'• » .» « r i n :“ “»ry. 1930 and I-ee Travla. heirs at law of L. M 111 ___ ________ “ I J I I 'I U I u .- ll Oregon Agricultural College. by Mr. Jackman. LOUIHA SCHOONOVER, All persona having rlalms against Travis, deceased, Karl Churchill and 11:46. "A Livestock Market for Eugene," by Cal Young. Administratrix of (he Es(a(e of A. ------ Churchill hla wife, Howard said estate are hereby notified Io pre­ 1.46. Report on weed control demonstrations and other 13:00. Recess. sent the same, duly verified, to (he C Schoonover, deceased. Churchill and ------ Churchill his wife, 1929 farm crop work and discussion of crop p ro undersigned at the office of Wells A IM M E L A EVANS. Eugene, Oregon, Raymond R Churchill and ------ Chur- 1:16. 1830 Livestock Program for Lane County.” by Attorneys for Es(ate. gram for 1930, by O. 8. Fletcher, county agent Wells. Attorneys. Hank of Commerce shlll hla wife, Olive Fay McDougald O. 8. Fletcher, county agent. Bldg , In Eugene. I-ane County. Ore­ ______ J 1« 23-30 F «-13 Myrta Doan and E. B, Doan her hus­ 2:15. Report on the farm organisation survey of L a a r gon. within six months or the first band, all heirs at law of Anna Chur­ 1:30."The Hog Situation.” by Mr. Lindgren. County farms made last winter by the Oregon A > N O T IC E publication of thia notice chill. deceased, and to all the un­ 3:00. "The Mohair Situation and the Angora Goat In­ Dale ot first publication, January rlcultural College at the request of Lane County known helra at law of Anna Churchill, Nollre la hereby given that the dustry." by E. A. McCornack, president Pacific Co­ 9th. 1930 deceased, and to all whom It may farm organisations and the Lane County Chamber undersigned have petitioned the Com M YR tTB DOANE, Executrix operative Wool Growers’ Association. concern. Defendants: mon Council of the Town of Spring Chamber of Commerce, by R 8. Beaae. farm E 11. DOANE. Executor. In the name of the 8tate of Oregon 2-16. “Western Oregon Lambs from the Buyers' Stand­ field that the following described agement department, Oregon Agricultural Collega. Wells A Wells, Attorneys. yon and each of you are hereby real property be vacated and taken point," by Fred Stickler. J 9 18 23 30 F 3:16. Special meeting of the Lane County Agricultural summoned and required to appear out of the City Limits as follows: 2:30. "Marketing Livestock," by I. C. Grimes, livestock Begl-jnlng at the Southeast corner and answer the complaint filed Council Report of the rodent control commute«. N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T marketing specialist. National Farmers' Union. of Rlock Hix of Rrattaln's Addition against you In the above entitled Transaction of other business. The undersigned, administrator of to Sprlngflo Id. Oregon: running < ourt and Cauae on or before four the estate of W illiam H Collins, de­ thence due east to the West boundary weeks from the date of the first pub T R A IN 8 C H E D U L E feated. has filed his final account In of H L. and T. R. Stewart’s Addl- llestlnn of this summons, and If you Notice of Sale of Government Tim ­ 50 M, NE54 SW Q yellow fir 1570 M, ,o "W ea r and answer said Springfield Stops the matter of the aald estate, with the lion; thence due North to the north-1,Bl1 ber. General Land Office. Washington red cedar 25 M, white pine 10 M. hem- County Clerk of Lane County, Ore west corner of saldwRteWart'a niDll- romplalnt for want thereof the plain- NO RTH D. C-, Dec. 31, 1929. Notice Is herebv lock 40 M. none of the timber on gon, and an order has been made lion; thence due East to the City J aPPly lo the Court for the given that subject to the conditions these sections to be sold for less than and entered of record by the County Limits; thence due North to K street relief In their complaint prayed for No. 16 at 3:64 A. M. Stop to detrain and limitations of the act of June 9. *1.50 oer M for the red and yellow Court of aald County, directing this If thee same were extended; thence , BB,1 demanded and will take Judg- passengers from Klamath Falls and 1916 (39 Stat. 2181, as amended by the fir and red cedar and 50 cents per M notice, and appointing the 3rd day ol due West to a point North of the m,*nt and decree as follows: That act of May 17, 1928, (45 Stat. 597, for the hemlock and white pine. T 22 beyond. February. 