I )A Y . J A N P A HY 9, 1930 T H B B E R IN G F Classified Ads I 1 4^ NEW S TRAIN SCHEDULE •prlnBf l , |d Stops NORTH PACK BJBVnt OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENEflAllNTEflEST No >« at 3 54 A M »top to detrain passenger« from Klamath F all, and beyond. Principal Events of the Week No. K at 4:11 p. m . Bun connections at Eugene for Assembled for Information train. leaving 1:30 P. M. and 7 P. M of Our Readers. SOUTH No. 7 at 11:47 P. M. No. 15 at 10: op p r , , , top f Automoblle aalea were 12 per cent P*a»en«ere to Klamath Falla and greater In Oregon In 112» than 1»25. ¡ KhE7 T “ MtXlern bou»«. »“ her beyond. Portland bank clearing, for l»2t turnished or unfurnUhed. Phone Bu. connections at Eugene foi ■ J”',*““**4 mor* th ,n »»«.000.000 over HUM. If train, leaving 11:45 a . M via Sin- klyou line. •UMMONB Income tax collection. In Oregon In- In the Circuit Court of tho State 0» ~ ........ .............. ereaaed »400.000 last year over the Or»»°" for the County of Lana. S P R IN G F IE L D F IR E T O T A L Roy O C alm , and Kila m Cairn.. G IV E N IN A N N U A L R E P O R T preceding 12 month.. P laintiff. ¡ Va. irle. A McVay --------- ' Rhododendron, are blooming at L. A. Z. P. ’ M c V .y ^ A a n le 1. law of 8p7" < ‘'«'d hM . very light fire Marshfield In some localities. while M. Vay and Ann McVay, doceaaed y*“r ,n lt2 9 ’ »«cording to the annual buttercup, and violet, .r e common and all the unknown heir, at r*’P°rt of Jese Kmltaon. fire chief. In part, of Curry county. m v of . McVay and Ann F1fty-o«e alarm , were turned In to Two employe, of the General Con­ * ; n .“ d , o ma*e run" ,or struction ------------------------- — ■»> » the • company employed on GrT RESULTS) NOTICI FOR PUBLICATION P«»R HALE or TRADB—Two well D .p srlm .n t «I th . | n,^ .,0 „ r u « in l J " ’" *" 8pr'“ E»‘a><> for 9 1 .« .. Land Offlos, R « „ bur8U 8 n ,P"rty •— Address p. o N ov.m b .r 2», tg?8 8 B ob m , Bprln» M W w lth l7 Ja T ,.20 8 ' K « w n.:; X " z ; -,h- d ‘bÄ M.. within the ( «.cade National Fkirest. < that the following described The * purpose of ,h '" no"<» '• K» «Uni«” . . . Poranne claiming the landa aelerted, or having bona Ud« ol.lrc- s k s Ji”1“ aurh application, an oppor ¡ ■ » ■ a tunlty to file their protests with th o Kpringfin M, Oregon; ninnine X " . : ' „ "Ü " d u . r« .t ,h„ Wm, ornee at Roseburg. Oregon Anr then Ù T J 1 ‘‘‘«w ad's Addi ü í m f t I í le .pr"!PaU or ” bjectl,m . H must he lion FII v Ik l. “ IH II O ff u r n ip ( due ju e ¿ North « O rth » to O I the h » ‘Ion. t thence north- from , h . Hr”" ; uS U h'r.!r Í í £ aa,d * • * • « * • -Idi- - t i , . . which n y t-p u -M i;;,,:;' % 1 & Ä Ä Approximately »1.1*9.40« waa a » Panded In new building In Salem dor- ‘ng the year 1929. according to a re- P«rt of the city building Inspector. Although a few days Uta. the conn- ty conrt recently g „ . Uxpa; ar, of Umatilla county th . beat Chrl.tmaA present of all. When lt made (h# nual lavy it wM U 2 in tan year«. »greement waa reached among cantaloupe grower. 