PAOB FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, I-ane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H , E, M A X E Y . Editor. Entered as second clast matter. February 34. 1MJ, at the postofflce, Springfield, Oregon. THURSDAY, JAN. 2». 1930 THE OUTLOOK FOR PROSPERITY COUNTY HEALTH BUREAU RAPID NUMBER SERVICE President Hoover’s conferences of big business IN EFFECT FROM CITY OFFERS PUBLIC USE OF heads have had a reassuring effect already. The MEDICAL ENTERPRISE Inauguration of "rapid number" railroaiis end the great industries have given their pledges not to reduce their production and Qroaler education of the public telephone servire from Springfield. development program s but to increase them, to along health lilies will be the first Io Albany, Corvallis, Roseburg, Salem I n S ’v h e , ‘"e n l‘n 8 te a *i ° f 'OylnK ° 2 * ' O rkerS' "hW "the new Lane « . 7 ” ‘P ^ ’a ^ n g wages. The gover- (,„IIltv County Doctors and Dentist Health nors of the states have been almost unanim ous center, which was opened on Olive in their assurances of increased activity in public street. Eugene, the firs! of the year, M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One year In Advance-------»1.76 Three M o n th s____ 75c works The President himself has pledged the; according to Dr. W. N. Dow, who has Six M onths _ "t V E T T " Federal Government, so far as Congress will been chosen one of the member« of ‘**r »1-00 Single C o p y 6c authorize it, to a building and development pro­ the committee to direct the working THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. ISSO gram beyond what had been contemplated. of the institution. It seems to be true, then, that unlike all pre­ The other members of the com­ FOR WHAT IS OREGON FAMOUS? vious slumps in the stock m arket, the one which The new poster stam ps Issued by the State occurred in October w as not caused by anything mittee are Dr. Charles Hunt, ehalr- Cham ber of Commerce contains information that in the general business situation. And It 'seems i man. Dr. L. S. Kent, retiring presl- i dent of the la n e County Medical m ery booster should know. Here are a few to as certain as anything in the future can be. that Society. Dr. E. L. Zimmerman. Dr. if all the pledges given to the President arv kept, I paste in your h a t : Wright B. Lee, and Dr. C. L. Schwe- or most of them, 1930 will turn out to be the most I ring. Bat Oregon apples—the nation's (meet and most prosperous year in our national history. delicious. Mrs. laiurenco Muffili, and Mr. sud Mis. Tim Thompson. The member* present were Mr. and Mrs W K I)«»son, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Larimer, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Adrian, and Cottage llrove, effective January Misa Crystal llrynn and ber mother, 30, was announced today by J. L. the hostess. libimi, manager of the Pacific Tele­ phone and Telegraph company. COLD WEATHER CRACKS With the new rapid number aer- HIGH SCHOOL RADIATOR vice, Springfield patrona ran place their calla io the five nearby cities Uns of Ihe radiators In the physic* by simply giving (he town and nuin room at the high school cracked In Iter wanted to the local operator. Hire,, places Monday morning about Instead of calling the long dlstauce eight o'clock, two hours after Bra had operator. This service was made available to been started In the boiler by the Eugene several months ago. hut Janitor. The break waa discovered equipment changes ueceeaary for the Immediately and ao damage was done service at Springfield have Just been to the equipment except flooding the floor with warm water, which aoaa completed. soaked through the celling plaster and began dripping on the floor of the MRS. BRYAN ENTERTAINS cloakroom below The education of tne public wlu he carried on primarily by the use of Oregon ft ret In U. 8. In Hope. literature. A large reading room MEMBERS OF 500 CLUB Oregon, where you can make greater profits In adequately supplied with literature W. O. Hawke stales that he bad a dairying. dealing with all phases of quackery Mrs. Maude Hrynn entertained the fire In Ihe building on Sunday after­ Oregon, where poultry pays and hens lay 300 eggs and worthless patent medicine will be members of the 500 club at her hunt« noon. and that the water waa warm tn a year. available, and an effort will he made here Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, the pipes when he left. The physlce Oregon sheep lead the world In wool production. to have the public read the literature Walter Scott won tne high prise for room. which Is on the west side of the Oregon, where truck farming Is an exceptionally The room is furnished comfortably the guests and Mr. and Mra. I I) building, evidently became colder profitable business. and everyone Is invited to make use Larlnur were recipients of the high during the night than Ihe rest of Ihe Ask for Oregon cherries and you'll get the finest. of It. rooms. This Is the first trouble which prlae for members of the club. Oregon grows 80 per cent of the nation's Bose pears. SONS Through this health bureau the The guests Invited for the evening has been experienced In the heating Oregon Is first In U. 3. In fiber flax. In the autobiography of Benjamin Haydon. the public will have access Io a wide were Mr. and Mra. Walter Scott, Hr system of the local schools as a re *t Oregon grows the nation’s finest walnuts. painter who was the friend of W ordsworth and variety of