f PAG« fflQHT THE SPRINGFIELD NWW8 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at There were four million Americans unemploy- PUBLIC IS INVITED ed last spring, and at the same time there were » T T c iu n o in r u -r four million Mexican peons in this country. While ’ v mi i t n u p a r e n t it cannot be said that the Mexicans were the ex- CONFERENCE PROGRAMS 8pr'.ngfleld. Lana County, Oregon, by THE W IL L A M E T T E clyuslve cause of this unemployment, there is no la ■ welcome to » attend one doubt but that employment conditions would Everyone — »«••»«•«■»» •„ iH a on« have been better had uot this cheap labor been or •** “r ,hw ®f »»*• Parental in u i» country -1-----1— 1 .1 - ------ . in < our We are a _ charitable people and . conference which Is to be held In rooms — in have not put Mexican immigration on a quota. the Chamber --------- of Commerce ----------- -------- but we are not so good to our own working Ka«*B*- Friday and Saturday of people. thia week, according to Gertrude PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor. nterad an second class matter. February 34. IMS, at the poetofflce. Springfield, Oregon. M AIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE year In A dvancn.....— 3 1 7 » T h re e THURHDAY, JAN. Hl, 1930 M o n th s _____ 7Sc • M onths---------------------- gl OO Single Copy Sc • • Show, home demonstration agent of O. 8. C., presents s paper on "The Importance of Play In the Child's Life." She will be follownt by Dr Kdmund 8 Conklin, head of the psy­ chology department at the University who will speak on ‘Adolesenre The Saturday program will open with another paper by Ml»s Geiger on the question "Is Your Child's Diet Adequate as to Quantity?" at # 30 Ml»» Harriot Thompson, of the de partment of physical education tar women at the University of Oregon, will discuss "The Parents' l*usture Problem" at 10:30. "But My Child Won't Eat" will be Miss Sappington's topic for the after noon session. The money problem will also be discussed by Miss John son. CARD CLUB WILL HAVE MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT The 600 club will be entertained on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Maude Bryan. 64» a street The evening will he »pent with cards and refreshments will be served by ths h wl,h *,lh,b,t» of various kind, In Junction City they are opposing a petition or Corbett, any of whom Uiore than likely will be Prepared by M laa Show and aaalat- A new service station and a saw­ «m» At 1000 o'clock a . Grace to the highway commission to complete the coast the republican candidate. mill are both In ths process of con­ Johnson, head of the household ad road from Cheshire east to a connection with the struction now at Goshen, according ministration department at the Ore Moonshine and plate glass don't mix either. Pacific highway. The petition does not designate to A A Anderson They are both be­ e e e gon State College, will discus» ths a route, leaving the m atter up to the highway ing built on Oah street In the south­ PRISCILLA CLUB HAD "Present Status of Parental Educa commission. It is said that Junction City people ern part of the city, and are to face lion Dr. Kdlth Sappington, associate fear th a t the road will be run to Eugene instead MEETING LAST FRIDAY each other on either side of the street professor of hygiene and physical of Junction City if the commission is allowed a Mrs. H. II Freelsad. of Eugene, when completed education and college physician of O, choice. was hostess to the members of the "»• C , will discuss “Is Your Child Fighting over this location is the chief reason Priscilla club at their regular meet FORMER H. S. PRINCIPAL Healthyr* She will be tallowed by the road has not been built, and opposition to a VISITS HERE ON SUNDAY Mrs. Sarah W . PTentlss. assistant Ing at her horns on Friday of last petition for building it we (ear is short sighted week. The afternoon was spent with professor of household administration ness on the part of Junction City. When the c o u n -. Mr and Mrs Vom D Italn, of school of home economics, who will cards. ty cham ber of commerce road committee was be­ Mrs. Riley Snodgrass and M rs. II Woodburn, spent Bunday In Bprlng- ___ ___ present a paper on "The Whv of fore the highway commission asking for th is , O. Dlbblee won the high prises. fleld, calling on former friends and PERPETUAL MOTION Everyday Problems In Behavior.'* Cheshire east section completion. Senator Bailey ' Those present for the afternoon acquaintances here Mr Italn wan Some day. go into the Patent office in Wash- w ,„ M.vs Qusstioe Boa told the commissioners that Lane county wanted were M rs Kiley Snodgrass, M rs W II principal of the Springfield high ington and look at the applications th at have A f M rs. / M. I .arson. Mrs. 11. O. Dibbles, n similar capacity at Woodburn. Mr. machines. noon lunrbeon personal feelings are in the m atter we do not be­ and Mrs. John Seavny, all of Spring- and Mrs. Hain spent Friday and Sat­ You Will see some very ingenuous devices. Beatrice Geiger Will open the nfter- lieve the highway commission will settle this field; and Mrs J. R McKy. of Eugene urday In Eugene, where they attend­ For instance, a machine to be run by the power noon program at u s o with a dtacus- m atter on any other grounds. Refreshments were served by the ed the high school conference ses­ Y«ur Child s Diet Ade- hostess at the end of the playing Personally, we do not feel that this east and of gravity—iron balls dropping down a chute aud *,on on sions at the University. turning a wheel. iu»te as to Q u n lltyr Miss Geiger Is west highway, which has been designated by the The inventor of that machine provided for ““ **••*• professor of foods and Federal government as a part of the McKenzie