q r , n jn -f» T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F irs t TW ENTY-HEVENTII Y KA It THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGKIKI.I), LANK COUNT Y, OKKOON. SILVER THAW HITS Springfield Male “Girls” Bowl 'Em Over in Follies HIGHWAY TRAFFIC THURSDAY. JAN. 16. 1930 N ew War Secretary •BELIEVE IT OR NOT” The Springfield Follies, all star Balmy Weather of Yesterday Is "NOAH" HAD NO ARK cast, played last night to a full house Suddenly Ended by Snowfall at the Hell theatre. Hilarity reigned Noah had an ark according to the which Brings Silver Thaw and bible, but Noah Insists lie did not have ! supreme and every act received a Sleet in its Wake; Chase Car« any. They are two different Noahs. ■ big hand. Now that the chorus girls Friday. Noah Helterbrand assayed are used to the local stage, tonight’s den Road Gets Gravel Coat. B a sk etb a ll Team D rops F irst G am e "Th« People'« Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N No. 2 CITY OFFICIALS FOB I930 ARE APPOIHTED Albany Wins Friday 17-13; Play­ ing Very Ragged; Cottage Grove Game Next. Treasurer Authorized to Pay Off $15,000 in Bonds Due in Springfield dropped her first con­ November; West Springfield ference basketball game to the Al­ Signs Agreement for Fire bany high school team on Friday evening. The game was played on Engine Protection. forth on one of the large logs at the performance Is expected to eclipse the Albany floor and tbe score was Hprlngfleld residents who liavs been Booth-Kelly m ill (Mind to break a little even last night’s. If humanly possible. Reappointment of city officials for 17 to 13 when the final whistle blew. worried that th« balmy weather ol Ice which was forming around the the year 1930 and a discussion of the The two Squire brothers, Freeman The show clearly demonstrated yesterday morning would malt the logs. The log upon which he was and Everett, started as guards for the city finances were the chief business that the female sex la dlspenslble, snow and »poll (he outdoor «porta standing, as logs will sometimes do. 'locals; Gerald Morrison held down at the Monday night meeting of the even in a girl show. The cast of 60, turned over and Noah entered the »»re given reassuring comfort laal Icy waters the center berth, and John Lynch and council. All of the city officials now nearly all of whom had feminine Col. Patrick Jay Hurley of Okla­ homa, appointed by President Hoover Thayer McMurray started at forward serving were reappointed. They are night when they came out of their l roles, Is taken by prominent men No statements were made, or ex positions. They ail played the entire I. M. Peterson, city attorney; Jesse house» to find their automobiles and planatlons given by Helterbrand as he about town. Costumes are the latest to succred the late lame» W Good in •he Cabinet. Col. Hurley is the first game with the lone exception of Mc- Smitson, fire chief; W. A. Davie, everything else In sight was covered walked off stiffly towards his home I Imported fashion, and the women In asihtary man in this post for years Mnurray, who was replaced by Fred chief of police; Fred Hinson, night with a fine coating of sleet and more and dry clothes the audience were given many valu­ Buell at the end of tbe first half. . watchnian: George Valller. street com- was falling. able pointers on how to wear and not SNOW PLOW CLEARS McMurray was having some hard luck ml’ "lf>ner; Dr. Carl Phetteplace, to wear their clothes. The thermometer took a sodden 1 with his shots and yas unable to re- officer; W. K. Burnell, eleo- MAIN SREET; LOCAL drop late last evening, after hsvlng ! Tbs chorus, as chorus girls usually eoeer. trical Inspector. (-Imbed to the 2* degree mark at BUSINESS MEN SHOVEL do, had tbe heavy part In the show. Game ie Ragged The city ti ¿¿surer was instructed noon and hovered there most of the The game was marked by the rag- to offer to take up $16,000.00 In Rene­ Snow plows are not uncommon aflernoou, when It suddenly went sweet for words. The Spanish dan- down to IS degrees, where It remain ! cere, Alfred Frese and Clifford Darr, sights on the streets of Springfield, ged playing of the two teams, Spring- ral obligation bonds due In November, ed until late this morning. Officers are Unable to Locate gave a good exhibition of how they do they being frequently seen here when field being even worse than her op- The city has over $20,000 In the bond ponents, according to spectators who sinking fund and If the holder« will Traffic on the highway wa» almost ' Mrs. Goodman; More Liquor In Spain, while Dallas Murphy and are taken up to the McKenxle highway saw the game. surrender the bonds before due they In the fall, or back to their shelters at a standstill, thages