' PAJ3K TW O r I M M H I »A Y, JAN T ■ as 1«, I »10 a-------------- btgh school conference h»Id si III« STUDENTS TO DECIDE • UPPER W IL L A M E T T E • te le e r slty of Oregon la Eugene last •LAUGHTERESOUE' FATE Friday aad Saturday. ON FRIDAY MORNING The Pleaaaai HUI wwutaas rtah met The basketball learns from the Hap L _ at the hoaaa of Mr* MsggV Stewart tiet charch at Eugene played Ibe The probehl» fate of "luaagbtor W cguee'«< uftemo.-e. Jasuary 1 i : 3 TharaCoc team* uo the local floor last saqua," the fun program wblrk has speat the time e r s * aad rtstttug Friday eventag both Tbrustou learn» become aa annual evrat M toe It was derided *et ta organise the Mprlngfteld high school, will be de OATCO B Y t> C H A L D R IL B Y Ctrl* Scout* a h U earns time la June, The yoaap people are eapzylas Ibe lermlned (»morrow al a general aa Mias Irma Laird, who la to he the tad too greatly 'moat evsry assembly of lb» high m hool »todesls l * g me away to teach The sigh t They go 1« the Whitaker hill There 1» »onia ecullmeat al Ike eobool he cn e4. ”1—I w asted to nee yoa Aad What"» Gem» os ring win he aa all day and roasc for several hour» lo s t which favors (he •bollsbm eol of this I d worried. aa Mr* Clary had K party I b PUtm at the home of Mr» C. K Sunday they »pro! the afternoon In event thl» y»ar aad substituting iwo . Cooper Clury. Laweost az at Jordan. aad each waaaaa la ashed ta Lovy H *r*»es. alxfcV ' Well. I re told y o a moving picture» to be shown la toe Un Devtt-Muy-Carw k a w ef her u l / * / bring her taach The exact date wBi -Most unethically high school In tbelr slnwl OTUtarcaa lift la • game la which '* v *** he sanoanoad later Mrs Jordaa will LANE COUNTY W. C. T. U. ■ I l a . ri are rktinnu tar the eveutag “Did r w expact me In form»r yearn the student» of he sssM ed by Mr» Jameena aad Mr» Lacy la woa hr The ! “ r° M EETS IN EUGENE TODAY e « h class have vied with each Other Sckreuck. Fruit Jells with whipped A rWBaLfcUoa O A -T oo didn't In an effort 1« produce the beet Laeeoe is a hit Jealous. T ub Ste»«®» rate aad grape Juice wer* Maddest aad Roe have Severul membera of to» local W. <' twenty minute program, of either a Lacy they are goteg »board by the hoateas assisted by T. C. organlaatioa ura allending to* •Oa a tool.- be ra S r * . Another reaeoa why I am stay­ serious or a rldlralnun nalnre There aot to he a quitter Ashed She »hratted ing looter than 1 » le a d e d Th» firm Mr» E T Swift aad Mr» Jena Car couaty taeeilng la Eugene today Th» has been some trouble In the »election ■he la sorry that he wwa her eo - We threahed that oat last night —the aew Ona. telegraphed me this a>«-»•.;»g i» aa ali day ae»»l,.u and 1» puny, Lacy says b 4 m is not aad U at the meet lag were belag beld at the Chrtatla.i rhurrb. of »tunl» and »kite for toe various I tike wtuuere. aa 1 told yoo.” classes In former years, as one group grtdeetly tate urruaged It. T Mrs B H Camaon Mrs C L WiP the wwmua of whlch ars a/Jlng aa •Did S tereas keep yoa away (hereapoa tells her to would »leal Ihs others' Idea before Hama. Mra & W Keh»ey. Mra C B boats for to« vtaltora psgretfully after Leeern It could lie sign« d up for nt toe offtre Curti». Mr» E E Kilpstrtrk. Mra T Aboard Stereo« boat. Stereo» tell» She hid a sigh of relief Th» sprr-al occasiua for the Diret of the principal If It Is derldae] to ! r Kahkr Mra C E Jordan Mia» A. Larr h i lore, her to which »he re- Her» formality j Parker Mr* A L Parry. Mr» Rosa lag Is the oheerranru of the «anl«er- retain this affair. It Is eiperted that it to the “ocuu aad at hazard aary of prohibUiua An ali tl»y pro- several changes will be made la the . and ahe become« afraid of or roulette forgot one’s hostess. one a , Mathew* Mra Milford Bamam Mr» gram ha» brea a rru g ed and Alta manner nf handling the class entries v e ts tell* Lacy that be wW ‘ j W Jameson. Mias Lets Wheeler let her to until »he haa premised to guests She played awhile at a wheel j King. dlatrtct attorney. I» oas of to» Either March 7 nr If have been Mr. W P Shendaa Mr. Morton th«« was coaacloa» of Principal »peakrr» aelected as the dates for the show. Brtotow. Mra C. Y Swift. Mr* Jeaae She turned ta tag ovar her If l< Is decided Io carry on with It. Carrothers. Mia» Elsie 9boaitx. Kath a ini ertne Wheeler. Margaret Jameson. I. O. O. F. EN TER TA IN S -Hwllo. Lacy Marior Jordan. Mra Ernest E fihreak M EMBERS OF REBEKAHS FOR SALK H O U M H A I * TO OWN Ferngas Fkaace He knew the «tiquette of roulette No I. Nice « r<«>m Bungalow at •<< aad children, and Mrs