federal highway num ber 28. should be made to everything. He even added a brake to stop the ‘,u(rl,lon* •* ,he 0, s. c. home econo­ run either north or south, but should reach the machine, in case it should run so fast as to be- IBlca department. , "is Your Child Disobedient?" will Pacific highway at the nearest eastern connec­ come unmanageable. tion. We believe th at both Junction City and He forgot only one thing—that it requires just ** presented 'n a peper at 3 :io by Eugene would get the maximum benefits from it as much energy to lift the balls up against grav- a' *Tentt»s. Another question if the road was so built. ity as they develop by falling down. hour Will be held at 3:00 o'clock, after Everybody cultivates a taste for candy from the moment In England, between l t i l l and 1903. more than h prtv‘ te confrr<‘nc'e« be The future heavy traffic In Oregon is going to he or she has the first piece of licorice or candy stick or the be east and west. With one state north and one six hundred separate applications for patents 8 _ first bon-bon. state south of Oregon, why should not the pre­ were made on perpetual motion machines. _ D,‘ ConkliB WIU «p»ak . . ... .. . The evening program will begin at ponderance of tourist traffic come from some They stand—this unending procession—as a 7:30 when Rll(h Ou„ ow head of Candy is universally liked. forty-five other states east of us. instead of north o T h i r n ^ na'tureUment tbe unchan« eablene8'i defrtment of p h y s ic a l ed u catio n a t and south. East and west interstate highways should run east and west. V\e carry only the best candles. Our long experit nee A testim ony to m an's unquenchable belief that in the caudy business has taught us what people like. The chairm an pointed out a t the Springfield somehow, somewhere. It is possible in this world bridge dedication meeting that “all our mistakes to get something for nothing. in road building in the past have been due to the Every man who goes downtown to business in shortsightedness of the public.” Let’s not iet this the morning should pass a perpetual motion happen to the Cheshire east section of the Coast machine and be reminded of its lesson. road. “ W h e re the S ervice Is D iffe re n t" There is one great law that runs through all life. Many men have discovered it; Emerson THE NEW CREAMERY named it the Law of Compensation. Springfield is to have a new creamery, an In­ SPECIALIST Everywhere th at law is operative. In physics, dustry business men and farm ers have long action and reaction are equal. In electricity, if the In Internal Medicine tar the «¡shed to see established here. At one time this north end of a m agnet attracts, the south end past fifteen years. city was one of the chief butter making centers repels. of this part of the Willamette valley. There is DOES N O T O P E R A T E When I started in business I used to be some­ no reason but that it can be made so again. what worried by the good fortune of the wicked. • The way to build up the dairy industry in Lane W ill be a t the county is to have more and better m arkets for I saw men who worked only half as hard as I and O sburn H o te l, T h u rs d a y , J a n u a ry 23 cream. If farm ers can not make money in dairy­ were paid twice as much money. O ffic e houre: 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. .. I saw other men lift themselves into the good ing due to curtailed m arkets, then they «111 sell their cows to dairymen in other sections or for graces of the boss on the golden wings of golf ONE DAY ONLY beef. This is not increasing the assets of Lane and funny stories. county. ! But I have seen the Law of Compensation get No C harg e tar C o n su ltatio n While the butter m arket is not so good right in too m uch deadly work to concern myself any _ „ now, it will, no doubt, come back in a few weeks, more about anybody else’s success. as it has done before. Likely it will be good by I have seen good fellows who thought they ,n mpd,,.tnp #nd Rur<„rv , nd lH ll(.en, the time the new cteam ery is operating at full were perfect y secure because they called the b, itBte of Or„ on capacity. 6,250 present from the University of Oregon this form: Mrs. H. H. Blake, Marshfield, ( Ore. Alfred Clemmens, Corralls, Ore. just the same. They paid this handsome sum Be not deceived; Cod is not mocked: for what to get rid of him. Chas Desch. Portland, Ore. soever a man soweth, th at shall he also reap. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1«, 1*3» > bru < A ll the world Loves Candy Coming to EUGENE F G G IM A N N ’S Dr. Mellenthin I ON DISPLAY T h e G re a te st C h ev ro let In Chevrolet History MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. H E 23L E IS BIG NEWS! PINYHY DINK By Ter.y Gilkison Mrs. J. C. Huntsucker, Toledo, Ore. John Lucian, Echo, Ore. Bert Lampa, 8t. Helens, Ore. Mrs. Mnybelle Snyder. Alsea, Ore. Miss Emma Turner, Mlkkalo, Ore. Mrs. John Van Pelt, Harbor, Ore. J ,H. Wood, Engene, Ore. Mrs. Jennie Woolery, Salem, Ore. Remember above date, that consult­ ation on this trip will he free and that his treatment Is different. Married women mu«t be accomp- I anted by their husbands. Address: 4221 West Third Street, Log Angeles, California. ANOTHER EASY IMPROVKD n o w r in c e b E A S Y WASHERS More compact—shorter-low er N o w you have your choice o f— 1. Im p ro v e d «notion ty p e w asher S U R E .' I KNOW e e rA u s e THEM « AM? • saw UP J IN G L E S ' Z. M a r v e lo iu n e w a g ita to r ty p e w acher NEW LOW PRICES IN THE A TT»C < EASY TJEHMS-Soo th em toeU& ___ ee a «■• m u . « » O A O /W M .U « A tW A C L Asm stun« **a a lbcniw wsaml •O I WOIW • • cfeo«« WMSS rr «VANV» vw KAiM r soar ^ v ow n« s s ra w o o e . v w s o e . . m o u n ta in S tates P ower C o m pany