THUR8DAY, JAN. 23. 1930. * m anuNsnaLD m m PAOB T R A IN S C H E D U L E Sprlnpflsld Stops Classified Ads f I » r v ik M 2 A n f c i m r r * (BUYING 02 SELLEvG NOTICE FOR PUB LICA TIO N ? o h i .i* * * " " t m .to e A? y Iola. W ill oonelder Eugens or Mc Kxnxl« R iver property In exchange I* O. Box 191. Hprlngfleld. FOR BALK HOUSES-EABY TO OWN No. I Nice «-room Bungalow at 944 in d J ^ - Z * 1*'* »«0 00 down and «20.00 per month. N ", 2 . V ' f “ ' ‘ u<'c<, Bu"«alow . cor- S r« .of 2“ ' and *’ •U'eete. Price mon”h °°: * 16 ° ° d° w,‘ and , U 00 t”*r No. 18 a t 3.04 A. M Stop to detrain passengers from K lam ath Falla and beyond. No. « a t 4:11 P. M. Bus connections a t Eugene for trains leaving 1:30 P. M. and 7 P. M SOUTH No. 7 at 11:47 P. M. No. IB at 10:0» P. M Flag stop for 'passengers to K lam ath Palls and R E N T - Modern hou'ae. eith er beyond. furnished or unfurnished Phone 146M , tf , , _ ----------------- --------- Bu" connections a t Eugene fot Notice of Hale of Governm ent T im I r * ln ' 11:46 A - **. via 81» her. General I.and Office. W ashington , k,you ,,ne' D. C„ Dec. 31. 1929 Notice Is hereby given (hat subject to the conditions I !! • 8ec- 17' N E W N E ^ y e llo - und lim itations of the act of June 9 f r 1030 **• rt*d 50 M - rpd «edar 170 191« (39 Htat. 218). aa amended by the I “ • h,-,n,ock • • M. white fir «0 M. act of M ay 17. 1923, (46 H u t 687 8 E * N E * « 4 fir 1600 M. hemlock 40 Public No 417), subject also to the M ' non® ot ,be ,,n,b er on th l» section provisions of the act of February 2« 10 h* ,old tor '®aa tban »2 00 per M - 1919 140 Htat 1179), and pursuant to !?r. ,hp red and YpUow Hr. »125 per departm ental regulations approved M tnT tb® red cedar and 76 cente per July 29. 1929, as amended, the tim ber M i.or tb® w hlte f lr and hem lock. T. H n rle J « Slat., tool to exchange a ll of Sec. 3«, T 1 N.. H 10 K . W. M . within the Mt. Hood National Forest, fo, the ap prnxlm ati ly 7 acres located In the K t.'» of Sec. 19. T 20 S . II. 4 K . W M . w ithin the Cascade National Foreet. T he purpose of thia notice la to •H o w all persona claim ing the lands selected, or having bona fide objec- Ilona to ouch application, au oppor­ tunity to file their proteala with the u í'n c c " ra ,,,, ¿ L . b u ? , . * , , , - d •uch proteata or ,. filed In thia off from the first f N O ftT H ’’’V " 1 of ,h " ’ * r t,r « -c r -ta r y of the In Tt" ' P“ rcha"® Price, w ith an ln ,h *' ‘ ounty C onn of laine Countv i “xe to the firs t baby born in the city lim its la 1930. A new baseball league to take In Eugene, Albany, Salem and Corvallis is ln prospect If plans of Eugene base- hall fans are adopted. The county boundary board of Jack- eon county has ordered a reduction of nearly «4000 In the school budget of Chinese pheasants and other valley blll County Dairy e f Jackson county hss refused by a 1 H ,r d , “ PrOT®m «n‘ »«»ociatlon for De- vote of «0 to 27 to accept the resign» tlons of the board of directors. Marlon county has constructed mors than 313 miles of m arket roads dar­ ing the past ten years, according to announcement made by the county court a t Salem. The Alsea school buildings were en­ tire ly destroyed by fire recently. The gram m ar school and entire contents were a total loss, bat all the equip­ ment was saved from the high scbooL c®mb®r- T h ® d alrf herd of Pete Rih- ber" Prodac®d « - M pounds of battet« fat, which is the best record made for a herd of less than 12 cows. F in al cost o f the new Klam ath F a ll» Bend The Dalles line ot the PacltlA Telephone A Telegraph company, now under construction, w ill be «1,400,00». The last unit of the line, extendlny from Bolter's ranch, in northern Jef- ierson county, to The Dalles, w ill bA completed ln June. The fountain In the old watering l-wne County. Oregon, hns I rixc.i t , r ‘ but <,,r**fl‘'» t* " f »alo w ill not The largest single movement of beed f * " u'’ 7 ’"” ,h " t,m e a "d P'a< - ["li'7 r ' l l “ "i."h p,‘7'1h''"‘,r .h a '' M ' ira 929' being January «3rd°, 3 0 t publication M b "CaUon i Ju Ihe’’ c .m K ’ aa of LL. " a n T f c .n ,o d “ ' h* of '‘nd B ° * t o,her Hmal* *tr ,a m " »» cows, on test by the W allowa County n . . . . . . . Register te l ng January 23rd l a i n Ibe contract o f sale and bond re- of the G reat Northern line wag s h l^ D 19 2« J 2 8 1« 23 •M A ItT IN L. ULAHH | qulred thereunder. The money de- nln« w ater have been covered w ith D airy Improvement association. The ppd out of Bend recently. I t consisted Adm inistrator •M’* , , ®d w ill be returned If sale Is not a coating of ice for some tim e, but average production was 36.45 pounds o f a trainload of 18 cars consigned tA N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S A L T A K IN G , Attorney for Estale approved, otherwise patent w ill Issue there was one fountain In the city of b u tte rfa t San Francisco. A t Chemult the cars Notice |g hereby given that the un- J 23 30 F s .i-is A ‘ l>r ,h *' Htnber, which must be re „ ,.. . _ , .. The American Legion post of La w ill move over the Southern PaclOs - ' 4 moved within ten years. Bids will be **,ch wag working, and working avralKncd have town app<>lntad K i ecutrlx and Executor of the estate of received from eltlte n a of the United beautifully Monday morning u ntil Grande has set aside «1000 of Its track. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S J 8. Churchill, deceased, by the i fun d, to form a loan fund to ta c r e w of M M Stales, associations of such eltlxens F ra n k Smitaon arrived on the scene ( ounty Court of lam e County, Oregon N otice I, hereby given that C o r a 1? * 1 ro.r ??ra,'' «"'« T » « • « 2 W ---------- _ under­ publication of this notice. signed at the office of 8. D. Allen. 21. N E H 8W14 red fir 900 M T 23 curious persons who ventured to In- land. St. Johns and Astoria, according orders have shown an Increase o v w Dste of firs t publication, January ilOTpy Building. Kugene, Oregon, S . Il 3. W . Sec 9. SW>4 N É H red ’ vestigaie the source of a splashing to the annual report of Seymour Jones, production. 9th, 1930 within six months from the first fir 1530 M. red cedar «0 M T 2 S.. R. sound found th a t the entire walls vta market a g e n t Salem again led in the state, outsid« \ M Y R tT E DOANE. Executrix publication of thia soUee, vlx., Janu­ 5 W . Bee 17. 8 E U S W M red fir 1100 Ths board of directors of the Pen M. red cedar 100 M. S W 'i SW>4 red celll,,K and ,loor h«d been covered E It D O A N E , Executor. of Portland, In building constructio ary 1«, 1930 W ells A W ells, Attorneys. fir 1280 M. red cedar 100 M. T 19 8.. w ,,h a beautiful coat of Ice and the dleton Round-up fixed dates for the during the year 1929. Salem's con- CORA B JO N ES . J 9 18-23 30 F 6 It 5 W . Sec 17. NR*4 N B U red fit pipe completely hidden from sight by event as August 28, 29 and 30. The Btruction represented «2,083,972. Klam - JE S S E C JONES, T 32 8 , ' K -n 7 t ' S'2Ì ice which had formed around It, weather, tourists and students were ath Falla, which was second, had Adm inistrators. 8W u sAgnr pine 70 M. red fir 280 M. . NOTICE OF FIN A L S E T TL E M E N T J 1« 23 30 F « IS factors In changing the dates from building permits aggregating «1,750^ T. •! 8., II. 7 W , See 3. N'W<4 N'W>4 J e a ' lnK on'? Hie end open. Several The undersigned, adm inistrator of red f ir 395 M. T 7 S . R I E Sec 1 'd eles had formed and the w ater September to August 810. Medford was third with perinita Ihe estate of W illia m II. Collins, de­ 8E % S W 'i red fir 225 M. T . IS 8.. Il in m e spraying across the room, coat- A company has been organized at totaling «850,57«, and Eugene fourth ceased, has filed his final account In NOTICE OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T M K T 7 ; SR 5 F S e c ’ 9 R F u ’ s É u rV e ry ,h ln * « « <” > * *»y care- Ontario with sufficient funds sub­ with »571,772. the m a ile r o f (he said