A PAUB «Of THR S P R I N G F IE L D NEW S THURSDAY. IAN 1« IMO .■■■— : . - j ............ i S. P. TO OFFER SPECIAL SAN FRANCISCO RATES Sprlugfield people and those who ; live on the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad between Portland and Snn FrancUco will be enabled to take advantage of the special round-trip rates which the company is going to offer for sale on January 24. The round-trip ticket from Eugene to the California city and return will cost . the traveler $15.00. These tickets will be good on all coaches and in any aleeping car where the traveler pays the extra pullainu fare, according to an announcement made this week by L. L Graham," district freight and passenger agent at Eugene. it s j C oat Sale Dresses Hats his ticket From Mareóla—J K M’lea and son were early morning v Iattura today 42 8«h Ava W aal, Eugene, Ore. Don't ferget we olve 8 A H Green Stamps The new Oakland All-American "Eight” Sedan, with insert showing instrument board assembly. The All-American "Eight" power plant develops more than forty per cent more power than its predecessor. --------- — ■ THE ANGELIC CURSE" DYNAMITE USED ON ICE SERMON TOPIC SUNDAY AT MILL-POND MONDAY SLEDS BECOME POPULAR Rev. Ralph Mullholand. pastor of AS SNOW COVERS GROUND the Baptist church, will speak on _____ There were a lot of cold and un­ comfortable Jobs everywhere In the city on Monday morning, but It is doubtful If there was any which was as cold as the one at the Booth Kelly mill pond, where men were busy try- 1 ing to break up the ice to free »aw logs for the mill. Workmen spent part of Sunday , breaking the Ice In the channel to the saw logs and on returning to work Monday morning they found It com­ pletely frosen over again. Dynamite I was resorted to several times to break thick Ice which held the logs Hon Alanson b Houghton, re­ immovable. cently U. S Arr.Lavsado- to England, A large number of enthusiastic has accepted (he chairmanship of the youngsters made their way to the Commission oo International Justice pond on Sunday, and tried skating and Goodwill of the Federal Couitcil and sliding on the smooth ice. of Churches of Christ in America. Sleds, toboggans and all other de- Angelic Curse at the 11:00 vices manufactured for the purpose of ° Hock service in the Baptist church sliding on the snow are in great de- next Sunday. Norton Pengr? will mand in Springfield this week. The s*n6 a so'°- "When I Get to the End manual training shop at the high ot tbe Way." school has been one of the busiest ln 1116 evening the pastor will dé­ placés In the building, according to IllTer ,be second of a series of ser- W. E. Buell, principal. The boys are mon’ ,>n ,h e prophecy of Daniel. His all busy making sleds and toboggans toP'c 'he “The Times of the The sound of hammers can be heard Gentiles ' The Sunday school meets at 10 on la his office all day long. and the Baptist Young Peoples" There are short sleds and long sleds, Union at 8:30. ■ingle runner sleds and some of the more elaborate ones which have two METHODIST MINISTER sets of bobs, the rear set fastened ATTENDS EUGENE MEET securely to the frame and the front Wt secured to the body with . bolt. Rer c p,ke. pn AT JOINT MEETING the end and soon had their toboggan This is the second of a series of ready to use. Newly eleced officers of both the five group meetings which are being Rebekah and Odd Fellows lodge« held in the varions parts of the were Installed here Monday night at FIRST NATIONAL BANK southern district The first was held a Joint installation meeting held in ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Saturday at Shedd -------- Plans were discussed at the Eu- the lodge rooms. Jesse Inman, of Eugene, district William G Hughes was re-elected gene meeting for the Pentecostal president and cashier of the First meeting, which is to be held In deputy grand master, was the Install­ National hank at the annual meeting Eugene on January 30, at which time ing officer for the Odd Fellows. He of stockholders held Tuesday night. Bishop Titus Lowe, will be the was assisted by E J Brower, dis trict deputy grand warden; W. - J. L. K. Page and 8. M McPherson are speaker. Tuck, district secretary; W. G. Daw­ ■ the two vice-presidents, and H. A. __________________ son, district treasurer, and C. P- Hughes is the assistant cashier. LOCAL PEOPLE OBSERVE Poole, district chaplain. Mr. Hughes. Page. McPherson, Paul TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY The officers installed were George Hadley and A. R. Sneed were electea E. Findley, noble grand: Harry Wool- The twelfth wedding anniversary of ley, vice-grand; Oswald Olson, secret­ directors for the new year. The Frist National bank became a Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrian was the ary; Carl Girard, treasurer; Charles national bank in 1807. It dates be­ occasion of a very delightful potluck Nolleth and Hugh Jolleff. right and yond that when it was first founded. supper, which was enjoyed Tuesday left support to the vice-grand; John evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorah, warden; Ray Love, conductor; : W. R. Dawson. The supper was a and Ernest Walker, chaplain. LANE POULTRY AWARDED surprise to both Mr. and Mrs. Adrian. The installing officers for the POULTRY SHOW RIBBONS Those present were Dr. and »Mrs. Rebekah lodge were Mrs Stella Find­ _ _ • Car> Phetteplace, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ben F. Keeney. Lane county asessor Seavey. Mr and Mrs Clifford Wilson ley, Mrs. Blanche Daniels, Mrs. Pearl and poultry fancier, won a first and a Mr. and Mrs W. R. Dawson and Mt. Clark and Jennie Barnard. The new officers are Zella Cantrell. third prise at the National Poultry and Mrs. W. H. Adrian. __________ noble grand; Amy Love, vice-grand; show held at Minneapolis last w e e k . _____ __________________ . Z I ¡Pearl Schantol. musician; Allct He entered birds in the barred Ply­ AGATHA SUNDAY SCHOOL Doane, right suppor to vice grand, mouth rock division and they won a CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS and Minnie Girard, left support to first ribbon in the light pullet class vice-grand. and a third ribbon in the dark cockerel Officers of the Ergatha 8unday Zella Cantrell made the following group. school class of the Methodist church appointments: Faith Drury, warden; met at the home of Mrs. R. P. Mor­ Leota Rodenbough, conductress; Ber SIDNEY WARD RECEIVES tensen last night and elected new tie Walker, right support to noble PAST MASTER’S JEWEL 0,flc