M Stewart take» rare o f bar aad takes bar h -D e a l let me disturb you.” he uaM D street Price IHW 0«: »«0 eg down Tkr regular moatoly aortal meeting Mlaa Parmalee Markham, who fov Everyone la worried showt bar. — . and 120 00 per month hastily Whoa aha meets Stereas he la fraatle. I _---- y merty Seed fc Plaaauat Hill, wa» mar­ of toe I O O F . which la held every No. 1. d-rootn stucco Bungalow, cor­ She akruggwd. bet her last tew regretful aad atU ardeot kt U s lore I co * * ®y ried Ja n ua r y 7 to Chester O Haatar. third Wednesday of toe month, wa» ner of 2nd and D streeta Price Mow go os with the »tory "Aad aren't ■a and left the table. at the home of Mr» Hunter'» sister ta held at their lodge room» last night 1121.0 00 Iff. 00 down and IK 00 per "No need to eoaceatrate oa the month Ilwaco Whshiagtoa They will make with the »em ber» of the Rebekah “We start from here, thea; I took me t tuck ta vile. l a No better liargaln» e tr r ”offered In lodge a» their guests their home la Eugene Mra Hunter 1» yoa sway with me: I frightened yoa: j that I'm Have you hoe Blacky?“ Springfield real estate Write or phone a skater of Mra Prank Smith »nd Mra A large number of perw,n» attended I S rv r t yaa almost to cwrtato death »elf. What makes F M CASHMAN REALTY OFFICK 1 can t afford to play.” be aa'd T Hertuti Bretc>w. of Pie »»ant HllL the gathering and enjoyed the refresh 141 Willamette St. Bat . . . wa start from there. Is that Phone 111 to luncheon and a a fu»t looking m enu served A party of young folk» ea)oyrd J 14 22 ay will' oa Stevens.” and hla vofre aaak to a a Butte Prtday He “From where else eoald we »tart husky whisper. “Is to he arrested at Several p e o p le took advantage “1 dids t m esa ta he ImpertlaepL - r e of the anew and cold weather and ; Bat . . . WelL 1 don't care whether It on . . . yoa can ! forgtre me. "Why that hour Instead of an- went skating j is good form, or being dose, or any­ othev?" »he asked She was hardly Lucy Harkaeaa* th in g like that. Steven s bad. Mias eonaclou» that her every aauerte was The tharmc sorter registered 1 above -Can yoa make me* That seem» to aero Friday morning at Pleasant „111. Harkaeaa I mean a rotter. Aad when tense he the q u e s t io n s h e answered. About four inches of »now fell oa yoa go off. with him. »nd doat re- 942 WiUamett« St., Eugene, Oregon Leeaon laughed He rose from hi» chair, fatigue Monday “After a ll Steren» has been our dropping from h;m like a bath gown 1, thxt I 1JB E B Tinker »nd son. Lyman, left zf Rare Opportunity! trom a bather oa the beach * rotter, isn't it r ahe replied. cB eet To demand a quarter of a for northern California Sunday morn- •m azing virility of hia returned to him Bullion from him on the spot 1» going lag. January i. When they left it • rash. inj_ know —S o . yoa do not too far To demand It wtthin a few was )ust beginning to snow at Plena- “I doa t like equal ch a n ces.' he k n o w -h o w could yoo—m y opinion of hour» la slightly different. Ifteven» aat HUI Mr Tinker write» they were wa» given that amount of money for one of two hundred car» stalled oa •aid “1 want the odd» again « m - yo^ - Two to one. ten to tzae. a hundred to , ! n t e w tmg. llwugh. a definite purpose Either he used it Beeper mountain that afternoon No for that pnrpz?»e or »Mould have It ac- one was hurt but everyone seemed ***" »he acofled “And I almost behere ceasible He didn't a»» It. Therefore to be enjoying thte experience, wrote “They are. »he reminded him. you're truck enough to give it.” in new gtylea be must have It Vnleua he» stolen Mr Tinker “And what .kali we teU* People it aad eosverted It to his own use. About half the student body was specialized at trtU be enriou» ! unsophisticated. Mia» Harkaeaa" be Thi». wc know, be ha» done. Bat the »b.ent at Hrmsant HIP Mnnd»y. Janu “1 came borne to my bathing auih police here won't act on the moment. ary IS on account of the »now. »h. «aid calmly If your crew and H e asked, an hour or so ago. until C. E Curti« 1» working for Mr». Modane— ____ j down here.” five o ’clock. Said he had the money, Perry, who baa bought the Steele -T heyD m y wnh-ng. he p r e s s e d “And naturally, we won t, .He „ Bi~ wboJ^ bat was busy with other thing». At ranch, and 1» clearing the land for five he'd pay But be can t." pasture. laughed. She hastened from th« room, secur­ Mi»» Thelma Perry 1» a new student -And yoaTl see me. »peak to me. "Now, you're not being you. You ed her wrap» from the maid, and went at the Pleasant Hill high aefcooL ta though