estate, w ith the T h e undersigned, ad m in istratrix ot County C lerk of latnc County, O re­ yeilnw Br «00 M. Hem lock 20 M. T 3 fU* ,>h!' , 'rva,l,,n ,hot °n e could dls- scribed to build the settling basins Sale to the Brooks-Scanlon Lum ber Ih,. estate of A. C. Schoonover, de­ gon, and an order has been made and reconstruct the filte r system at company of Bend by the DeschutSA and entered of record by the County ceased. has filed her final account N„ It 3 W . Sec 23. N E 'i NW«4 red 'o r e r the source or the water. M - none of the tim b er on W e almost wish the break had not the municipal w ater plant and lease national forest of 28,123,000 board feet Court of said County, directing this In the m atter of .a id estate, with the f,r Lane ('ounty. Ore 'hese sections to be sold for less than been discovered by the renairm an the same to the city. notice, and appointing the 3rd day ol County Clerk of of yellow pine and interm ixed speciea f°r the red fir. «1.25 p e r _________________ February, 1930, at ten o'clock A. M . gon. and an order has been m ade and »1-«® P4' r The total tax rate for Salem for j ln I 11« Rock district was au- entered of record by the County Court ! »or *be red cedar. «2 00 per M for for the hearing of objections to said 1930 w ill be 55.8 m ills as compared nounced at Bend. The sale covers of sibl county, directing this notice *be yellow fir, «3 00 per M for the D I R E C T O R Y O F O R E G O N account, and the settlem ent o f said appointing Saturday, the 16th day of ■"I"'' P>nc »nd 50 cents per M for th - p « « s s o n wrs, with 54.2 mills last year. The prop 3313 acres, and is ln the vicinity of estate. h. mlock T. 15 S . R. 1 W . Sec 15., U ! I l t & T O B E C O M P IL E D Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 2«th Fehrunrv, 19.10. nt ten o'clock A. M erty valuation for this year is slightly F o i butte, scene of two big forest In the County Court room In theJ SE54 S W ’i red and yellow fir 119« ---------- day of December. 1929. lower than last year, due to the elim 40 recent years. Lane County Court House, for the I 500 f,‘et. S W '4 S W l» 992.100 feet. T Portland. Jan 23 — (» p e d a l)— A R O Y A L II. C O L L IN S . Ination of bank share taxes. Mrs. Ella Shulls Wilson was elected A dm inistrator of the estato of hearing of o bjection. Io said account. »» ®-, R « W .. Sec. 29 N W , S W 'i special ready reference directory of and Ihe settlem ent of said .-slate yellow fir 200 M, red fir 770 M. T IS ( )reK()n s <>-.-> ,.nd The Canby high school bus, driver secretary -of the Oregon slate fa ir W illia m 11. Collins, deceased. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this l«tb s . R « w . Sec. 17. N E 'i SE «i red J , “ nd ' ° Wn" nOV< 1M M K L A E V A N S , by J. A. Glger, skidded off the Wilson board for the seventh consecutive f ir 500 M. red cedar 100 M. T. 10 S .., compiled by the Oregon State day of January, 1930 Attorneys for the estate. vllle road near Aurora and turned year. Mrs. Wilson formerly served II. 1 E . See 19 S F 'i S E U yellow f r Cham ber of Commerce , It was an LOUISA SCHOONOVER, D 2« J 2 9 18 23 partly over. A telephone pole neat as assistant secretary of the fa ir A d m in istratrix of the Eslate of A 1050 M . white f 'r 50 M. hemlock 20 nounced here today bv W . G. Ide C. Schoonover, deceased the road saved the car and Its 24 pas board. A. C. Marsters of Roseburg M. none of the tim b er on these sec ___ _ A D M IN IS T R A TR IX 'S NOTICE Hons to be so’d for less than »1.75 “ “ W r of ,he « rF in lx a tlo i.. The IMMI-.t, A EVANS. Eugene, Oregon, songers from serious accident. * 'as re-elected presidenL The fiuaa- ner M f - r •'•« red a rd yellow fir. «1 50 «’ •'■«'ctory w ill be published w ithin th e . In the County Court of the State of Attorneys for Estate T he value of Linn county's road and cial report of the secretary showed J 18-23-30 E «-13 I'®« M » T red eednr and 50 cents next th irty days and Is part