The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 16, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, .IAN. 1«. 1930
Cooa liny'« 1929 lumber eiport eg
bealna with July I.
The foreat highway fund la appor­ re e d e d by 10.060.000 feet the record
tioned under the Federal Highway of 1923. The figure for 1929 waa 111,-
Act. which provide« that 50 ¡ar cent 333.134, valued at 13.044.300.
nf the authorised amount he appor­
Ily a vote of 3 to 1 the Cooa county
tioned according to the percentage court haa derided to Include In the
of the national foreat area In any 1930 budget 329,000 for a new road
atata to the total area of the national front Marahfield to the beachea.
foreat« In all the atatea. and the re-
The Albany chamber of commerce
malnder according to the percentage „
pr)ntwl 6000 13-page book-
of the value of national foreat land ‘ tela, Including a map of Linn county,
In any one ktate to the total of the for dlatrlbullon during the coming
government land In all the national { year.
Prospect« for a larga building pro­
gram at La Granda during 19$O ara
INDIAN FIGHTERS GRAVES i good. The Union Pacific will atart
IN NATIONAL FOREST work on the new depot early In the
Flfty-alx grave« of early day Indian
Lou Isaacs, oldest Indian on tha
fighters, pr Aspect ora and other pio­
Klamath reservation, died at’ Chilo­
neers are known to aglet on the quin. liar exact age was unknown,
aatlonal foreat» of Waahlngton and hut aha waa at least 118. No relatlras
Oregon, According to recant report« survive her.
made to District Forester C. M
Marlon cOunty will spend approxi­
Granger. * Portland. Oregon. The»«
mately $78$.OOO In the Improvement of
grave« are those which have been ob­
Ita road« and bridges during tha year
served by foreat officers In the oourae
1910, according to vatlmatea made
of their regular flakl work with no
public recently.
particular search being made.
Notwithstanding the restriction on
Thia Information la being compiled
production last year the cut of the
by the foreat aervlce for all of the
Rend lumber mills was approximately
national foreat of the Weal, which or­
24,600,000 hoard feet, a gain of 14,-
iginated with a request from the Arl-
000.000 over 1928.
gonn Pioneer»' Historical society. In
The tax levy for the city of Med­
a resolution passed recently this
soc iety stated that "no honor can be ford for the coming year will be 18,2
too great to bestow upon the men and mills, a alight decrease from the 1929
levy, which waa 18.3 n,Ilia. The tax
women who bra.ed Indians and hard­
will raise IB S ,762.
ships" and "the gravea of many of
The Umatilla county court recently
these people are scattered over the
j net the 1030 tax levy at 12.2 mills, the
Forest Reserves and are getting
harder to Identify each year." The re lowest since 1918 Thia will bring In
solution asks for federal appropriation 9475,717.67 from the county for state
and county purposes.
to be used for marking such graves
The Lane county court la asked by
Fourteen of the national forests of
Oregon and Washington report pio­ the Grants Pass chamber of commerce
neer graves definitely known ami and the Josephine county court to op­
worth yof marking. The Applegate pose Ihe proposed highway from Med­
district of the Crater national forest ford to the Gregon caves.
The Wlllumette Valley Sheep &
leads with 14. and the McKemle
Bridge district of the Cascade national Goat Breeders' association held Its
forest Is second with nine. Fifty-one annual meeting at McMinnville Janu
of the gravee are reported from Ore­ ary 11. Breeders are up In anna
gon and only five from the Washing­ ugalnal sheep and goat-killing dogs.
Thn semi-annual meeting of the
ton national forests.
Perhaps the best known of these Handy lio n < r and Early Settlers' so
graves Is that of the pioneer woman clcly will be held In the Handy grange
on the old Barlow trail, Just east of hall Suudny, January 26. The pro­
the eaet fork of Salmon river on the , gram will be composed of numbers
by old-tluio settlers.
Mount Hood loop highway.
It Is reported at The Dalles that the
Grease Stains on Leather
government haa secured a large tract
of land on the Oregon able of the Co­
Benslne or pure trupentlne rubbed lumbia river south of Umatilla raplda
on grease spots will remove them and la planning a large airport for
from leather without damaging the the use of mall planes.
aurface. Never use gasoline for this
The Dundee Walnut association re
purpose. It la Injurious to leather.
cently shipped out tha largest single
carload of walnuts ana nut-meats that
Keep« Tobacco Moist
haa ever left Oregon. The single car
Place a slice of raw points In air load totalled 35 Iona and was con
tight containers holding tobacco or signed to a Boston firm.
cigarettes and the tobacco will not
dry out.
Salem by the Oregon-Washington
Water Service company during the
next few months will coat approxi­
mately 9360,000, according to an­
nouncement made recently.