1930. at ten o'clock A. M . place of Beginning; thence due South ! ,he Plaintiffs bo decreed to be the Public No. 417), subject also to the « ’ Sec 27> SE* V E * Fellow No. 8 at 4:11 P. M. for (he hearing of objections to said to the place of beginning; containing 1 °wnera In fee simple of and entitled provisions of the act of February 26, fir 1250 M. red fir 670 M. red cedar account, and the settlement of aald 32659 acres of land, more or less, and ; ,o !*"' exclusive possession _____ of . the __ Bus connections at Eugene for 191# (40 Stat. 1179), and pursuant to 138 M. hemlock 100 M. SW«4 N E U estate. nil lying and being within the Town real property described ss follows trains leaving 1:30 P. M and 7 P M departmental regulations approved yellow Hr 2500 M. red fir 640 M, red Beginning at Dated at Eugene. Oregon, (hla 26th Limits of Hprlngfleld, Lane County, -• a - . point on the south July 29, 1929, as amended, the timber cedar 144 M, hemlock 100 M, N W U line of the right of way of the Pacific day of December, 1929 Oregon. on the following lands will be sold SOUTH Q red Hr 670 M, red cedar 200 M, highway being south 231 feet and ROYAL II COLLINS, Feb 17. 1930 at 10 o'clock a. m. at hemlock 100 M, none of the timber on AU persons having objections to No. 7 at 12:47 P. M. Administrator of the estate of aald proposed vacation are required south 79-57' east 478 6 feet from the public auction at the United States this section to be sold for less than No. 16 at 10:09 P. M. Flag stop for W illiam II. Colllna, deceased. land office at Roseburg. Oregon, to 32.00 per M for the red and vellow H r to file them with the Recorder of northwest corner of the Daniel Mc­ H M EL A EVANS. Vay and Ann McVay Donation lotnd passengers to Klamath Falls and the highest bidder at not less than and 3100 per M for the red cedar and said Town on or before January 20th. Attorneys for the estate. Claim No 82 Notlf. No. 3283 In Town beyond. 1930. the appraised price as shown by this hemlock. T. 18 S„ R. 8 W., Sec. 12. »hip 17 south Range 3 west of Wiliam D 2« J 2 9 16 23 notice, sale to be subject to the ap­ NEla SW Q PAU L H A DLEY fir 920 M. SE5£ 9 W U ette Medldlan In lotne County. Ore­ Bus connections at Eugene fot proval of the Secretary of the In- red fir 890 M. T 28 S., R 12 W.. Sec. PEARL HADLEY gon. running thence south 9-20' west A D M IN IS T R A T R IX 'S N O T IC E H A B R A TTA IN trains leaving 11:46 A. M. ria Sia- • terlor. The purchase price, with an 3, N E U SW Q red Hr 2860 M. whit« 167.8 feet thence North 89 deg east additional sum of one-fifth of one per fir 70 M. red cedar 160 M. hemlock «9 M O LL IE B SCOTT klyou line. In the County Court of tho Stats of 359 fqat to a point In the south or cent thereof, being commission allow- M. N W Q S5V54 red fir 710 M, whit« E M. BR ATTA IN . Oregon for Lane County. west line of the said Pacific Highway D 19 2« J 2 9-1« ii o must be deposited when the right fir 500 M. red cedar 180 M. hemlock IN PROBATE. j right of way, thence northwesterly Sm all Boy III—Jackie Gardner is re- to purchase is awarded by the Regls- 125 M. T 2 N.. R. 3 W„ Sec. 1. NW14 In the matter of the Estate of Ed­ N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L I slong the curvature of the said line ported to be seriously 111 with pneu- t«r. but