of the* Oregon fo r Lsns County. bridge building equipment, shop and t h ,t tbe 1929 ta ir was a «»cce»*. ----------------- — ----------- per M for the w hite f ir and hemlock sta te C h am bers "Build O re g o n '", IN P R O B A TE . plant sites January 1 was «136.030 Holders of grazing leases on Klant- NOTICE OF HEARING ON FIN A L ! T 21L 8 „ R * ' 8 pr }° ‘ J y®J'ow program for 1930. ln the m atter of the Estate o f Ed ACCOUNT Mt M - rPd i , r 300 M ,ot 2 Yellow p accordlng to an inventory made by atb Indian lands are concerned about ward R. Davis, Deceased. Hr 300 M. red fir 200 M . red cedar 25 Info rm ation and data questlon- Notice la hereby given that I. the Notice Is hereby given: T h a t the M. T 4 8 . K 8 E„ sec 31. Lot 3 yellow naires have been sent out to all local the , , county , , . . . court. This is an Increase Ule movement on the part of the la- undersigned. Alice K. Vincent, am the undersigned, as executrix of the I jbs I fir 1450 M. red cedar 10 M. w hite pine chambers of commerce In the state ° f * 18'35' ° Ver ,he Prec®dln« T®«-- dians to rescind leases, on the claim duly appointed and qualified and act­ W ill nnd Testam ent of Hans Casper- J el2?_W. M to obtain a ll essential and up to date I Rober‘ W eber, 5-y^ar-old son of Mr. that they want the lands for private ing ad m in is tra trix of the estate of son. deceased, has filed her accoun. | «76 M red cedar 16 M. w hite pine 1 0 , ^ and M ra. Paul W eber of Eugene use. The lessees have on the lands (» w a r d R. IA bv I s , deceased; th a t all for the final settlem ent of said d e-1M . hemlock 40 M. Lot 7 yellow fir from burns received when his nlght- a total of 40,000 sheep and 3500 head persons owing the said estate any­ cedent's estate In Ihe County Court I 1260 M. red cedar 10 M . N E U SE51 of Its kind giving Im portant Informs of cattle, against the 1000 sheep and thing shall pay the same to m e; and for latne County, Oregon, and that yellow fir 1640 M. red cedar 10 M. tlon on every city and town In the gOwn cau* ht ,lre - H e wag standing ln that all person having any claims Saturday the 8th day of February. white pine 26 M. N W (4 bE'A yellow state 1300 head of cattle o f the Indians. front of the fireplace at home when against said eatate shall present them 1930, h I the Court Room of said Court fir 1160 M, w h ite pine 26 M. hemlock , the ’ gown Wai was lgnHed lanited from frnm ,h the hia«e W ith a total foreign trade of 1,50«,- « blaxe. to me w ith vouchers attached at the In the County Court House. In Eugene, 50 M. N E % S W 'i vellow fir 1570 M ' W o are In constant need of a 437 tons, the shipping board's annual office of m.v attorney, H. E. S lattery, Lane County. Oregon, nt ten o’clock red cedar 25 M. white pine 10 M. hem directory of this kind and have calls v' ,liIe ther® ,s no «PParent danger report received by the m aritim e enm- 717 W lllnm ette Street, Eugene, O re­ In the forenoon, hr - been fixed by lock 40 M. none of the tim ber on for Inform ation about all parts o f the that tbe dlsease exists in southern gon, w ithin alx («) months from the said Court ns the tim e . 'id plnce for these sections to be sold for less than 9fate Rnd , herefore haVp completpd Oregon cattle, the m atter of undulant merce department of the Portland date of the first publication of this hearing objections th ••(). and for (he M for and tno 50 rod nno per yollow fnvnr Ks>4> brought n _ chamber of commerce, lists Portland fir 1 and p«*r red cedar cents M b '»"" «» m ak® one available to the fever has hn« been to the atten notice; which Is firs t published Janu­ settlement thereof 13th among the ports of the United tlon of the Jackson county health unit a ry 2. 