nothing had happen 4 T” These are all brand new dresses . . , know I'm not critical, or coademnlag oat into the blazing «anshlne. so In­ There were no game« of haiketball T i l do arhat fate direct«, »he mid Imagine It! . . . for only |d 90. Batin I n merely explaining. I m a lawyer credible In February The doorman at the Pleasant Hill high school last He (hook kia head and flat crepe— In black and color . . . Mias Harkness. And I ought to tell for a chair, and stepping Friday night as had been scheduled “You're bo aaiat. Lucy Harkne»« ■ lies for women, m isses and Juniors. about Stevens." into It she ordered that ahe be taken J“d Wheeler closed h,» mill last If you were. I'd not love you. You're Be sure to see them for yourself . . . "How ethical.” »be murmured. to her bunk. Thursday and will not «tart work Oefh and blood and wavy hair and you will be astonished at the quality, "Steven* Is a client of your firm, and "What'» my balance*” »he ark«d the again until the weather moderates. long laahee and pick and tan »kin. the sm artness that we are offering I am not Therefore, you will toll paying teller. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Laird got a an . . . bumanl You can't fool me yoa In thia apeciallied group. me about him ” He looked it up a 4 to'. i her tba* shlpm*«t of Rhode Island Red baby You re going to do som eth.ng . . "Profeaaioaal ethics can't be per­ «be had something hke t ier forty chick« from the Russell poultry yards “Which ought to make Hie Interest­ mitted to conflict with common de­ last week thousand dollars on deposit. ing. Tim. «he chuckled. “Trying to cency." he declared. “And be isn't “How much can 1 borrow*"' »he The Pleasant Hill Christian church oatgue»» a woman is hard enough a clieat any P/nger. The firm have aakad. started Sunday night services last under ordinary circumstance», but un­ telegraphed that, owing to many The toller summoned toe pre«, , o- Sunday. In »pit» of bad wea'her there der these . . . But perhaps your blood thmga, be la no longer a clien t They waa a good turn out for the ftrsf there was s ten-mlnuto confer» ha» cooled, in emotion we want have asked me to remain down here From the vaults Lucy bi ought securi­ si rvlceo. thing«, promise things, do things that a while, ordered me to get In touch ties. The loan she asked waa very contemplation causes us to regret. An with him. to get explanations of cer­ quickly arranged. 77 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE hour ago death was an adventure tain matters, to settle up affairs »ritn "And there'll be no word of thl« which you welcomed Sow a flirtation TH U R STO N him." leak out?" »ne asked seems dangerous. Well, go your own "And you. out of common decency Th« Thurston grade school started The bank officials assured her of way, Tim Stevens.” —was that It— tells me. who have no their silence the week day Bible school last we^k, “I'll go yours.' he cried. “The way Interest in the affairs of Mr Steven? under the leadership of Ml«« Smith "I'll take it In cash." she said. of Kat» " or your firm, that the latter Is too W«H. those who came to Palm and her helper. She laughed. holy to deal with the former. Stick to Beacb did many strange thing«, and Luelle Margaret Campbell, from • We'll aee." professional ethics. Mr Leeaon; they Lacy Harkness was called Devil-May Eug'-ne, «pent a few days with her “You hate me. You'll get even, will get you farther than common de­ Care: She had depot,:ted four hund­ grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Camte »czme »ay ~ He paused, too cency, It seem» to me Professional red thousand of her beat securities bell, last week. ppzzled to continue. ethic* are laid down for you; you do for a loan of two hundred and fifty Hugh Doolittle went to Eugene on “Of course I hate you." she aald not have to gue»« at them. But com- ' thousand If «be wanted the cash— . Sunday, where he entered hu«lneaa evenly "I think you're low. bestial, t mon decency la open to Interpreta­ Perhaps »be waa buying property ■ Monday to continue bla course But what has that to do with fate?" tion., and « ««- from « owner - h o demanded'm^ney. ^ e r ,. II "You’re daring me,’’ he asserted cording to his caddlshness Harvey Calvert had a very serious : not a check. Perhaps—A thousand "And you're afraid to take a dare," “That la not merely unfair; It l a ' perhaps suggested them selves. In­ accident last Friday evening, when J ahe accused. "But I've given you all dishonest." he aald. Hla color, hla ( cluding the possibility of blackmail, hla .22 caliber rifle exploded, hit the time I can this morning I'm duel embarrassment had vanighed. He wa« but why annoy a good client? She him In the face. He was rushed at the Beach club." not the nervous youth who had enter­ bad departed with a satchel crammed Eugene to the Northwest hospital. He held out a tentative band. She ed the patio, but a cool and eoHected I where Dr. Stanard has hopes with mopey. shook her head. For every member of the family— and at attorney, willing and able to challenge Ing hla eye. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK " S o t yet awhile. Tim. Perhaps her, to pick up wh»-re »he left off prices that mean a substantial saving to you. Perry Price, an employee of UIII never. You know, after all, you did i "Why Isn’t R?" ahe demanded Creek Lumber company, run a pick, not trump my ace, or move as 1 putt-! Nothing but U. S. Rubber Co.’s sold, so you "Be'auae when a woman Is tarolved COUNTY CHAMBER MEETS arrx/n tn hla hand a fern days ago, and ed. You did—or tried to—a thing that , a man must not protect another man IN EUGENE T O N IG H T has Infection In It. and baa been u>. are assured of the best. you moat have known would have He must protect the woman.“ able to work. caused me to kill myself. But enough The Lane County Chamber of Com- W HY PAY MORE T H A N WE ASK? "Ton think I need protection?" ahe John Taylor, who has been helping of that. We start again. , ...erce meets tonight at Eugene as his brother Charles for several days, After he had left she leaned back “Thia man Btevaaa is a beast; any ’• «>• d to m ^ r of O m - 1 retorne4 h to to ia ’ . t I M ta i'o ^ k In her chair and closed her eyes. _ « «■see.,/, ■ ’f b. *. la e^wd«« «»«d <* — . I Bierce. The hosts will fl entertain A the woman wooid need protection from Monday. "We start again," she murmured, i him, and almost any man who wasn't membiTM of the county organization Frank Campbell and Charles Haat- "But where »hall I lead him?" The i forewarned. And 1 . . . lan’t any- at a banquet to be served at the Os­ Ings are on the sick list. curved Bps straightened handily, and burn hotel at d:20. i thing fair In love or war?" The Sunday school conference kaMil the hands that rested upon the arms W. K Barnell, Jesse Seavey, and W "la there a war?" she asked. at the church last Bunday afternoon, of the wicker chair suddenly gripped "Perhaps there's love." he retorted A. Taylor are the local delegates wi was not very largely attended on a/U them. Then she relaxed. She wa» "We met last night," she reminded the meeting. count of the cold and snow Miss able to summon a perfectly natural him. Mary Hastings, from Eugene, gave a sm ile to her lips aa, In reHfvmie to the "And again now." NEEDLECRAFT LUNCHEON very Interesting talk on the week day noise of the Iron knocker upon the "And about Stevens?” gate, a Jap admitted Leeaon to the IS BEING HELD TODAY age for the past three months The "There’s going to be a warrant Is­ Bible school work. The W altervlltol patio. Mrs. Clifford Wilson and Mrs. Allen Bunday school won the banner for A nice looking boy, she told herself sued for bla arrest today, unless he •a he advanced eagerly. Clean, well settles a certain matter. And he can’t Kafoury are Joint hostesses at a noon having the t»e»t average for the p a s t. built, and enthusiastic. She liked thia settle. It’s for a quarter of a million luncheon today for the members of three months. The next meeting wilt | latter quality in him. She liked this That he stole. That's why I com«, the Needlecraft clnb and specially be held at Mabel on the 13th of April, I Rev Miller resigned as pastor of eagerness In the viewpoint of life. Too caddlsbly, to you, to warn you not to Invited guests. It Is being served at the Rose Gray tea room at the w est toe Thruston church last Bunday. Ha I much of It had gone from her; per­ have anything to do with him." Regular >2.00 values. "Do you think he’d borrow from approach of the Springfield bridge. plans to preach at Brownsville. haps because the people she knew, me?" she asked Idly. The afternoon will be spent In sew ­ Misses letna Hart and Irene Baxter, played around with were too sophis­ "Oh, I didn’t mean to say all thl»!" ing and discussion. also Professor Henegan,-attended the ticated, too ennuled with the business ARTHUR SOMERS ROCHE C J C PENNEY CO. Dresses .90 s6 William’s Self Service Store The Store Where You Serve Yourself and Save R ubber Footw ear a Serve Yourself and Save W om en’s All RubberGaloshes $1 .39