The first baby born In Vale In 1930
will atart the new year with consider­
able worldly possessions, which will
Include a bank account, a savings pol
Icy, several trade accounts and nu­
merous gifts, the donations of Vale
business and professional men. The
contest started the first and la open to
all, providing the baby Is born in Vale.
50 cents
Rolleves cough hy raising
the phlegm and soothing
and healing the Irritated
spot, la pleasant tasting
and easy to take. Guaran­
teed to give you satisfac­
tio n .
H old o n ly at R e x a ll
Whent—Big Bend blueatem. 11.37;
»oft white, western white, $1.26; hard
winter, northern spring, western red.
Hay—Alfalfa, $23.50® 24 per ton:
valley timothy, 320.60021; eastern
Gregon timothy. 322.50023; clover,
320; oat hay, 319; oats and vetch. 320
Butterfat 2 8 0 30c.
Eggs Ranch, 28035c.
Cattle Steers, good, $10.76011 60.
Hogs Good to choice, $9.25®10.75.
Lambs—Good to choice, $11011-50.
Wheat—8ott white, woatern white,
31.26; hard winter, western red, north
ern spring, 31-26; hluestem, 31-37.
Eggs - Ilanch, 29®36c,
Phons 18
___________ -Ca i A
H.'I «CM3 V a I T - V 1 f
BEfflOTlCTrSL r-F.“
J »M*
- I bui^od Lt
F ro m w a it e r v t il» — M r . N . N . Kaldor
eounty about 33118 worth la 1922.
of W altervllle, was a shopper In tha
This murh was turned over from the
city on Wednesday.
collection of fines for sale, poasosslun
and transportation during Ihe yoar.
D e e rh o m
R esiden t
Here — Mra,
liased on figures of the telephone
Charles Carter, of Deerborn. waa a
Jasper Man Hara— E. Bauer, of
From Vida—F A. Weed, of Vida, visitor here yesterday.
company the population of Klamath
Falla Including surburban area« Is Jasper, was a caller In the city yes­ purchased some feed In this city on
Thurston Man Call»— A. W. Weaver
estimated at between 19,000 and 20c terday.
of Thurston, called on hla friends
000. Thera are 3400 telephones la
From Laaburp -Mrs. L. M Tucker,
On Buainee»—Mr». W alter Fisher, yesterday.
of Lsaburg, was a visitor In Hprlng- of Marcola, was a business visitor In
A dairy hard Improvement associa­ fleld on last Friday.
Springfield yesterday.
From Varnell— M ra O. A. Davis, of
tion baa bean launched among the
Yarnell, transacted bturtneaa here
farmer» of Lana county, tba aim ol
From Donna— -Mrs. H a n k Ingersoll, yesterday.
which la tha weeding out of non-pru- ing from a slight stroke which be of Donna, was a visitor bere In the
du< Ing cons from tha herds, and tha suffered about a week ago.
city yesterday
Register at Springfield Hotel—C. A.
employment of a full-time tester.
From Marooia—-Fred Wald waa a
Servin, of Portland; W. L Adame, of
Foetal receipts In Pendleton were visitor In tha city from Marcóla on
of Marcola, was a Wednesday visitor Boulder. Colo.; H. H. Hail. K. Slmma,
$59.318 during 191$. according to Post­ Saturday.
H. Hyncbuk, H. E. Phllllpe, Sam
In Springfield.
master Thomas Thompson. This was
W. H. Wheeler, aad R C. Pena,
a alight Increaaa over tha receipts of
T ho ratón Man Very III—Charlea
1822, but not quite enough to boost Hastings, of Thurston, Is reported to
Returns to Work—Riley 8nodgrass all of Albany, war« registered at tha
the office up Into another grade.
to hla work yeeterday, after an ab­ Springfield hotel this week. Tbe men
be very IB at hla home.
sence of tw enty days, during which from Albany are Mountain Staten
Wonlgrowera of Union county met
From Waltarvllle—Oscar Millican,
time he has been confined to hla Power men, and have been doing some
Monday at Union tor thalr annual
of Waltervtllet transacted business In home with the flu.
work here, also standing in readiness
masting. The Union county aaaocla­
the city on Tuesday.
to keep power lines open should
tlon represents about $0,000 of tha 20,
trouble develop during the bad wea­
000 sheep In tba county, most of tba
Wendllng M * n Hera— 9. B. Hurxler
Convalescing—Leon Neet Is r e
largest operators holding membership. of Wendllng, was a visitor In Spring- covering from a recent attack of
pneumonia He has Improved suffici­
Otto E. Hathway, 31, PorUand In field on Tuesday.
ently to allow the special nurse to
auraura salesman, was Instantly killed
Vida Man Call»—R. H. Payne, of leave.
nt McMinnville when bis automobile,
Notice Is hereby given that (School
Diet riot No. 19, la 8pvtngflel(l. Lane
beneath which he waa working, slip Vida, waa a business caller In the
County, Oregon, will pay at the office
ped from the lacks. Tba tranamlsslou
FOR SALE— 18 Inch Slab wood; 88; 00 of clerk of said district, all warrants
struck hla head, crushing It and
Laaburg Man In—J. W. Utx, of Lea
per load. Call Paatime Pool Hall or to and Including 819. dated December
breaking hit neck.