1930. for Ihe hemlock and white pine. T 22 business men of tha state." Ide said. LENA CASPERSEN, A L IC E E. V IN C E N T , by the United States public health States in foreign trace for the fiscal Executrix of the Last W ill and I S . R 3 W . Sec. 27. SE>4 N E % yellow The directory w ill carry Informa- A d m inistratrix. Testam eat year ended June 30, 1929. This is a service. of lla n s Casperson, de I fir 1250 M. red fir 670 M. red c»dnr tlon concerning the transportation I I . E. S L A T T E R Y . drop of two points us compared w ith icensed. t3S M. hemlock 100 M . S W U N E% Growth of the Oregon co-operative yellow fir 2300 M. red fir 640 M. red V‘c,,,tlea- Industries, banks, A ttorney for A dm in istratrix. |, (, RA Y , Attorney for Estate. the total for 1928. J 2 9 18-23-30 prune exchange during the past year J 9-16-23 30 F 6 cedar 144 M. hemlock 100 M. N W U highways running thru each city, and ■■ ' — ----- — — ■ — The state tax commission has sent Is Indicated by the fact that an antici­ S W H r<*4 N W '4 received a supply of them from E. R the Roosevelt highway shows the 60- D E N TIS T 820; oat hay, «19. oats and retch, «20 red fir 7«0 M. red cedar «0 M . N E '4 Jackson, extension agronomiat at the foot slip between the ferry float and SE"4 yellow fir 280 M, red fir 380 M. ©20.50. Sutton Bldg. Phone SO-J Oregon State A g ricultural college. trestle, a heavy piece of work, com­ red eednr 30 M. N W '4 S E U yellow Butterfat— Sl@37c. Residence Phone 153-M The seed, according to M r. Fletcher, pleted, and rovetment work, done only f ir 120 M. red fir «10 M . red eednr 40 Eggs— Ranch, 30 ©36c. M » E '4 SEM yellow H r 580 M red Is an especially hardy variety, com­ at low tide, requiring 400 tons of rock, Springfield, Oregon Cattle— Steers, good, » ll© 1 1 .5 0 . cedar 30 M . N E '4 SW>4 red fir 640 M ing from a strain that has been placed at a rate of about 30 tons red cedar 40 M , none of the tim ber Hogs—Good to choice »8.50©10.60. 228 Main 8t. Resldenoe 125 C St. dally, brought by scow down rlvn r on these sections to he sold for less grown on Ohio farm s w ith successful Lambs— Good to choice, »U .60© 12. 12 J 62 M from government quarry at Beck. than »2.00 per M for the red nnd yel­ results for the past several years. General Law Practice Seattle low fir and red eednr. 50 cents per M John Wlthycombe of Arlington was W heat — Soft w hite and western for Ihe w hite fir nnd hemlock nnd 30 I. M. PETERSON elected president of tbe eastern O r» white, «1.22; hard w inter, western cents euch for the cedar noies. T . 39 Register at the E lite — A. C. Rhodes, F ull Auto Equipment A tto rn e y a t-L a w 8.. II. 4 E . Sec. 33. S E '4 S W 4 yellow Eula; M r and M ra. F. W . Force, red and northern spring «1.11; Big gon Wheat league at the conclusion iAdy Assistant City Hall Building nine 500 M rod f ir 25 M. T. 4 8.. R Portland; M r. and M rs. A. D. Kinney of the annual meeting at Pendleton. Bend bluestem, »1.3«. 5 E.. Pec. 15. 8W V , SEV* (dead) yel Wlthycombe, son of ex-Governor Eggs— Ranch, 28©31o. Toppenish, and Oeorge M cM illan , of Springfield, Ora low fir 660 M . (dead) hemlock 60 M. Wlthycombe, is one of eastern B u tterfat—36c. (dead) red eednr 25 M . S E '4 SW>4 W endllng, were all registered a t the gon's largest wheat operators. (dead) vellow fir 700 M. (dead) hem E lite hotel during the past week. Cattle—Choice steers. »10O1L FRANK A. DE PUE New machinery for nsa In ths l loek 35 M, S W 4 »W>4 ('lead) yellow Hogs— Prim e light, »10 60@10.7S. ATTORNEY AT LAW fir 825 M. (dead) hemlock 145 M dlg«lnge ln upper Wtllamlns has j M t Lambs— Choice, «11.6001«. ' A Springfield Hotel— Charles Pur- nono of the tim b er on these sections NOTARY FUBLIC arrived from California, Spokane J ww M il JIIU to bo sold for less than 60 centa per son, of Jasper, and A. M. Hunter, of the managers, and yay dirt to i C attle— Steers, good. »«.7« ©10.60. Sutten BprinyHaid I M for the red cedar and hemlock. Powers, were both registered at the Rspadiing a Specialty lag removed. It la exgsetsd th »1.00 por M for the red and yellow n r Springfield hotel the flrxt of the H ogs-G ood, choice, »10.26@10.«l. Belldhtf Oregon and »S.60 tor tha yellow pina. T. 1» 8., Lamba-M»