T ry the H om e P rin t Shop f'ire t TWTCNTY-RKVENTII YEAIt thejpringfield news EUGENE H. S. K IT S SPRINGE! ELI) SPRINGFIELD C ITIZEN S RAISE FUNDS TO FEED BIRDS IN COLD SNAP Mora than W, Wl„ in|H„(| _____ - H„r,„g. I II' III Iasi W eek en d III) a HUlmrrllllliin "The People's Paper" 1 Live new spaper IN A LIVE TOWN JAN. 23. 193ft. CLIM BING POWFR TOLES NO SNAP AT N IG H T AS ICICLES DROP ON HEAD No. .3 School to Benefit By B.T.A. Fund URGE CHDHUS ID i BE FORMED IN D ili Linemen nr« having no snap ihm colli liny», ir yon have F««r h.,i Brattaln Playground Will Gat ■ m . - Hist "trculabd by Dr W <• it-i.i Local Player* Defeat Cottage for Ibe purgo«« of obtaining fund« to I « 2 7 7 " r " " ,b ' b '- PV,"‘ New Equipment; Deciaion a n ila « « g ra in fo r the song and « .... f r " rn ‘ hem * l ' h Grove 31 to 8 in Contest Fri- p pur< at Meeting Friday. Many group.. «m on . “ ,/ ”“ h*r a" ap "> «’«*- day nt Grove City, But Are bird, of .h l. count, Many vent you from being hurled to your I'laiis for two evening entertain­ Snowed Under at Eugene last " ,h * <-,,,,n*X * ' "t out to tbe «halter Ei places of the enveye of birds and death, then you should tnlk to Ham ments to be sponsored by the L.ncoln Night; Basket Attempt« Fail. Black or anv of m. other members and Brattaln schools foy the purpose j Ltona Club Vote» to Sponsor Community Singers and Musi- cian«; Plan Easter Cantata For First Appearance; Mem­ bership Selected Soon. aeattered food for ih«m on th« lea Of the Mountain Hiatus Power Corn- o f ml In* revenue for the treasury of Springfield's high a. bool basketball crust which had formed on top of ih« P«ny repair crew, which has spent the P T. A. were discussed at the snow. quintet admlnl-t red a crushing de- more than a week tn thia vlidnty meeting of the Parent« and Teachers, Among those who contributed to font Io the Co'tug« drove high team during the cold snap. Springfield will soon have a choral which was held at the ftrattaln «cliool on the drove ,. b o o l« floor lael Frl tn . fund were W N Dow, M ,, M()r society of trained singers as the result o p Friday evening of last week These fellow« admit that It Is nleas- tensea. Carl H. Phettophue. W. C day ever'ng. and were lltem selvei of an action which was started at the The Lincoln school will offer the decisively swam|>«d last night when Mehban. W (1. Hughes. D IV Roof, ant to climb during respectable hours weekly meeting of the Lions club last flrat program, which Is to be given when the weather 1« nice, hut telLa H. K M aae,. Springfield Service they went to Eugene high school and Friday noon. Ernest McKinney, the different story when the weather la some time during the month of Feb­ wers forced to lie satisfied with the station, W II. Weight. W. N. Ix»ng. Nevada Talli «Jm, a music Instructor at the Springfield called upon ruary. The Rrattaln ««-bool will pre­ Uwvamity of Karn short end of a 4H to 18 score. The 0 . M Gerber, Rodenhough Garage, not ao good and they high school spoke to the members of sent their program sometime during to work all day and all night without laet «cors of tan ___ Erank Hniitsoti, C. E. Swarts IV K Cottage tlrove Springfield score w.» the club of the possibilities of suck Weoflcgiata G W RM. Matefc. Ibirto II. Wright anil Sone, tirln Met­ any protection other than what they the month of March. There will be SI to s In favor of the local team an organization, and it was voted to ran pul on. regular programs presented at both ‘ calf. L K Scott. D. It Murphy, C..A. The game last night, which was sponsor one. We spent s very hectic w eek en d " characterised by W. K Buell. high Swarta, c p Clover, O w Perkins r “ ‘ , n ‘ ™ ° m ° v . ng p ic tu r es Dr. W. C. Rebhan. Dallas Murhpy stunts will be worked out. school principal, as a good practice W. II Adrian, c. F Egg'mann. (leo n e says Black. "The sleet which formed and H. E, Maxey were appointed a WILL TAKE PLACE OF New equipment will be purchased session for the Eugene aggregation. Kennett. W. w . Clover. II O. Dibble». last week coated the wires and tree, for the playground at the Brattaln L A U G H T E R E S Q U E " H E R E committee of three to work with M o Is the second conference tilt to he Stuart and Ilolveraon. C. K Kenyon, and the tree limbs h ' . ' ' i v u c a t i i Thia trod tired the dlsrussloa. _. that .................. ... I Th« Booth-Kelly Lumber mill la ? a r-,’ . ’ ** 8 te w ,r t' Rutb « « « •• U’ ed *“ ^ “Junction with the « choral more with a had hand .which he Injured *■ a list of students who have before Ihe gam . In an accident while Pfnallze.l for poor in d u c t and’ then," favorable comment and many lasting^ l *1,a cRT rloaed down again Saturday *" T b u n n ,n «re the repre- be — . society. The w orchestra — will — ww PO* fo' a" Indefinite uertod. It la not ' •enU,tl’rea' Tb"r h“w a " -----------Urved They held meeting lar«ed k » by .U- the addition of . several local coasting. Brochnow Was sent In as bX lose their exemptions from the Impresslona would he leR |n th e" with Mr McKinney at the high school « “ “"tetana to a total membershio of a substitute when the local boys ‘ «aminations. It la necessary that a mind« of the traveling public If the ! Mpected ,hat operations at the mill seemed to Indicate that they coaid student have an average of two