are operating. | -lûmes King, flappers of 1776, put ou Found in Lettuce Crate. Fred Buell brought his team out of **** *’*’ at once. A story of In the spring, but when they are ac­ but are running behind their sched . a very graceful dauce. tually used In the streets of the city, their slump and was very successful tbe audltors report Is published la The two plate glass windows of the ules. and all those who must travel Fred Walker, aa Galll Curcl, re­ that is another Item. In his attempts to land the ball other c°>“«nns of this newspaper, on the ruada are Just barely moving Engle cafe her« were blown out and vealed u hidden voice that surprised j West Springfield property owners Mouday morning the state highway squarely Into the hoop. along. smashed Into small hlta and T«d even bis most ardent admirers. Jack department brought one of the scrap- Play Cottage Grove Next haTe PledXed on a petition $97.60 for Seymour, the cook, and his wife nar­ There have been no serious acci­ llenderer . sa Pola Negri, was another dents reported here this week and the rowly escaped serious Injury Satur Hollywood luminary who shone up era down from Waltervllle, where i All eyes are now set on the game flre protection in 1930 and It was said they have been for the past week, to with Cottage Grove In that city on that still others will sign up. The roads have been worse than they hare , daj' morning at 8:00 o'clock when a like the bescon light. clear the highway between here and Friday evening. The local boy« do council agreed to give these petition­ have been for several years. Garage glass Jug. presumed to have contain John Ketels, the old maid aunt Eugene. Springfield reeldente were not expect any difficulty In this ers protectlo nof the chemical track, men have towed cars In, but they were ed moonshine, exploded In the oven 1 with tbe hay fever, O. G. Bushman, surprised upon coming to their places clash, but they have no victories to and If any of them have open wells, not wrecked, merely too cold to start of the kitchen range, spattering the I the Jewish salesman and the bride of business Tuesday morning to find their credit so far this season, snd I t 1 water protection also. In case of fire. cook and hla wife with the hot liquid, - Every effort Is being made by the In the wedding scene, William Runde, that the scraper had come across the Is expected that a strong effort will ! A purchaser for the old public mar­ Chase Gardens to keep the road be­ which burst Into '’ainea immediately | brought screams from the audience. bridge and right up Main street, he made to run up a large score. I ket building was reported and the on becoming released Into the air. tween the Booth-Kelly Lumber mill Henry Adrian, the country boy from shoving most of the snow off the pave- ' street committee was given authority Both the arma of Seymour were pain­ Tbe University high school here and their plant open for traffic, Coburg, aud his mother. W K. Bar- ment and up on the sidewalk. to tear down the structure. fully burned. completely overwhelmed the boys aa any blocking of this road for a long nell, gave a mirthful exhibition as The wooden sidewalk on west D Most of the business men took It No one will volunteer any Informa­ from the southern Lane county school period will be disastrous to the green long as the punch held out. street will be taken up because It Is good naturedly, got out their shovels tion aa to how the explosive happen­ last week, and the University high crops growing In their greenhouses. I dangerous and gravel put down for It must be admitted that every and went to work. morn school team Is rated as tbe underdog temporary use. Earlier In the week the road was ed to be In the oven Saturday lie of m,'mber of ,h* cast played his (her) The city street department had men Ing. Mrs William Goodman, a . of this high school district, although dragged to remove much of the snow, I Several old unused buildings In ths have I part cleverly and In a finished man­ working Tuesday clearing the snow , they were successful a few years ago and later, when the Ice begun to form ths proprietor, la reported to city, which are unsightly and a firs ner. The amount of applause each from the Intersections. In capturing the state championship. on the highway, a light coating of fine been In the building with a few one got was governed largely by the haxard, were discussed and the own­ patrona when the cook went home at Monmouth Game Flops gravel was spread on the road. ers will be prevailed upon to tear Unele Die« In Eugene ,9:30 Friday evening. He came down number of relatives In the house and Negotiations with the school offi­ them down. It Is very Imperative that .he hog -I Bhou, * „ 8>lur