene, Frldav. where he u* « on account of the United States and Canada are co­ operating In the construction of a There are considerable areas ot I derwent a major operation. ney are to play Lorane te. Lorane next Friday night. great motor highway which, when good farming land, where wheat can 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Small Girl Ilf—Velma Peddlcord, completed, will mnke it easy for auto- , he grown economically, but there are the daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. (’. mobile tourists to Visit Alaska a» It I r less than 600 farms in the whole terri I Peddlcord, la III at to r home In this GOOD PLAYS SHOWING now for them to drive to Florida. tory so far. The government esti­ (city. AT FOX THEATRES NOW The driving force behlna this latest mates that 60 million arret are adapt­ 1 project Is the Indefatigable Col. Sam able to farming. One drawback has Her» Saturday—O, E Benson and The success of Joan Crawford as uel Hill of Seattle, who more than been the lack of transportation factll- I Walter Easton, both of Waltervtlle, a singer In "The Hollywood Revue j were transacting business In Spring of 1929" led Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer anyone else ha» been reseponslble for tlea. The Alaska Railroad, owned by the building of good roads In the the government, is extending its lines | Held on Saturday. Io Insert a couple of brand new vocal Northwest It will only take 750 and the proposed new highway will O f W o o l M a c k in a w C lo th numbers In Miss Crawford's new all- miles of new construction to com­ open up sections heretofore Inaccess­ Tonsils Ramoved-—Herbert Taylor, talking vehicle "Untamed," which la The ever popular lumber­ plete the highway link between the ible. It will be many years, however, | of Eugene, hod his tonsils removed at jack that is so practical tor the office of a local physician here on being shown this week at the Fox- j Mexican border up the Pacific Coast before the Interior of Alaska will be McDonald. outdoor wear. These are o f » Friday. through Canada to Fairbanks. Alaska very easy to get at, except as indus­ The first of these Is "The Jungle and the new road will pass through tries develop and establish their own all-wool mackinaw cloth with Leaburg Ranchers Hare—Ram Ood- Song." composed by Nsclo Herb j the famous Peace Portal which stand» means of communication. knitted bottoms and 2 pockets. dard and Barney Oldfield, both of Brown and Arthur Freed who are re­ on the International boundary line Open collar style. Fancy pat­ The reindeer herds, which pasture Ltaaburg, spent Friday In Springfield sponsible for "The Wedding of the terns. Although Alaska has been the 1 on the great rangea In the nerthwest looking after business Interests. Painted Doll" and "8lngln* In the property of the United States since It ern part of the Territory, have de­ Rain.” The second number. "That Bern—Mr. and Mrs J. C. Sweeney I Wonderful Something Called L ot ».” was bought from Russia In 1866 for veloped frow a few which were 97.200.000, large parts of the territory are the parents of a baby son. born was written by Joe Goodwin and Lou are till unexplored. Nobody know» brought to Alaska years ago from at the Pacific Christian hoapltal In Alter. Lapland, to provide food for the what riches may come out of thl» Eskimos. They now number more Enge.ie on Friday of last week. The story starts In the jungles of northern wilderness. So for. pro­ than a million head, of which 700.000 California Man Here—W R. Boyd. 1 South America where Bingo Dowling ducts worth more than 200 times the ore females, and are Increasing at the 4 of Redondo Beach, California. Is visit has grown up without a mother and original cost of the territory have rate of 30.000 or more a year. It is lin g hla slater, Mrs. Frank Blair, at wlth no curb on her Impulses. been yielded, chiefly |n gold, »nlmon. the government's purpose to Induce Ja<>k Conway, director of "Modern seal fur» anu lumber. There Is at I Lowell. capital to establish racking houses Maidens." assembled a very compel- least one good pll Held and a good for the slaughter and shipment of the Return» to Vancouver—Hugh Kea- ) ent cast for this production. grade of steam