0, the Umpqua n 7 ,r^ * nt,y Wbicb • “> r»»ult In »11 melons from that district being markeUd under one label and through one organ Ixatlon. Four hundred thousand eau-. „< frul, and vegetables , . r. Canned „ th . plant of th . Eugene Frul, Grow, • r . aasocUtlon during 1929. accordl«« H° “ ’ “ ‘ "•«•r- Thia It a r e £ ord for the plant Inheritance tax receipt. In Orego* for the year ending DecemU-r 11. 1929, exceeded »1.000.000. or approxl- McVay; M R Flow er, and Florence . ™ y "'** Th« Property threat- , Owyhee dam were killed when a akip tnetely »300.OOO more than In 192« ¡ ^ ’» •r» h l. wife, Lllttan Travis. br ,,re bad a valuation of "P»«1 » «tr on the track. cording to a report prepared by T. a Fredrlke Travis and Lee Trnvl». ’ 5 771.00 The actual Io ., by fire b. Ludvli, . h eir, at law of L. M Travl., de- e.tlm ated at »3 425 on T h e f t . . w d i* Matoch‘ - ^«»r-old aon of R»y. state treasurer. r"“ - 4 - . K«r' Churchill and Z ------ traveled «01 hlo a , ’ Mr “ 4 U A. Matocha, Will.- Chicken Creek alphon, one of the f burcblll h l. wife. Howard Chur- .. 1 b' Ck* *“ »“»"«»ring the mlna, waa a d d e d to death when be big tasks M th . V .I. irrigation prop chill and —— Churchill h l. wife; al1’ and U»«<1 334 gallona of 1 toll Into a tub of boiling water boiling water. water. • « construction. U being completed. Raymond Churchill and ____ Chur- chemicals. 1 00111ns Linn county's consolidated tax levy It U 450 feet tong and 12 feet ln diam­ M Jrt«hln 7 l,e ' F'ay M<’r‘',u« » ld- B,«ht o“‘ of town calls were an for 1930 will be 5 mills lest than 1929. eter. Contractors will have the aya- huaband. " e ," * ’ f , 2w Th" * <*f “><*m Thia reduction i. accomplished by a tem ready for use before spring. Churchill deceased, and all the un * ” * ‘° We"t s Pr‘ngfleld. one to the alight cut in property valuations. The Marlon county court will ask *2?,7”. h’ ,r’ law of Ann« Chur-! Oreen i n t e r n when It waa de.troyed f 0" ’ « 00 ,> c ®’’>ber «I«» West to a point North 0 , thè 19th. 1929 ' "/*,! 19th r . 4 ,O bawdim k»M •< home on Smith river, western Dong th® Cran‘: lalan(I “‘»‘rirt I, now la ; , 7 ; \ n K,wdu“ b,B •»*« - - deralgne,) admlnlatrator of the natale «®.HU them with the" R ecoid er^ of Ina county, when a slide demoll.lied aEd 11 *» being hauled by X Í- i » a*nld '? ', ' ' ? na? ^ l|' r '''• “ • ’ ^ U Q hte^-M n, Se.ma Wall- the residence during their sb a n co U truck to tt. ,« e t in t urby cities and Reedsport. fo u n ty Court of lame County. I town, in the Willamette valley. A PAUL HADLEY n th a**4 i “.*1 app*,"“ e<’ H»'urd.y th"j * PEARL HADLEY The city council of Medford will great deal la also used locally for A M *fe<1LJ*n° * r,r' 1,30 a* 10 °*«'ock sauerkraut H. A HRATTAIN Bar > r* W,Uy «► Churchill a n d ----- Churt hUI h"°Z?fe M „ T ' " *Bd 4a“«b‘»r. Mr and "fnTed Mra. " H. U L. B*rt° «e«» A? b* t<.,un“ r Courtroom. Ku MOLLIB B. 8CGTT Construction of an elevator at My- police Raymond R Churchill and ____ r J ... Mr" Harvey Collina. I r “Dted • 7.