certificate of sale will not NE«a yellow Hr 205 M. red fir 465 M. of the right of way to a point of tan- monia at his home In Eugene. He for- ,8SUO untl1 the purchaser has com eedai* poles 600. S EU NEQ vellow ward It. Dnvls, Deceased. ACCOUNT gency, thence north 79-57' west 183 plied fully with said regulations of fir 1460 M, red cedar 60 M. SW14 Notice Is hereby given that I, the Notice Is hereby given: That the feet to place of beginning. merly lived In this city. July 29, 1929. as to the execution of N E U yellow fir 140 M, red fir 490 M. undersigned, Alice E. Vincent, am the undersigned, as executrix of the lotst Also; Commencing at the northwest — 1 - j the contract of sale and bond re- cedar poles 400, NEI4 N W i( red Hr duly appointed and qualified and act­ W ill and Testament of Hans Casper- ; quired thereunder. The money de- 700 M. red cedar 60 M, SE^4 NW14 ing administratrix ot the estate of son, deceased, has filed her account corner of lot two (2) of Brooklyn, an Edward R Davis, deceased; that all for the final settlement of said de­ addition of lotne County, Oregon Inltlal point of this description thence poelted will be returned If sale Is not red Hr 760 M. red cedar 60 M. NE14 persona owing the said estate any­ cedent's estate In the County Court running thence south on the west sowth 21-30' east 121.2« feet; thence approved, otherwise patent will Issue SEQ yellow Hr 280 M. red fir 380 M , thing shall pay the same to me; and for laine County, Oregon, and that line of said lx>t two to the north line north 74-16' east to the center of the f°v the timber, which must be re- red cedar 30 M, NW 1( S E U yellow that all person having any claims Saturday the 8th day of February. of the right of way of the old street Paclflc Highway as now located; ' moved within ten years. Bids will be fir 120 M. red fir 610 M. red cedar 49 against said estate ahall present them 1930. at the Court Room of said Court car line running between Eugene and thence northerly along the center line received from cltlxens of the United M. 9 E U SEQ yellow fir 580 M, red to me with vouchers attached at the tn the County Court House. In Eugene, Hprlngfleld. Oregon, thence north of said highway to a point due east States, associations of such cltlxens cedar 30 M, N E U SW Q red Hr 640 M, office of my attorney, II. E. Slattery, Lane County. Oregon, at ten o'clock easterly on and along said north line of the place of beginning and thence and corporations organised under the red cedar 40 M, none of the timber 717 W illamette Street, Eugene, Ore­ In the forenoon, hr« teen fixed by to the west line of a tract of land west to the place of beginning all In laws of the United States or any State on these sections to be sold for lea« territory or district thereof only. than 32 00 per M for the red and yel­ gon, within six (6) months from the aald Court as the time and place for sold and conveyed by F. L. Hake to lotne County, Oregon. Commencing nt the southwest cor­ Upon application of a qualified pur­ low Hr and red cedar, 50 cents per M date of the first publication nt this hearing objections thereto, and for the Jnmea P. Shanks; thence north on and along said west line of the ner of the Snmuel D. Cairns land In chaser the timber on any legal sub- for the white Hr and hemlock and 30 notice; which Is first published Janu­ settlement thereof. Donation division will be offered separately cents eseh for the cedar nnles. T. 39 . _ wife __ _________ Shanks place to the North line of the Daniel McVay and ary 2, 1930. LENA CASPERSON, ALICE E. VINCENT. Executrix of the Last W ill and and I R“ l<1 lot ,wn nf Br°°>«lyn. thence west lotnd Claim Notf. 3283 Claim No. 82 before being Included In any offer of S.. R. 4 E . See. 33, SF.Q SW>4 vellow Administratrix. Testament of Hans