PAGE EîriTrr THREE ESCAPE INJURY OREGON BUSINESS MEN IN HEAD-ON COLLISION TO DISTRIBUTE STAMPS ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON M a rria g e Licenses Issued rouies—Take Your Pick! j Portland, Jan. Special—Keen Interest and enthusiasm from every part of Oregon has been expressed I'ai't about »•»« first series of Oregon Poster Stamps being issued by the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce in Its 1930 program of "Build Oregon,** W. O. Ide. manager of the organisation stated here yesterday. 3:S0. The first series of stamps cover The impact of the two cars coming only a few of the outstanding pointa together was sufficient to cause Mr about Oregon and we're now planning A- J. Sohnetsky. father-in-law of Dr. j the issuance of additional series of Mortensen, who was rid ng with him, poster stamps. It is our desire to to be lifted from the seat and thrown produce the most effective series of against the windshield His head poster stamps ever issued by any struck the glass and shattered It, but state and believe we can gain this he was not injured or eren scratched. distinction if the people of Oregon The windshield on the Innis machine i will give us their ideas and sugges­ tions for additional poster stamps, was also broken. Ide said. Both cars were hsdlv damaged Ideas and suggestions for Oregon Their radiators were broken, the Poster Stamps will be greatly appre­ front left readers, headlights, springs, and axles were all damaged on both ciated and should be turned in to the automobiles, which were towed to local chambers of commerce or sent to the Information Service depart­ local garages to be repaired ment of the Oregon State Chamber of No one seems to know how the ac-, Commerce at Portland Mortensen Each Oregon Poster Stamp telis near C ™ i l ’X n° T ’ i ™ ” inU‘rps“ n<' »b-u, near Creswell and saw the Innis car Oregon and the lines of copy on each coming Innis says «ha, he d‘d not stamp Invite the reader to’ write to “ r ,hey had “>e local chamber of commerce for ________________ j further information. The complete _ series of stamps is planned to tell SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS what Oregon has. offers, wants, how Three people narrowly escaped ¡n. Jury Sunday afternoon when two automobiles being driven by Or. Mor tensen and Emmett Innis, route 1. Creswell, collided head-on on the covered bridge over the Coast Fork of the Willamette river about seven miles south east of Springfield at The members of the Epworth league at the Methodist church held a social POR S1I.K OK TRADE tVprlngfleld lots Will consider Eugene or Me meeting at the church on Tuesday Kens'e River pro|>erty In exchange evening, under the direction of thirls »’. O. box 191 Springfield. Meyere. Refreshments and games were enjoyed by a good altendance. KENNETT WILL CONDUCT STORE SALE AT SALEM COAT SALE Clearance of all gardleag of cast. George Kennett left Sprlngflelu on . Tuesday for Salem, where he will ! One conduct a one week's sale for a men s I furiilahlng store. The sale will begin <>n Saturday and Mr Kennett will re main unitl the sale Is well under way. ------ a JUVENILE CIRCLE PLANS FIRST MEETING OF YEAR A regular meeting of the Juvenile < Ircle N. O. W la being planned for Fehrunry I, This will be the first meeting of the new year, ami the last since the big Christmas party held J um ( before Christinaa. -------- points of interest. Thirteen members of Mrs. A. B. i The state chamber plans for 6,750.- Van Valxah’s Sunday school class at Oregon Poster Stamps to be the Methodist church were entertain P’aced on outgoing mail during 1930 ed at a party held at her home hrre j through the cooperation of the states on Friday evening. The evening was , 30.000 business and professional men. apent playing games and with music The stamps themselves advertise . _ The hostess served light refresh OreS°n a"d funds created from the i _ _ _ merits Evan Hughes and William Pol- 8416 ot stamps create the state cham SERVICE CLUB MEETS AT lard had charge of the entertainment. bera budget to carry on its program HOME OF MRS. McKLIN ’’* *•— -------- Those present - - for — the evening of work. were Ann Gorrle. Dorothea Bailey. A large number of women from the Doris Gerard. Edith Horning. Doris METHODISTS WILL HAVE Christian church, all members of the Meyers, Theo Bartholomew, Evan SERVICES FOR YOUTHS Service Club, gathered at the home Hughes. William Pollard. Howard of Mrs. M. J. McKUn on Thursday Hughes. Clayton Klikland, Buford A special service for young people evening of last week for a social I Kight, Jaul Potter. Herbert Horning, will be held at the Methodist church evening. Luncheon was served be i and the hostess next Sunday morning at 11:00. Rev. fore the visitors departed for their 1 C. J. Pike will speak on "The Far homes. “THE — SILENT Country, choir unaer nnder tne the ----------- . PREACHER" . . —..