THE 3PRINGF1HIJ1 NRW8 PAOB TWO TlIÜR8DAY, JAN. 28. IMO. H e re is a M e ss a g e o f Im p o rta n c e to all E conom ical B uyers—K EN N ETT’S, Springfield, L aunches a G R EA T SELLING DRIVE, Starting SA T U R D A Y , January 25, at 9 a. m. Unloading Surplus Stock SAT., Jan. 25 Unseasonable Weather Earlier in the Season Left us Hundreds of Dollars Worth of Heavy Merchandise that Must be Sold. Our Financial Conditions and Our Busi­ ness Policy will not Permit Us to Carry It Over. EVERYTHING! at a Tremendous Sacrifice in Price O n ly a F e w M o re D a y s And we will be closing our First Year's business in Springfield, and our invent* ory has revealed to us that it has been better than we expected, except some stock due to the backward season that has not moved. Now we are preparing for a new year and we are entering into it with a determination to give the People of Springfield a better store. We feel that we know better what is needed here than we dir a year ago. We are going to make some radical changes this spring, and before we make these changes we want to clear out practically all of our present stock. This sale will give the people an oppor* tunity to buy merchandise at prices never before made in Springfield. Every item in our store goes ON SALE Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m„ and it's going to be a Real Bargain Event. We invite you all to come and come early. Be there when the doors open. MEN'S SHEEP- LINED COATS $7.50 value.-Very heuvy duck with sheep lined collars and body. Men'sStagShir ♦ Boss of the Road me' value. All good pa* $5.95 COM Outing Fianne! sRDS it r j r pr t I j SLIN 25c value. 36-in. wide; good heavy quality. Conte early it w on't last long at this price. .r of the sale Ice yard 17c yard IJmlt 10 yards to a customer Unloading Drygoods, Unloading Furnishings, Unloading Shoes Come Everbody—Be Here SATURDAY, Jan. 25 at 9 a.m. Reap the Benefit of This Bargain Event CURTAIN SCRIM 25c value. Comes in white and ecru. 36-in. wide. Priced for this zx sale at RAYON SHO RTIES 69c value. Assorted colors, all sizes. Priced for this sale a t ....... UNBLEACHED SHEETING 9-4. 45c value. Priced for this sale at ________ LADIES' RAYON HOSE 49c value. Priced for this sale a t .... ..... BLEACHED SHEETING 55c value. 9-4 Mohawk. Priced for this sale a t ___ ONE LOT LADIES' SILK JERSEY VEST and BLOOMERS From $1.98 to $2.50. Priced for this sale a t .............. 1 J/C 39c 49c RUMSON CAMBRIC DRESS PRINTS 29c value. Priced for this sale at __ ______________ 22c SCOUT PERCALE DRESS PRINTS 25c value. Priced for this sale a t .................... .............. 19c McCALL'S PATTERNS Last year’s patterns, but many of them are just the same as this year Values in this lot up to 50c and 75c ___________ 10c PONCEE SILK 69c value. 36-inch wide. Extra quality. Priced for this sale at .......... ....................... good 49c 39c $ 1 .3 9 LADIES’ SILK HOSE Allen A, Uta Maid, Buster Brown and Bemberg. 98c value .......... .......................... — 7 9 c $1.19 value .................... 98c $1.49 value ........ ..................... S I . 19 C H ILD R EN 'S HOSE Buster Brown and Bear Brand 25c value. Buster Brown and Bear brand. Priced for this sale at .......................----------------- 19c ONE LOT LADIES' CORSELETTS and W IDE BRASSERIES Values up to $2.50. Priced for this sale at ............ ....... 49c COTTON BLANKETS $2.98 value. Full size double Blankets. Priced for this sale a t ...... d*zx OC? xb^z»^3 HEAVY FEATHER TIC K IN G 39c value. Priced for this sale a t ......... OO o3C ONE LOT LADIES' WOOL DRESSES Values up to $19.85. A, close out price ............... $ 4 .9 5 Pillow Tubing 35c yard regular. Extra good quality. Priced 45c <*>Q MEN'S WOOL SH IR TS Comes in Army Khaki, well made, cut good. Full size. Price for this sale at ........ .. $ 2 .4 5 M EN ’S ALL WOOL UNION SUITS $6.00 values. Come In W right’s, Coop­ er's and Park Mill. Priced A z rsr- for this sale at ...... ......... . •□ 4 , ^ 3 MEN'S FLANNEL S H IR TS $3.95 value. Come In light colored plaids. Priced for this sale at — -------------------------- MEN'S UNION SUITS $3.95 value. Uta Maid. Comes In Ox­ ford grey. I»riced for this sale at M EN ’S BUCKSKIN SH IR TS $3.50 value. Extra heavy with two pockets. Priced for this sale at .... ........................ MEN'S UNION SUITS $2.25 value. Park Mill. Very quality. Priced for this sale $ 2 .9 5 $ 2 .7 5 $ 1 .6 9 at Priced for this sale a t ....... BOYS' BLAZERS $3.25 value. All wool and good pat­ terns. 8 years to 18. Priced for this sale a t ............. M EN ’S HIGH TOP SHOES $10.50 value. 16-lnch top, extra heavy double sole. Priced for o f\r ‘ this sale at ........................ u > O .i/3 M EN ’S SW EATERS $3.95 value. Fancy pullover; and plain colors. Priced for this sale MEN'S WORK SHOES $4.95 value. Weyenberg make; extra heavy com|Misltlon soles. Nothing bet­ ter for hard wear. Priced for this sale at ................... $ 2 .9 8 $ 2 .4 9 $ 2 .9 8 MEN'S BLAZERS $5.95 value. Boss of the Road all weather stag. Guaranteed waterproof. Good range of colors. Pri­ ced for this sale at .... One Lot About 100 Pairs LADIES' PUMPS AND OXFORDS Values up to $6.50. Priced for this sale at ............. M EN ’S HEAVY SWEATERS Coat style. $5.00 value. Conies black and dark blue. Priced for this sale at ............ $ 2 .9 8 fine M EN'S BLAZERS $3.95 value. All wool. Come In fancy and plain colors. Good range of sizes. Priced for this sale at .......... .......................... BULK PERFUME Big assortment of odors. Values up to $1.50 oz. Priced for this sale a t .... ............................... 3UC $ 2 .9 5 $ 4 .9 5 $ 3 .5 0 KENNETT’S Springfield, Oregon In PART WOOL SOX 35c value. An exceptional good value. 19c An n - 3 M EN’S DRESS SHOES $6.50 value. Ex. heavy sole. Goodyear welt. Weyenberg make. r* r*/x Priced for this sale at JbO.OU MEN'S DRESS SHOES $10.00 value. Made by Copeland Ryder. A n n p < Priced for this sale a t « { > 3 .9 3 MEN’S OVERCOATS Values up to $35.00. Every coat in this lot up - to - the - minute In A i style. Priced for Ibis sale at