Casperson, de­ on and along aald north line of lot In Township 17 aouth Range 3 west a larger unit. T. 21 S., R. 2 W.. Sec. nine 500 M red fir 25 M. T. 4 S., R W. M. In Lane County, Oregon, run- 21. NE54 S W U red fir 960 M T. 23 5 E.. Sec. 15, SW% SEQ (dead) y e t two to the place of beginning. H . K. SLATTER Y, ceased. Attorney for Administratrix. Also; Beginning at the northwest nlng thence west on the south line of S , Il 3. W . Sec. 9. SW Q NE54 red low fir 660 M. (dead) hemlock 60 M, L. L. RAY, Attorney for Eatate. J 2 9 1« 23 30 J 9 1« 23 30 F fi corner of the Donation I .and Claim of the said Calms land extended to where fir 1580 M. red cedar 60 M. T. 2 S., R. (deed) red cedar 25 M. SEQ S W lt — ------------------------------------------------- — Daniel McVay and wife Notification said line Intersects the west Ttonndary 5 W.. Sec. 17, E E ’i SW% red fir 1100 (dead) vellow fir 700 M. (dead) hem­ No. 3283 Claim No. 82, Township 17 line of Lot three (8) of Brooklyn, a M. red cedar 100 M, 8W14 SW>4 red lock 35 M. SW«4 9 W U (dead) yellow aouth. Range 3 west W M. In Lane sub-division of Lane County, Oregon,! Hr 1280 M. red cedar 100 M, T 19 S„ fir 825 M, (dead) hemlock 145 M, County, Oregon thence south one thence North on and along the aald R 5 W „ Sec. 17, N E Q N EQ red fit none of the timber on these section« hundred and sixty five feet and eight west line of lota th re j (3) and two 625 M. T 32 8., R 6 W . Sec. 11. NW54 to be sold for less than 50 cents per Inches or to the North boundary of (2) of Brooklyn to the south line of SW Q sugar pine 70 M, red fir 260 M. M for the red cedar and hemlock, the Pacific Highway as now located, the right of way of the old street ear T. 6 S . R 7 W . See. 3. N W Q NW Q 31.00 per M for the red and yellow Hr Be«, Phon« 140 Plano Moving thence easterly on nnd along said railway leading from Eugene, Oregon red fir 395 M, T. 7 8.. R. 1 E.. Sec. 1, and 33.60 for the yellow pine. T. 18 S., DR. W. N. DOW north boundary of «aid Pacific High­ to Springfield, Oregon, thenco east- | SR*4 HW Q red fir 325 M, T. 18 S.. R R. 1 W Sec. 17. NE<4 N E U yellow SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER D e n tis t way and distance of two hundred nnd erly on and along Raid street car j r E.. Sec 31, N E Q SE54 red fir «70 fir 1030 M, red Hr 50 M, red cedar 170 W IL L I» BERTBCH, Prop, First National Rank Building twelve feet six Inches, thence north right of way to where the same In-1 M . T. 1 8.. R. 5 E., Sec. 9. SE54 8 E ', M, hemlock 90 M. white Hr 60 M. Phone 48 Rprlngflald, Oregon dfflce: RODENBOUOH OARAGE two hundred feet and thence westerly torsects the west line (or west line yellow Hr 600 M, Hemlock 20 M, T 3 S E U NE14 red Hr 1500 M. hemlock 40 683 Main Street Office hour», 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. two hundred and twelve feet or to extended) of the said Samuel D. N„ R 3 W., Sec. 23. N E Q N W Q red M, none of the timber on this section Calms lajtd, thence south on and Hr 1850 M , none of the timber on to he sold for less than 32.00 per M, Ixing Dlatance Hauling a Specialty the plneo of beginning. Evening« by Appointment along said west Jlne to the place of these sections to bo sold for less than Also; From the Northwest corner beginning all In fame County, Oregon. 81.50 per M for the red fir. 31.25 per for the red and yellow Hr. 31.25 per M for the red cedar and 75 cents per of the Daniel McVay nnd wife Dona­ And that the above-named defend­ M for the red cedar. 