■ Or*«,,n- for final hearing In* n ponce matron to supervise E M »«ATTAIN .h in hi Churchill and ------Chur-j bSWm.d,r * ’r “ÑSL#‘” r obkc,l<,,> *b"ul.i O 1» 2« J 2 » U dances In the Cty. The ordinance ha. rick station near Pendleton was seen «hill h l, wife. O llie Fay M c D o u g a l , I ------------------------- -- be made or filed on or before such hind «^ ’*hn . " d E ” Doan her *""• I NOTICE OF «EARING ON FINAL long been Inoperative. «■ a possibility after . meeting « time. c ................. i m ’ d” ” l#W Of Anna Chur- K. , ACCOUNT NAL SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Brain growers of that section. Form*- The beacon light for the air mall “ •i^d and flr.t published December chill, deceased, and to a l l ‘ the un '» hereby given: That '" o L o o n 1? ? “ . 0 0 “* o1 ,h * 8ta,a Of k,lown hc'T» »«' law of Anna Churchill ’""'’‘‘■»Igned. a , ex'ecu,*ri7„f 'th T fiM service Installed on Creswell butte tion of a grain growers' corporation 13, Oreqon for Lana County. deceased and ,0 all whom I, mav W"' Tea,amen Han, C . . Z 7 Initiated its first service a ahort time to take advantage of the federal farm a,t»,, . KARK,‘ WfBBSTER, ae,»rce J. Wilhelm and Cecil O WII « ’"<*«’• defendant,: »on. deceased, has ,Be,I her a«o. spreading a circular spotlight hoard loans was discussed. Purchase of the Central Oregon over the entire valley. ‘ _ _ _ I’ 12 1» 2« J 2 9 A pine tree 467 years old. according hank by the Lumbermens National __ ___ to ri“ KS’ ‘h»t stood in the city limits bank, both of Bend, was announced NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT . I’ ‘«I I by C L. Isttd, president of tho Lum­ í i T° B Hy,anPlL ln‘ fOr1want ther plain seTtlemem ^ h " ”" b<,re,°' an<1 ,or th® Cupid had a good year in Multno­ fnd' "I"1 Ord’’r hai1 b*,,,n made "®“ lptnenl thereof was killed wh Coun'J' tour weeks from (he dale of the t,r«i ’ ” w111 »PPlv to the Court for publication o f this summons, and If r’* j ' ^ ln *bp,r ‘‘‘»"Plaint praved for p , I-BNA CASPERSON. f- ‘he plaintiffs will ' 5 * n,„ 1 a“d . d#craa »» follows: That ° f Hans Ca»Person. de- February 1930. at „clock A M 1929 being 2536. and for 1928. 2344. «pply to the Court for the rellel 1 ,be » ,a,ntlffs he decreed to be the Farmers In the MedforJ district are E L ?«*. • r.'Ok. ° ( <0 said pr? yo officials. The yield from the 4 cent through or under them, or any of undersigned. Alice E. Vincent, am the feet «0 place of beginning. E B. DOANE. Executor. o Z T b 0' M esT k '01" ' bUi,diDR ‘ *“ W8S eSUniated — ®d » i o o X duly appointed and qualified and act­ them, be foreclosed and forever c o r n L ;o V T ,m.'>nClnk at the »‘»'thwest Wells A W'ella, Attorneys. barred from any righ t title or In- dog, J. B. Messick, mayor of Baker, ing administratrix of the ealate of - ,2 L ° f Brooklyn, an ________________ J 9 16-23-30 F 6 “ ld premises, or . addition .,,11IIOn ' or Edwnrd R. IMvIa, deceased; that all fell 14 feet and suffered a sprained | a watermelon from a Cottage Grove garden for Christmas is the Initial point of th's description thence ankle. persona owing the said estate any- _ Bouth on the west south 21-30' east 121.26 feet; th e n c e 1 Believe It or Not" record for that sec­ thing ahall pay the same to me; and Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dooley, said to tion of the truitful Wtiiaaiette. The that all person having any claims may seem equitable In ‘he prem‘,;*a‘ o T t h e r ig h t ‘o