X PAUK KtX T H E S P R IN O riK L n NKW S 25 S P R IN G F IE L D S T U D E N T S A T T E N D IN G U N IV E R S IT Y FO R M E R T E A C H E R SEEK S r/>« >> Cal l 7 bit Q ueer Locomotive "Hush-Hush* S T A T E H IG H W A Y O FFIC E OF OREGON T H IS T E R M Valvereity of Oregon. Eugene. Jan. 9 —(Speetal).—J5 Sprlngfleki stud «01« are enrolled M the University of Oregon this year. The freshmen lead the registration with nine, the seniors and sophomores divide see ond honors w.th six. the remainder .^ V s t u d L * niO" “ d T H U H H D A Y , J A N U A R Y 8, I M P ' NEEDLECRAFT FOR W E S T E R N OREGON MEMBERS HO LD M E E T IN G T H U R S . J E Torbert. of Roseburg, wants to be appointed State Highway Com m ssloner for the Western Oregon district to succeed C. K. Oates, of Medford. whose term expires on March 31 of this year. Several Springfield busings’ m en'haveTZceh. '• " U hi“ ‘ba‘ b«a Metnl’crs of th«. Needlecralt club went to Eugene last Thursday after­ noon to b« entertained at* the home ot M re, 11. W Crites. She was assisted by Mrs. Floyd Westerftetd Mrs Myra Rupert and Miss Geneva Beane wore invited as special guests appointment be urged at the explra •Nadine McMurray, freshman, is Hon of Mr. Oates' term. majoring in language and literature. Torh»« i. . , . , She is affiliated with the Aloha T”rbert ta • former school principal Omicron PI social fraternity for wo- “ ®pr!n* ” *ld' aBd b«d h*M similar men. and Is a member of the Then- 7 * " Ot,,*r P«. of <>f the land from the aky are freshmen majoring in business I,nk" between the Pacific and Rooee- B<' at,er a «hutdown of two weeks for this city --------- the ,l.? Christm l l a ,y . » ’ t The k . r ra‘B*r ------- --------------- m « r,: ' 7 as “ h h° o lld PUn n* 8p* M « e .d bakery _f« 7 r -.e owned v e ;.? ; , . the 7; administration Potter is also a tnem velt highways. mill started up again last Thnrsd-.v and she was well k „„«„ t. ' ' ber of the Men s Glee Club. Maude S.m lluggina says that when he 7 - • ; ............ .. « . . . ........... X . . . X , ’ "■ Brattain is a freshman in the school M U S IC A L O R G A N IZ A T IO N S sees something he thinks a deer he started yet. but It Is expected that ‘ ___________ ____ ot physical education, and Ines Eyler never shoots at It If u'» smoking A C C E PT IN V IT A T IO N TO they will begin operations again on is a first year student in sociology. pipe. W in te r Sports Shown In News Reel PLAY R A DIO C O N C E R T Monday, January 13. Mary A. Wilburn Is doing second Pictures of the Ohs.dtuns at play In year work in the school of phrsical t v m i. . the snow beds of the McKenll«. tnoun education. and Chartress Jewel . - 7 7 ? ? . . ’ 7 7 “b *" d Former Resident Stops for Visit Undergoes M sjor Operation Mrs talas on New Year's day are being Mr. and Mrs. Dale Grtffen of Seattle D. W Jam. s. of Springfield. ____ Willis. Agath? Lorraine Beals Vir ? , »cbool have accepted under shown at the McDonald theatre in Eti ginia Mary Frans. and Dorothv Lari- « ,nT,U“ OB « ’«‘nded to them by were calling on friends In Spring wen; a major operation at the Pac'fli gene thia week as a part of the regu mer are all sophomore, in the Eng "'»"hburn'a store in field Sunday and Monday forenoon lar weekly 1 hrlstlan hospital in Eugene on Fri­ MeDonald'Heglsier news day of last week. llsh department. Miss Larimer is „ T * iU y ° W ,h * also a member of Phi Mu social 4 7 7 Ft n‘*ular McMor- fraternity for women. ™B a“d " ashburnJ77 W 01 th® program 12 ° clock noon to 2:00 o'clock on No Charge for Consultation i r b e th and the farn,er" will be the guests of the merchants Or- Mellenthln Is a regular graduate of Eugene at a luncheon and nroeT»™ In medicine and surgery and Is licens­ Speakers will be arranged ed by the state of Oregon. The county . g ent and cooperating He does not operate for chronic ap­ Project committees of the I^ne Agr’ pendicitis, gall stones, ulcers o f the cultural council are working on pro­ stomach, tonsils or adenoids. grams for the various days. Watch He has to his credit wonderfnl re- fT L ?.f " I11 more In in dieeas diseases of the stomach, liver . ror more In sults ln ° ° regard t0 ‘he programs 1 b°w els. blood, skin, nerves, heart kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh Father: w M Jack Intoxicated when weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg he came home last night* ulcers and rectal ailments. Daughter: I didn't notice, but he Below are the names of a few of asked for a mirror so he could see his many satisfied patients In Oregon ^ n o h e ----- who have been treated for one or the other of the above named causes: Host: Do you like codfish balls* Mrs H. H. Blake, Marshfield, Ore. on ?“6’ 1 DUnn° : ’ “eyer att