32.00 per M for tion Land Claim No. 82 In townahlp ants and each and every one of them tho yellow fir. 33.00 per M for the M for the white Hr and hemlock. T. DR. N. W. EMERY 17 south Rango 3 west W. M. run be forever barred and enjoined, and sugar pine and 50 cents per M for the 20 8.. R. 4 W., Sec. 7. Lot 2 red fir 50 south 2.4# chains, thence south 78 30' all persons claiming by, through or hemlock. T. 15 8.. R. 1 W.. Sec. 15, M. Lot 3 red Hr 45 M, none of the D E N TIS T east 7.28 chains, thence south 8.94 under them or any or either of them SEU SW Q red and vellow fir 1196, timber on this section to be sold for Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J chains to tho Initial point of this des­ he so barred and enjoined from 500 feet, 9 W U SW% 992,100 feet. T less than 31.25 per M. C. C. MOORE, Commissioner. cription; thence east 315H feet to a claiming any right, title. Interest or 13 S.. R. 6 W „ Sec. 2# N W Q SW Q Residence Phon« 153-M J 16-23-30 F 6-13 point 100 feet west nf the west bound­ estate In said real property or any part vellow Hr 200 M. red fir 770 M. T. 18 ary lino nf the Pacific Highway, being thereof nnd for such other relief as 8., R 6 W .. Sec. 17. NE>4 S EU red Springfield, Oregon the soulhweat corner nf a trnct of to the Court may seem meet and fir 500 M . red cedar 100 M. T. 10 8.. Register «t Elite—L. E. Scott, Med­ land Hold to Hlrnm I,. Mooney and equitable. This summons Is publish­ It 1 E.. Sec. 19. S EH S E H yellow fir 228 Main St. Raaldenoa 128 C St. ford; Ted Sllkard, Medford; Mr. and Lloyd E. Mooney, July 7th. 1922. «3 J «3 M ed by virtue of and In pursuance to 1050 M. white fir 50 M. hemlock 20 General Law lYactlc« which dead la recorded In Vol. 132, an order of the County Court of the M, none of the timber on these see Mrs. George Maddlson. Albany; Olenn page 472, Lane County, Oregon Deed State of Oregon for the County of Hons to be sold for less than 31.75 Garr and George Fogelsong, both of I. M. PETERSON running thence North 23-30’ west Lane made and entered by said Court per M for the red and yellow fir, 31-60 Dell, Montana; Mr. and Mrs. F. M . Full Auto Equipment Attornay-at-Law 80 feet; thence North 76 16' east 190 on the 13th day of December. 1929 or­ per M for the red cedar and 50 cents feet to the west line of said Highway; dering the summons to be published per M for the white fir nnd hemlock. Force, of Oregon City, were all Lady Assistant C ity H a ll Building thence North 31-20' west along the once each weak for four successive T. 21 6. R. 5 W , Sec. 1, lot 1 yellow tered at the Elite hotel during weal line of said highway 121.26 feet; and conaecutlve weeks In the Spring- fir 126 M . red fir 300 M , lot 2 yellow weekend. Springfield, Ora. thence woat 3.43 chains; thence soutli field New», a weekly newspaper of fir 300 M . red fir 200 M, red cednr 26 3.3« chains fo tho place of beginning general circulation and that the date M. T 4 9.. R. « E.. sec 31. Lot 3 yellow FRANK A. DE PUE Small Son Sick—The sm all son of In Lane County, Oregon. of the first publication thereof will Hr l4K0 M, red cedar 10 M. white pine ATTORNEY AT LAW Also; From the northwest corner be December 19th 1929 and the d rtt 16 M. hemlock 76 M. Lot 6 yellow fit C. E. Janta la 111 at hla homo at of the Daniel McVay nnd wife Dona­ of the last publication w ill be the l«th «76 M, red oadar 16 M, while pine 20 Jasper, NOTARY PUBLIC tion Land Claim No. 82 In township day of January 1930. JRWEI.ER M, hem lock 40 M, Lot 7 yellow fir 17 south, range 3 west W. M. run F R A N K A. D ePUB , 12«0 M, 1«« cedar 10 M . NE«4 8R H Sutton Springfield south 2.49 chains; thence south 78 30' Rspadrlng a Specialty From Thurston—C. H. Thylor, at Attorney for Plaintiff». yellow H r 1640 M, red cedar 10 M, Building east 7.28 chains; thence south 5 58 Residence: E pringflaM . Oregon. Oregon « h ite pina 28 M , N W U E B U yellow Thurston, spent Saturday with ht» Springfield, Oregon chains; thence east 6.48 chain , to the D 19-26 J M U Or 1160 M, white pto« 28 M, hemlock friends la Springfield. Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors D. W. Roof