reading material. Including and Mra. C. II. Phetteplace, .Mr. ami of the cold weather. Oregon leads the nation in timber. Scott and Lamb. 1 found this entry: health books, magazines and pumph Oregon—America's fast growing woolen knit goods December 12, 1822—at half past eleven in the lets on such topics as the care of the and linen manufacturing state. forenoon was born Frank Haydon. whom 1 teeth, posluge. play. diet, unnual Oregon, where 440 mills cut four billion feet of lum pray God to m ake him a better man than his health examinations, cure of the baby, ber annually. father. God bless him! and grant him life, and personal and home hygiene. Oregon offers Industry low power cost, high labor virtue, and dauntless energy and health, and A doctors' and dentists' telephone efficiency, favorable rail and water rates to world's above all. genius! exchange will i > Installed and . markets. » At the bottom of the page, in small type, the people have only to call the exchange ! Oregon, where fishing Is a 18.000.000 industry. In cold weather and is a good nourishing Oregon is first In Pacific northwest in canned fruits I editor of the volume bad added a tragic footnote:, tor any physician any time of the day over four million cases annually. if It Is Eggimann's candy. We have or Frank Haydon became an official at the Pub- Gr night. In addition to these fen- | Corns to Oregon's 300 miles of vacation land lie Record office. He died by his own hand, ‘urea a graduate nurses' registry will made from the purest ingredients, an»’ be maintained so that the public may beaches. October 11.1887 of experience. Oregon has 4600 mUes of all year scenic highway W hat a world of pathos is in those two quota-1obu,n nur,p a‘ •“* ,,n"' by Oregon, where copper mining la fast becoming a tions. The joyous thrill of the father at the a rri-| calllnF ‘he bureau, Candy will give you a dflfere- eer leading Industry. val of his first-born son! The dream s of both The new health organisation will bo up a dull day In winter. Try I’ tlregon climate la Ideal—no floods, cyclones or viol­ parents for the future; their willing sacrifice of the official headquarters of the i-ane ent electrical storms. their OWH Comfort and pleasure that this new | County Medical society and the South- Oregon, where large U. S. Irrigation projects are life m ight have a better s t a r t The years of m an­ ern Willamette District Dental society now being developed. hood. And at the end of it all, the wreck! and all their scientific meetings will You'll find splendid schools and churches every­ A friend of mink sat one day in a foreign hotel be held here, •*Where where in Oregon. beside a man whom he recognized from news­ The new organlxatlon la now h»lng s e e paper photographs as oue of America’s great financed by the doctors who are mem­ bers of the two organisations, but It la On account of the time involved in getting m anufacturers. He introduced himself: \ OU must pardon me, 8ir, for addressing you. expected that the Institution will soon rights of way, Lane county and the state high- way departm ent should begin at once on the e' pr' American feels a personal pride in your become self-supporting a collection Walterville-Doyle Hill section to be improved this suc(’ess- he said. \\ hat a satisfaction is must an,j m d u bureau in which the phy- road should be built as eariv as p o s -lbe fo have made your name stand for quality and sicians. dentists, ami nurses win co- year. This . • . . . . * * __ c square n n n r n r dealing l o a li n e r rvrx# n n l v in i n v your n n r tvxr’ n itn ir t' K ut . . . not only own n n country but operate in maintaining a clearing sible in the year and not inconvenience traffic ■ throughout the world! Surely few men have so house for credit Information, will b«» more than necessary. I much reason to be congratulated.” started. An employment registry for I The fam ous man made no reply for several will be •FtablisbiHl and a The new intangible tax takes five per cent on minutes. Finally he turned, with a haggard look.. nurses Hta„ on,.ry dep rtm en t «m be estab- incomes from stocks, bonds, etc., above an in­ “Your words are kind,” he answered. “Under o?rtm,eeOi ? 20° 'd T h i8 ta f W7 ki|nig ? hahrd®hip on ' «‘her circum stance. I should probably' feel ex- llshed where all med'cal nv * mnv oh- ?id7 , 7 P 7 ’7;Ldo* i an.d .t.he. dl^ bIed wh.° ,lve on actly as you suggest. But what does it amount tain standard account bi ledgers. small incomes from savings. Oregon is not so Oregon first in Pacific northwest In Prunes. Candy gives you y FG G ’ ON DISPLAY T h e G re a te st C h ev ro let to when your son is a fool?” hardup that she m ust tax the unfortunate and the It is a disheartening thing th a t with all our in- next legislature should modify this law by raising i cerase in knowledge we have learned so little REBEKAH'S APPOINT the exemption amount. COMMITTEES ON MONDAY j about the reasons for success or failure in the molding of hum an lives. Shall we ever penetrate Lake county, on the Oregon frontier, had n o t, deeper into the most baffling of all N ature’s 1 Committee appointments for the Rebekah lodge were announced by a single criminal case in 1929. Lane county had . secrets? 103. Crime has trebled in the state since 1917 Shall we some day understand why it w as that Mrs. Zetla Cantrell, noble gr in at with 2101 criminal cases in 1929 tried in the cir­ the son of shiftless Thom as Lincoln became the the rp