coal la found at seve­ reindeer meat, which can compete ker, of Vancouver. Waehlngton. re­ ral pointe. The United States navy Is with beef in quality and price, nnd to turned home after »pending a few In her first comedy role on the making an serial survey of the whole establish colonies of forme: - to ’-ike day» with relatives here. screen, Dolores Costello Is reported territory, photographing It from the up free land on which to grow grain Son Born—Mr. and Mr». Sum Mont­ to have one of her blggeat auccessea. sky. This survey has already result to fatten the reindeer for market, gomery are the parents of a baby »on The picture. "The Glad Rag Doll,” I ed In the discovery of a waterfall I Other Industries which are being which was horn to them laat Thurs­ which come» to the Fox-McDonald ! capable of generating at least 20,000 tried out experimentally In Alaska Theatre on Sunday for a three day» day morning. horsepower, and of forests which can engagement, waa written by Harvey supply all the wood pulp the Un'ted are sheep g- xlng and fur farming, the later with considerable success. At Hoapltal—John Wearln, RD years Gates, old, waa admitted to the Pacific t ?brl»tlan hospital In Eugene Monday. Columbia Pictures ha s taken the J He haa pneumonia. New York Stoc k Exchange and Cottage Grove People In—Mr. and dramatized It In a novel and roman- Mrs. A. O. Wooley, of Cottage Orove, tlc’ manner under the title of “Wall .¿transacted business In Springfield Street,” with Ralph Ince and Alleen Pringle In the leading roles. It Is at ’yesterday. the Fox McDonald now. In Washington—W. G. Hughes, pre- dent of the First National bank, Is SNOW FREEZES ON CURBS; looking after business Interests In BUSINESS MEN CRUMBLE he state of Washington. T h e re '» a w ay to a v o id c h illy dis­ Vast Alaska Territory Being Opened « J C PENNEY CO Lumberjacks $3.98 I HEADY! | O sensational new and Im proved no-w ringer Considerable comment has been Maroola Resident In—L. W. Boggs, pf Marcóla, was a Springfield visitor heard on the streets this week over |esterday. He reporta that the roads the action of the state hlghwny de­ partment In shoving the loose snow re very Icy, of the first fall over from the center Returns to Hom«—Miss Imogene of the street against the curb, wherc (lltenhergor, a cousin of Mrs. C. H. It later thawed and froze Into Ice. . rhotteplace. who has been visiting making parking difficult and drain Itere for a few days, left Tuesday for ago nlmost Impossible. |«r homo at Salem. The hanks of snow against th e ' Week-end With Parent»—Mrs. Ver- curbs are a bit annoying to t h e ! Adams, teacher In the Monroe motorist, but then those who hnve to Bhooln, spent the week-end here ns drive over In Eugene are wondering j est of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, H. If they are nny better off there where i Phetteplace. the snow wn» shoved In the middle of the street and left to freeze. Now j I Former Resident Calls—W. M Hun thoy have a maze of deep ruts In the j gr called on his friends In Spring ! frozen snow right on Willamette ( bid last Thursday. Mr. Hunter was street, and It Is next to Impossible ^turning from Calgary, Canada, to get out of them when once In. here he had been visiting his dnugh- Highway officials admit that they Lols and Ixirraine. The Hunter are having trouble with the heavy nlly formerly lived In Springfield, snow fall. It Is something new to movod to Powers some time ago. them In the upper Willamette valley. E A S Y washers at LOWEST PRICES over oefced for any no-w rlnger EASY Take your choice of 1. Im p ro v e d suction typ e washer * . M arvelous oew M o u n t a in S tates P ow er C o m p a n y m y , in a warm room even] m m ninq „ com fort at the beginning o f thé dey. Juzt let us install a Hum phrey Radi- ant fire in your bedroom. Start it up w h e n you cloze th e w in d o w . . . Radiant&rez are healthful, too, fo r every room in the house. They th ro w » o ff that glow ing, penetrating "sun­ light" heat which is nature's method o f warm ing the human body. And they burn gtz, which means flexiblg and e c o n o m ic al h e a tin g servie». W e w ill demonstrate, i f you wish. HÛMPHREY ftadiantfiip Northwest Cities Gas Co. Springfield, Oregon