20, 1929. Interest ceases after Janu­
burg, waa a visitor In Springfield on
Phone Eugene 2282-J.
ary 15. 1930
The old Sanborn-Cutting company • Wednesday.
packing plant and warehouse, one of
From Jasper—Paul Edwards, of
the largest »aim on canneries on th«
Columbia river, waa destroyed by fire Jasper, called on his friends In this
at Astoria, with a resultant loss of city Wednesday.
more than $250,000. The loss waa
From Laaburg—Mr. and Mrs. George
fully covered by Insurance.
i Heaton, of I-eaburg, were visitors In
It la said that at some points In i thia city last week-end.
central Oregon baled bay la retailing
From Thureton — Fred Gray, of
at $50 a ton. Stoc.uien declare It la
the most hay haa ever sold tor In the Thurston, was a purenaser In SFprlng-
Gateway auction. At this piece hay | field on Monday.
In the stuck has been selling fur $18
From W altervllle—Mra. E. H. Mas
, to $20, and delivered at $28.
terson. of Waltervlle, waa a business
Our Entire Stock of
State prohibition officers participat­ caller In Springfield on Saturday.
ed In 93 arruats during the month of
V is ita Friend»—Mr». Frank Crab­
December, according to a report pre­
pared by Guorge Aluxttnder, slate pro- tree, of Wendllng. spent Saturday of
' hlbitlou director. Flues were collected last week In the city visiting friends.
Io the amount of yoiioo. with jail sen­
Hera from Wendllng— Mr. and Mrs.
tences aggregating 23o5 days.
J. J. White and family, of Wendllng.
Notwllliilandiug Medforu» collec­
were week-end visitors here.
tive buna account of $8.838,422 la $54,
All of our $4.98 to $7.50 va lu es..........
182 abort of what it was January 1,
Thuraton Resident Here—George
All of our $3.98 values _____ , ......... .
1929. regular 8 per cent annual divi­ Simmons, of Thruston, was a business
o ff
dends b&ve boen declared by the Jack- visitor In Springfield Saturday
son County bang ano the First Nation
From Marcola—J. C. Barrett, of
al and Mediord National oanks.
The Fat bid Oil A Gas company, Marcola. spent the week-end In this
with a capitalisation of $300.000, will city wlsltlng with hla friends.
comiiiuucw nil in co .a, e i y Binding or a
Visits Friends— Mra. Frank Crab­
24 Inch well In the bupe of opening tree. of Wendllng, Camp 2. was calling
an oil field In Coos couuly. The uer- on her friends here over the week-end I
rlck and machinery are on the ground
on a hillside three miles southeast of j Goes to Westfir.—W. H. Adrian
605 - 609 Willamette St.
Eugene, Oregon
Í made a business trip to W estfir on
El M
A twopoint buck deer waa lassoed 1 , Bunday.
T e a w b la l.. > . -
Thu total apportionment of federal S
forest hlahway fund* aa authorised '
by Congress for thn const ruction of]
fornat roads in and adjarnnt to th« i Principal Events of the Week
national forests for th« fiscal year j
Assembled for Information
1931 la $4,600,000. Oregon la second ‘
of Our Readers.
In »moon' with 94.11 MT, California
being drat with $476,461,
Iteprnsnntntlvna nf the I’. H. foreat J
The 1130 lame county fair will be
aervlce. atatn hltiiway rrmnil rlona.
held Kepletnbur 14 to 19, Inrlualve, It
and U. 8. bureau of public roada will
waa decided at a meeting of the fair
»tart Immediately to m ike plana for
putting Io beneficial nt« the amount»
Carl Haberlach haa been reelected
apportioned to the vnrlnua atatea and
tarrltorlna upon road projects upon aerrrtary manager of the Tillamook
which conatrurtlon can be under County Creamery association. Thia
taken In the neat flaral year, which will be hla 27th year.
A Cough’s
W orst Enemy
and Your
Best Friend
Cattle- Choice steers, 310010.50.
Hogs Prime light, $10.50® 10.75.
Lambs—Choice, $10 50011-
Cattle Steers, good, $9.75010.60.