f ’ " ° '? ’ hp n o r,h l,n ® north 74-15’ east to the center of the This summons Is published by or car line r o L ? ' \ y ° f ,h e old ’ '" “ C be the oldest couple in eastern Ore­ Ihtclfle Highway as now located: against raid estate shall present them n i b’', ’,,>e,1 “»<* thence northerly along the center line gon and parents of the first white melon was served on the table of J. to me with vouchers attached at the der of Hon C. P. Barnard. Judge of S prlngi.W of said highway t a point due east chdd born in Baker county, have cele­ M. Davison, who picked It just before office of my attorney. H. K Slattery. 717 W illamette Street, Eugene, Ore­ of the place of beginning and th->nce brated their 6Sth wedcing anniver­ the recent heavy rains and put It gon, within six 16) months from the berte» ,h Of l i S * ,Wb,,CA‘to»' D m *® E L " ! ™ J * yad,-g,uni,,« nt , M. In L ne County, Oregon, run Eugene, -------- Oregon. Also, Beginning at the northwe per cent of its dairy cattle tested, ac­ n ,« ■ « » , I corner of the Donation | hp ,n"*',hwp"* nJ n8 thpn‘'c wrst on the south line of Tear- . J 2 9 16-23-30 cording to report by County Ag nt — 1928 J 29 Da"'®' M,-V«v M-Vav and '-nd exte extended to where! The Marshfie.d chamber of com «n.« « " ¿ " tt.V ? ? '" . "f , tn e s "' of Brooklyn, a merce has asked the support of other at Corvallis. In Lane ¡ sub division of Lane County.” OMgkn" Coos county communities in securing County. Oregon thence M south Taxpayers of Nehalem grade school ! í¡1"("drPd and' ' ' « F " ’“^ anrt ,lo n g 4a,d »29.000 from the county funds for a district voted 29 to 3 In favor of the Inchea or to t h e ' N o r t h * ”' ? a n . " P,8ht i 7 , 7 l ."?* ° f ,o,a ,brt ’ a"d two ‘he Pacific Highway as n o £ ‘,?8ry, 7 .he Hf Bro?klvn ,0 ,h ® «“»“ h Hue of shorter road to Empire and to the construction of a modern natatorium ■as, Phons 110 Plano Moving , thence easterly on 7 located, the right of way of the old street car ! beaches. upon the school grounds at an ap­ DR. W . N. DOW north hound,,rv 7? TV . n,on* sa il railway leading from Eugene, Oregon 8 P R IN Q F IE X D T R A N S F E R ^ » T » n l T X . i c e o f l w o S " d"'8" S *'r n p f"'ld' ‘hen’ee X proximate cost of $30.000. If plans THE MARKETS D e n tis t WILLI» BBRT8CH, Prop. are carried out. the building, which First National Bank Building twelve feet Six b u h .7 , 7 drpd an" 7 ? nr<1 snld "“ *«t car Portland <íflco: RODENRODOH OARAGE two h,.nd._d 1“ J nch.p|’: thence north | right of way to where the same In Phone 43 Springfield, Oregon I two Wheat Big Bend bluestem. »1.3»; will measure about 50 by 90 feet, will hundred feel an i ,h „ '"h ¡. . v ’ 633 Main Street s ä h ä S ? ™ : S - ' " " Office hours, » A. M. to 6 P. M s°f‘ white and western white. » 1 ,7 - not only Uvuse an up-to-date natator­ Long Distance Hauling a Specialty ium but will provide for four class­ .. - ......... - land, thene’e“ souFh’ T n ‘ and hard w,ln‘er' nortb««-“ ’ Prlng and west Evenings by Appointment rooms as well. of Ath ? ’n Pri” 5’ s'h" N°rihw est corner 1 !,lon8 "n,d W<'R‘ Hne to the place of! red' * 125- Ä 1 c L Web NESS D IR E C T O R Y ! “ on L n d " ia ln ''v " y W,fp 17 south It'ii,«,"*! N°' 82 , " h,° , barred nnd «“Joined from M v line ' 7 i ,hp 'vest bound-t c," 'T ,n5 nnv rtuhf title. Interest or' “ o outhwM»' “r flc H|6hwny, belt’s sa,d ,'<’nl Property or any part and s o l d T H?rnPPr° f " ,rac* "r o'’t h " V nd. f° r H"ch other " » « ' •" 228 Main St. sold to Hiram t. Moon,,y to the Court may seem meet and Residence 125 C St. u o y d e . 