In highway between Cogswell hill and will be resumed until the not break the Orove defense, and he b'a or her scholastic work and not he Springfield was transformed Info a moderates. The music for the cantata has a l­ beautiful drive. Piled up a total of six points for his «" the "black list" In order to “Continued severe weather, which n t a a a e ^ ^ r ------------ ready been ordered and reguUr be Mr. Walker was prompted, he said. °Pera,lnK difficult,” was given C H A M BER BANQUET IS teammates before their opponents . exempted from the finals weekly practice will be started very could atop him. I A candy sale. reasons for the shut down on a sponsored by the to take tho matter up at this time as POSTPONED ONE WEEK soon, either Monday or Thursday Wendell Cochran officiated the freshmsn and sophomore girls was It were sure to meet with the approv­ notice pnstPd Saturday by O. H. Jar­ evenings. Monday aeema to be tba Cottage Oro e game. There held Wednesday. The Junior nnd sen al of the highway commission, one rett, superintendent. he no meeting of the most convenient for such a venture, Springfield high school basketball lor girls will have another sale In member of which. Judge Sawyer, of . Low water in the mill - pond, thought 1 hamber of Commerce - ------------- tomorrow but f1““1 dorlslon will not be mad« . — ---------- teams will Journey over to Eugene • wo weeks Bend, had already made a similar to have been caused by the freeilng nl*bt- the third Friday In the month, untl* lh* «foup is organised and th« again next Wednesedny. when they ' The Girls' League I. making plans au’" p",lon « the bridge dodlcatlon of the Intake, Is alRo responsible for which Is the usual meeting night for membprs have had a chance to ex- »III n M t the University high squad * ”• a food sale, which they will hold ' wbl«-b was held In Rügen« the discontinued operations. the group. Decision to postpone the i press their desires. The University high team h a. aleo *• the Ketele' drug .tore In the near ,,M- The Wendllng mill Is operating and defeated Cottage Grove and haa play- future. A committee, consisting of w f supplying fuel to the consumers of of ed and been defeated by Eugene high , A *“ r ,e Valentine party Is being Walker, F. R. FUnery, and W. K. Eugene. so a I lose game Is experte,] when the Planned for the 14th of FVbruaiw Will be held on Friday. January Si ... . ----- .. ,‘arn«1’ was appointed to Investigate two teams meet Wednesday. ' will ‘ be a costume party, and will he wba* actton could be taken on such a D R . M . A. M A R C E Y S P E A K S , are . . . very few cities of the site of according to present plana. proje.it , t thia time. They will con- held In the gym. A b~W .nd A T Q U A R T E R L Y S E S S IO N prominent men from out of ra» „i— . B R O T H E R H O O D A SK S FOR . cnorai 8°ci»ty. It will aa- , _ — ----------- I for w,,h ,he highway commission re , has been scheduled to take the nl ' "¡ " h * pl“Ce ,n s PrinKflcld somewhnt L o . L A R IM E R M A Y B E rard,n’' thp h«8‘ "“ '«ns in which to L O N G E R H IG H W A Y F E N C E Dr. M. A Marcey wax the principal, of the regular strictly business m 7 p " th* P° ’ ,,loB whlch th« C E N S U S E N U M E R A T O R ! h*.n useful for many community and to Interview the county court and to m,’nt <’‘"’8U8 district, .■.«king him to ' road b’M">'‘f’<-at.on problem had were discussed. W HEN C A B L E S N A P S C,T,C program8- either collectively or urge upon that body that the highway 1 “ p,’,>ar at his office I t Eugene the j be® "J“ “*’* by tbe hlKhway commis The attendance was very small, , Individually. fence at Judkins Point be extended IS*” 1 ° f neX* w" ’k f ’r consulta­ «Ion's office and that he would send due to the severe weather which haa Harl McPherson was painfully In­ tlon. for a copy. been prevsying for the past two jured In the first accident at the IC E O N S ID IN G C A U S E S ' to a point beyond the curve In front weeks. Booth Kelly Lumber company mill Mr. Larimer has also received a set of Mammy’s Cabin, The men pointed • , . ----------—» u e - . ~ _ _ R A IL R O A D C A R T O J U M P her Friday, when the cable on the out that the mill race has washed " ',Xamlna" ‘”' blh"k« welch must he , H E A R T F A IL U R E C L A IM S donkey engine on the mill pond filled out by all who aspire to take COLD W EATHER HAMPERS away the bank at this point now, and H E N R Y P O L L A C K F R ID A Y Crews of railroad men busy that If a driver should get more than ,h " • ■ ■ S T O R E B U IL D IN G W O R K Z ^ h l p n ^ a s ^ ìX a ^ d h sand three feet off the highway ................... he would I , ' ,r' Koke announced recently that - , v „ ____ Henrr follack, 76. for three years aiding bo very likely to land In the race. At ”'*ht ’'»"meratora would he ap p oin t-!8 » ’•Idout of W est Springfield, was V ----- new structure The roof ---- on Ihe new structure where » In th« the present time there Is no warning od "«1.W h" '“' curve. speclal census Will he eonipleled he ; ln the n w - Roof Jewelry store talk ' Kete,a’ ‘tr»ir store when It -„ww.o u . uk «lore wnen it mores to «Hi** able I« to »ot*« takn th« —a. nnHo«» . i ! p,ani ,eit th l isnt ieit the tracks near the cross- Dr. Vernon O. Sorrell, of the de- for" ,he farm an,t Population lug with Mr. Roof. Death followed k