Hogg -»Good, ehoire. $10.28010.35.
Lambs Medium to good, $9.25®10
Breier’s United Sale
Starts Friday, Jan. 17
Ladies’ Silk Dresses and Coats
S 3 .9 8
In the middle oi Hie Columb.a river . From Wendllng— Mr. and Mrs. J. J. i
by Captain F rill leaving of the ferry White and three children, of Wend-
Tourist The capture toed place two 1
llng, were visitors in the city on
miles from sbore. At Astoria a state Saturday.
guuiu warden loaded tbe deer In bis :
car and loud It to the Tillamook game
Returns to Portland— Mrs. Mabel
Barrett returned to Portland Saturday
There will be available for public after visiting with her brother and
Improvements In Oregon during 1930 ■ mother In this city.
approximately $29.500,000, accoruing ]
Motor to Albany— Mrs. Gilbert
to a telegram prepared by Governor I
Ernst and daughter, Donna Gene,
Norblad in connection with Prcs.dent ,
drove to Albany last Friday for a
Hoover's recent appeal for a speeding
up of federal, mate, couuty and muni­
cipal projects.
Spends W eek -en d Here— Dr. C. J.
There are 825 prisoners in the Ore- ] Van Valxah, of Portland, spent the
gun stale penitentiary, which estab­ week-end In this city v sltln g with his
lishes a new high population iee. ru in ] mother. Mrs. A. U. Van Valxah.
the history of the lusuiuuou. As a i
result of congested conuitioi.s in the i Vida Resident Visits — Peter Finn,
prison It has been necessary to eatab- , o f Vida, was among the few Individ­
lish sleeping quarters in the barber | uals that braved the weather on
Monday and came to this city.
shop, commissary and hospital.
First power from the city's $1,800,
Returns Home— Mra. C. 8. McHenry
000 hydro-electric plant ou the Me- stopped tor a while in this city on
Kensle was sent over the Eugene sys­ Monday while enroute to her home
tem last week. Five hundred kilo­ al Wendllng, after having spent Sun­
watts of current was generated tc day visiting frlendn at Vaugn.
augment that from the old plant, auU
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Nick De-
It will be increased gradually as the
Oakland, California. a
canal la being cleared of obstrucllons. Lakovtas,
C. M. Nelson, Coos river dairyman, daughter, Barbara Anna. January 8,
whose herd captured high percentage 1930. Mrs. DeLakovlas formerly lived
In butterfat production two succes­ In Springfield, where she was well
sive years, has a cow, Bonnie June, known.
which produced 912 pounds of butter- I Will Visit Sone—Mrs. Mollie Scott
fat In 12 months, a weight greater
springfipi,, Friday for San Fran
than the cow. Mr. Nelson said the
cisco, where she will spend some Urne
clear profit this cow furnished him
visiting one of her sons. Later she
was $365.83.
will go to Phoenix, where she will
School busses, if operated exclu­ visit with another son and his fumlly.
sively in transporting children be­
Moves Desk to Plant— W. C. Me-I
tween school districts, are exempt
front payment of what la known aa Lagan has moved his desk from the
the additional fee or- excise tax, ac­ Mountain Str tea Power company of­
cording to an opinion handed down fice on east Main street to the steam -
by the attorney general at Salem. The plant across Ihe tracks from the I
opinion was requested by Secretary I depot,
of State Hogg.
Depositors in the defunct Jefferson | Returns from Cottage Grove—Mr
State hunk have been paid 100 per I and Mrs. L. L Slagle returned Sun- 1
cent on their Bavlngs accounts and 83 day from Cottage Grove, where they
per cent on commercial accounts, ac- ! had spent the past week visiting at
cording to announcement made by A. j the home of her mother and father,
A. Schram, state superintendent of | They found the water pipes In their
house froxen when thoy returned.
All records for a dry year at Cor­
vallis since the soils department start­
Will Give Reeding— Mrs. Myrtle
ed keeping weather data in 1889, were Egglmann will give a comic reading
broken In 1929 with a total predpita at the Royal Neighbors In Eugene on
tlon of only 24.08 Inches compared Friday evening. January 17. This
wltli the average normal rainfall of evening will also be the installation
41.98 Incites,
meeting for the new officers of the
Cotton Batt Sale
Everyone knows this snowy
white long fiber batt. January
Come while the Quantity l«p»s.
Other Cotton batts reduced
in proportion as low as 12’ "
a batt.
Fresh, Tender Meats
Everything here is fresh and sanitary. Before anything
is sold, it la thoroughly examined to make sure of Its purity.
In thia way we protect your health.
Don’t ahop for food blindly—when you shop here you
know you always get the best and purest.
4th and Main Sts.
Phone 68