-w. , i_r-i - .. . and the vuuir About twenty-five members at tended the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church, which was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emma Olson The usual program of worship was followed and refreshments were served by the hostess. Vida— F PUBLICITY Colorado that are higher than Pike’s Peak. Can you name any of them? Neither can we. But we have all heard of Pike’s Peak because it has so much publicity. So Pike’s Peak gets all the business and twenty-eight higher peaks Just stand around or sit or whatever a peak does and we imagine, complain that business is poor and wonder why people flock to Pike’s Peak and refuse to believe in publi­ city. Some merchants are like Colorado mountains groups of nilEKSBB . $ 3 .9 8 $4 98 V alues to $12.«IS " v,s $1.00 8th Ave. Hat & Dress Shop 42 9th A ve W est. Eugene, O re. D o n 't fo rg e t we G reen give 8 A Stam ps The choice of thrifty house* wives ull over the country! Harvey W . W iley, world- famous chemist who fathered the Pure Food laiw. announced his re­ tirement from active work after a severe illness in his 8Ah year. 8 4 llh'at hi'il or 9 /4 Unbleached . , . yard 39c 9 /4 M eached or 10/4 Unbleaehed . . . yard T ’-JC a Also a complete range of other aize sheetings, sheets and pillow cases. "NATION WIDE" PILLOW TUBING BAD YEAR FOR HUNTERS The open season for duck hunter* will close In the state of Oregon on Wednesday of next week. This has been one of the poorest duck sea ns which this section of the state has had for manv years. I-ocai sportsmen ¡here repeatedly gone Into the I -id. ! but have usually returned with no i thing but a good amount of walking | to their credit. i The lateness of the fall rains is i blamed by several for the bad season. The low spots In this section which are usually covered with water In the j fall, and upon which the ducks fre i quently stop to feed, were dry this j year until most of the ducks had ! gone over. The Lane county fair will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­ day, September 16, 17 and 18 this year. The dates were decided upon at a meeting of the fair hoard mem­ bers this week. This is the latest that the fair has been held for many years. Strict inspection of all entries will be made this year, say members of the board. Blood tests of livestock will be made to ascertain their con dltlon of health. Mrs. Mabel Chadwick, secretary of the board, announced that work had already been started on the premium lists. Mother: Flghtln again—don't you know that well behaved children do not hit anyone. Boy: Yes, I thought Jack was well behaved and hit him—but he was 111 behaved. Teacher: Why do you Insist on spelling bank with a capital "B.” Johnny; Pa said a hpnk was no good unless It had a big capital. T he Springfield N ew s D resses “ NATION WIDE » SHEETING SEPT. 16 TO 18 DATES SET FOR 1930 LANE FAIR It is said that there are twenty-eight mountains in group to go nt *» 1 0 .9 5 Vaines up to $32.50 * 942 Willamette St., Eng eue. Oregon. DUCK SEASON TO CLOSE A. Weed, of Vida, was a visitor In Springfield on Wednesday. from Coûta re- ’ C.PENNEYC0. WILL BE SERMON TOPIC dlrection of Arah H°rt Rae will sing W. F. M. SOCIETY MEETS an anthem. WITH MRS. EMMA OLSON “The Silent Preacher” is the ser- I Sunday school meets at 9-45 Here During Hie week marriage licenses The three year old daughter of I have been issued io the following: Mrs. Mary Douglas of Junction City 1 Arthur Funke and Zina Easley, both yas brought to Bprlngfleld last Fit of Black Bulle, Alla Pooler ami Carol day for treatment of burns whlrh r K» i Taylor, both of Collage drove: Ulen sustained at her home when she fell l’uimiiii, Wallnrvllle, and l.uclnda against the stove |n the kitchen. Parrish, Westfir; Carroll Uroahong 1 causing her to lie painfully Injured [ and Edith Kills, both of Eugene) David Pendleton, latkealde, and Mur- She Is now recovering nlogly. garet l.oalrom. Salem; Robert Alley and Irene Hannon, both of Veneta. EPWORTH LEAGUE HAS SOCIAL ON TUESDAY ENTERTAINED ON FRIDAY the state ranks and about its special mon topic chosen by Rev. Ralph Mull- and U,e EPworth league will have holand of the Baptist church for the thelr regu*ar Sunday evening meet­ morning service , Sunday. The choir ing in ,he leaRue rooms at 6:30. will sing. Bible school will meet at ___________ Honor Student at College 10:00 and the B. Y. P. U. will meet at Ernest Miller, son-in-law of Dr W *;30. They will continue a study of C. Rebhan. was a "superior A" t stud- . __ the book of James. There will be no evening service ent in chemistry at the Oregon State Sunday, as Ute congregation is unit­ College, according to a letter from ing in the Joint service in commemor­ the head of the department, con- ation of prohibition, which will be 1 gratulating him, received by Dr. Reb­ han. Mr. Miller is a pre-medic stud- held in the Christian church. ent at the college. PLAYING NEAR STOVE Mr. Staylate: Sweetheart, Is possible for me to leave you? Miss Yawnsome: Oh, yes, I think sot D- may be waiting for you at the front door, but the back way Is clear. Circular woven . . . strong, sturdy quality, 40-mcA, y a r d ., 25c 42-inrh, y a r d .. 27c H