62 J J"b 7lb. 1922. i pb’“ ‘<’b|p. This summons Is publish 62 M pageh472,V . i f' i? cordpd V ol.*u2.’ ) Pd bv. v ,r,"p nf "nd Pursuance "to runKniBí 7¿;H?„np Oee.l S?„br4! : ? f j b e County Court of the 8 t a u “o ’ i O r ^ : „ V?"r " 7h ?C ou n 0t v ,ho; running thfence Full Auto Equipment 30 feet; thence North 7616' east i»u l-nne made nnd entered I y said Court I ih o it0 ’w” WPSf Ilnp of ■nl<* Highway on the 13th day of December. 1929 or Lady Assistant Ihenee North 21-30' west aloii« - cring the summon« to be ¿ubllshed ' west line of said highway 121 26 feet' onte each week for four successive j 3 ™ cham 81.3 ^ rh8lnH' ‘b«"e« ao«Uh fle?dCM,"'e’" ,ye WPPkR ln ,hp »Prilig- '„3 t ,o lhp pIopo of beginning general ^rrtil'atlon' nnd th M t to ’ dsta F R A N K A. D E P U E n I.nne County, Oregon . .LRO:^ Prom ,he northwest corner of the first publication thereof will atto rn ev a t law t|fonhla n d nci' and wlf« Bonn be December 19th 1929 and the drte NO TARY PUBLIC 7 somh ® ? " • S2 ln ‘ownshlp •of the last publlcatlon will be the l«th _ .v0Un .2 ran88 3 WH»t w . M run day of January 1930. Sutton Springfield w s t b 72»t9 cba,n": ‘hence south 78 30' PRA NK A. DePUE, Building rt^in.7 2?», Ch8 n": ‘ben<'« «oiith 5.53 Oregon „ Attorney for Plaintlfta. chains, thence east 6.43 chains to the Residence: Springfield. Oregon D 1S-N J M ig Funeral Directors Hay- Ali"'f«. »23.600,24 per ton timothy. »2O.6O021- eastern = , “ A E ggs—Ranch. 29@37c, Callie—Steers, good, »10.50011.50. Hogs -Good to choice. »909.76, Lambs—Good to choice, »10011. Seattle w h u iT , T ' a W,h ,'e a"d W68,ern i ’ ’ .h" ’ h8rd w n,Pr' wc»‘crn red 2, "orihern spring. ,1.25; Big Bend bh,<’s,Pm' 21 37' «BB»—Ranch, 29033c. Butterfat -40c. ‘'at,Ie- ch o,c« »‘cers. «10011. Hogs—Prime light, »10.60010.65. Lambs—Choice. «10.60 011. Spokans Cattle—Steers, good, »809. Hogs—Good and choice, »10010 2» Lambs Medium to good, «909.60. Portland s export business for the year ending December 31, attained a valuation of »53,161.663. registering a gain over 1928. when the total off- shore shipments were valued at »50.- 322.276. General cargo exports had » value of »14.5S6.S62. whereas »11- 384,004 represented tho value ln 192«, while the 1927 business was cleared at »10.199.946, and valuations »12.105,171 in 1926. , " o T '* 10t dkd — "“ F " Salt Lake City. He had lived in Baker vmtll about two years ago He ------------ attracted considerable attention July 4. 1926. by dancing a Jig at the cele- bration in Baker. He was then 101 years old. Through cooperative action of seven Lane county seed dealers, orders for «500 pounds of alfalfa seed are being placed In Idaho to be distributed among Lane county alfalfa grower«. The highest grade of seed is being K ill r o l l A ai * purchased.